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    • Gün 13

      Tag 12 > Brownstown - Dublin (83km)

      23 Haziran 2022, İrlanda ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C


      nach klatsch und tratsch mit fiona gings heute los richtung dublin.
      zuerst aber noch ein paar worte zu fiona und ihrer unterkunft.
      wir werden bei unserem nächsten irland besuch, wenn möglich bestimmt wieder hier hausen! tolle unterkunft und sehr sympathische gastgeberin. fiona ist um das wohl ihrer gäste sehr besorgt und gibt sich grosse mühe.😊
      artists annex, the lotts cottage, brownstown.

      es ging jedoch nicht auf direktem weg nach dublin, der howth schlänker wurde noch gemacht. es hat sich gelohnt! echt schöne gegend hier, jedoch ziemlich viel verkehr. soviele ampeln wie hier hatten wir die ganze reise über nicht🤣
      mittaghalt gabs bei einem lighthouse, schönes plätzchen. uuund heute haben wir auch wieder einen coffeetruck gefunden. super abschluss des roadtripps.

      schweren herzens gings zurück zum dublin airport um tiffany abzugeben.
      danke an unsere weisse perle für die unfallfreien 3000km die du uns begleitet hast! in einem top zustand, ohne sandkasten (haben zum glück noch ein staubsauger gefunden🤣) haben wir sie dann wieder zurückgegeben.

      mit dem bus gings in richtung unterkunft, wo wir nach ca 40minuten schweissgebadet ankamen🥵
      zum glück hatten wir wieder ein gutes händchen, gross & sauber, hier lässts sich für die nächsten 2 nächte leben.😁

      frisch machen und dann loos - wuhuu dublin we are coming🥳😁🍻

      abendessen gabs im one society, leecker pizzza🍕🍕
      weiter in die templebar street, wenn dann richtig touristisch😁 fiona hat uns zwar noch pubs aufgeschrieben wo die einheimischen hingehen, sind aber noch weiter weg als die templebar🤷‍♀️
      dublin hat sich meiner meinung nach schon etwas verändert..sehr viele obdachlose, sehr dreckig usw.. wäre ich das erste mal in dublin, naja, der 1.eindruck würde keineswegs für eine weitere reise hierhin überzeugen😳 bin gespannt wie wir es morgen empfinden wenn wir durch die stadt laufen.
      guinness und musik in den pubs war jedoch suuuper😁🍻🥳 was uns erstaunt hat, um 19.00uhr waren die pubs bereits schon voll🙈🤣
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 71

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 6

      23 Haziran 2022, İrlanda ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We decided to take a drive along a small fraction of the 2500 km Wild Atlantic Way today. This is a tourism trail along the southern, western and northern coasts of Ireland. Kinsale is near the southern terminal point so we began there this morning. We made no commitment how far we were going to travel today. We have learned that travel on many of Ireland's winding, narrow rural roads force you to slow down. It's a good opportunity to enjoy the vistas.

      The first destination was to travel to Old Head, a lighthouse point in Cork County. We didn't realize that we weren't able to actually make it to the lighthouse as the land is now privately owned by a golf course. We did stop just outside the golf course entrance at a memory point for the Lusitania, an Irish passenger ship that was sunk by a German torpedo during WWI about 10 miles off the coast of our observation point.

      Ireland's tourism industry has detailed many points of interest along the way. We knew that we'd have several other opportunities so we picked a few tentative destination points.

      Along the way we stopped for a game of miniature golf that was located in an adventure park. It was hard to picture youth navigating the ropes course without injury as it looked rather daunting; however, that part wasn't open.

      We stopped in a roadside fish and chips stand in the village of Rosscarbery. The portions were massive and the fish was very fresh and delicious.

      We then made our way next to Baltimore Beacon a very unusual shaped structure dating from 1850 to alert sailors about the rocky shore. It's known locally as “Lot’s Wife”, a Biblical story reference about a woman getting turned into a pillar of salt.

      Before we arrived we took time to sit by a peaceful cove as we listened to the water slap against a small moored sailboat.

      On site at the Beacon, we noted that the nearby cliffs were really dramatic without any protective barrier beyond a line of barbed wire. We loved the view to sea although I was a bit nervous to get too close to the edge.

      We then made our way back to our flat, having been on the road for several hours. We both noted how unusual it is to see verdant pastures and hills along the coast. If you look in one direction, you'd think you were in farmland in Pennsylvania and across the road the rugged Maine coast. It's an interesting collage of geographical features.

