Nomadic November

noviembre - diciembre 2023
Yoga and sailing, breathing and being! Leer más
  • 45huellas
  • 5países
  • 46días
  • 357fotos
  • 30videos
  • 18,1kkilómetros
  • 16,9kkilómetros
  • Día 1

    Getting ready

    1 de noviembre de 2023, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ -2 °C

    Chaos is usually the modus operandi the day before leaving. I didn’t disappoint, although I was packed early!
    It has been an unexpected, fearful and paralyzing 5weeks as past trauma was tripped in my brain. Body was in high alert and my mind turned to mush.
    Travel has never been scary … in some ways, it feels like I am going home, coming into myself. It is familiar and calming… I am looking forward to quieting the mind, relaxing the body and rejuvenating the soul.
    Leading a yoga retreat, exploring on my own, and Sailing on Lorena are all things I can sink into like a warm maternal hug.
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  • Día 2

    Liberia to San Juan del Sur

    2 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Left the house at 4:20am and dropped of my gear to Andréia’s and then dropped of car at Dads. We headed to the airport and flight, plus transfer through Montreal was smooth, however, we sat on the tarmac for 45min waiting for a missing food trolley. Crazy long line at customs but Luis was waiting for us on the other side. We meant up with Sam and Sarah and headed to the border… a 1.5hr drive. We stopped to go into immigration and show passport (Sarah had to pay a exit tax but since we were in transit we did not need too). Luis drove us another 300m and we got out and walked. We checked in with guards along the walk to show passport and then headed to immigration to pay. Andréia was taking photos (to help guide the others through the process), and we had a photographer in our group…. This caused alarm at the border and it took us a long time to get through. Our Nicaragua driver, Eviresto, was really helpful.
    We had a beautiful drive to San Juan del Sur but missed our rental car pick up due to delays. We decided to stop and eat as there was no food at the Villas. We went to El Timon, then headed to the Villas. Once there I stripped down and jumped in the pool. Sam and Sarah joined, and eventually Andréia. I was extremely tired and had a headache, so lights out early for me.
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  • Día 3

    Tropical rain

    3 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    We were up early, at Villa Carcola, and luckily before we went to bed, we checked the coffee situation and requested some. Same made a big pot and used some of our snacks for breakfast. Andréia and I headed to Playa Maderas to meet Faustino who took us to Budget, where we picked up our 4x4, standard, truck. We then went to markets and stores trying to find the food we needed. Typically fruit and vegetables are not expensive, but due to lack of rain they are not plentifully and more expensive. We couldn’t find postcards anywhere (to write a message to our Participant). Back to the Villa and then meet with Ricardo to go over some things and Justa (chef) to discuss other stuff. We were quoted $10 but it increased. Andréia is a skilled negotiator and was able to keep it the same.
    As we were heading to the beach Sarah and Sam were returning.
    Andréia and I enjoyed some splashing in the waves and then it started to rain. We just laid in the rain and silence, and took in natures joy. Back at the Villa we had fun splashing in the rain and we’re greeted with a spectacular lightening show.
    We had a charcuterie board, and some of Sarah’s wine stash (which I bought for her). Andréia and I continued to work on retreat stuff and messages to participants, while Sam and Sarah enjoyed pool time.
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  • Día 4

    Journey to Connection

    4 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Woke up to the sound of the howler monkeys. Another good sleep and early morning. Andréia took us on a tour of the property, to the other yoga Shala, and Sarah made a big breakfast. After breakfast we started moving things down to the villas we will be occupying for the retreat and I took one final uninhabited swim in the secluded pool.
    Andréia left at 11am to run errands and meet with the driver who will be collecting the rest of the participants. I hung behind to set up the rooms and ready for there arrival. We stayed in constant contact with each other and the participants as they got to the airport and through immigration.
    Sam and I headed to the beach to see Faustino to discuss some plant medicine for those in the group who expressed interest. I stayed at the beach for sometime, playing in the waves myself and just enjoying the solitude.
    While waiting for the crew, Sarah, Sam and I had chats and I shared some of my poetry. It felt good!
    The group arrived and shortly after we had a beauty meal together and celebrated Andre and Lynn’s birthday together with a cake.
    Half the crew went to bed and the other half hung out at the pool for an hour before retiring. We didn’t do yoga last night and have switched the schedule to accommodate surfing at 9am which I will try with 4 others.
    Andréia and I are sharing a room and Sarah has her own. We chatted about who would teach and do what tomorrow, I checked InReach and then to bed!
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  • Día 5


