Uusi Seelanti
New Plymouth

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    • Päivä 77

      Ducks and Drakes Hostel

      15. syyskuuta 2019, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Bin heute in New Plymouth angekommen und morgen geht es auch schon zum Egmont National Park 😊 Das Hostel hat eine sehr gute Lage. 5min Fußweg zu Pak'N Save (sowas wie Penny o. Lidl) und 15 min Fußweg in die Innenstadt. Das Hostel an sich ist sauber, allerdings sind die Räume nicht so groß🤔😥 (4/5 ✨).Lue lisää

    • Päivä 67

      New Plymouth

      7. maaliskuuta 2018, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute sollte eigentlich ein großer Angelwettbewerb in der Stadt stattfinden, daher war der Campingplatz voll mit Booten in allen Größenordnung und jeder Menge durstiger Angler 😂 die hatten gefühlt die ganze Nacht durchgefeiert und waren morgens zeitig wach in Erwartung des Wettbewerbs, der leider aufgrund des schlechten Wetters (die ganze Nacht & am Morgen Dauerregen 🌧 und ordentlich Wind 💨) abgesagt wurde.
      Ich konnte aufgrund des Wetters mal ein Stündchen länger schlafen 😴. Da der Campingplatz mit einer toller Küche ausgestattet war, haben wir dort unser Frühstück zubereitet und hatten ein paar nette Unterhaltungen mit den gelangweilten Anglern.
      Anschließend ging’s in die Innenstadt. Als erstes hab ich mir die St. Andrews Kirche ⛪ angeschaut. Auch hier bin ich von 2 älteren Einheimischen angesprochen worden und wir haben einige Zeit geplaudert. Danach bin ich gemütlich durch die Innenstadt gebummelt. Am Nachmittag ging’s dann noch auf Grund des schlechten Wetters ins Museum Puke Ariki. Hier habe ich mir die Maori Ausstellung angeschaut.
      Anschließend sind wir mit dem Camper nach Stratford gefahren. Leider hat es den ganzen Abend weiter geschüttet und der Campingplatz steht ziemlich unter Wasser 💦.
      Hoffentlich wird’s morgen wieder besser!
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    • Päivä 182

      Parliament tour & Drive to New Plymouth

      10. heinäkuuta 2020, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We got up early and walked to the Beehive Parliament. We had a 30 minute guided tour inside. Unfortunately we couldn't take any photos inside. We got to walk in to the debating Chamber, banquet Hall and the press room. It was quite interesting. The chamber looked smaller than I thought it was going to be but still impressive. The Chair is the focus of the Chamber. The Speaker chairs meetings of the House of Representatives from this seat which was given to New Zealand by the British Parliament. There is a British coat-of-arms on the wall above the Chair that symbolises New Zealand's relationship with Great Britain. The chair was covered in Sheep's wool, very New Zealand!

      We got back about 12pm and went to apex to hire a car for our North Island road trip. We asked for a small hatchback the cheapest option. In the end they gave us a white Nissan Tilda, medium sized car. Its an old car with wooden interior and beige seats. We've named the car Roy. Can't complain though for only $126 between the 3 of us for 10 days!

      It took us a long 5 and a half hours to drive to New Plymouth. We got stuck in a bit of traffic along the way. When we were near New Plymouth I could already see Mount Taranaki. I couldn't believe how big it was. It was strange to see it on its own with no other mountains surrounding it. We checked in to our hostel Ariki backpackers this evening. Seems okay so far. Comfortable bed and reasonably clean bathrooms. We cooked spag bol this evening. Having an early night tonight ready for a hike to Mount Taranaki tomorow.
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    • Päivä 183

      Hike to Mount Taranaki & Paritutu Rock

      11. heinäkuuta 2020, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      This morning we went over to the i site to ask about hiking to Mount Taranaki. They recommended a 16km hike to the Pouakai Tarns pools where you can get a beautiful view of the Mountain and perfect reflection on the lake. They showed us the live camera up by the mountain and it looked pretty clear. It was sunny outside.