      After we returned, we took naps, and when we woke up we decided to just stay in for our first "Netflix and Chill" night since we first departed for Europe. We joked that we were preparing for life back home in the States, but I think it was also a bit of recognition that we're a bit homesick for those times despite the really wonderful trip abroad.

      I think that we've done a great job deciding what we want and slowing down to just take the experience in when we need to do that. I'm grateful that we've been able to experience this together.

      Sweet dreams from Kinsale.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 74

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 9

      26 Haziran 2022, İrlanda ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Seven years ago today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. While Jim C and I had already been granted that right by a vote of the people on Washington state nearly three years earlier, it was a momentous day for those who lived in the "have-not" states as well as other federal rights granted to us by the narrow ruling. It's not lost on us that too many women, particularly those without resources will likely suffer in the "have not" states.

      My reflection of Limerick today as we walked around the city is that there were several examples of the labor movement to help give rights and voice to the people, and in this case to the fight for Ireland's independence. It was a good reminder that it's not enough to just be angry, but to channel that anger into action for the common good, and to hold our governmental institutions accountable when they fail to remember that it's their purpose as well. Seeking support in polite ways does not persuade oppressors.

      I wanted to visit Limerick because it is the city where my maternal grandfather's family came from. His parents were married here and his oldest brother was born here before the family moved to rural New York. I'm named for him. I have not approached my genealogical research about his family with the same zeal in finding my grandmother's roots because my grandfather was a horrible human being. I've been curious about his lineage, and I have many questions about the family who created such an abysmal soul. I suspect those questions will remain unanswered, and I choose to emulate the light of his wife, my grandmother instead.

      Limerick is a gritty city. You can sense its industrial past and its effort to recast itself. One can see more evidence of poverty and struggle, and I admire the city for its past and aspirations for a better future.

      We began our day with a massive Irish breakfast while we watched the weather change about every five minutes from drizzle to sun to downpours. Next to us a young family was introducing their toddler son to the joys of Nutella, and while we watched him wear more that he managed to eat, we smiled as we recalled recent photos of Olive's wearing much of a recent Nutella treat as well.

      We walked by the now closed Frank McCourt museum, the author of "Angela's Ashes" a very tough autobiography of a difficult life. The museum was in sn old schoolhouse created by bequeathed funds from a wealthy man who wanted to help the poor. It's a poweful story of a wealthy person helping those less fortunate.

      We decided to take advantage of a break in the weather and we wandered to People's Park. The park was opened in the late 1800's by a wealthy businessman who wanted to create a planned space for the populace. I was moved by a monument dedicated to parents who had lost young children. I loved the efforts of artists to create beautiful wood sculptures of trees uprooted by a severe windstorm. And I loved children's chalk drawings by of a rainbow heart on a park bench, a love offering by the innocents.

      Like many Americans, I'm angry about living in a country that has lost its soul. Limerick's lesson for me today reminded me of the power of love, the power of the labor movement and organizing, the power of creation, and the beauty of youth. I'm grateful for the reminder.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Ok.... Day 1 Summay Wrap Up

      27 Haziran 2022, İrlanda ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      So... I don't think anyone wants me to post after every little thing we do... so I think I will try and post just a daily summary and hit "my" highlights.... which I am sure is different from Jen's highlights that she posts on Facebook.

      So... Day 1. After Trinity College and The Book of Kells, we got on our walking horse and headed south. We tried to go to a museum but it was closed. So we went to a park... then left that park. Then we went on a wild emotional journey to find a bathroom which we eventually found but had to pay $0.25 i dried my hands for an extra 10 seconds to get my monies worth.

      Then it was off to find lunch. The place we wanted to go opens at 11 but they didn't open their doors until 12 so we went to another place where my kids could eat chicken wings. Then it was off to a church we didn't go in and Dublinia... the Viking museum, where we took a video of a viking pooping. Then it was off to another church that we did go to but got kicked out of because they were "closing" for a service. Then it was a mad run to a store my kids wanted to go to because they had magic cards there but we didn't make it in time so now my kids were "disappointed". REALLY!!!! And then it was time to tackle the near impossible question... "where do we eat supper " which ended up getting answered with "a grocery store". Then it was back to the room where Liam fell right to sleep and our watches that record our steps were smoking and almost dead after recording over 23,000 steps.


