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    • Dag 12

      Meeting the Old Masters

      11 mei, Duitsland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We planned to do some shopping today, so we started late - the shops don’t open till 10. We’re both feeling like a change of clothes, and I need to replace the strides left in Vancouver (now back in NZ), and maybe a jacket.
      But all the clothes I looked at were so expensive they made Rembrandt look like Farmers!

      So we settled for lunch and a return visit to the Frauenkirche, which made such an impact on us a couple of days ago.

      We decided to spend the afternoon at the Alte Pinakothek. This art gallery is home to one of the largest collections of European painting in the world. I had no idea there would be such an extraordinary number (700) and range of paintings, from late medieval to early 20th century.

      We were just blown away. Again and again Des would jump up and down, saying “I’ve got that picture in a book at home”, or come out (as you might perhaps have expected!) with some arcane but insightful comment about a Dürer, a Goya or a Rembrandt. She really has an extraordinary knowledge about many of these masters.

      We looked at maybe three quarters of the collection before our legs ran out. Coffee and home. I resisted the 2000 piece jigsaws in the gallery shop!

      Another amazing day in Munich. Last day tomorrow, on to Strasbourg Monday.
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    • Dag 244


      17 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach langer Funkstille endlich mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen🫀💥
      Meine letzten 5 Monate nach meinem letzten Post habe ich so einiges erlebt, wo soll ich da nur anfangen!? Ich versuche mich auf die Highlights zu fokussieren 🤪 Nachdem Laura nach einer Woche Verlängerung uns wieder verlassen hatte 🥲 ging es nicht mehr lange und neuer Besuch stand vor der Tür.
      Mein über alles geliebter Steve aka Lizzy mit Maurice und Völler im Schlepptau hatten sich dafür entschieden mit mir 2 Wochen Mexiko zu erkunden. Unsere Route war folgende: ein paar Tage México City, Cancun, Tulum, Bacalar, Holbox 🌴 wir hatten wunderbare Tage gemeinsam und mein absoluter Favorit ist und bleibt Holbox, wow selten sowas schönes gesehen! Zum Abschluss gabs noch ne Runde Xochimilco und am Abreisetag vom Holländer und Co, war die Stimmung eher mäßig gut. Aber nicht lange und der nächste Besuch aus der Heimat hat sich angekündigt, Maike und Julian waren im Anflug 😍
      Auch mit Ihnen hatten wir tolle und unbeschreiblich witzige Tage in Mex City 🥳 ich würde sagen der Activity Abend war unschlagbar. Die Arbeit an der Schule macht mir weiterhin sehr viel Spaß und nach Parasiten im Bauch und ner Runde Covid bin ich auch wieder vollstens hergestellt um jetzt nen mega Sommer in Deutschland mit Family und Friends zu erleben 💃🏼☀️ ich werde meinen Aufenthalt in Mexiko verlängern und Ende August wieder zurückfliegen.

      Eine letzte lustige Story zum Schluß: Freitag nach meinem letzten Arbeitstag, nahm ich mir ein Uber zurück von der Schule, das Kennzeichen war NPG-516 ein blauer Nissan. Ok, Nachricht erhalten mein Uber steht bereit, ich einen blauen Nissan mit NPG Nummernschild gesehen und hinten eingestiegen bis die Fahrerin mich völlig aufgelöst anschaut und mir sagt sie sei kein Uber sie wartet nur auf ihr Kind 😵‍💫 ich mit hochrotem Kopf ganz elegant Bein für Bein wieder aus dem Auto ausgestiegen und mich 1000 Mal entschuldigt haha. Es hat fast alles gepasst blauer Nissan, NPG aber leider war die Nummer nicht 516 sondern 615 🥹 nunja ich hab dann noch das richtige erwischt und die Frau wahrscheinlich zu Tode erschreckt 😂

      Mit 10 Kg Übergewicht - auch im Koffer geht’s jetzt zurück nach DE ☀️
      Noch 6h vor mir bis zur Ankunft in Frankfurt 🙏
      Keep you posted
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    • Dag 6

      Christmas Markets

      27 november 2023, Duitsland ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      The Munich Christmas Markets opened today, so we decided to wander around and check things out.

