Lyon 06

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    • Day 4

      Giraffen & Crêpes

      November 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute haben wir French Tacos gegessen. 🌮 Wie ein Dürüm, nur ohne Gemüse und anstatt dessen Käsesoße und Pommes drin. Dann sind wir durchs schöne Croix Rousse gelaufen und konnten kleine Kunstwerke entdecken. Ein kleiner Exkurs in den Parc de la Tête d‘Or war mein Highlight des Tages. Wir konnten Giraffen sehen und die Herbstsonne genießen. 🌞🍂 🌈 (Ton an beim Video)
      Am letzten Abend haben wir noch gemeinsam Galettes und Crêpes gegessen.
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    • Day 179

      Letzter Tag in Lyon

      December 14, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Die Markthalle "Le Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse" war für uns natürlich Pflichtprogramm. Das Gebäude ist, gegenüber den skandinavischen Hallen, sehr unscheinbar, an der Eingangstür war ein Bild von Paul Bocuse, ansonsten wirkte es eher wie ein Bürogebäude. Noch nicht ganz durch die Tür wehte uns schon der Geruch von Knoblauch entgegen und wir wussten gar nicht, wo wir zuerst hinschauen sollten.
      Deutsch, wie wir nun mal sind, haben wir uns schnell entschieden methodisch eine Reihe nach der anderen abzugehen. Gar nicht so einfach, da die Stände auch über Eck gehen und einen Mittelgang gibt es auch noch...
      So viele Eindrücke, zum Glück waren wir noch satt vom Frühstück, sonst wäre es sicher teuer geworden. So haben wir nur ein Baguette fürs Abendessen gekauft, Käse hatten wir ja noch übrig und schließlich sind wir noch länger in Frankreich unterwegs, da müssen wir nicht die Markthalle von Lyon leer kaufen.

      Jetzt stand nur noch die Kathedrale von Lyon "Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste" auf unserer Liste. Der Place Saint-Jean, vor der Kirche, wirkte, trotz wieder mal trübem Wetter, schon fast klischeehaft französisch. Eingerahmt von Wohnhäusern, Kopfsteinpflaster, ein Café, kleine Läden und ein Mann der Akkordeon spielt, so hatte ich mir das vorgestellt.
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    • Day 43

      Dinner at Le Neuvième Art

      October 23, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Tonight we were booked in to have dinner at a two star Michelin restaurant headed up by Christophe Roure. The venue was elegant and stylish, and the staff were excellent. They were very passionate, knowledgeable and professional. Our sommelier used to work for Neil Perry at Rockpool, and he loves Australia and our wines.

      I decided to go with a fixed price menu and Ian chose a La carte. We had an aperitif to start, me a rosé champagne and Ian a Chardonnay, and they both paired well with our amuse bouche plates, of which there were three. The first was a creamy tart, the second sardines in puff pastry with a lovely dipping sauce, and the third a quail egg in smoked bread.

      For entree, Ian had crab meat with avocado, cucumber, apple and a very large blob of verbena foam. I had escargot with potato gnocchi and a spinach and mushroom sauce. They were both delicious.

      For the main, Ian chose the fish and, I chose the seafood and mushroom ragout with a lemongrass flavoured hollandaise sauce, which was delicious. Ian’s fish preparation included some theatre. The raw fish fillet was brought to the table in a large square dish. The waiter poured hot beeswax over the entire fillet, submerging it completely. We then watched the fish “cook” in front of us over about 20 minutes. Once the wax had set and the fish was cooked, it went back to the kitchen to be extracted from the wax and plated with a fried artichoke. Both meals were delicious.

      At the start of the meal, Ian had been presented with the wine list, which was huge and slightly intimidating, so we asked the sommelier advice. He recommended a delicious Chardonnay from a little village close to Chablis, which was very reasonably priced. It was a 2021 Vézelay and it was the perfect accompaniment for our meal.

      My fixed price menu also included a cheese course. When the cheese trolley was bought over I was slightly overwhelmed by the number to choose from. I settled on four pieces and they were delicious. Then came dessert. I chose Golden Apple ‘en papillote’, Caramel Gel and Lemon Flavoured Vanilla ice-cream, and Ian had Fresh Figs and Hibiscus Panna Cotta with a warm Spiced Fig Tart on the side! We had digestives to accompany our desserts. Ian chose a 12 year old Armagnac and lucked out. It was the last bottle and there wasn’t a full serve, but what was there Ian got for nothing. I had an Austrian Tokay. We decided to have coffee, not realizing that it came with 5 petite fours. To say we were full at the end was an understatement.

      We walked the 2.5kms back to our apartment, which definitely helped with the digestion. It was a lovely clear evening and the lights of Lyon were lovely.
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    • Day 43

      Dinner at La Neuvième Art - Part 2

      October 23, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      The cooking of Ian’s main meal was quite interesting so I am doing a second entry with photos showing the process. The waiter said it was the chef’s signature dish. I have also included some additional photos that didn’t make it onto the first entry. They include some of our wines and Lyon at night on our walk home.Read more

    • Day 15

      Etappe 14: Bédoin - Lyon

      June 9, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Für unsere Verhältnisse schliefen wir heute bis 8 Uhr aus und gingen nach den gestrigen Strapazen hungrig zum Frühstück, wo wir auch mit zwei anderen deutschen Radfahrern ein Pläuschchen hielten. Nach etwas Shopping in Bédoin und einem Burger zum Mittagessen machten wir uns so langsam auf die zweitägige Rückreise in die Heimat. Das heutige Einzelzeitfahren ging über 15km nach Carpentras und von dort ging es mit dem Zug weiter nach Avignon.
      In Avignon hatten wir dann dieses Mal mehr Zeit und konnten die schöne mittelalterliche Stadt anschauen. Gegen 16 Uhr ging es dann mit dem Zug weiter nach Lyon, wo wir dann pünktlich gegen 18:30 Uhr ankamen.
      Hier werden wir nun einmal übernachten und uns dann morgen weiter mit der Bahn nach Hause kämpfen.