      Tomorrow will be much more laid back.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 76

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 11

      28 Haziran 2022, İrlanda ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      We woke up to very welcome glimpses of sunny skies and a rainbow overlooking the multi-hued bay from our room in Castlegregory. After a hearty breakfast, and an amiable conversation about unions and politics back home with our gracious hosts, we hit the road.

      I had discovered an app outlining many points of interest along the Wild Atlantic Way. We decided to select some spots before heading back to our Limerick Hotel.

      We drove by the 1800 Blennerville Windmill, just outside of the town of Tralee, which reminded us of sites in Holland. Although the visitor center was closed, we did get a look at the windmill that still grinds grain today.

      We stopped next at the Ardfert Cathedral ruins dating back from the 12th century. Like many of our visits to church ruins, I find the adjacent cemeteries to be fascinating due to evidence of ancient gravesites mixed with markers of those who have passed in more recent times.

      For our next stop, we decided to check out the Bromore Cliff outside the village of Ballybunion.
      The site is now privately owned and required an honor system donation of 5€. The walk along the freshly mown grass path divided by a wire fence revealed spectacular 60 meter cliffs and waterfalls. The wind was quite strong giving Wyoming's wind a "Hold my beer" competition. At times, I could barely maintain my footing or hold onto my phone to take photos. There were several informational signs along the way. One pointed out that the waterfalls had nearly a reverse flow on windy days. Sure enough, I was able to catch photos and videos of the spray of the waterfall being blown back up the cliff. In the center of the walk was a small structure identified as a WWII lookout space. I imagined how lonely that task might be.

      As we made our way back to the car, a truck drove up, and it became apparent that this elderly farmer checked to see if we had paid admission. After ostensibly seeing that we did, he asked if we wanted a receipt and he offered a nearly toothless grin and he wanted to make sure that we had enjoyed our visit.

      Given that the sunny weather seemed to be holding steady and exceeding expectations of the forecast we decided to alter our destination and head toward the famed Cliffs of Moher. To get there, we opted to take the Tarbert-Kilrush Ferry across the Shannon River. It was a fun experience, and it reminded me of the small ferry that my parents would take us on across the Connecticut River when I was quite young. The wind remained quite blustery and the waves of the river crashed over the ferry platform several times.

      Kilrush is home to the Victorian Vandeleur walled gardens. We decided to explore the gardens and get a light lunch. We enjoyed the walk in the garden and getting a bit lost in the shrubbery maze. I immediately started singing "English Country Garden" that I pulled from some long lost brain cell of my youth. Jim C had never heard of it, and I played a clip of it for him.
      We enjoyed our lunch and watched children's shrieks of excitement at the ice cream stand.

      Our last stop of the day was the Cliffs of Moher. I had often seen photos of this site, and I do have to admit that it was one of my favorite vistas of the whole trip. The views really are breathtaking, and we were pleasantly surprised that the wind wasn't bad and the sun remained.

      It took us about an hour to return to Limerick. We enjoyed a great meal at a local Asian fusion restaurant, and we joined a local online acquaintance for several pints of Guinness at Gleeson's White House, the oldest pub in Limerick. We had a great conversation with him, sharing favorite music artists and life stories. As the locals say, it was a "grand" way to cap an eventful day.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19


      17 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Das Wetter hat mal wieder gedreht, es nebelt. Wir sind früh los, diverse Lebensmittel im SuperValue und dann doch noch einen schönen Tweetpullover sind mal so unterwegs im Auto gelandet. Ziel ist Glenveagh Castle im Glenveagh Nationalpark. Wir lassen die Räder auf dem Auto und nehmen den Shuttle zum Castle. Raue superschöne Landschaft, aber besonders die Gärten mit einer reichhaltigen Fauna haben es uns angetan.
      Übernachten tun wir wieder an einem Pub, die Küche bietet so alles, was die Friteuse hergibt. Morgen nochmal Richtung Norden, dann überqueren wir die Grenze nach Nordirland. Heute mal 2 Footprints.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 580

      Puxley Castle & Bullig Bay Loop

      18 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Der Wanderweg war interessanter als das Schloss von außen 😂deswegen gibt es heute mehr Bilder vom Loop, als vom Schloss. Eine wunderbare Gegend sogar mit Blick auf einen Leuchtturm. Einfach nur wunderschön 😍 mehr Worte bedarf es nicht.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 581

