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    • Hari 198

      Die letzten Tage in Namibia

      3 Februari 2023, Namibia

      Vor einigen vielen Jahren entschied sich der internationale Astroverbrand, in welchem Land die offiziellen Sternwarten stehen sollten - Namibia oder Chile. Die Entscheidung fiel auf Chile. Namibia musste also auch wundervolle Sternenhimmel ohne viel Luftverschmutzung haben, dachten wir uns...
      Unsere letzten Tage in Namibia standen an. Einen wirklich wirklich tollen Sternenhimmel hatten wir jedoch noch nicht gesehen. Lag wahrscheinlich auch daran, dass wir meist gegen 22 Uhr todmüde ins Bett fallen.

      Lisa und Sternenhimmel ist eine ganz große Liebe. Daher wollten wir einmal in den drei Wochen die Nacht zum Tag machen. Also schliefen wir eine Nacht in der Wüste. In unserer kleinen Hütte konnte man das Bett auf den Balkon schieben - welches nach 3 Wochen Camping zudem unglaublich bequem war.  22 Uhr, 23 Uhr,... leicht bewölkt, Mondschein. Hm...war wohl ein teurer, sternenarmer Spaß. Wir entschieden uns auf den Hotelangestellten zu hören und stellten den Wecker auf 3 Uhr.

      Der Mond ging nach und nach unter. Die Sterne wurden immer heller. Wir fanden uns Mitten in der Milchstraße wieder. Umringt von unendlich vielen Sternschnuppen. Das war wohl der schönste Sternenhimmel, den wir je gesehen haben.

      Den nächsten Halt machten wir in Kollmannskoppe, unweit von Lüderitz, eine nicht mehr bewohnte, im Sand versunkene, deutsche Geisterstadt. Früher war dieser Ort sehr reich, da hier die ersten Diamanten Namibias gefunden wurden. Unsere deutsche Stadtführerin zeigte uns die Schlachterei, den Eismann, das Krankenhaus und all die weiteren Gebäude, die auf deutsch beschriftet wurden. Ein wirklich spannender Abstecher in die deutsche Vergangenheit Namibias.

      Weiter ging es für uns in Richtung Fish River Canyon. Leider darf man aktuell nicht im Canyon wandern, da es zu heiß ist. Und ja, wir können bestätigen, selbst außerhalb des Canyons war es bullig heiß. Wir fuhren Aussichtspunkte ab, spazierten entlang der Canyonklippe und genossen eine ganze Weile die Aussicht.

      Dies war das letzte Highlight für uns in Namibia. Denn am selben Tag ging es für uns über die Grenze zurück nach Südafrika.

      Highlight der Tage: das super bequeme und kuschelige Bett auf dem Balkon unterm schönsten Sternenhimmel der Welt mit dem besten Freund der Welt

      🔜 Pretoria & Sodwana Bay, Südafrika
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    • Hari 64


      14 Februari 2023, Namibia ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      We eventually made it to Luderitz after the breakdown as a kind German family gave me a lift to find a tow. The next day while Ori sorted the car I went on a boat trip to see the bay, famous for its penguins. By coincidence, the German family that gave me a lift to town were also on the boat! We also saw seals and were lucky enough to see dolphins as they followed the boat jumping in its wake.

      The next day we visited Kolmanskop, an old diamond mining town that was abandoned in the 50's and has been reclaimed by the desert. It was a very beautiful and surreal ghost town to walk around. Nowadays there is a huge area of land to the south of Luderitz to the S. Africa border that is totally off-bounds because of the diamond industry.

      Kolmanskop was our last stop in Namibia, so we hit the road and travelled the 750 km to our first stop in South Africa, before parting ways. Ori was off to Johannesburg and I was off to Lesotho!
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    • Hari 78

      Walves Bay, Namibia. Day 2

      1 April 2023, Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      On our second day in Walves Bay we had a private tour to Naukluft Park Sandwich Harbour.
      There were 12 in our group in three 4x4 cars.
      A wonderful tour - going to Sandwich Harbor dunes, seeing birds, wetlands and wildlife.
      At the end a picnic of Oysters, meat, fish and desert accompanied with a glass of Champaign for lunch.
      As these were not enough, on the way to the ship we stopped at the local restaurant for more food. Everything was delish.
      Boris did not go with us, too much walking in a deep sand, so I deliver some food for him.
      Beautiful day!
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    • Hari 112

      Lüderitz, Namibia

      2 April 2023, Namibia ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      New-to-us Port #29.

      A glorious sunrise while we were still hours from reaching Lüderitz. I always consider a colorful start to the day as a good omen for what lies ahead.

