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    • Day 17

      Part 1 Trieste to Venice The Train

      October 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I never dreamed of going to Venice. I never even really wanted to go but when Dave said the train was going by there I thought we have to stop. And so today was the fated day! The train was great and we even had seats for our packs. I love the Lipstick Woman who sat next to me and the three backpacking girls from Finland who were off on a 3 week adventure. It made me proud that Dave and I had our backpacks on and were keeping pace. Today’s journal entry is in at least 2 posts. I can only put 2 videos per post and I have a few you may like. Tell me what you like so I can be on the lookout for topics of interest! 🌺. PS The “ Watercloset” at the Venice Train Station was 1 euro but it was clean with marble like walls. I took a photo for you. I did go in the men’s room by mistake unaware until I came out and some man raised his voice so I got out fast. It’s all Italian to me.Read more

    • Day 18

      Venice feels like Times Square

      October 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      It’s crazy here. The city is beautiful and fascinating at every turn of the corner ( and there are many in this maze land). But the tourists navigating the canyon-like city was over the top. Luckily I booked this quiet room at a Sobe with nice women running it and it has been our base camp. Today we walked 9+ miles and saw more statues and churches than one can imagine. The magnitude of the art and beauty is #awe inspiring. And the people! My photos will be a tapestry of scenes a little different than Dave’s. We are such a good travel team!!!!! 🌺look for the winter coat I should buy for my return to Colorado winter 🌺 clothes are hanging out and we did laundry last night too 🌺 I spied 2 couples in our age group traveling with just packs like us… the one gal had a cute skirt. 🌺 I came upon the farmers market arriving by boat and was thrilled I got to see the enthusiastic locals line up to shop! 🌺 note the checkout person at grocery store- she sits down 🌺 an art class by the canal 🌺 the rest are hip people I came across today that could photograph.Read more

    • Day 19

      Walk with us video Venice

      October 7, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      On our way to try and find our #FreetoursbyFoot tour this morning. The maps are horrible and google maps sometimes goes wonky. But we hit the streets and found it. 🌺 The Venice Guide was excellent and told us stories of famous women who lived in Venice including some very badass women who lived life outside societal norms. Of course I ate that up like Venetian honey.Read more

    • Day 19

      Lost and Found

      October 7, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      I love my backpack. The four outfits I brought are working out OK and I totally love how everything fits in my pack. I love the days when we move from city to city. The active traveling, and the unexpected I enjoy. That is of course when it all works out in our favor.

      Getting out of Venice was crazy and we got lost but we did make it to the train station on time without rushing. My morning coffee was beyond words and the photos today will say it all

      I really liked the train travel, especially because Dave booked seats where we weren’t facing two other people. There were children on the train, and we enjoyed their sweet voices What we didn’t like was the coughing people and I’m glad no one was facing me coughing. I would have had to pull out lozenges, emergency C and throat coat tea. I fear what I might have become.
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    • Day 25

      Leaving Venice.

      October 11, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Finally on a boat as we say goodbye to Venice. Still one of my favourite places on earth even though it has changed so much.
      The people are genuine, the food is amazing and the artwork spectacular. If you can look past the Gucci and Prada stores, Venice has not lost its soul.
      Sad to be leaving but will be back.
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    • Day 25

      A bike ride ! In Venice !

      June 3, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Really banging out the Venice posts ! Sorry for it all at once ! I am on a train for another few hours so can’t stop won’t stop x also if I do stop it might not get posted at all so here we are xx

      We went bike riding in an island in Venice ! To a beach ! The beach was not amazing but we went for a swim and that’s all we needed. Sara and I are not people designed to be away from the water - we have been getting moody but this made us very happy. The bike ride was so so cool and it went from North of the island to the South. It was quite safe for bikes ( they had actual bike lanes ! ) and we had bought some bucket hats for some sun protection ( I hope you’re proud of this investment dad) and then went completely incognito on the ferry with masks, sunnies and hats.
      There was one restaurant at the beach so a bit priceyyy but everyone there was so nice and it had a good atmosphere ! The people were all quite funny actually :)
      Anyway, we had not ridden bikes for months before this so we were in a bit of pain later and came home so tired I had a quick power nap before we went out for Aperitivo next to the water on the island we were on (Giudecca) and that was a very pretty view.
      I’ve also attached some pics of the place we stayed at :)
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    • Day 12