      It was a nice day, but a little on the chilly side. So we had to make sure we kept ourselves topped up with the medicinal Glühwein.

      The markets were lovely, but being opening night it was absolute chockers. So we went and had another Glühwein... 😁
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    • Dag 59


      2 oktober 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Woohoo! So this is the last weekend of Oktoberfest, snuck in just in time :) We popped in to check it out and it was wild! There were 21 tents and EACH tent held thousands!!! 😱😱 So cool!!! And SO. MUCH. BEER. I also didn't realize it would also be like a carnival with games and rides which Famke loved!

      All the girls wear a very typical dress that has an apron on the skirt and a blouse on the top (most were quite...focused towards the chest if you know what I mean). The guys wore leather shorts with socks and a collared shirt typically.
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    • Dag 190


      23 september 2023, Duitsland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We awoke after our first night in the tent. It was quite cramped and difficult to get comfortable but we managed to find some positions that worked to get some sleep!

      We went into Munich city centre to meet our friend Amy, who we had met on our Turkey tour a few weeks ago. She had quit her job back in Australia, was travelling for a bit and is now au pairing in Bologna, Italy. She was already planning on going to Oktoberfest this weekend and so it worked out really well!

      We then walked into the festival and it was incredible! Lots of music, people, food carts and surprisingly a lot of rides. The middle Saturday of the festival (which was today) is known as the busiest day of the entire two week festival and this was definitely evident even when we walked in at 11am! It is also Italian weekend!

      We walked for a bit through the streets, taking in the sights before attempting to get a table at the Paulaner tent. This was unsuccessful but even just walking through the beer tent was amazing, so many people and lots of music!

      We then went next door to the Spaten tent where we did manage to get a seat and had our first steins of the day! 🍻 We danced on the benches to all the music (which included songs in English such as "Take Me Home, Vountry Road" and ABBA classics!) We had a fantastic time!

      After Spaten, we got a pretzel (as you do!) and walked to the Hacker-Pschorr tent. This is one of the lesser known ‘big beer tents’ in Australia but it took us a bit longer to get in as it was getting very busy throughout the festival. We managed to get a seat in the outdoor beer garden and enjoyed our second steins of the day.

      After this we went for a snack of kaiserchmarren which is a delicious smashed pancake and apple sauce dish! We then struggled to get into a tent as it was after 5pm and most were closed/already too full. After a few attempts and huge queues we decided to leave the Oktoberfest festival and headed into Munich old town.

      It was really pretty walking around the old town and we managed to get a seat in the oldest original beer house in Munich, Hofbrauhaus. We then got our third steins of the day (with Daniel trying a dark one!) and some delicious pork, sausage and macaroni which we shared for dinner. There was a great vibe and atmosphere in Hofbrauhaus with a band playing and everyone singing and celebrating!

      We then said goodbye to Amy (not knowing if we would see her again) and went back to the campsite to sleep after a very busy day!
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    • Dag 193

      Munich - Daniel's birthday

      26 september 2023, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Our last full day in Europe and it was Daniel’s birthday so what better way to spend it than at Oktoberfest!!

      We had a couple of mimosas at the campsite to get us going and got to the festival before it had even opened. We went straight to the Augustiner tent to taste our first beer of the day by 10.30am. Augustiner is the locals' favourite beer and is served out of an oak barrel. After we finished our beers, we went for a walk to the more well known Hofbrau tent where we enjoyed our second round for the day as well as a delicious Schweinehaxen - the famous Bavarian pork knuckle! We were sitting next to some Americans who had just done the Berlin marathon and had some good chats.