      Healy Pass 🤩

      19 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Der spektakuläre Healy Pass beginnt an der Adrigole Bridge in West Cork und endet an der Lauragh Bridge in der Grafschaft Kerry. Die Straßen schlängeln sich durch eine raue, nicht von dieser Welt stammende Landschaft zwischen zwei der höchsten Gipfel des Caha-Gebirges. Unterwegs gibt es 12 km lange Haarnadelkurven in felsigem Gelände, die sich aufgrund der spektakulären Landschaft alle lohnen. Einen Abstecher wert 😃Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 581


      19 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nun befinden wir uns auf dem Ring of Kerry. Die Landschaft nach den Healy Pass weiterhin schön. Die Straßen sind kilometerlang mit Rhododendron gesäumt, der in den schönsten Lila Farbtönen um die Wette strahlt. Die Büsche sind stellenweise ca. 3 Meter hoch.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 583

      Impressionen Gap of Dunloe

      21 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Es ist an Schönheit kaum zu übertreffen!! Das Gap of Dunloe. Anspruchsvoll zu fahren, jedoch mit unserer 6 Meter Berta machbar. Begleitet wurden wir von unzähligen Kutschen und Spaziergängern. Die Straße war sehr eng, jedoch alle paar Meter war eine schmale Ausweichbucht. Die Menschen hier sind sehr rücksichtsvoll und vorausschauend unterwegs. Erlaubt (😂🫣🤭) waren hier 80 km/h 😳.... Abgrund inklusive...

      Wiki: Das Gap of Dunloe (irisch Bearna an Choimín) ist ein schmaler Gebirgspass zwischen dem Gebirgszug Macgillycuddy’s Reeks im Westen und dem Purple Mountain (irisch An Sliabh Corcra) im Osten in der Region Dunloe (irisch Dún Lóich) in der Grafschaft Kerry im Südwesten der Republik Irland.

      Der Pass hat von Norden nach Süden eine Länge von etwa 11 km. Den Pass hinab fließt in nördlicher Richtung der Fluss Loe, der auf dieser Strecke fünf Seen speist: Black Lough, Auger Lake, Cushnavally Lake, Black Lake und Coosaun Lough. Zwischen den letztgenannten beiden Seen spannt sich eine alte Bogenbrücke (Wishing Bridge).
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Ireland, Irland, Republiek van Ierland, Aereland, አየርላንድ ሪፑብሊክ, Irlanda, أيرلاندا, ܩܘܛܢܝܘܬܐ ܕܐܝܪܠܢܕ, República d'Irlanda, İrlandiya, Ірландыя, Република Ирландия, Irilandi, আয়ারল্যান্ড, ཨ་ཡར་ལནཌ།, Iwerzhon, Irska, Irsko, Iwerddon, ཨའིརི་ལེནཌ, Ireland nutome, Δημοκρατία της Ιρλανδίας, Irlando, Iiri, ایرلند, Irlannda, Irlanti, Írland, Irlande, Ierlân, Poblacht na hÉireann, Poblachd na h-Éireann, આયર્લેંડ, Pobblaght Nerin, Ayalan, אירלנד, आयरलैण्ड, Írország, Իռլանդիա, Irlandia, アイルランド, ირლანდია, Ayalandi, Ирландия, Irlandi, អៀរឡង់, ಐರ್ಲೆಂಡ್, 아일랜드, ئیرلەند, Repoblek Iwerdhon, Ierland, Éire, Irelandɛ, ໄອແລນ, Airija, Irelande, Īrija, Irlandy, Ирска, അയര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്, आयर्लंड, အိုင်ယာလန်, Republik Ireland, आइरल्याण्ड, Républyique d'Irlande, ଆୟରଲ୍ୟାଣ୍ଡ, Republic of Ireland, د آيرلېنډ جمهوريت, Republika Irland, Republica Irlanda, Republic o Ireland, Irlánda, Irlânde, අයර්ලන්තය, Írsko, Ayrlaand, Irlandë, Република Ирска, அயர்லாந்து, ఐర్ లాండ్, Ҷумҳӯрии Ирландия, สาธารณรัฐไอร์แลนด์, አየርላንድ, Republika ng Irlanda, ʻAealani, Aialan, İrlanda, Республіка Ірландія, آئرلینڈ, Ireland (Ái Nhĩ Lan), Lireyän, Republika han Irlandia, Orílẹ́ède Ailandi, 爱尔兰, i-Ireland

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