      We drove about half an hour to the carpark where we start the walk. Unfortunately it started to rain a little bit when we started the walk. But we were hoping if may clear up by the time we reached the top. We walked on Broadwalk up lots of steps in the forest. We were walking up steps for about 2 hours. It was beginning to get very muddy, wet and icy. It was never ending these steps. We decided to stop at Pouakai Hut to have our lunch and warm up a bit by the fire. We were all very wet. Next we walked to the Pouakai Tarns. More steps. It was getting very wet and muddy. After about 15 minutes we made it to the Mirror reflection lake. We were all disappointed we couldn't see a thing. Not even Mount Taranaki at all. It was completely covered in cloud and it was still raining. We decided to head back straight away. It was a slow wet climb back down. Legs were aching and we were all very wet. It took us about 5 hours in total.

      After this Conny and Ashleigh wanted to climb Paritutu rock as the weather was sunny and it supposed to be raining tomorrow on our last day here. I agreed but struggled a bit as there more steps to climb. Shortly after, the climb got more demanding and I needed both hands free to get myself up the side of ​Paritutu Rock. I had to scramble up the steep rock. There is a chain along side I could hold on to at times. When we made it up to the top the sun was setting and we had lovely views over New Plymouth City, Mount Taranaki in the distance but still mainly covered in cloud, back beach and the severn Sugar loaf islands. It was a great view from the top. Definitely worth the climb. It was only 15 minutes to the top of the rock but steep.
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    • Päivä 17

      Sur les pentes du Taranaki

      23. marraskuuta 2023, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Ce matin nous étions décidés à aller au Egmond north visitor center point de départ de la voie normale du Taranaki (volcan de 2517 m). Le parcours tracé par mes soins faisait 10 km et 700 m de deniv. Ceci dit les premiers km jusqu’à la Makatawa hut c’était " into the jungle", des racines, de la végétation et bien sur des escaliers et des échelles, ça tape bien dedans.
      La montée finale vers Tahurangi lodge en plein soleil était pas mal non plus.
      Pour les descentes interminables avec leurs put...( ou plutot fu...) escaliers.
      en rentrant on a fait une virée vers la plage de New Plymouth ...sur le port…par contre 1 km plus loin ...magnifique plage de sable noir et monticules sur la mer : Sugar Loaf Islands
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    • Päivä 6

      Costal Walkway

      2. tammikuuta, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      1 1/2 Stunden auf dem Coastal Walkway, immer dem Meer entlang, ins Zentrum von New Plymouth gelaufen. Die Skulptur, die einer Stecknadel ähnelt, heißt „Wind Wand“ (Wind Stab).
      Im der Roof Bar des Good Home einen Kaffee getrunken, müssen ja wieder dieselbe Strecke zurück. Hoffe der Kaffee verleiht Flügel 😅
      Vor dem Rückweg noch kurz auf den Marsland Hill spaziert, der Kaffee hat anscheinend geholfen 😉
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    • Päivä 1

      New Plymouth, NZ

      5. kesäkuuta 2020, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      NZ unlocked.

      The borders are closed, our trip to Europe is cancelled and our planned transition to employment in New Zealand is currently intransiable (ish). What better time to explore our backyard?

      Cat and I are back on the road and we're headed south. We'll be juggling part time jobs, hikes, bikes and bars with some excessive driving distances in the recently acquired Nissan 'Johnny' Qashqai. No, Cat hasn't validated my nickname for our new vehicle, and I'm sure you'll side with her but Johnny Cash is no doubt with me on this one. We've got no bookings, a half baked plan and tickets to ski Coronet peak. Rather unprepared but I did bring a sleeping bag. Suggestions welcome!

