Provincia di Perugia

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    • Gün 10

      Day 10: Piediluco to Ferentillo

      23 Haziran, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      It was another terrific day of walking (24.68 km) today. It started with blue skies, a nice cool morning, then the clouds came over and there was a light rain for a few hours - my perfect walking weather. I'd left around 7 a.m. as I wanted to play tourist and visit Cascata delle Marmore (a series of cascading falls engineered by the ancient Romans). It was well worth seeing. They make quite a show of it: the water flows constantly through the main falls and then at 10 a.m. on a Sunday (usually 11 a.m. every other day) they perform what they call a "drop" and release an ever increasing amount of water over the falls until it comes down like a torrent! It was spectacular! Almost all of the Way followed the Greenway del Nera (a river) - just lovely. Then I experienced a Camino Angel; unfortunately, I managed to lose one of my rubber pole stoppers down a drain at the Cascata and within five km of leaving the falls, I encountered a German pilgrim (Kirsten), going to Rome, who had a spare rubber " just for you". I was so grateful, I hate the clack, clack, clack of the pole on the rocks and road. In return , I promised him that I would visit a nun in La Verna; Angela - for whom he has great affection. The walking was mostly flat after the climb down for the falls, but the landscape is surrounded by mountains and very appealing. My second pilgrimage magic happened at Ferentillo; I'd just moved away from the locked church door when the priest arrived and was able to stamp my credential! What an awesome day!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 46

      Day 42: Acquapendente to Bolsena

      3 Haziran, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Another great day of walking (26.53 km) through farmland (got wet from irrigation hoses twice - the first I've seen in action in Italy), through a small forest, beside woodland and olive groves. The highlight of the day was my first sight, followed by glimpses of Lake Bolsena, as I left the town of San Lorenzo Nuovo. The lake is magnificent. There was a little rain today, and I had put on the Great Pumpkin again. For the past few days, I have been feeling quite strong (like I could walk anywhere), but today, I surprised myself as I didn't seem to have any energy. I put it down to lack of food, even though I'd had a pretty good breakfast, and got two sandwiches and a can of coke (something I haven't drunk since my daughter told me it had 17 teaspoons of suger in it) and that seemed to do the trick. The cathedral here at Bolsena is for Saint Christina of Bolsena (with Saint George - apparently, it's not ok for women to have a church solely dedicated to them). Her crypt is in the church. There were also some of the best frescoes I have seen.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11

      Day 11: Ferentillo to Spoleto

      24 Haziran, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today, I moved from the Valnerina Valley to the Spoletan Valley. That meant crossing the mountains and, as the VdF shows me every day so far; it was wonderful walking, not easy, but a real joy to move through. The first 10 km continued along the Greenway del Nera and then the rest of the walk (29.28 km) was a big climb (from 300m to 950m) up the mountains, followed by a visit to a Franciscan Convent (The Sanctuary of Saint Francis) and then a descent into Spoleto. The big surprise came as I was about to enter Spoleto; the track was closed (literally, a big, high boarded fence I could not climb, and the temporary route totally bypasses the town! I had to reroute a way into town, and I still have to work out the path I'll be taking tomorrow! What a day - I'm exhausted, but sipping an Aperol spritz, which is putting a glow on everything. My Camino magic today was a place called Sensati - it was a rest area, almost at the top of the mountain, that has been made to delight - and it does. Finally, I got rained upon three times; the last time, I broke out the Great Pumpkin when I heard thunder, but I didn't really need it.Okumaya devam et

    • Day 26 - The dreaded Car Hire & Tuscany!

      4 Ağustos 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Today we have one thing on our minds… We have survived Rome & Naples, now let’s drive with these crazy Italians!
      Our car hire wasn’t until 11.30am - which worked out as a blessing as the metro was pretty quiet with our bags.
      Firstly though, we went packed up our stuff, checked out and headed down to Il Nido Gusto E Miscele for breakfast and their amazing coffee.

      We got the car, found out it wasn’t a Fiat 500 but a Volkswagen T-Cross, this is kinda a blessing as we know our way around a Volkswagen! We are glad all our luggage in the boot & we can keep everything out of site.

      We then drove away from Rome, let’s say this about the days affairs of driving - we went through one red light, one wrong turn & one argument but no one tooted us, so we will call this a major win.
      I did learn, if the sign post says 70km, everyone does 90km. I do what the speed sign says though as I am a law abiding angel! There may of been a lot of swearing at other drivers, but I kept the window up and smiled as they passed in ridiculous places… again, may of been, may not of been.

