Nuova Zelanda

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    • Giorno 26

      Kaikoura, Neuseeland

      22 novembre 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Unser Highlight war das Whale Watching! :D
      Wir haben zweimal einen Pottwal (Sperm Whale) gesehen 😍
      Beim ersten Mal ist er recht schnell wieder abgetaucht, weil ihn die schrillen Geräusche der Delfine gestört haben 😂
      Also haben wir noch ein paar Delfine gesehen 😍
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    • Giorno 4


      4 dicembre 2015, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Kaikoura staat er bekend om dat ze veel wildlife hebben. Je hebt de optie om met dolfijnen en seals te zwemmen. Dus ik ben beide gaan doen.

      De dolfijnen waren niet meer in de mood om te spelen helaas maar toen we eenmaal weer om de boot waren werd het plots speelkwartier.

      En de zeehonden waren gelukkig wel heel speels. Op het droge lijken het luie langzame beesten. Maar eenmaal in het water lijken ze wel even snel als dolfijnen. Ze draaien om me heen en kijken me aan met hun grote uitpuilende ogen. Erg leuk!

      Een stukje verder noord is er nog een waterval waar de zeehonden hun pups veilig bergen. Hier kan je van dichtbij zien hoe ze met elkaar spelen. Soms komen ze ook nog even bij jou kijken en spelen ze met een stokje wat je naar ze gooit.
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    • Giorno 72


      2 dicembre 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute sind wir nach Kaikoura gefahren, die Strecke ging wieder durch die Berge und war trotz Wolken sehr schön. In unserem Hostel gibt es eine Backkiste, an der man sich bedienen kann, also haben wir entschieden Cookies zu backen. Die gab es dann zu unserem Adventlichen Kakao-trinken zusammen mit den Advents-TimTams (die kleinen Schokoriegel) 😬 Advent feiert man hier übrigens nicht 🤔
      Danach haben wir noch einen Spaziergang and Meer gemacht, wo tatsächlich noch die Sonne kurz rausgekommen ist.
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    • Giorno 122


      17 febbraio 2019, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Kaikoura ist ein Mekka für alle, die "im-Wasser-lebende-Tiere" sehen wollen und die noch ein paar Dollar für Touren übrig haben 😉. Ich habe sogar den kleinsten und seltenen Hector-Delfin gesehen! Albatrosse sehen so friedlich aus. Wenn es jedoch ums Futter geht kennen sie kein Pardon!
      Auf dem Video ist ein Gruss vom Pottwal.
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    • Giorno 72

      The wine station

      17 gennaio 2020, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      After 3 days of very limited breakfast it was extra nice to have a free and almost unlimited waffle, toasts, cornflakes and coffee breakfast. We certainly made use of that. Then it was time to get to the bus station where our bus to Kaikoura would leave around 9:45. The bus ride wasn't spectacular but wasn't too bad either. It took us 6 hours to arrive in Kaikoura including a 2.5 hour stopover in Blenheim. Blenheim is known for its wine. Apart from wine it doesn't have more to offer than a nice park with a clock tower. We bought some lunch and ate it there while waiting for the next bus. The Internet connection in the bus was decent and for once we didn't overthink things and just booked a dolphin watching tour in Kaikoura for the next day at 5:30 - yes, the sunrise tour. In Kaikoura we had to do quite some walking. First to the hostel and then a 5km return getting food at the supermarket. But it was a nice walk too with views on the sea. We made soms great beetroot wraps.

      To make this post a bit more interesting, here some price indication on New Zealand travel life:

      Hostel bed in dorm: 25-35 NZD pp sometimes including breakfast
      Camping: everything is possible from 0 to 35 NZD pp, on the North Island we mostly camped for 15pp
      Fuel: 2,10-2,30NZD per liter, our small rental cars consume 6-7,5 per 100km
      Small rental car including 0 excess insurance: 100 NZD per day in the Christmas week on the North Island, 40 NZD per day now on the South Island
      A burger, chips or other things at the takeaway for 2 people: 8-18 NZD
      Groceries: 30 NZD per day
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    • Giorno 68

      Day 68/72: SUCH A GOOD DAY

      3 gennaio 2019, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      What an incredible day. Against many odds we managed to do the 2 last things on our list of wild activities. It was the grand finale for our massive travelling adventure, and we saw it out in style.