      Indeed, we had a great day. Partly due to the fact that the wind was light. This is an important factor in this part of Namibia, which sees very strong winds 250+ days out of the year. Sand and wind don’t play well, after all.

      Another reason we had a great day was that we managed to book a tour on the pier from the concessionaire who manages a nearby ghost town … Kolmanskop. But that story is for the next footprint.

      After our tour, we asked the shuttle driver to drop us off at the church we had spied atop a hill. This was also the area where we knew there would be some colorful buildings dating back from the German colonial period.

      We visited the church … 🙂. Felsenkirche (aka Church of the Rock) was built for the German Evangelical Lutheran congregation in 1911-12. Inside, we found beautiful stained glass windows … the ones along the sides donated by the German aristocracy … the one at the altar a gift from the German Emperor.

      We strolled down the street with the colorful buildings 🙂. Fewer than I expected, but still good photo ops. In the cigar/gift shop housed in one of the buildings, we saw a jar labeled Izmir … my hometown in Türkiye. Turns out that it was one of the brands of tobacco they sell at the shop.

      We missed visiting the beautiful home built by a German businessman 🙁. Apparently, he did so to impress his wife … and to hopefully convince her to stay in Lüderitz. It didn’t work and they returned to Germany. We’ll have to catch the house next time.

      We wrapped up our stroll with a delightful meal at the Portuguese Fisherman, a restaurant recommended by a local woman. Rustically charming … fishing nets hanging around the outdoor seating; the bow of a fishing boat set up as the waiting area; picnic benches in lieu of tables. The place was hopping with passengers from the ship … as well as crew and staff. We were seated at a table with fellow passengers, and enjoyed the company of Nancy and Tom, who turned out to be from Colorado as well.

      Returning to the ship after our satisfying lunch, we went through the departure face-to-face immigration process (this time retaining our passports for the immigration formalities in South Africa), and then enjoyed quiet time on the ship.

      Dinner tonight was the Chef’s Market Dinner at the Terrace Café. On the menu: crocodile, ostrich, springbok, and goat … and a whole bunch of other specialties of the country we will be visiting for a week after we spend a day at sea tomorrow.

      Oh, and yes, we had more color in the evening sky … a lovely sunset!
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    • Hari 78

      My FIRST Haircut-

      2 April 2023, Namibia ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Yes, it has been 77 days (11 weeks) and way over time for a haircut. In this small town of Luderitz in Namibia on a Sunday, there was almost nothing open except for a barber. The barber shop was barely big enough for 4 people to fit in there. I had the proprietor, Itsaboy (yes, that’s his name), cut my hair. Since we had some difficultly communicating, he offered to have me pick a style based on the numbered haircut styles. Karen jokingly picked #52, (the one with the airplane carved out) … I didn’t think it was that funny since Itsaboy didn’t know we were joking. It all worked out great, fun experience and a great haircut.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 7

      Namib Desert

      29 Mei 2023, Namibia ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Die Namib Wüste ist die älteste und trockenste Wüste der Welt.

      Weckzeit 5:30 Uhr
      Beim Sonnenaufgang Oryx und kurz darauf auch Zebras, Kudu, Giraffen, Springböcke gesehen.
      Mittagspause in einen sehr schönen Restaurant in Helmeringhausen, da eine der Autobatterien geschmolzen. Behelf bis zum nächsten Ziel.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 53

      Fish River Canyon

      28 Juni 2023, Namibia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We left Henry behind to prepare dinner. Patrick dropped us off. We had a 2.5 kilometre walk to a sunset viewpoint where he would pick us up again. We could go at our own pace. We began by walking up to the edge of the canyon for our first view of it in all of its splendour. There was a real wow factor as we looked down in to it.