      We were heading for our BnB near Montepulciano in Tuscany.
      Along the way we decided to head to a small village called Bagnoregio so we could walk to the hilltop village of Civita di Bagnoregio. C ivita di Bagnoregio is a hilltop village in central Italy. It’s accessed via a pedestrian bridge from the nearby ticket office in Bagnoregio village. The Porta Santa Maria gateway was built by the Etruscans. Founded in the 7th century, the Romanesque San Donato Church sits in the main square.
      This village is has a nickname of the ‘Dying village’, due to the natural occurring erosion happening on the hill - the engineer in me had to see this! Also this has recently been made a bit more famous thanks to TikTok & Harry Styles buying property in the village. There is 13 people that live in the village and there is more cat strays than people - these cats are well fed due to the restaurants looking after them!
      We had some lunch in the village and then carried onto our BnB.

      We made it to our BnB, Gianni made us feel very welcome along with his Sausage Dog. He makes wine himself so he had a bottle of Red wine for us (I may be half way through it now writing this - Katie will proof read this for me!) It is a lovely BnB with a lot of land and breath taking views.

      He recommended a restaurant in Montepulciano that were friends of his, we went to it - Osteria del Borgo - we had lovely pasta (Fettuccine for me and Tagliatelle with fresh truffle for Katie) and great wine there. We opted to share a dessert of Sour Black Cherry Semifreddo made in house - I am glad we are walking so much each day!

      It was raining quite hard which made coming down off the main village of Montepulciano interesting at night and in a car we didn’t know. We made it back to the BnB and headed to bed.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 81

      Bolsena 14 miles

      1 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      My plan was to leave early, despite it being a short day, because I wanted to visit the cathedral on my way out of town. Picked up a bar breakfast and got to the cathedral by 7.45am, hoping to avoid any 8.00am mass. Apparently the “beautifully preserved must-see 10C crypt” contained “the reputed drops of the blood of Christ on a stone brought from the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem”. Hence it has been a site of pilgrimage for ages and ages. Worth nipping in as I passed I thought. Despite my book stating that the crypt is open early and very much worth a visit it was most certainly shut. No signs of life. Bother. Could have stayed longer in bed then. Frustratingly, if I had, then it might well have been open when I passed. Made a mental note to do so next time.

      What I did see on my way out of town was this very lovely block of flats. I wonder who decided on that colour. Did they get a special deal from B & Q? Did the architect do it to win a bet? Can’t believe the residents put it to a vote at a meeting where Fred stood up and said “How about a lovely shade of pink?” “Won’t that be cheery?”

      Not many walkers out and about but I was caught up by Kevin from Dublin who was going at a fair lick pulling a trailer with his gear. He seemed quite happy with it and had come the full distance but in 3 trips. I was unconvinced that the gains on smooth roads compensated for the harder going at other times. We had a fair blether until we reached a village where he decided to stop for a late breakfast. Might well have been an excuse to get away from that irritating Scotsman of course but to tell the truth I was getting a bit knackered keeping up with him so I wasn’t complaining.

      It is in the nature of walks like the Via that you can meet folk repeatedly for several days, not to speak to, you understand, heaven forbid, and then you don’t see them again. You never know if any particular meeting is the last one or whether there will be many more. But tomorrow I plan to do two “standard” days in the one day. A total of 22 miles. I expect to meet, and ignore, a whole new set of folk after that.

      Bit of a change in scenery today as I reached the Lago do Bolsena, or damned great lake. 7 or 8 miles across.

      End of the stage was on the lake-side. Almost a beach resort. Certainly full of tourists, but quite a nice feel to it. I suspect the tourists were Italian, on a Sunday day trip.

      Early start and short day meant I arrived before 1. Able to get showered and changed and into a restaurant for lunch. The plan was to eat at lunch and not bother with tea, thereby getting an early bed. These late teas are not good for my digestion. Spent a very pleasant afternoon keeping up to date with the Ryder Cup golf while stuffing down pizza and ice cream and wandering about the town. Only slight issue is the pizza was rectangular. What’s that about? Surely there is a law that says it has to be round. If there isn’t then there should be one.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 21

      Lago di Bolsena

      21 Nisan, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Nach dem Lago ist vor dem Lago, nach rd. 95min Fahrt haben wir unser nächstes Ziel erreicht, Bolsena. Der Lago ist der grösste europäische Kratersee 🌋🚤. Erstmal etwas gegessen und dann mal die Umgebung erkunden. Unser Stellplatz ist nur durch eine schmale Strasse vom See getrennt 🤗👍🏻😎Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 428


      6 Mayıs 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Ziemlich planlos fuhren wir auf gut Glück an einen See und so landeten wir in dem hübschen Ort Bolsena, am Lago di Bolsena.
      Wir übernachteten vier Nächte auf einem Parkplatz direkt am See, neben einem Campingplatz. So lernten wir auch Rentner aus Deutschland und Österreich kennen, was wirklich toll war. Sie versorgten uns mit Frühstück, Campingtipps und Reisetipps, wir sie mit einem Glas Rotwein. Eigentlich wollten wir noch Fisch offerieren, leider hat an diesem Tag keiner angebissen. 😅

