Santa María Colotepec

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    • Dag 79

      Surf vibes in Puerto Escondido

      21 december 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      4 days ago I took the 12 hour overnight bus 🚎 to Puerto Escondido. I am not particularly sleeping well in moving vehicles or loud or bright environments. Unfortunately, I almost need perfect conditions to sleep. 😬 Neither the route through the mountains with its long succession of countless serpentines nor the fact that the bus was cooled down to freezing temperatures 🥶 helped. I already had long trousers, a jumper over my t-shirt and my sarong from Indonesia that I use more and more as a blanket but I wished I had at least one more layer of clothing. So, I arrived pretty sleepy 😴 in Puerto Escondido in the morning of the 20th of December. I have met a nice couple from the Netherlands on the bus ride and we shared a taxi to my hostel. They opted to walk 🚶‍♂️ to my their hostel which was 10 min. away. Once I arrived in my hostel (the „Huitzilin“) I tried to rest a little bit. It was still quite early which is why I couldn’t check in but the place was pretty comfortable with many sofas and a hammock in the public areas. After breakfast I went to Zicatela beach 🏖️ which was located only 5 minutes (walking distance) away. To my surprise there were only a few people at the beach and the waves 🌊 were in general more suitable for surfing than swimming. I went into the water to cool off anyway.
      The sun ☀️ shines very strong here at the coast of Oaxaca state and I didn’t bring sun screen to the beach. So, I could only stay for an hour since I didn’t want to risk getting sun burnt. I chilled a bit in my hostel before I set out again to visit Brisas in the southern part of the very stretched out Zicatela beach. It’s a densely packed spot with lots of shops, restaurants and bungalows that serve as accommodation. Here I really felt the surfing vibes 🏄 Puerto Escondido is known for. Many tourists drove around in a scooter which reminded me of my time in Indonesia. If I had spent more time in Puerto Escondido, I also would have rented a scooter 🛵 It simply didn’t fit well with my current travel plans.
      I went to bed 🛌 early that day. I was still tired from the lack of sleep in overnight bus in the night before and in addition, I had agreed with Helena (from the US) to attend a whale watching tour on the next day at 7 am.

      In the morning, I got up at 6:15 am ⏰ and walked in my wind blocking jacket, t-shirt, bathing trousers and flip flops for 30 minutes all the way to the meeting point at Playa Principal. The sun was about to rise at that time and it was still a bit chilly. So, I was grateful for that exercise 😅 Helena was already waiting there as she was watching the sunrise earlier from a specific lookout with some friends.
      The whale watching tour was good. We were promised a 100% probably that we would see Humpback whales 🐋 … and the tour guide delivered. Whales come to this area between December and January to give birth to their offspring. We were lucky enough to find a family with a young baby which - on occasion - jumped out of the water (see video). The tour was over at 10 am and it was high time for breakfast 🍳 So, I went to the close-by city centre and had scrambled eggs, mexican-style of course - with rice and mole. Then I walked the 30 minutes back to my hostel. This time I started sweating pretty quickly 🥵 due to the hot temperatures during the day. Therefore, I took a quick shower and went straight to the pool as soon as I was in the hostel.
      In the afternoon, I met with Matt (from the UK) that I got to know during the time in my hostel in Oaxaca. He is traveling almost the same route as me 🗺️ and also during the same time frame. So, we will probably run more often into each other in the future. We went to Playa Carrizalillo - one of the prettiest beaches in Puerto Escondido. But that meant that the place was packed. Here we also (kind of randomly) met Barrie and Louise - two girls from the US and Canada that I had briefly chatted with during my visit to the Botanical Garden 🪴 in Oaxaca. They were staying in the apartment hotel that houses the restaurant which Matt had picked for dinner and thus could help us make a reservation. It has a beautiful view and thus it is very busy during sunset. 🌅 Eventually, Barrie and Louise joined us for some drinks while we had our excellent dinner. Afterwards they even invited us for some mezcal 🥃 in their apartment. It was already quite late when we had emptied the bottles of mezcal and the girls haven’t had dinner yet. So, we ended that cheerful evening and left the apartment. The girls went to some restaurants close-by. Matt and I took a taxi 🚕 back to our hotels respectively hostels.