      Fish River Canyon is the largest canyon in Africa and the second most visited tourist attraction in Namibia after Etosha National Park. It features a gigantic ravine, which is about 160 kilometres long, up to 27 kilometres wide and almost 550 metres deep in places.

      The Fish River is the longest interior river in Namibia. It cuts deep into the plateau which is dry, stony and sparsely covered with hardy drought-resistant plants. The river only flows intermittently. It usually floods in late summer. For the rest of the year, it becomes a chain of long, narrow pools.

      We took plenty of photos, and then set off to walk back to the pick-up point. As the sun sank lower in the sky, the colours on the rocks kept changing. It was hard to stop taking pictures! At the viewpoint, we waited for sunset. Patrick and Laban brought us a curious selection of snacks and drinks to have while we waited. There was sweet red and sweet white wine, coke, sliced cucumber, pieces of cheese that were still a bit frozen, biltong (which was labelled as ‘moist meat’!), and squares of milk chocolate (mint and fruit ‘n’ nut varieties). We might have raised our eyebrows at the choices, but we appreciated the gesture. Nathan from Australia made a ‘sandwich’ with all the ingredients we’d been given in one go. Nobody else fancied trying it! 😂

      When the sunset itself came, it wasn’t that good because of the build up of cloud, but the light on the rocks before and after the sun went down was stunning!

      Back at camp, Henry had got a fire going which was very welcome as we were all pretty cold. For dinner, he’d made a delicious vegetable soup followed by lamb leg steaks cooked on the braii served with crushed potatoes, coleslaw, and vegetables. The lamb was really good!!

      After dinner, we stayed by the fire chatting. We didn’t stay up late, though, as we have a very early start tomorrow.
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    • Hari 2

      Day 2 - Ais Ais to Aus

      6 Agustus 2023, Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Drive: 333km

      We woke up early by what we thought were guys shouting very loud in in the valley, thinking how strange that was. Turns out it was baboons. We are in nature now!

      Leo got out of bed to watch the sunrise turn the mountains pink. Finishing a book, brewing a pot of coffee and preparing a nice breakfast for us while Lars slept in a bit. After scrambled eggs and avo, we packed the car and took a little stroll to explore the canyon a bit and then it was time to head to Aus.

      Cruizing at a smooth 120km on these silky gravels roads, we encounter their artist. A single man and his tractor - working on the roads, ensuring they stay smooth - driving on for days in the middle of nowhere. Thinking to ourselves he would be the perfect hero of a Namibian novel.

      We were driving along the Orange River, the natural bordel between Namibia and South Africa, where the dry and rocky desert contrasts with the lush greenery of the river bed. Meandering inside the canyon, admiring the early spring flowers and birds in the river, we had our first set back.The dreaded flat tyre! Despite the very efficient team effort to replace the tyre, the spare tyre’s speed regulation slowed us down by 2hours.

      Arriving a little later than planned in Aus, we had our second set back: the camp we wanted to stay at was fully booked (one of the few we hadn’t booked in advance). This turned out to be a blessing in disguise as our options were to book a bnb room or to go wild. We decided on the latter and found a secret wild camp spot tucked between an empty strip and massive boulders. We set up our camp just in time to climb up the rocks for the sunset. Truly in the middle of nowhere, not a soul in sight, only the massive red African sun coming down on the silent plain.

      A wild camping wouldn't be perfect without a real gourmet meal! Pasta al' capers, Limone y oregano by the fire and under the spectacular stary skies. End of another beautiful day!

      See below the picture and day recap video
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    • Hari 3


      20 September 2023, Namibia ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Gegen 18.30 Uhr haben wir schließlich den Campingplatz bei Keetmanshoop erreicht, wo wir auch wieder Abendessen bekommen haben. Dies bestand heute aus Steak der Oryxantilope mit Gemüse. Danach gab es noch den lokalen Schnaps “Steinbock”.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 4

      Fish River Canyon

      21 September 2023, Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Abends haben wir uns auf den Weg zum Fish River Canyon gemacht. Dies ist der 2. größte Canyon der Welt. Wir sind eine Stunde am Canyon entlang gewandert und haben am Ende einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang beobachten können.Baca selengkapnya

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