      Wir verbrachten viel Zeit mit Lesen auf „unserer“ Bank am See, Rad fahren, Dorf erkunden, Gelati essen, kochen und standen oft vor unserer Lieblingsgelateria, um das Wlan dort zu benutzen. Zum Beispiel um FindPenguin-Beiträge hochzuladen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2


      2 Temmuz 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Nach einer, sogar angenehm kühlen Nacht, stehen wir, mehr oder weniger ausgeruht, auf und essen unser Frühstück. Danach parken wir aus und machen uns wieder auf den Weg. Mittlerweile sind wir in der Toskana angekommen. Natürlich gibt es auch eine lustige Anekdote. Die Frage stand im Raum, bzw im Bus, ob wir bei unserem Campingplatz anrufen sollten, um herauszufinden, ob wir auch wirklich einen Platz bekommen. Nachdem Natalie eine Zeit lang herumdruckste, meldete sich Lorena zu Wort. Eigentlich wollte sie Natalie nur helfen, sich zu überwinden, aber prompt kommt Joel auf die Idee, Lorena könne doch anrufen, sie sei ohnehin die Beste in Englisch. Und so kommt es dazu, dass ein junges Mädchen von 14 Jahren beim Campingplatz anruft ;)
      Nach weiteren 6 Stunden, inklusive Pause beim Autobahnstop, sind wir dann auch endlich bei unserem ersten Halt angekommen, dem Bolsenasee. Zuerst werden die Toiletten abgecheckt (die trotz einer nicht endenen Spülung ganz in Ordnung waren), danach geht es zum See. Natürlich sind alle vom Sand begeistert, schwarzem Sand wohlgemerkt, und auch Mateo traut sich ins warme Wasser. Zum Abschluss essen wir noch im Restaurant Pizza und Pasta. Fast haben wir dem Kellner 10 Euro Trinkgeld gegeben, bzw wir denken es, doch glücklicherweise können wir uns gleich wieder entspannen, er kommt bereits mit dem Wechselgeld zurück.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Auf zum Meer

      6 Temmuz 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Am Dienstag gehen wir am Vormittag im Bolsenasee baden und fahren nochmal SUP. Zum Mittagessen essen wir geschmierte Brote und Marillen. Danach brechen wir zu unserem neuen Campingplatz am Meer auf. Während wir auf der Autobahn fahren, brennt 10 Meter neben uns eine große Fläche ab.

      Auf der Fahrt fällt uns auf, dass der von uns angefahrene Campingplatz wenig Schatten bietet. Dann müssen wir in der Hektik noch einen neuen Platz finden. Nachdem zwei Campingplätze, die wir anfragen, voll sind, macht sich Verzweifelung breit. Einen Letzten hätten wir noch auf unserer Liste. Wir rufen dort an und die freundliche Dame , die rangeht, kann sogar sehr gut Deutsch. Sie sagt, es gäbe noch genug Platz und so fahren wir wieder voll Hoffnung Etruria ( den Campingplatz) an.
      Es ist ein Campingplatz, der alles hat, was man braucht. Wir bauen schnell auf und gehen dann noch kurz ins Meer.
      Am nächsten Tag (Mi) ist Chilltag. Vormittag sind wir am Meer. Da sind sehr große Wellen, aber das gefällt allen. Am Nachmittag gehen wir zum Pool und da stellen wir fest, dass Badekappen-Pflicht ist 🙈☹️. Die kosten zwar nicht viel, sehen aber echt doof aus.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Val d'Orcia

      4 Temmuz 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Nachdem wir so viel unterwegs waren, haben wir den Sonntag mit Baden verbracht. Dementsprechend haben sich hier einige einen Sonnenbrand zugezogen.

      Da passte es super, dass wir am Montag einen Tagesausflug machen. Und zwar wollen wir das Val d'Orcia Tal abfahren. Es ist eine Panoramastrecke mit vielen Fotopoints.
      Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir um 10 Uhr los, ca 1h Richtung Siena. Der erste Halt ist eine Zypressenallee mit Bauernhaus. Davon haben wir die Bilder auf der Kamera 🙈 und nicht am Handy.

      Der nächste Stopp ist die Stadt Pienza, bekannt für seinen Pecorino Schafskäse. Da schlendern wir durch die Stadt, genießen ein Eis und kaufen auch Käse ein. Mittlerweile ist es sehr heiß (40°) und wir schauen, dass wir weiterkommen.

      Nächster Stopp bei Monticchiello. Da kann man die typische Zick-Zack-Straße mit Zypressen fotografieren, was wir natürlich auch machen 😉.
      Wie man sieht ist es hier gerade sehr trocken und das Getreide abgeerntet.

      Letzter Halt ist eine von 4 heißen Thermalquellen, bei Bagni San Filippo. Total schön!
      Okumaya devam et

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