      Torrential rain greeted our departure from state highway 1 and followed us on and off to the coast. The clouds eased late in the afternoon in the nick of time for a spectacular view of Mt Taranaki in the setting sun. Lucky us. A few minutes later we rolled into New Plymouth, greeted by local residents Joe and Vanessa and their two boys Arthur (2) and Charlie (8mo).

      Joe and co put us up in their spalacial (yes - the spacious version of palacial) home, and we caught up on many years past with a few beers and a few more rosés.

      Joe and Ness showed us the sights - the waterfront, the wind wand, town, and the local bunnings - but the long and thorough catch ups were the raison d'etre. So good to see they've found their feet and started the family...knowing the Carey's, I'd wager this might be just the start!

      Lunch on Saturday was at Mikes beer garden, where for the first time in a while, I wasn't the biggest grub at the table (thanks Art).

      Major, Cat's great uncle was our final stop on the way out of town. Yes, his name is no longer legal for all you sharp eared pregnant couples. A quick catch up and a well prepared flick through four of the 27 photo albums was all we had time for, before hitting the road to Welly. We're eager to get our hands on Major's memoirs - not just for piecing together the blur of a visit but also to compare with Grandjack's. Cat's copy is in Dargs. We're coming for ya Shirley!

      Cat took my dozy self the whole way to Welly with the aid of some rather terrible podcasts (The scrubs one - never heard such meaningless waffle in my life zzzz). It was raining upwards when we arrived and Anny and Dave had the house warmed up and the lamb on the table as we dripped into their appartment near Cuba St. Spoilt huh?!

      In the essence of keeping good records:
      Covid19 status: Level 2 with 12 days of zero case in NZ.
      Noticeable effect: Cat's hands are sore from repetitive sanitizing. My hands are sore from not writing my contact details in every store. Not.
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    • Päivä 184

      Exploring New Plymouth & Drive to Raglan

      12. heinäkuuta 2020, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Unfortunately we woke up to another grey rainy day but we didn't let it ruin our plans. We first drove to Te Rewa Rewa Bridge. We were hoping the clouds will clear so we get a beautiful view of Mount Taranaki. Unfortunately we couldn't see it again but it was an interesting bridge to walk across. It looked like a breaking wave or a whale skeleton.

      Next we went to Pukerua Park. It had a beautiful waterfall, large lakes, fountains and bright red bridges. We walked through beautiful gardens.

      After this we went to Puke Ariki Museum. We learnt about the history of Taranaki life and the nature here in Taranaki. We then had lunch and drove to Raglan. It was a stunning costal drive there. We arrived in the evening and checked in to Raglan Backpackers. We have our own 3 bed dorm. It seems very relaxed here by the harbour with hammocks outside our room, jacuzzi and small sauna. It's also got a lounge with a fireplace. It's a very relaxed vibe here.
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    • Päivä 23

      New Plymouth

      19. tammikuuta 2023, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute erkunden wir die Stadt New Plymouth. Eine belebte Kleinstadt mit vielen Bars und viel Kunst. Am Mittag bestaunen wir die vielen Graffities. Außerdem können wir bei der jährlichen Steinskulptur-Conbention viele Steinhauer bei ihrer Arbeit beobachten. Abends besuchen wir das alljährliche Lichterfest und sind begeistert von den Farben und der Stimmung.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 78

      Sonnenuntergänge in New Plymouth

      14. toukokuuta 2023, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Sowohl an unserem ersten, als auch an unserem letzten Abend in New Plymouth werden wir mit ziemlich genialen Sonnenuntergängen verwöhnt!

      Nach dem Pouakai Circuit gönnen wir uns an unserem letzten Abend außerdem mal wieder eine Pizza, die beste seit langem!
      Gemeinsam mit Luisa und Franz, die wir auf dem Hike kennengelernt haben, und ein paar Bier wird es ein sehr schöner letzter Abend, bevor es für Rimu und mich wieder hoch zu meiner Gastfamilie nach Whangarei geht.
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