      The issue being described previously, we woke at 0145 on Thursday morning. The stars were some of the greatest we have ever seen, and after seeing some shooting stars, we set off on the 4 hour journey back down South. We were heading for Activity 1, swimming with dolphins! We didn't know the date of this activity, but on the off chance it was today, drove down. The drive was peaceful and the sun rose as we went on our way. We arrived, and after a short nap, walked to the centre to find that we had booked the activity for the following day. All hope was not lost though, and we waited in anticipation (watching a Ray swim lazily along the harbour wall) to see if anyone would cancel at this hour in the morning (0620). Then, a stroke of luck! The lady at the desk took pity on us and handed us the golden tickets (orange wristbands) of glory that let us through the arches (door) into the changing rooms! We couldn't have moved quicker and soon we were wetsuited up and ready to go.

      We got into the little boat with 8 others and headed out into the harbour in search of the dolphins. We were in search of the Hector's Dolphin, the rarest and smallest sea dolphin in the world (about 1m in length). As they're all completely wild, we were relying on the dolphins playful nature and pure curiosity of us to see them.

      This paid off though, and we saw them, their little dorsal fins breaking and then going under the surface of the water. It was brilliant to see, and after a few sightings of dolphins that weren't interested in the boat we came across a couple that were more enthusiastic. We got into the water and bobbed around in the thick wetsuits. The dolphins came up to us and swam right by us! It was very exciting but they seemed intent on breakfast so we turned to get back in the boat and try again. But then, a little figure pops out the water just in front of us and a blue penguin swims by, just starting his day of fishing!

      We then went on and for a while just watched and looked out for dolphins, until the time came for us to get back in the water! This was brilliant, as the Dolphins came right up next to us and were swimming underneath us and everything! It was so exciting, there must have been about 8 of them! We did that for as long as it took the Dolphins to get bored of us and then got back in the boat, had some hot chocolate and headed back to shore.

      We then went off to Activity 2, whale watching! Whilst we had been swimming, we'd had our wait list slot confirmed so needed to get back to the place we'd left earlier that morning by 1315. The arrival time said 1321 so we set off and headed up north again, arriving just on time!

      The whale watching was incredible. After a brief, we got on the boat and headed out to the sea. The water depth drops suddenly to about 1100m which is where the whales like to dive. We saw ospreys and Dolphins along the way, and the spout of a sey whale which is really rare for this area! We got told different bits of info as the boat trip went on which was great, and we waited for the Sperm whale that was in the area to resurface so we could see it.

      It was amazing to see. The whale resurfaced and the boat went over to a respectable distance away so we could watch him breathe. Sperm whales spend about 5-10 minutes on the surface before diving back down, so we got to bask in it's magnificence before it took its last breath, and slowly dived, his tail coming in an arc out of the water and then dropping beneath the surface. It was brilliant to watch, such a special experience.

      We then drove all the way back down to Christchurch, powered by fish and chips. We knew the next day was just going to be one of packing up and relaxing, so it was better to do all the driving in one day. We got to the campsite at about 8 and found a nice spot in the corner of the field, and settled into our penultimate night in the campervan.
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    • Giorno 147


      8 marzo 2015, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Zije tu 3500 stalych obyvatel a rocne sem prijede pres milion navstevniku. No fuj! Odmitly jsme podstoupit predrazene "whale watching, guided kayaking, swimming with dolphins"...
      ...ale na 4hodinovy walk podel celeho poloostrova (ktery byl mimochodem jeste "nedavno" ostrovem a ktery spolu s okolnimi hrebeny - Seaward a Inland Kaikouras -, co splhaji az do vysky hodne nad 2500 m, patri se svymi 10 mm rocne k nejrychleji se zvedajicim oblastem na NZ) jsme pochopitelne jit musely.
      Pokochaly jsme se super vyhledy, videly par lachtanu, co se tady vyvalovali klidne i uprostred chodnicku, a nakonec se za vsechnu tu celodenni drinu :-) odmenily crayfishem (nevim, jestli je to humr nebo langusta :-(). Teda spis smazenou plackou z jeho masa. Cele zviratko stalo moc dolaru, to na obrazku si dali 2 asi bohati japonsti chlapci ;-).
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    • Giorno 167


      8 marzo 2015, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Basically the first thing we did after arriving in Kaikoura was registering for the beer school on Saturday night. There, we got to try 6 different craft beers and learn a lot about brewing, beer history, and taste. Really, really cool. Even cooler was that we got to know a French couple at the beer school who were actually woofing at the brewer couple running the beer school. They and the brewers invited us to their farm the next day for more beers, a friendly game of crockett and lasagna! A little mishap happened in the process of preparing the lasagna though. While buying the ingredients our new French friends bought - as any sane person would - tomato sauce for the lasagna. What they didn't know is that in NZ all things labelled tomato sauce actually is ketchup! So, we had a ketchup lasagna :-D.