      On the next day Matt and I made a day trip to the little hippie and beach town „Mazunte“ 🏖️ It is a nice and quiet place approximately 1,5 hours east of Puerto Escondido. It combines all good characteristics of Puerto Escondido in one place: a nice beach with calm waves like at Playa Carrizalillo, only few people 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽 on the beach like at Playa Zicatela as well as many shops, restaurants and bungalows as in Brisas. And in addition you get a very relaxed vibe. We spend almost all day there and where only back in Puerto Escondido to watch the sunset. When we stepped out of the bus there was suddenly a small parade consisting of a mother and her child in a horse-carriage and maybe 50 horse riders dressed like cowboys 🤠 I have yet to find out what that was about but it was an interesting scene nonetheless.
      In the evening, Matt and I met again with Barrie and Luis for dinner in the city centre. It was their last night in Mexico 🇲🇽 On the next day they would fly home for Christmas. It was again a nice evening.
      But before meeting the others for dinner, I had to change from my hostel to a hotel right across from the station where I wanted to take the long-distance bus 🚎 back to Oaxaca from on the next morning. Instead of the night bus I had to take a bus that runs during the day. Anything else was already completely booked out. I guess, this is normal during peak season. But I don’t mind it. That way I had time to write this post, reflect on a few things and I take a look at the beautiful country side Mexico 🇲🇽 has to offer.
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    • Dag 147

      Chiller tag in Puerto Escondido

      24 februari, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Hüt mache mer eus en gmüetlich tag a de playa Carrizalillo wo eine vo de schönste stränd in in Puerto Escondido söti si. De Strand isch mega schön aber Dios Mio het das vill lüüt🙈🙈. Will mir kein Sunneschirm hend hemmer wellä uf liggebetter. Sie hend eus 500 Pesos, öpe 25CHF, verrechned die banditä 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. Am schluss hemmers zahlt will mer müed und heiss ka hend😅. Puerto Escondido, wo uf dütsch de verstecki hafe heisst, isch nüme ganz eso verstecked🙃🙃.

      Am Abig hemmer de sunne undergang am strand glueged und dezue es ceviche sowie au tosdadas de camarón gesse.
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    • Dag 142

      Ersti Schuelwuche

      19 februari, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C


      Da s am Adi leider nöd guet gange isch, isch d Jeannine am Mäntig alleige it Schuel.
      D Klass het I de Regel 2 SchüelerInne und ein LehrerIn. Mir händ 2x 2h pro Tag buecht. D Jeannine isch mit emene ältere Engländer I de Klass gsi, wo chum es Wort usebracht het. Am Mittwuch het den die eint Lehrerin gmeint, ich sölli doch D Klass wechsle, wasi den ab em Do han chönne mache.
      De Adi het den am Mittwuch de ersti Schueltag gha. Er isch mit enere ältere Inderin us England I de Klass, wo e rächti Besserwüsserin isch🙈
      Nach de Schuel hämer nöd viel gmacht, sind vorallem i eusem Apartment gsi, in Pool dete ghüpft und händ den öpis chlises kochet.
      Am Do hämer en Roller gmieted, dass mer chli flexibler sind. Am Abig hämer den u Lust uf mexikanisch gha und sind ine chlini Taqueria am Strasserand. D Jeannine het leider es chlises Steindli im Ässe gha und het voll druf bisse. Debi isch en Teil vo ihrem Zah abbroche🤪🫣
      Es schiint zum Glück nöd so schlimm zsi, da sie kei Schmerze oder öpis het🤞🤞🤞.

