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    • Day 18

      Derniers jours - Germany

      June 29, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Guten tag ! Ces derniers jours ont été au rythme de l’Allemagne ! En partant de Slovénie (🥲) on s’est arrêtés rapidement à Salzburg avant de rouler vers un lac allemand ! Et c’est à peu près ce que l’on a fait ces trois derniers jours, donc 3 lacs différents, 3 campings différents et on découvre l’Allemagne ! Le premier lac était très chelou car il s’apparentait plus à une gigantesque flaque d’eau qu’à un lac ( il fallait marcher 200m dans le lac pour avoir de l’eau aux genoux), on a aussi vu une église au milieu de nulle part avec une grande coupole vraiment magnifique et on s’est rendus compte que beaucoup d’églises dans le sud de l’Allemagne avait une coupole qui faisait très orientale ( ça décale complètement avec le paysage!).
      Hier on a aussi décidé d’aller voir le Neuschwanstein ( gros château perché sur une montagne que Callista a étudié pendant 7 ans de cours d’allemand 🥲)
      Et voilà on roule tranquilou en se rapprochant de la maison que l’on devrait atteindre… Samedi !
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    • Day 2

      Neues Fahrgefühl

      June 22, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute ging es mit weniger Höhenmeter weiter bis nach Fischbach. Die Sonne strahlt... was will man mehr.
      Matteo und Nino sind schon richtige Tandem-Fans und geniessen das Fahren mit unseren neue Familienmitgliedern sehr. Es ist einfach wunderbar wie die beiden die Welt aus der neuen Perspektive entdecken. Und Matteo tritt immer motivierter in die Pedalen. Dementsprechend gross ist dann auch der Hunger.

      Nach dem Mittagshalt geht es nur ein paar Meter weiter bis Linda und Matteo den ersten sehr kleinen "Unfall" haben. Beim langsamen Rangieren kippen wir zur Seite. Doch ausser einem kleinen Schreck ist weder Matteo, Linda noch Ernie (Lindas Tamdem) etwas passiert.

      Am späten Nachmittag erreichen wir unseren Übernachtungsplatz bei Philipps Eltern. Herzlichst werden wir aufgenommen und mit wunderbarem Schlangenbrot und Würste vom Grill verköstigt. Einfach herrlich.... Danke nochmals von Herzen liebe Uli und lieber Stefan für eure Gastfreundschaft.
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    • Day 11

      Getting my #avgeek on with Dornier✈️

      July 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      As a kid (or maybe a teenager, who knows) I had 2 small hard cover books. One on military airplanes (didn’t get much attention) and one on commercial planes (got lots of attention - is anyone surprised?). Amongst the Fokker’s and early Boeing’s (it was the 90’s) I vividly remember thinking that the Dornier 328 in that book was sexy beast of an aircraft. Then brand new I wanted one! Today, (not so new) I got to see one up close and personal at the Dornier museum in Friedrichshafen (the main reason I came here).

      Avgeek mode well and truely activated I explored the two level museum, trying to take photos and avoid the small children. Some of the ‘how planes fly’ was very similar to the Zeppelin museum, but the evolution of aircraft was better here. The war (don’t talk about the war) was also touched on slightly, specifically the way aviation development in Germany was banned under the Versailles agreement. Like all good trade sanctions, a work-around meant they set up a plant in Spain instead. There was an interesting section on space development and even a fabric machine that Dornier makes - apparently the mainstay of commercial fabric weaving meets aviation.

      Located at the airport the outside exhibitions included several static displays as well as the occasional view of departing aircraft. I also got to see a Goodyear Zeppelin take off for a tour. I’d looked at going on a Zeppelin ride but a) none fitted my dates and b) it was f-off expensive (we’re taking >€200!).

      I had a big salad so big that even Elaine couldn’t complain about it in the restaurant. Very glad I came here and by the time I’d finished the drizzle had cleared up - time to do some outdoor exploring.
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    • Day 10

      Lakeside festival welcoming 🎉

      July 27, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Well what an arrival party you’ve thrown for me Friedrichshafen! The city on a lake between Germany and Switzerland had a fun filled festival tonight. I’d planned to have dinner at one of the lakeside restaurants but they were all full so I went for a walk along the lake. Great move!

      All along the shore were stalls, bars, food vendors and lots of street entertainers as well as stage with live music. The street entertainers included a fire thrower from Sydney (what are the chance), magicians, break dancers and a cool Latin American band in fluorescent tights! There was another smaller band who could well have what it takes for Eurovision level weirdness.

      After wandering along for about an hour checking it all out I found a grassy spot to sit like the loner I am and grab some food. Naturally my first meal in Germany was a currywurst! A weird token system for the plate and coke bottle means the prices are higher but you get a refund when you bring the empties back.

