Sestière di San Marco

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    • Dag 49

      Soggy books

      22. oktober 2023, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      This morning began with a cappuccino and some pastries before we got lost in the narrow streets of Venice.

      There was a marathon underway which congested much of the busy areas including St. Mark's Square and most of the main walkways, but we had fun walking beside the barriers for almost an hour watching the world go by.

      We ended up at a very cool bookshop where we had the chance to sit in a Gondala - this was nice because we decided against doing a Gondala tour as it was going to be 150/200aud and we'd have to share with 3 other people.

      After a while we headed back to the accommodation and undertook some more booking for future travels, trying to keep minimum 2 weeks ahead.

      We went for another afternoon walk, this time towards the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute and we made our way back following the 'coast'

      Dinner was another serving of pasta, which I'm a fan of, before an early night.

      Step count: 23.2k

      PS. Didn't mention it yesterday but this hostel sucks, and seems to mainly be populated by mosquitoes
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    • Dag 23

      A night in Venice

      9. oktober 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      A stroll around Venice in the evening is a beautiful experience. Moving constantly from dark to light and narrow street to open squares. And the music makes it even better. Talking to your soul from around every corner.Læs mere

    • Dag 18

      Venice sure has a lot of old churches

      6. oktober 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      European history is inseparable from religion, and Venice has this connection on full display. There are 137 churches in Venice - they are everywhere. All but 3 or 4 are Roman Catholic (there’s one synagogue and 2 or 3 Protestant churches). Many of the church buildings no longer function as churches but are museums or other public spaces. The first 4 photos show the crazily ornate structure of St. Mark’s Basilica. The original building was constructed in the 830s, while the current one began in the year 1063, but had been modified numerous times over the centuries.
      Photos 9 - 12 are of Santa Maria della Salute, built in response to a devastating plague that killed one third of Venice’s population in 1630 and ‘31. The church was not to be dedicated to a mere "plague" or patron saint, but to the Virgin Mary, who for many reasons was thought to be a protector of the Republic. Decreed to be built in 1630, it was not completed until 1681. The wooden door must be at least 30 feet tall. I found it curious that the skin color of Mary and Jesus is quite dark in the painting - looking very different than depictions found in the US. I wonder how many US Christians would feel about that.
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    • Dag 9

      Touristy but awesome

      29. april, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      A private gondola tour was a highlight of our trip to Venice…. but the entertainment factor at Piazza San Marco was pretty high with the seagulls attacking peoples bowls of chips and knocking over Aperol spritzes.Læs mere

    • Dag 2


      2. september 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Es ist acht Uhr morgens. Jemand shreckt aus dem Schlaf hoch und merckt: "Misst ich wollte doch den Wecker stellen, um vor den anderen Touris an der Piazza San Marco zu sein." Ein undeutliches Geraune mit der Bestätigung, dass man nun (,wenn es den sein müsse) aufstehen könne ist die Antwort.
      Eine Dusche später stehen wir auf den Strassen, Stress abgeschaltet und auf der Suche nach einem Cafe und Frühstück.
      Italiener umd Frühstück sind nun mal nicht die beste Beziehung der Welt, deshalb reduziert sich das ganze auf ein Schoggi-Gipfeli und einen Cappucino und etwas später einen weitern Espresso/Cappucino.
      Anschliessen besuchen wir die Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore, eine Kirche die nach der Pest zum Gedenken an die Opfer errichtet wurde. Ganz in Weiss und eher schlicht ist die ruhige Kirche eine nette Abwechslung zum Treiben auf der Hauptinsel von Venedig.
      Anschliessend gehts mit dem Bootsbus zurück nach San Marco, für ein hübsches Mittagessen vor der Führung.
      Um 14.00 Treffen wir uns auf der Piazza San Marco (mit all den anderen Touris 😉) für die Führung druch die Basilica und den Dogenpalast. Für drei Stunden führt uns Iole (alos wie Violet, ohne V und T) durch die Denkmäler der Stadt und erzählt uns viel über die Geschichte, Symbilok und Politik der Rebuplica Venezia. Wir sind beide interessiert und fasziniert dabei und freuen uns über all die Einblicke die ohne Guide so leicht übersehen werden.
      Um 17.00 sind ünsere Füsse etwas durch und unsere Kehlen trocken - Zeit für Aperitiv 😁
      Wir haben uns schon eine hübsche Bar vorgemerkt und geniessen unsere Select-Spritz (nicht ganz Aperol und nicht ganz Campari) in vollen Zügen.
      Als sich der Hunger meldet, suchen wir als guete Touris via Tripadvisor ein Lokal. Wir finden die Trattoria al Gazzettino, ein kleines Restaurant mit halb soviel Servicepersonal, wie Sitzplätz - Es. War. Riiiesig! - Wir essen die beste Pasta seit... Keine Ahnung... Immer? Oder zumindest ewig Lange! Dazu eine Flasche Hauswein - herrlich. Mit einem Nutella-Grappa und einer Mandeltorte als (gratis) Abschiedsgruss, verabschieden wir uns auf den Umwegen zurück ins Zimmer. Was für ein verfressener Tag 😋
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    • Dag 19

