Derniers jours - Germany

Guten tag ! Ces derniers jours ont été au rythme de l’Allemagne ! En partant de Slovénie (🥲) on s’est arrêtés rapidement à Salzburg avant de rouler vers un lac allemand ! Et c’est àRead more
Guten tag ! Ces derniers jours ont été au rythme de l’Allemagne ! En partant de Slovénie (🥲) on s’est arrêtés rapidement à Salzburg avant de rouler vers un lac allemand ! Et c’est àRead more
Heute ging es mit weniger Höhenmeter weiter bis nach Fischbach. Die Sonne strahlt... was will man mehr.
Matteo und Nino sind schon richtige Tandem-Fans und geniessen das Fahren mit unseren neueRead more
As a kid (or maybe a teenager, who knows) I had 2 small hard cover books. One on military airplanes (didn’t get much attention) and one on commercial planes (got lots of attention - is anyoneRead more
Well what an arrival party you’ve thrown for me Friedrichshafen! The city on a lake between Germany and Switzerland had a fun filled festival tonight. I’d planned to have dinner at one of theRead more
Um das Dornier-Museum, den Startpunkt der diesjährigen Rallye, zu erreichen, haben sich die Jandinauten ihres letzten Zusammentreffens mit Graf M. erinnert - und haben sich ‚trotzdem‘ in Ulm (Read more
It was always going to be a very full day. It would have been a lot easier if our bikes could have been delivered to the hotel, but apparently that was not possible. Instead we had to make a 15 minuteRead more
I’d really done no research on what to do in Friedrichshafen (other than the aviation museums) before I came here. I’d somewhat planned to see the museums and then just chill. I was pleasantlyRead more
Even before I’d hit the ground in Friedrichshafen I’d had a glimpse of the Zeppelin airship flying above lake Constance. This morning I got to explore the museum dedicated to these flyingRead more
Graf Zeppelin museum.
Fantastisk udstilling om luftskibenes historie og Hindenburg ulykken i 1937
Der er bygget en replika af saloner og sove kabiner fra Hindenburg.
Vi er ved Bodensee sø hvor detRead more
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Traveler Ah le Neuschwanstein !!!!! Quelle chance !!!
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