Monte Esquilino

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    • Dag 78

      Buongiorno Roma

      17. november 2015, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      A late check out had us on a midday train to Roma! It was a quick and relatively painless train journey and we were soon at our apartment in Rome. We got some groceries then went for a stroll towards the Castel St Angelo before having dinner just near our apartment. Dinner was great - saltimbocca for B, chicken with capsicum and tomatoes for C and roast chicken for me. It was honestly the best roast chicken I've had - crispy skin and herbs just made it mouth watering. The creme caramel for dessert was also good. Tiramisu for B and a ricotta and pear tart for C. Early night tonight.Læs mere

    • Dag 1

      Piazza Della Repubblica, Rome

      17. november 2015, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Piazza Della Repubblica: Die Gebäude am Platzrand zeichnen die Exedra der Diokletiansthermen (zweitgrösste ehemalige Therme) nach.

      Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri steht ebenfalls auf einem Teil der antiken Thermenanlage, Michelangelo verwendete das Tepidarium als einen der Flügel seines Plans in der Form eines griechischen Kreuzes.

      In der Mitte der Brunnenanlage sind mit Meerestieren spielende Wassernymphen, die namensgebenden Najaden, dargestellt, die um die Allegorie "Der die widrigen Naturkräfte besiegende Mensch" angeordnet sind.
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    • Dag 12

      Day 12 Travels - Our Last Day

      17. maj 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Our last day in Italy was certainly busy, departing the peace of the countryside above Sorrento on the 08:50 shuttle to catch 10:19 Campania Express train to Naples. This "tourist" train was less crowded, but priority seating was given to those who booked their tickets in advance on the web. Naples in 50 minutes.

      3.5 km walk in Naples and lunch. Live map:…

      Italo at 14:55 in to Roma at 14:05

      7 km walk starting and ending at our hotel. Live map:…

      Total distance: 21,651 steps
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    • Dag 23

      Am Ziel, aber noch nicht am Ende

      25. september 2018, Italien ⋅ 23 °C

      Ich bin gut in Rom angekommen und habe gerade das Hotel erreicht. Vorher war ich noch im Tourismusbüro, um Informationen zu bekommen und meine Planung zu besprechen. Ein paar wenige All time-Klassiker habe ich nun von meiner Liste gestrichen, um für die übrigen Sehenswürdigkeiten mehr Zeit zu haben.

      Ich habe mich ein bisschen erschlagen gefühlt als ich in Rom ankam. Auf meiner Strecke gab es nicht große Städte, die man durchqueren musste. Zu viele Menschen, Autos, Lärm und Hektik. Das muss mein 25.-jähriges Gehirn erst mal verarbeiten.

      Ich habe mich erst mal dazu entschlossen gleich die sieben Pilgerkirchen, die über der ganzen Stadt verteilt sind zu besuchen. Natürlich zu Fuß. Hat den Vorteil noch mal ein wenig weiterlaufen zu können und den besten Überblick über die Stadt zu bekommen.
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    • Dag 4

      Kleine Fotoschule

      3. februar 2015, Italien ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Da ich hier ja nun schon mal bin und es mir ja nicht an Motiven mangelt, werden wir doch noch ein wenig üben.
      Angefangen bei der Piazza Navona mit der Fontana die Quattro Fiumi, zum Pantheon und dort dann ein gutes Hausgemachtes Italienisches Abendessen…..what a life
      Am Ende noch ein Foto Stop am Bernini Brunnen
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    • Dag 1

      Hotel "When In Rome Accommodation"

      3. juni 2015, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Vom Hauptbahnhof haben wir uns auf dem Weg ins Hotel gemacht. Da wir ja nur eine Nacht dort bleiben wollten habe ich etwas günstiges in der Nähe des Bahnhofs herausgesucht. 64 € haben wir für das Doppelzimmer bezahlt.

      Das Hotel hieß "When In Rome Accommodation". Es war sehr abenteuerlich erst einmal überhaupt das Hotel zu finden. Wir haben dann geklingelt und es hat Ewigkeiten niemand geöffnet. Ich wurde schon leicht nervös, aber dann tat sich was.

      Wir sind dann in den sehr abenteuerlichen Auszug gestiegen und in den dritten oder vierten Stock gefahren. Dort begrüßte uns ein Asiate, der kein Wort Englisch sprach. Mit Händen und Füßen haben wir dann die Zahlung und Zimmerübergabe hinbekommen.

      Das Zimmer war auch abenteuerlich. Den versprochenen Balkon haben wir nicht gefunden, hatten aber auch für eine Nacht keine Lust nachzufragen, das Bett war weich, aber das Bad immerhin sauber und groß. Und es war warm, denn es gab keine Klimaanlage.

      Ich habe dann erst einmal den Germanwingssnack verputzt und dann haben wir uns auf den Weg ins abendliche Rom gemacht. Wenigstens ein bisschen wollte ich von der Stadt noch sehen, bzw. Schatz noch zeigen, auch wenn seine Laune nach der Tortour auf dem Nullpunkt war. Ich war einfach nur froh, überhaupt angekommen zu sein.
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    • Dag 5

      ... und nun noch das Meer

      30. marts 2023, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Waren wir so weit gekommen, was lag da näher, als auch die letzten Stationen bis ans Meer, den Lido zu fahren...