      Pain au chocolat Counter: 16
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    • Day 7

      Fourth Day in Lyon

      June 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      Today we spent in the largest park in Lyon, the Tête d'Or. This gigantic park is only just a few blocks away from our apartment. It includes a botanical garden, zoo, large open areas, large wooded areas, a lake bigger than most city parks, and lots of places to gather. The park is surrounded by grand old mansions and the Rhone River. Beautiful grounds included some water features with some striking water lilies. There is also a turtle refuge here, housing what they claim as rescued North American reptiles. I'm not sure what they were rescued from, but there were hundreds of them. We had lunch at an outdoor kiosk, which was really pleasant. Their small zoo houses a number of different monkeys, tropical birds and some larger mammals. The red panda was a bit drowsy, but cute. We watched a group of otters playing for a while, too. Lots of people enjoying this sunny, hot day, but the park is so big, it wasn't crowded at all.Read more

    • Day 10

      A wander around the burb

      September 23, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      This morning we had a bit of a late start, which we all needed after our big day of travel yesterday. Ian suggested we visit a Park close by, Parc de La Tête d’Or, the largest Urban Park in France. It is huge, with a very large lake, a free open air zoo, glass houses, a couple islands within the lake - one with a velodrome on it - a lovely rose garden, and a botanical garden. It was a perfect morning to stroll around this amazing park, and have a coffee and crepe in a shady cafe located next to the lake. We only saw a very small part of the park.Read more

    • Day 11

      Last night in Lyon

      September 24, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Following the food tour, we decided to make our way back to the apartment to have a quiet evening and get ourselves organised for tomorrow’s day of travel. The city had closed off many streets to cars, many shops had set up stalls in the street, and it appeared that all of Lyon was out and about this sunny afternoon. There were lots of sales, but Bronwyn and I resisted. (Ed - Good job.)

      We stopped for a coffee at our local cafe, and then bought some ham and cheese baguettes and a potato salad to accompany our champagne and sweet treats for dinner. We didn’t want to be carrying extra stuff, so we had to drink all the champagne and eat the macrons and praline brioche. (Ed - Can’t help bad luck.)

      The weather turned quite stormy, with thunder, lightning, rain and hail in the evening, so it was good to be spending it inside. We spent the evening catching up on writing the blog, packing and taking it a bit slow, as it will be go go go once we commence the tour.

      Ian was having fun practicing pouring the champagne as the French waiters do - the photos speak for themselves! (Ed - He was a natural, so watch out Brian - put your best Monty Python voice on to pronounce this.)

      I have also included some more photos from the day.
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    • Day 17

      Parc de la Tête d'Or

      September 28, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Final day in Lyon and the plan is for an easy day, starting off with a walk to a park down a rather steep hill over the river and along a bit. It's a large, beautiful park with a lake botanical garden and lots of family stuff including a zoo. The zoo appeared to be free. We weren't planning on going, but we ended up walking through it anyway. We were hoping to see flamingos - now we have.Read more

    • Day 6

      Parc de la Tête d'Or

      September 17, 2021 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Wow, das war ja eine Nacht 😲
      Unsere Nachbarn, ein junges Paar, hat sich sooo heftig gestritten...unglaublich. Die haben über den gesamten Campingplatz geschriehen, so dass ich natürlich nicht schlafen konnte obwohl ich kein Wort verstanden habe 🙃 Philipp hat davon natürlich nichts mitbekommen 😊. Irgendwann, als dann jemand dazugekommen ist hörte der Streit endlich auf und auch ich bin eingeschlafen.
      Der Campingplatz ist wunderschön und groß. Die Rezeption ist komplett neu Mai 2021 eröffnet, und auch die Sanitäranlagen sind komplett modern. Es gibt sogar einen eigenen Swimmingpool und Blockhäuschen und Blockzelte zum übernachten.

      Heute besuchten wir den Zoo von Lyon damit auch wieder etwas für Clara-Marie am Programm stand. Im Bus trafen wir gleich mal 2 andere Kinder was Clara-Marie sehr freute. Im Park angekommen maschierten wir direkt zum Zoo. Die Giraffen hat Clara-Marie schon von Weiten gesehen was sich bei ihr mit einem quitschen bemerkbar machte. Interessanterweise zahlt man keinen Eintritt und kann so durch schlendern. Von Affen, Löwen, Geoparden, Zebras, Wüstenhunden bis hin zu Krokodile haben wir gesehen.

      Wieder zurück am Campingplatz haben wir noch kurz am Spielplatz vorbei geschaut und auch die Katze nochmals begrüßt.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lyon 06, 69006

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