      Venedig - Tag 1

      22. august 2022, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      In Venedig angekommen haben wir uns zunächst den Dogenpalast angeschaut. Danach sind wir über den Piazza San Marco geschlendert und haben uns die Leute angeschaut, die sich nichts ahnend in eines der Restaurants gesetzt haben, um dann voller Überraschung am Ende einen Musikzuschlag bezahlen mussten (in jedem Restaurant spielt draußen eine eigene Band). Vor allem am Abend ist Venedig mit seinen Wasserstraßen super schön.Læs mere

    • Dag 23

      Bridge of Sighs

      9. oktober 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Finally have experienced the Bridge of Sighs.
      The prisoners were reputed to have crossed this bridge on the way to prison from court.
      The prisoners had quite large cells though although the doors were huge!
      Very impressed with how preserved it all this.
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    • Dag 6

      Venedig Tag 2

      14. september 2022, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Heute bin ich wieder ziemlich planlos in Venedig rumgelaufen. Dabei bin ich auf einen wunderschönen Buchladen gestoßen. Zum Glück waren die meisten Bücher auf italienisch und ich hab sowieso keinen Platz um sie mitzunehmen, sonst wäre ich dort wahrscheinlich mit zu vielen Büchern wieder rausgekommen. Drinnen war der Buchladen total vollgepackt und in der Mitte jedes Raumes stand eine Gondel mit Büchern. Auf der Rückseite war eine Art Treppe aus Büchern, die bei der Flut beschädigt wurden.
      Als ich aus dem Laden rausgekommen bin, bin ich noch etwas durch die Gegend gelaufen und habe dann ein Boot zurück zum Bahnhof genommen.
      Nachdem ich mich im Hostel ein bisschen ausgeruht habe, bin ich noch in einem Supermarkt gegangen und habe mir was zum Abendbrot gesucht. Dabei war ich von der großen Auswahl an glutenfreien Produkten ehrlich gesagt etwas überfordert.
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    • Dag 11

      Sunday, last day in Venice

      2. oktober 2022, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      First I have to mention the most amazing thing that happened last night…we were standing on a bridge outside our restaurant waiting to be called in, when a couple came up and she said “I don’t believe it….” I gazed at them blankly, who could know us in Venice?? Anyway it slowly dawned that is was Cassandra Farrell (my ex-niece!) with her husband Henrik who I had never met!!! Of course, they do live in Europe - in Denmark - but what a coincidence…they were in Venice for the weekend, but to be at the same spot in Venice on the same day!!! So that was exciting and fun, and we hope to see them when they come to Oz at Christmas.

      This morning we got going leisurely as no time constraints. A beautiful day as promised - cool to start, and almost hot in the sun by afternoon. First we went to La Fenice to take a tour to see the whole building. Fabulous…you pay to enter and then download an audio guide on your phone (with their wifi) and we went right through the whole magnificent building. It is huge, and much larger then looks from the front, and in fact, if you walk round the little lanes to the canal at the back there is what was originally the main entrance as the nobility would always arrive by water (they would not walk!!)…the main concert hall is stunning…they were working on the stage, presumably setting up for Daughter of the Regiment which is on in about a week…we could view it from the boxes…very rococo and ornate, but somehow not overpowering. It has twice been destroyed by fire, but like its name, it has twice risen from the ashes. (I had not realised that Fenice means Phoenix).

      After that we walked along the riva Schiavoni, through the slow-moving milling throngs, towards the park at the pointy end of the island. Paused for a juice, coffee and pizza slab to keep us going, and then sat in the park with kindles. That was the plan, but Amr decided to look at the Biennale exhibits which are right there. So he happily did that and I happily sat in the beautiful park. Amr says to report that the Australian exhibit had a welcome to country…Wandered back, absolutely stunning light on the sparkling water, and being Sunday it was difficult walking as everyone was out and there were people traffic jams in all the narrow streets.

      Tonight we go to an opera in a palazzo! Meg and Stephen recommended it so that is good for us, and it will be fun…it is the Barber of Seville….what can go wrong! ….and it was fun! We are now back from the opera. Really intimate, about 70 or so people, and a piano, violin and cello provided the music…very spirited and funny. The barber of Seville is a comic opera so they spoofed it up and involved the audience in a fun way, and modified the story to accommodate fewer characters, but it is such a silly and complicated story that even a purist wouldn’t care, and they sang all the good bits!! A great evening. And it was lovely in the palazzo - each act we moved into another room…hard to describe the whole experience, but we are really happy that we went.

      Now all packed up and ready for an early start to get the 9.42am train to Bologna.
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    • Dag 7

      Last day in Venice!

      20. januar, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Ahhh today the weather was nicer! We spent most of the day just walking around the parts of Venice we didn’t really see much. We visited the San Marco Square which had a bunch of cool restaurants and shops, and this is where I had some spaghetti and clams! (Side thought - it is surprisingly rare to see spaghetti bolognaise anywhere in Italy but spaghetti with clams are EVERYWHERE) after a bit more walking and shopping it was time to go to Vivaldi’s church to see the famous 4 Seasons! Wowee that was special. I’ve never experienced something like that, where the venue felt so important, and the audience felt so moved. Might just have to ditch jazz. After that, we got some last minute snacks at the supermarket and headed home. ZzzzzLæs mere

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