      All of this was set on the shores of a beautiful lake with a Canberra-esque fountain on a lovely summer night. What a welcome to Germany 🇩🇪! Maybe it’s just me high on the second hand smoke around here, but it’s a fun start to my second week in Europe!
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    • Getrennt marschieren, vereint schlagen

      May 31, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Um das Dornier-Museum, den Startpunkt der diesjährigen Rallye, zu erreichen, haben sich die Jandinauten ihres letzten Zusammentreffens mit Graf M. erinnert - und haben sich ‚trotzdem‘ in Ulm ( und nicht drum herum) getroffen. Dann noch eine letzte Etappe im strömenden Regen 🌧️ für den Goldhamster bis zum Verfügungsraum Meckenbeuren.Read more

    • Day 41

      Around the Bodensee - Day 1

      September 27, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      It was always going to be a very full day. It would have been a lot easier if our bikes could have been delivered to the hotel, but apparently that was not possible. Instead we had to make a 15 minute bus trip to the outskirts of Konstanz, find the bike company and then collect our bikes.

      Actually it was not as bad as it sounds. The bus stop was directly across the road from our hotel, and the bus pulled in at exactly the same time that we reached the stop. We did make a slight error by riding one stop past where we should have got off, but we found the bike company without any difficulty.

      Things got even better when we saw our bright red (and very new) ebikes all lined up and waiting for us. Since they were the same as the ones we had used on the Danube, we were very happy with what they had supplied. The friendly young girl even offered us a cup of coffee or an icecream to get us on our way.

      After some time adjusting seat heights and test riding, we were on our way. First we had to navigate from the bike depot to the point where we could join the GPS track. Then we made our way out of the city and on to the bike path along the edge of the lake.

      Since there was absolutely no wind, the lake was once again carpeted in a layer of fog. This made it impossible to see very far, but it also added extra atmosphere to the occasion.

      A few km later we were riding past the entrance to Mainau Island. David immediately got very excited, thinking it was the ferry terminal. We had to explain to him that we still had some distance to go.

      Unfortunately the GPS track that we had been supplied for this day did not take us to the correct ferry terminal. We were joined by several other, rather confused cyclists, who had all been given the wrong information. It took a local to explain that we still had to continue for a couple of extra km, before we would reach the correct place.

      Once again our timing was perfect. We arrived at the correct location, just as the ferry was about to leave. We rolled our bikes onboard and were soon silently cruising to the opposite side of the lake. Although there was still some fog, it was starting to lift and reveal another superb day.

      After getting off the ferry, it was time for lunch. Maggie and I enjoyed quite enormous pizzas, and would have quite easily settled down for an afternoon nap. Of course we still had another 35 km to ride, so any thought of a nap was out of the question.

      The rest of the ride skirted the edge of the lake and rewarded us with glorious views. Of special mention were the lovely homes that had direct lake views. I could only imagine how sought after these places would be.

      Although the bike path was quite crowded in places, we all managed to safely complete the ride to Friedrichshafen, the place where we had caught the ferry to Konstanz two days earlier.

      After settling into our room, Maggie and I went for a stroll along the shore to the port area and found a lovely table by the waterside. Greg and Andrea joined us as we watched the sun slowly set in the west. We were also entertained by numerous fish jumping out of the water. Across the lake we could see the towering silhouettes of the snow capped Swiss Alps. It was a magical end to a wonderful day.
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    • Day 12

      Tschüss 👋 Friedrichshafen on Bodensee

      July 29, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I’d really done no research on what to do in Friedrichshafen (other than the aviation museums) before I came here. I’d somewhat planned to see the museums and then just chill. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of things to do within 30 mins of here. It’s really a summer resort area with lots of families camping at the many RV parks along the lake. I had a great time here and the close by towns along the lake. So much so that I’d consider coming back to do the other (Swiss 🇨🇭) side of the lake too.

      If I’d do it again, I’d probably stay in Meersburg as it was prettier and easier to do a day trip to either Konstanz or Friedrichshafen. That said, Friedrichshafen has the train and airport making it easier to get to. So it’s 50/50 I guess as to which is more convenient.

      Friedrichshafen did me well. I had a nice final dinner on the seaside last night (although the wine wasn’t nice - tasted more like cider). I climbed the tower to get a view of the city and enjoyed the weekend festival. It’s not as pretty as other German towns but it has its charm along the lakeside. Now it’s time for
      Me to take the train (well 3 trains actually) to Füssen where again I have very little planned but sure the spontaneous adventures will continue. So long Friedrichshafen - you’ve been fun 👋
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    • Day 758

      we back

      July 1, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Whats up,

      a couple of things and topics we need to catch up about

      Took the plane from Bali to Vienna, as you know now.

      Spent the entire week in Vienna went for some sight-seeing/ tourist stuff, some Kaiserschmarrn, some new clothes oh and some Job Interviews - was the main reason by the way haha.