      Delays to Destination…

      June 13, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Today’s travel experience was expected and unexpected. We’d expected to experience travel glitches during our journey, we just hadn’t expected to experience so many on a single day🙃. First delay - train from Wimbledon delayed due to “emergency works”. No problem -we reroute and make the hour long trip to Heathrow. Second delay-huge line at Swiss Air. While waiting I receive a text update that the flight is delayed 15 minutes. Not a big delay but we now have only 30 minutes to make our connection in Zurich. We make the Zurich flight but an additional delay is announced as we wait on the plane ✈️. Kai naps on flight. I work. Our seats are the very last seats on the plane. We are thus the very last people off the plane. Third delay- another line at immigration but the first miracle occurs-our connecting flight to Venice is delayed. The single clerk at immigration is processing a mass of time stressed travelers. The tension in the line of waiting passengers is acute. We all have flights leaving in minutes. Kai and I let 2-3 especially desperate travelers ahead of us thinking we have extra time due to the announced delay. We clear customs and hope to find food but it turns out- the flight is holding for us (I had the time wrong). We run to board the flight🎉. Thank you Swiss Air for waiting for us. Delay four- we made our flight but our bags have not. The line for baggage assistance is long, again there is a single clerk. (Dante missed a particularly tortuous level of hell- waiting in interminably long lines with little hope of progress.) We make our report and board the waterbus for Venice. It’s a beautiful and delightful 1.25hr boat ride. We enjoy watching the sunset 🌅 and the moonrise🌕 over Venice. We disembark at San Marco- our room is 10 minutes walk away. Delay five- we can’t find our hotel. We can get within 1 minute of it using google maps but can’t find it. Everywhere we look are befuddled travelers with phones set to google maps trying to navigate Venic’s labyrinth of cobblestone alleys and passage ways. Miracle 2 is that our bags were lost. We are tired after dragging our small carry-on bags up, down, over, and across the many, many small canals and waterways of Venice. We would not have survived with our suitcases. It’s now very dark and late. We have gelato (miracle 3) for dinner and to refuel before contuing our hotel search. An older Venetian couple stops to help us. Essentially- they don’t know where the hotel is either and tell us us “it’s impossible to find your way around Venice” and that we should call for the hotel for rescue. Perhaps - Global Gaurdian should add Venice Navigation to their package of services… It’s 11:30 when we find our hotel. Our room is on the 3rd floor. There is no elevator🥺.Read more

    • Day 25


      June 29, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Heute morgen ging es dann endlich ins historische Venedig.
      Da dort eh Fahrräder tabu sind und auch nicht geschoben werden dürfen fahre ich mit dem Bus. Tickets dafür bekomme ich direkt und unkompliziert an der Rezeption. Zwei Linien fahren im ¼h tackt nach Venedig. Die Fahrt dauerte vielleicht 15min. Einfacher geht nicht.

      Auf der Insel verfolge ich kein festes Ziel und streife so durch die Gassen und lasse mich treiben.

      Die Stadt ist wunderbar. Trotz der vielen Menschen. Am meisten fasziniert haben mich die ganzen verwinkelten Gassen, die teils richtig schön zurecht gemacht worden sind und sogar teilweise richtig verweist sind und man die Atmosphäre der Stadt für sich allein genießen kann.

      Trotz meinem ziellosem umherstreifen Lande ich irgendwie trotzdem auf dem Marcusplatz. Gerne wäre ich in die Basilika gegangen, aber die Schlange ist so lang das man ne knappe stunde gewartet hätte.

      Von da ging es an der Seufzerbrücke vorbei und grob wieder Richtung Bahnhof auf der Suche nach einem netten Restaurant, in dem ich zu Mittag essen kann. Restaurants gibt es wirklich unglaublich viele hier. In jeder noch so kleinen Gasse. Richtig schön.

      Bevor ich die Insel am späten Nachmittag wieder verlasse hab ich noch eine Mission zu erfüllen. Ich hatte nämlich heute morgen durch Zufall gesehen das der Bus nicht vom Bahnhof in Mestre abfährt sondern von der Insel. Also kurz geschaut wo genau, damit ich Samstag nicht suchen muss, und wieder zurück zum Campingplatz.

      Von da noch mal kurz in die Stadt ein paar Getränke für heute und morgen Abend kaufen und dann Feierabend.