    5 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Up to teach yoga…. My first time teaching in Central America (minus some impromptu classes in Belize), since being certified. How amazing is it to come full circle!
    Breakfast was incredible and then off to Playa Maderas for surf lessons (Lynn sprained her ankle on the walk over and Alisha had the board hit her in the neck). I got up… and had a blast!!
    Came back to the Villas at noon and took a dip in the pool before chatting with Andreia. She went to town in the afternoon and took people who needed money and alcohol. I stayed back and worked… but decided to go to the pool and then down to the beach for some fun in the waves again.
    The sky’s opened as we were heading to the big yoga Shala and Andrèia taught a short sunset class as we were worried about getting people knack in the dark.
    We returned, had supper… made transportation plans for tomorrow and I went and taught a Yin class. Then relaxed with some of the tribe before heading to bed.
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  • Día 6

    Sailing with SALT

    6 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Up early and taught a morning meditation at the large Shala, after Andréia taught a core connection class and we had breakfast. The food here is just amazing and we have more than enough to feed everyone for lunch. Today Alisha and Lucie went horseback riding — I walked them to the beach and we meet up with the horses. I hoped on for a photo opt but then headed back to the villas to get a massage. We treated Sam (our photographer) to one as well.
    A group of 8 of us headed to town to go sailing. We all fit in the rented truck.
    The catamaran was amazing, owned by Dan Beardsley, a guy from NS who happened to have come back from Burning man and was on the boat. The ceviche and guacamole was awesome…. Lots of free liquor as well. We anchored in a bay and played in the water and on the paddle board for a long time. Then jumped off the boat (with my blue Ray Bans — sorry Pasq) and now have only a $5 pair of sunglasses. James caught a fish and they gave it to us to bring back… Justa cooked it up with the shrimp for super.
    On the way home I was in the back of the truck and Andrèia took a few wrong turns (easy to do in the dark on dirt roads) and we finally made it back for 7pm in time to eat super.
    The consensus was no yoga this evening so many of them went to the pool, but I was in bed by 8:30 as it had been a long day!
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  • Día 7

    San Juan del Sur

    7 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Started the day with a power flow (that students called a Turbo Power Flow), followed by a beautiful breakfast. A full day planned for the group. Eviresto picked us up at Villa Playa Maderas and took us to the Cristo de La Misericordia. It had been nearly 6 years and my Facebook profile still has the photos. From there we went to the Art Warehouse, and Sarah joined the group to create dream catchers. We then walked around town and made our way to El Timon where we watched the sunset and had a meal together (getting the bills took forever). We all loaded into the one vehicle and I had to stand the who way back… but with the music blasting, it was fun!
    Back at the Villas, Sarah hatched a plan to go skinny dipping in the ocean, so we all headed down to the beach for an au natural swim. Although in this water, you don’t swim, you just play in the big waves and marvel at the beautiful stars!
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  • Día 8

    Going with the Flow

    8 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Last night we realized that the volcano was to far away, and not enough people wanted to go. Alisha was disappointed but we decided to switch the turtles to today. The majority of the day was free time, and people spent it in the pool, at the beach and getting massages. Andréia started the day by teaching Hatha and we closed out the day with a Yin and Reiki session, early super and then the turtles. I was beat and so Sarah, Sam and I hung back. We ended up taking some spectacular night photos at the pool with Sam’s Professional camera. Early to bed!Leer más

  • Día 9


    9 de noviembre de 2023, Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Taught a morning flow and workshopped some things like warrior 2 (Kelly), baby grasshopper (Jennifer) and 8 angle.
    After breakfast I had another massage by Mary and relaxed in the pool. Then headed down to Playa Maderas to say goodbye to Faustino and watch Sam and Lynn surf. Also spent time with Kelly and taking photos of her warrior.
    We juggled class times, super and bonfire to accommodate everyone getting there massage and body scrubs. A couple times during the day Andre and I practiced acro.
    Andréia and I lead another yin and reiki class, where everyone choose an angel card at the beginning of class and at the end they flipped it over. We chose one for the group and it was Energy (mine was ascension). We chatted about it at supper and eventually went down to the beach. A bonfire had been made but not lit, but we got it going and relaxed by the fire — some of the participants went for a final au natural dip in the ocean under the stars.
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  • Día 10

    Travel Day

    10 de noviembre de 2023, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Up early for a sunrise class, then a run on the beach with Sam, Lucie and Andrèia … and a quick dip in the ocean before our final breakfast.
    We had a quick stop at the lake and the. headed to the border. Once we were all crossed, we drove in two vehicles untill it was time for Lynn and I to go to Hacienda Guachilelin.
    We arrived early but the room wasn’t ready so we went to the pool, and here realized that nearly everything on the property was Gluten Free… amazing! I has a passion fruit cheesecake and coffee while waiting for the room.
    Once checked in we caught the shuttle to the hot springs, did a mud bath then explored waterfalls before heading back to the room. We ate hummus and pepperoni and food from the retreat before heading to bed.
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