      On my last day in Vienna, I was supposed to have a trial in ma fave restaurant.
      6:30 am that day I received a message from the head chef.

      Hey Miriam,
      How you doing, umm we need to move your trial to another day - is that alright with you ?

      Cheers M

      Like what am I supposed to say LMAA
      i was freaking out, crying and stuff

      all I said was BRO listen, I AM HOME BY TOMORROW.
      okay well maybe not BRO buttttttt yeah y´all know what I mean

      Next day I took the train home at 5am in the morning.
      My friend picked me up from the trainstation.

      Was pretty excited to be fair, mood was so much better than expected.

      (still) so impressed by how beautiful our garden is haha.
      picked a bike and made my way to my brothers new home I haven't seen + including my little niece !!!!!

      cute cute cute

      wanted to surprise my other brother after he finished work.
      was a bit too excited apparently, cause I broke my bloody middle foot.
      (didn't know that in the beginning)


      What did I do to deserve it (no answers pls haha)

      anyway, tried to get a insurance cause mine ran out on the first of June YEYYY

      Also tried to get Arbeitslosen- money. didn't get it - Ridiculous.
      Insurance is connected with the money I just talked about.

      So no money and most important no Insurance.


      still went to see a GP cause I couldn't walk after 2 weeks. Did not take him that long to realize its caused by a broken bone.

      Got kind of a shoe I need to wear, oh and yeah still no Insurance yet.

      A week later. I woke up (my flat is in the basement, important fact for the following story 😂😂😂) thought I woke up because of a thunderstorm.
      Turned out it was my dad knocking on my window, telling me that there's a massive flooding coming towards us.

      Ran thru the flat and checked every room, bathroom was already flooded.

      Survival Mode on
      Adrenalin 150 %

      Ran out in ma pyjama pants, barefoo,t no bra, no brushed teeth 🤝🥴

      saw my neighbour running around too, screamed at him


      All he answered was, get all the wooden boards and stones you can find around your house Miriam.

      Let me tell you, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing.
      I mean I couldn’t even properly walk, but I was somehow able to bring old wooden doors to build a Miriam against the floods defending System 😎😎😎😎

      Kinda proud 😂😂😂

      And it probably sounds a bit weird, but it was honestly nice to build and create stuff against the water that actually worked.

      everything after the floodings wasn't that nice THO.
      Had to move out of ma flat, cause every single wall is wet, so is the carpet, actually the whole floor and most of ma furniture.

      Pretty great 3 weeks back home I'd say 🤠🤠🤠

      Songs of the week

      bitterness Mäel & Jonas
      higher Croixx
      Pour me a drink Poste Malone & Blake Shelton
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    • Day 11

      Zeppelin Airship Museum 🎈

      July 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Even before I’d hit the ground in Friedrichshafen I’d had a glimpse of the Zeppelin airship flying above lake Constance. This morning I got to explore the museum dedicated to these flying machines. And what a great museum! Interactive, importantly mostly bilingual, entertaining and informative museum on the history of the Zeppelin airships.

      This was one of the reasons I came to this part of Germany in the first place and I was not disappointed. Got there before the crowds arrived (big plus as part of the exhibition is also about gaming which was packed with kids by the time I left).

      Neat set up with a reconstructed interior and part of the ballon canopy inside the museum. Got to go inside and check out the passenger cabin. At its peak they were trying to lure ocean liner passengers so the interiors, although tight, included some cool china. With weight being an issue, the aluminium furniture looks less appealing but fits in the industrial theme.

      The museum also has a history of aviation in Germany, including the wars and their impact on aviation development. Upstairs they had an exhibition on board games lined to the air ships which was also cool. If you had the time (and fellow players) you could even play the games.

      Interestingly the founder, Count Zeppelin put a clause in the founding documents that once he could no longer run it, the ownership passes to the city. The city still owns it and uses the proceeds to fund city cultural and scientific facilities. A nice start to my time here and perfect indoor activity for this drizzly German day.
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    • Day 9

      Graf Zeppelin museum

      July 7, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Graf Zeppelin museum.
      Fantastisk udstilling om luftskibenes historie og Hindenburg ulykken i 1937
      Der er bygget en replika af saloner og sove kabiner fra Hindenburg.

      Vi er ved Bodensee sø hvor det regner så meget at vi ikke har været ude at gå tur ved søen. Vi håber på bedre vejr i morgen.
      Graf Zeppelin Múzeum.
      Fantasztikus kiállítás a léghajók történetéről és a Zeppelin Hindenburg repülő balesetéről, amely 1937-ben felrobbant.
      A Bodeni-tónál vagyunk, ahol annyira esik az eső, hogy még nem is voltunk a tóparton sétálni. Reméljük, hogy holnap jobb idő lesz.
      A Hindenburg szalonjainak és hálófülkéinek másolatát építették fel. Nagy luxus volt.
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