      👋 Liebe 🐧🐧🐧
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    • Day 8

      Beautiful Venice

      September 29, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      We love our room here, with the very Italian decor and enormous four-poster bed…and we feel totally independent - we come and go with no interaction with reception as they are on the other side of the campo…there is a perfect pasticceria just below us with juice squeezed, coffee and delicious pastries. We couldn’t find satisfactory pastries in Rome, but Venice has redeemed the standard of Italy…

      After breakfast we walked to the station along the main route, just to test how far, and how difficult it would be to wheel bags! Venice is not amenable for cripples! Anyway, we decided it wasn’t too bad, and walked back and on to the Accademia where we had booked entry for 10.30. Had a lovely time there, there was a glass exhibit, but all the old works by Venetian masters were what we really loved - lots of Bellini, Tintoretto, Titian and our very favourite enormous painting by Veronese of Feast at the House of Levi…just wonderful with so much funny detail…once we had found that we were satisfied.

      It was a cool morning when we set off, and clear and blue sky…(I don’t think I’ll ever check the weather app again)…!! After the gallery we wandered along to Santa Maria della Salute. Bought a sandwich and ate them on a park bench….we noticed the water is quite high, and walking along to Salute, where the water is the lagoon and not an inside canal, it was lapping over the edge when boats went past…a bit tricky walking…sat and admired the view from Salute and gondolas floated past, with gondoliers singing “funiculi funicula” …only in Venice!…and when we finally got back to S Marco the piazza actually was flooded and they had put up the walkways to walk above the water…it wasn’t very bad, but Amr and I have never experienced the acqua alta before, so it is an experience…just hope it doesn’t get too drastic in the next few days!

      Tomorrow is Amr’s birthday, and we have decided to have his birthday dinner tonight (and that will be his birthday in Oz) as tomorrow night we go to a concert in La Fenice, the famous opera house which was destroyed by fire a while ago, and I have never been inside…so tomorrow we will have a small early dinner before that, and tonight we can enjoy dinner at leisure.

      We have booked a restaurant right near our hotel and right on a canal. Before that we are going to walk along the Fondamente Nuove, and to the Jewish quarter. Just looked out the window and see that it is in fact raining!!! Clouds seem to come and go quickly here - it did sprinkle slightly a while ago, then I saw sun and shadows…we’ll still venture out, maybe with umbrellas.

      …well we did venture out and had a lovely walk to the Jewish quarter, and then along the Fondamente Nuove with a wonderful view over to San Michele, the cemetery island, and with a cloud view showing the very fickle weather here…it rained and it was sunny during our walk…We passed the hospital, with the dock for ambulance boats (as in the Donna León detective books) then we walked back, stopping at a little square near the huge church of S Giovanni and S Paolo for a pre dinner drink…we have noticed that EVERYONE is drinking aperol spritz…it is THE cocktail…wherever we go..! I usually have Campari (which is also de rigueur) and Amr does have an Aperol! So we fit in! Arriving back in S Marco the high tide had receded and the alta acqua boards had been taken down (till the next high tide)..then went to the restaurant for dinner…lovely special birthday dinner, right near our hotel.

      We walk a lot…usually around 20 kms a day…today Amr’s Apple Watch said 20 and mine said 18, but we had been walking together…so who knows…but we are keeping fit and active!
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    • Day 25

      Last of Venice :(

      June 3, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      On the last night (after our bike ride and spritz) we went out for dinner with Flora, Rick and Gemma, the people we stayed with. They were so so nice and also helped pack us lunch for train the next day 🥰
      Here is me eating a mussel, I hope you like. And we dipped bread in the mussel bowls liquid (?) and that was one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. Same with the mash you can see under the octopus 🐙 Gemma was enjoying it too. We played more with Gemma catching the ferry back and then I’ve put some more photos of our room and the water right next to us in too :)
      You can see me standing on a ledge that is basically a window sill and one toe off that and I’m swimming. We sat on it and dangled our feet in the water that’s how close it was. Teenagers would come past in their boats at night which was quite cute and funny that that’s so common even though there aren’t any cars on the island and their homes are surrounded by water¿
      Also the garbage truck and posties and ambulance are all by boat too- I have never seen anything like this.
      We were actually so devastated to leave so soon and we only did that to go see Rosa in Copenhagen but we will 100% be back because it was one of the most amazing places I have ever seen.
      Hope you enjoyed the run down ! See you next time xx
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Venice, Venedig, Benezia, البندقية, Venecia, Венеция, Venecija, Venècia, Benátky, Βενετία, Venecio, Venezia, ونیز, Venetsia, Venise, Vignesie, Venecia - Venezia, ונציה, Velence, Վենետիկ, VCE, Venesia, Venizia, Feneyjar, ベニス, ვენეცია, 베네치아, Venetia, Venedeg, Venies, Венеција, Venetië, V'nise, Wenecja, Veneza, Veneția, Vinezzia, Benetke, Venediku, Venedik, ۋېنىتسىيە, Венеція, Venezsia, 威尼斯

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