    • Dag 19

      When in Rome

      5. juni 2016, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We got into Rome early Sunday afternoon, set up there camp, and got ready to head out on our city driving tour, walking tour, and"walkabout dinner".

      Matt, from Melbourne, Australia, had a perfect descriptor for Rome - Grand. I think it's absolutely spot on because it seems that everywhere you turn, there's a building or structure of some sort with awe inspiring scale and bravado!

      Our driving tour took us all over Rome and helped with bearings. Some of the highlights were: the Circus Maximus (the site was used for chariot reaching in ancient Rome and the scale is enormous), some sort of key hole that you can look through (apparently it makes you feel like you're in three places at once: Malta, Vatican City, and Rome; I'll have to dig into that for next time), and the Tiber River. It's interesting that the roadway that follows the river is significantly higher than the river itself and that the city on the other side of the roadway often appears to be at the same level as the river. I'm not sure if this is to address flooding or what.

      Our walking tour started at Piazza Venezia and focused on what is considered Old Rome. Some of the highlights were: the huge building at the Piazza Venezia (massive building with many columns and a statue of Marcus Aurelius (the Caesar from Gladiator with Russell Crowe), the Pantheon (got there just as it was closing, so couldn't get inside), and the Trevi Fountain (approximately €3000 are collected from it each day and donated to charity). We wrapped up at Piazza Navona and groups headed for dinner. The advice was to walk up the streets off of the Piazza because anywhere on the Piazza is quite expensive.

      Eight of us picked a street and started out, virtually every restaurant has someone out front trying to entice you to come in with basically the same rap: "my friends, fresh, homemade pizza, pasta; free wifi". The of the place we decided on reminded me of Uncle Gavin, except with a very long ponytail. The food was great and they treated us very well! On the way back to meet everyone, we made a gelato stop - the pistachio is prenominal!

      The group met up, took the coach back to the campsite, and (some actually) packed it in early to be as ready as possible for the big day ahead!

      The next morning, we got going early and took the metro train to the Vatican for our guided tour. We arrived before 9am (opens at 10am) and the line was still hundreds of people long. Our guide provided an earpiece and headset, since there were over 40 of us and it wouldn't be possible to hear anything she was saying as the group moved through the mobs of people. That said, even with the headset, it was difficult to hear what she was saying - combination of a thick Italian accent and the technology not being the best. Oh well, it was fantastic to be there and see it for myself! The Sistine Chapel was amazing (no photos allowed), but pretty much everything else is also beautifully done with mosaics, paintings, or sculptures. St Peter's Basilica is enormous and the stained glass is gorgeous, while the Square in front is fantastic!

      When the tour wrapped up, a few of us headed off to the Colosseum for the guides tour that we'd booked. Our Contiki Tour Manager thought it would take about 40 minutes to get there on the metro train, which meant we'd be very tight for time. The extra hiccup was that when we were leaving the Vatican, we excited through an unfamiliar area and weren't sure how to get to the metro. We asked one of the many police officers stationed everywhere and he suggested we take the 40 bus, which would take us to a piazza close to the Colosseum in about 10 minutes... That was an easy decision, especially since Contiki gave us metro passes for the day that were valid for trains and buses!

      We arrived at the Colosseum meeting place with plenty of time to spare, so we had a bite to eat and I filled up my water bottle at the free water station on the street (still or sparkling, and it also had USB charging points). Cobey and Tom ventured to the pay toilettes (common throughout Europe), but they were apparently quite unfortunate.

      Georgio, our guide, met us out front and took us through security. As with Rome in general, the Colosseum is simply grand! It was very interesting to see the scale of things and marvel at how people built such a structure 2000 years ago! It's hard to fathom, but the estimate is that more than 500,000 people were killed during gladiator-type events over the few hundred years that it was in use. It was interesting to learn that the foundation for the Colosseum was a massive lake that Nero had built for himself, but he was such a hated man that when he died, they destroyed any legacy he had built for himself. The Colosseum floor was made of wood and covered with sand, while the area beneath was a maze of rooms and access points that offered entry and exit points for people, animals, and even vegetation (trees were put out for use during hunting exhibitions).

      After the Colosseum, we decided to walk to the group meeting point, which was quite a distance away, but we had a couple of hours and it would give us a chance to see more of the city. Our route took us past the Trevi Fountain again... The Trevi Fountain has been going through a restoration for quite some time, which was just completed about six months ago, so I was able to see it in all its glory - amazing! It's said that tossing coin(s) over your shoulder: 1 coin and you'll return to Rome, 2 coins and you'll find love, 3 coins and you'll get married. I tossed in 3, so we'll see!

      We met the group at the Spanish Steps (closed for restoration). Renae recommended a place for inexpensive pasta, so a few of us decided to have a pre-dinner snack. Then we made a gelato stop on the way to the train - excellent!
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