      The other stuff we undertook were accompanied by similar struggles but they all turned out to be great in the end. We were booked on a Sunday whale watching tour which got cancelled. The same happened to the replacement tour. Bad weather would have made for a rather unpleasant ride. But on the coast the weather was actually fine so we went on the 3 hour peninsula walkway. This turned out to be a good thing as the weather on the coast only got worse from there while it got better out at sea.

      Have we mentioned that this country is beautiful? In case we haven't, here it is: this country is beautiful! Not only did we get to see fur seals along the walkway but the landscape was yet again absolutely perfect! You look left and down the cliff and you see beautifully coloured water and think you are in Thailand again. Then you turn right and just off the coast is a range of big mountains, some of which are higher than 2500m and you think you are in the Alps. So great!

      By Monday the weather at sea had picked up enough so we could go on our vastly overpriced tour. And it was great! We saw 2 giant sperm whales (cachalot in French), a couple of dolphins and albatrosses and as a bonus on top a small group of 5 orcas! Soooo cool!

      Now we are on our way to Christchurch, the city from which we will be flying home in exactly 2 weeks!
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    • Giorno 210


      5 novembre 2015, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Wir halten noch immer die Stellung auf der Farm und sobald die Tiere versorgt sind und das Wetter mitspielt versuchen wir die Gegend um Christchurch in Form von Tagestouren zu erkunden. Der nächste davon hat uns in das schöne Küstenstädtchen Kaikoura geführt. Eigentlich berühmt für seine Wal und Delfintouren von dort aus begnügen wir uns mit einem netten Spaziergang an der Küste entlang, darin haben wir ja mittlerweile gute Erfahrung.
      Wir sind schwer beeindruckt von der Landschaft rund um Kaikoura - Meer, Küste, Wiesen und im Hintergrund die schneebedeckten Berge bilden eine tolle Kulisse und bei Sonnenschein und milden 20 Grad lässt es sich schon gut aushalten.
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    • Giorno 27

      Walvissen & Orca's

      3 dicembre 2015, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Van de familie van den Bergen heeft Anika een vervroegd verjaardagscadeautje gekregen, namelijk een tripje op zee om walvissen te spotten. Het weer blijkt goed te zijn, alleen wordt er gewaarschuwd voor lichte zeeziekte. We merken hier niets van, zeker niet als de kapitein zijn luisterapparatuur aan zet en het geluid van een walvis hoort. Nu alleen nog de kunst om op de goede plek te zijn als hij boven komt. Onze kapitein is een oude rot in het vak en spot de walvis als eerste. De walvis spuit water uit zijn blowhole om adem te halen en blijft zo’n 10/15 minuten liggen om vervolgens weer het water in te duiken. Dit laatste is een mooi gezicht omdat de walvis bijna recht naar beneden duikt en zo zijn staart boven het water laat uitsteken. Op naar de volgende walvis! We varen een beetje rond en al snel zien 2 meiden een vin boven het water steken, is het een dolfijn, of zelfs een haai (wishful thinking van Mike). De crew denkt dat het een zeehond is, die in grote getale voorkomt (en dus niet zo boeiend is), maar het blijkt een groep Orca’s te zijn (ja, die van Free Willy). We gaan er meteen op af en volgen deze dieren, een mooi gezicht hoe ze zwemmen en dan weer boven water komen om adem te halen. In het begin zijn ze nog wat ver, maar later zwemmen ze richting de boot en kunnen we ze van dichtbij bekijken. Het meisje welke het commentaar verzorgde vertelde dat dit pas haar 2e keer is dat ze Orca’s ziet, dus dat dit toch redelijk speciaal is.
      De kapitein doet ondertussen zijn gehoorapparaat weer in, en vertelt dat hij niets hoort, dit betekent dat er een walvis naar de oppervlakte zwemt! Nu weer de grap om te bepalen waar hij zal bovenkomen, en onze kapitein is een echte held, want van alle 3 de boten welke inmiddels op het water zijn, is hij er het dichtst bij en hebben we de mooiste uitzichten met de bergen op de achtergrond. Het was een mooie dag!
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    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Kaikoura, Distretto di Kaikoura, カイコウラ, კაიკურა, 카이코우라, Daerah Kaikoura, ضلع کائیکورا, Каикоура

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