      We then had a pretzel on the way to the Paulaner tent, where we shared a beer - the tents were definitely starting to get busier now! We then went to our fourth and final tent where we spent the next four hours - Lowenbrau. It was so busy but we managed to get a seat next to some older German couples and had some great fun attempting to communicate! The band started playing and we got up on the tables and danced the night away. After Daniel had finished his 5th stein of the day we decided to bid farewell to Oktoberfest, but not before grabbing an oxe burger and bratswurst on the way out!

      We made our way back to the campsite to spend the last night in the tent!
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    • Dag 3

      We are in Munich!

      19 januari 2020, Duitsland ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      We arrived in Munich, found the meeting place for the Pilotski! As it turns out we recognize more people than we expected. A large contingent from Montreal base. Quite a few retired pilots.

      The bus ride was uneventful and took about 3.5 hours. The Sport Hotel Royer was ready for us. keys, scarves, and info was handed out in a timely fashion. We got our gear rented and checked out the town while connecting with some people I haven’t seen for years. One fellow, Jim Egglestone was on my initial course with Air Canada over forty years ago. He and his wife Denise are here. Denise was a dispatcher for A/C almost as long. It has been good to see them.

      There are about 250 skiers attending Pilotski 2020. Almost half are from Canada. The rest are from continental Europe with some Scots and two token Australians. So far we are getting along but somehow I think that as the week progresses and people drink more, we could find some entertaining differences of opinion. We’ll see.
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    • Dag 13

      Out and about in the old city of Munchen

      16 september 2019, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today we had a bit of a sleep in before heading off for Marienplatz to see the Glockenspiel come to life at 11am. It is a very impressive display of mechanical prowess, and was added to the new town hall in 1907. It has two levels of action that come to life one after the other, the top section that recounts a royal wedding and a jousting tournament, and a bottom section that shows a dance that the local coopers did to celebrate the end of the plague. in the jousting tournament, the Bavarian knight knocks the French knight off his horse on the second pass.

      After watching the performance we wandered around the old city looking for the open area Victualienmarkt, which was very interesting with a great range of fresh produce on display. We bought some apples, peche plate (peaches), tomatoes and a baguette. We plan to eat in tonight.

      I also bought a couple of Christmas decorations that are very Bavarian from a shop close to the market. I forgot to look for ornaments in London, but might look for some on our way back. We stopped for a coffee and an Apfelschnecke for morning tea, and then went in search of Maximilian Straße, which is a street full of designer stores, which are outside of our budget but nonetheless it was nice to window shop.

      As we walked back towards our place we wanted to have a close look at Frauenkirche - the tallest church in Munich - it’s twin towers stand at 99 metres. On the way, we wandered through the Munchen Rathaus (Town Hall), and we stopped in a lovely quiet square inside the building for a late lunch at Ratskeller München, where I tried Bratwurst with onions and potatoes, and Ian tried the Schnapsbratwurst, which was small spicy sausages served in between two potato pancakes, mashed potatoes and cabbage, and of course he coupled it with a local beer.

      After lunch, we made it to Frauenkirche, but you can’t climb the tower at the moment as repair work is underway. We stopped to get some delicious deli items to have for dinner this evening, as I am a bit tired and it is nice to eat in once in a while.

      We still managed to clock up about 8kms of walking today, which isn't too shabby. Museums are all closed on a Monday in Munich, so we didn’t get the opportunity to visit any of them.

      Tonight we will start packing in preparation for heading off for Brussels tomorrow.
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    • Dag 3

      Part 2 of English gardens and game night

      29 maart 2023, Duitsland ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      Beautiful day including coffee from a single origin roastery, watching the Glockenspiel go off with few others, 8 mile walk along the river and through parts of the English Gardens. Watched the surfers in the river and ended the night with puzzles and delicious dinner with Amanda, Dan, and Summit ❤️Meer informatie

    • Dag 133

      What in the World is “Worldschooling?”

