Regentag 😊

Nach dem Tag gestern waren die Sachen noch nicht trocken und ich habe beschlossen, Füssen mal zu Fuß anzuschauen.
Ein schöner Tag trotz Regen.
Statistik: viel Regen, 19729 Schritte, 4 Kugeln Eis,Read more
Nach dem Tag gestern waren die Sachen noch nicht trocken und ich habe beschlossen, Füssen mal zu Fuß anzuschauen.
Ein schöner Tag trotz Regen.
Statistik: viel Regen, 19729 Schritte, 4 Kugeln Eis,Read more
Well, not unexpected, but planned games today were cut short by thunderstorms. We made it as far as the bottom of the 4th inning in the 1st game - just enough to make it an official game with theRead more
Hi there muckers, Bertie here to tek you through their latest trip, and a whopper it is as well. Lots of miles to stretch me rubbers and wim off to the tunnel as usual. Wow, we bombed down theRead more
Heute war ein langer Tag…zuerst neue Wohnmobile angeschaut 😅😳, dann einiges eingekauft und dann……herrliche Fahrt über Wiesen, Berg und Tal, klasse Bergpanorama und nun einenRead more
Have you ever accidentally gone to another country? I have now 😂. I was busy zooming along on my e-bike looking at the river, the trees and the mountains that I missed the giant sign saying AustriaRead more
I had a great 2 nights here. It’s a great spot to base myself for a few days in this beautiful part of the world. The main attraction here are the castles and the lakes and I ticked off both ofRead more
Spent most of the day in transit to Zurich compliments of a couple buses and a couple trains (was supposed to be just one train but in classic Deutsch Bahn style they kicked us off the train that wasRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Füssen, Fuessen
Traveler Ich hoffe Du warst in der richtigen Eisdiele 🍨...Hohes Schloss?!
Traveler Natürlich war ich in der richtigen😄
Traveler Hohes heißt das Schloss eben😄
Find ich gut!