      Am Fritig Abig simer de Sunneuntergang am Strand go luege. Wunderschöööön😍
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    • Dag 25

      Puerto Escondido & die Pazifikküste

      22 januari 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      -die letzten Tage in Puerto Escondido waren sehr entspannt. Wir waren an einigen schönen Stränden im Ort, haben viel gelesen und gut gegessen.
      -nun sind wir on the Road und düsen die Pazifikküste entlang.
      -unser erster stop war ein wunderschöner verlassener Strand, Agua Blanca, mit vielen Palmen und niemanden außer uns. 🌴
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    • Dag 14

      Puerto Escondido

      12 april 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Nach einem kurzen Flug von Mexiko City nach Puerto Escondido standen zwei Beach Days vor uns. Am Flughafen trafen wir ein deutsches Pärchen das auch mit dem Taxi in die Stadt wollte.
      Leider hatten Sie kein Geld bei sich und der Bankomat war auch defekt. Da es unser Nachbarland ist und wir die Deutschen lieben 😉, fuhren wir zusammen in die City.
      Wir tauschten unsere Nummern aus um uns nochmals zu treffen und Travel-Stories zu erzählen. War ganz lustig.. doch der Spass war bald zu Ende. In unserem Guesthouse angekommen ging es schon bald los mit dem Gekotze und der Scheisserei. Die ganze Nacht ging es so weiter.. zum Glück war es eine kurze Nacht, denn wir mussten um 6:00 früh das Haus verlassen um weiter zu reisen.
      9 Stunden Bus fahrt hatten wir vor uns…
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    • Dag 56

      Hola Mexico!

      16 januari 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Sooo liebi lüüt, jetzt wärdeder zuegspamt 😅
      Üsi erst wuche z mexiko möchemer nämlich e chline roadtripp a de küste vo oaxaca entlang.
      De reisetag es wie erwarted sehr müehsam ond langwiilig gsi...üses reisebingo heds chli ufglockeret aber es esch gliich no vill warte ond astah gsi...
      Mer send vo san jose in costa rica zerst mal uf mexico city gfloge wommer denn meeeega lang hend müesse astah bim ireise, bi üs esches de nor 3 minute gange...keeei ahnig was die alli möched 🤷‍♀️
      Zum glück hemmer gnueg ziit iplaned ond so hemmer denn nomol chönne go ichecke ond denn esches wiitergange uf puerto escondido. Es esch scho halbi 11i gsi i de nacht ond so semmer denn diräkt mitm taxi is hotel ond is bett.
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    • Dag 10


      5 februari 2023, Mexico

      Hüt heimer mau ender e gmüetleche Tag gmacht. Mir hei am Strand gläse, hei üs e Kokosnuss gönnt und si de später zure Organisation wo sech um Schildchröt kümmeret. Dört heimer dörfe d Babys freilaa.

    • Dag 9

      Puerto Escondido

      4 februari 2023, Mexico

      Mitemne Minibus simer hüt nach Puerto Escondido gfahre. Dr Wäg isch vou gsi mit Kurve und Bodewäue aber womers de gschafft hei, isches ändlech wärmer gsi. Mir si de no churz a Strand es Bädli ga nä und am Abe fein ga ässe u speter ga Billarde.Läs mer

    • Dag 149

      San Cristobal de Las Casas ⛪️

      24 januari, Mexico ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      J’ai pris le bus à 21h30, et c’était repartis pour 15h de trajet de nuit ! J’ai fais mon meilleur dodo, je me suis réveillée à 10h30 le lendemain, juste avant qu’on arrive 🥰
      J’ai pu faire mon check in à l’auberge direct, trop génial ! J’en ai profité pour terminer ma nuit 😴
      Puis je suis partie explorer cette nouvelle ville au cœur des montagnes de Chiapas 😍
      L’auberge est très mimi, c’est comme une petite maison, on vit clairement chez des gens haha ! Il y a deux énormes chiens qui sont adorables
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    • Dag 12


      11 oktober 2016, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      "El amor es para dos - no para tres" 😂 nachdem wir einige Delphine gesehen haben, darunter auch eine Gruppe, die mit einer Schildkröte "gespielt" hat, wurden wir Zeugen, wie zwei Schildkröten "más tortugas" machen 😁 leider ist ein Tourityp daraufhin ins Wasser gesprungen und hat sie dabei gestört, die beiden sind nichts wie weg (kein Wunder...) Was für ein Idiot!Läs mer

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