      11 mei 2023, Duitsland ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

      —As I write this, I just found there will be a strike throughout Germany at the end of this week into next week, which means our train to France is probably going to be cancelled — so worldschooling will include navigating that now as well!—

      During Covid I pulled the kids to homeschool for the 2020-2021 school year - it was a challenging shift for all of us. While I love educating in a nursing setting,I had no idea what I was doing with the kids in terms of education. Both of our amazing kiddos have dyslexia; both have various super cool skills, beautiful talents and also challenges. How do I teach? I Dunno but I had to figure it out somehow - the best I could at the time.

      Jump forward to 2022 - I was thinking about this trip for our family after the mamas died and while googling, i saw the term “worldschooling”: Learning through experiencing different cultures, languages, histories, music, arts - perfect. I learned how to homeschool due to necessity the previous couple of years- why not learn to “worldschool”.

      So here we’re are…about 5 months in to this trip and about to come home. We have the world as our teacher, so the learning just happens by “being”. We are also very fortunate to have an amazing online weekly tutor, Alex, that helped us during Covid as well. She helps the kids with math and English. Maddie has been working on research papers, OpEds; katie has been improving her skills as a budding writer. We’re starting the Diary of Anne Frank and are learning about World War 2. The kids have had to learn to be more independent in their work habits and overall thinking. They have had to push through challenging topics, fears, new cultures and foods, and they are growing before our eyes - mentally and physically. While I’m constantly helping throughout the day- they are the ones doing it and Brian and I are so proud of them!! ❤️❤️

      As a beautiful friend reminded me recently that I should step back and look at what they’ve done in the last month or so…

      In the past month:
      - one month ago today: we were visiting my amazing aunts in Capetown and meeting family we hadn’t known about. We learned about life in South Africa, had delicious braai, learned some of the history of apartheid and Nelson Mandela, load shedding and met family.
      - we saw so many amazing animals in Kruger National Park and learned about the intricate and complex ecosystem amongst animal species and the landscape in this amazing park.

      - we traveled to Egypt - learned about Ramadan, hearing prayers over loud speakers, learned basic words in Arabic, saw the pyramids of Giza, rode camels, ate new foods.

      - we travelled through Morocco, went into the 3rd largest mosque in the world, ate tagine and drank mint tea, learned about the Berber, the royal family, and saw beautiful architecture in the narrow pathways of Fes.

      -spent a week living in an apartment in Venice, walking the canals, learned the history of Venetian masks, hearing church bells, and eating more delicious pizza and gelato than we could handle. (I also have a new favorite drink - Aperol Spritz! So good!)

      - now we’re in Munich, Germany - we have walked through the Marienplatz, visited the local market and are currently studying in a cafe; Maddie is also taking a few German lessons at a school across town 2 hours a day (per her request) so we have quickly learned to take the metro here (somehow a fear of mine that is now overcome!) to turn a rainy 30 minute walk to school into a 5 minute walk and 2 minute metro train ride.

      That is worldschooling. It’s been marvelous (!!) ❤️❤️ and challenging. Lots of laughter and tears! New sights and smells. Interesting sounds and unique ways of living life. What a beautiful world.

      I wouldn’t have it any other way!
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Munich, München, Múnich, ميونخ, ميونيخ, Münhen, Minga, Горад Мюнхен, Мюнхен, মিউনিখ, Minhen, Munic, میونخ, Monacu di Baviera, Mnichov, Munix, Μόναχο, Munkeno, مونیخ, Múnic, מינכן, म्यूनिख, Mnichow, Մյունխեն, MUC, Monaco di Baviera, ミュンヘン, მიუნხენი, ಮ್ಯೂನಿಕ್, 뮌헨, Munîh, Monachium, Münegh, Miunchenas, Minhene, Минхен, म्युन्शेन, Мӱнхен, မြူးနစ်ချ်မြို့, Monaco e Baviera, Minche, Mùnich ëd Baviera, Munique, Minca, Мүнхэн, Monaco de Baviera, Mònacu, Mníchov, Mynihu, மியூனிக், Munike, มิวนิก, Lungsod ng München, Münih, Мүнхен, Myunxén, Munhen, 慕尼黑

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