Making memories

mars 2018 - juni 2024
Setting off on a 7 month trip with my hubby John. 6 months in Europe and 5 weeks in Asia on the way to and on the way back. Les mer
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  • Day 1 & 2 Pre trip log

    18. mars 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Spending family time. Had 3 days with John’s Mum and Dad, then 3 days with my Mum and Dad, now last 3 days with Kristian and a Kate and baby James who turned a big 1! Even had a flying visit from Tim and a Jess, how special was that! 2 days to go!

    Sunday I had the honour of I spending a few hours with my cousin Colleen and her husband David! Seems we have travel in common! It was so great to have this time together been since childhood that we last had quality time together! They are heading to a European river cruise in late May! It doesn’t look at this stage our paths will cross but you never know what will happen!

    Monday was final packing day ohh my goodness what a drama with all my meds on board! I spent 2 hrs getting all the paperwork organized if customs goes through our stuff! I pray not!
    Les mer

  • Dag 1

    Day 1 Off to Singapore

    20. mars 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    So today we are setting off after all these months of preparing ready to leave Oz for 231 days!
    To b honest I do feel a bit apprehensive about the time, I was feeling very happy at home especially with all our Reno’s we have just completed...... and leaving James has been harder than I imagined!
    Everyone tells you once you have grandies you fall in love with them and until you do become a grandie yourself you really don’t know how the little cuties dig their way into your hearts! Plus the poor baby is so sick at present with a bad flu hope he gets better soon!

    But here we are at the airport heading to our first stop Singapore! We hav been here before but so much has changed since our last long stay! We had a very short stay 2 yrs ago this time a few days to see some sights!

    Next stop Singapore now for the customs run!
    Les mer

  • Dag 1

    Day 2 20/03 Robertson Quay here we come!

    20. mars 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Well we made the customs gauntlet and yet I was looked at by the customs girl she kept looking at me intently, I had to say I lost a lot of weight. She had a bit of a hesitation but stamped it, what a relief the first customs and a bit of a pause to the heart! Anyway I am here so all is good!

    We managed to find the cheap shuttle to take us to our hotel $9s, bargain a good start to our cheap travels see how good we can go?

    The shuttle had a number to drop off over the city so great we got a look at Singapore by night as we went and we were the last drop off so great got to see how pretty it looks at night here!

    Our room we yes I know it was going to be small but John didn’t so he was a just a little taken aback on how sqeezey it was! But once we worked out where to put the bags all good, got everything we need and freezing too boot glad I have warms with me!

    On Mum and dads recommendation we tried the Italian Restaurant next door very very popular, great food had a yummy pizza and yep the alcohol is as we remembered very expensive! So only 1 drinky tonight!

    A quick jaunt to the local 711 for water then off to bed! We are only 2 hrs ahead here but feels more!

    A good start to the adventure!
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Day 3 21/03 A day of footwork!

    21. mars 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Tried to sleep in with not much luck, our body clocks are still in Qld time!
    So awake at 4.30am then, 5am, then by 6am we had had enough so out we got!

    The routine has started so cuppa, bible reading for me, computer game for John, showers, drugs, write up the blog off to breaky!
    It is an included breaky here which John loved I couldn’t have much of there food! Lucky I kept 2 pieces of the meat pizza from last night so I could have one today and one tomorrow.

    After trying to use their not very good wifi John headed to the 711 to get 2 $15 SIM cards so we could use our phs. The deal had a great data package it’s for 7 days we are only here 3 but anything to make life easier!

    Phones ready to go with data but couldn’t get it to work as a phone don’t know what we are doing wrong, but if we lose each other we can use What’s App to all each other! So yes bowling crew it does come in handy!

    Around 10 after much stuffing around we headed out for the day by trusty foot!
    Lucky John through in his sandals at the last minute as Day 1 he had a blow out, lucky I packed the glue! Every single trip we have had shoe issues and needed glue so this time I packed it from the last trip I had a shoe blow out! So glued up and stuck under one if our very, very heavy suitcases to set it hopefully to last a bit longer!

    So in our sandals mine which are brand new we set off to discover the delights of Singapore by foot!
    What a day it turned out to be! We enjoyed every minute of the wander 3 is to the gardens by the bay, but I am sure 3ks become 5 or 6 with all our side tracks! But worth every minute!

    After all the sights found by foot we finally made the Gardens by the Bay, wow oh wow what delights it held in store! I said to John there are 2 things in life that I love very much and that’s Sunsets or rises, so that’s 3 and flowers! And this did not disappoint, peach blossoms from Japan in one dome, and orchids abound in the other! I was in 7th heaven. I promised myself to go steady with pic taking in this trip as it’s so very long,but sorry I couldn’t help myself it was just so amazing. Even John got into flower taking as it was so unreal.

    Singapore delights every sense by way of architecture and design! There is just so much diversity from the old to the ultra modern it really is an amazing place to be in! It will be such a contrast to where we are heading but a good contrast!

    I remember the first time we came here this is our 3rd visit I said to John Tim and a Jess would love this City with all its diverse design, they would be in 7th heaven! We will have to see what the future holds for them won’t we!

    Well we made it back in one piece a long day, my feet held up even with new shoes finally picked a good brand Reikers a German brand worth the bite extra I paid I am convinced after today!

    We caught the train back $1.50 each so cheap, and so quick after walking all the way there! We didn’t Kate get to the Roof top bar not dressed for it hope we can do it tomorrow, I really want to see the Gardens by Thea Bay by night light!

    Bought a tiny bottle of wine on the way home $9.50 here what would be $4.50 at home, John found a Radler beer so he was happy!
    All I All a great day, and no I won’t tell you how many pics I took!
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Day 7 Villages of History

    22. mars 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Today our true adventure begins, after all our planning we can set off on the next part that being UK and Scotland! We have our breaky, John has the car packed ready to go, GPS kinda worked out and off we set, planning to only use the Motorway for a short time!
    We found on other trips the true life of any country is off the motorway! So off we set, our first stop truly by accident or more as I spotted the lovely Bridge was Henley on The Thames! What a little treasure trove this village was! Unreal old buildings and really pretty River where plenty of long boat rows were practicing. Heaps of push bikers everywhere all in their Lycra.... and unreal doors I could click away with! We sadly only had an hour and half here but worth every minute!

    Our next stop was Tesco down the Hwy again found by accident, this was where we stocked up with some goodies to eat as our next accomodation is an Airbnb at Bradford on Avon....
    Loaded with all our delights we set off for the next spot that was to be Whitehorse hill.... a massive horse made from chalk stone made around 600 yrs ago and has been where people go to see it on the hill for centuries.
    Once there we realised there was a fair bit of walking involved and sadly we were running out of time to make our Airbnb hosts time she set fir us to arrive!
    The horse was easy to see so amongst the sheep and dare I say heaps of poo sheep poo, we walked as far as time allowed took a few shots and back to the car to get to our spot!
    As the roads are so narrow travel time is longer than we planned so we had to text Marsha to let her know we would be late!

    Once we found the Bradford on Avon village hitch 1 the road was blocked where we had to go to get to her house, we tried a number of ways all to no avail. So in the end we phoned her to ask how we could get there. By now we were over an hour late! She had forgotten that they were closing the bridge for 24 hrs for repairs, as she had been in London for the weekend..... just happened it was the 24 hrs we were arriving so made it difficult to get to her house! We had to go back to the next village Trowbridge to drive around the Avon and come in another way.... lucky for us there was another way!

    We found it and yep it was a little room self contained built into the back yard a small backyard compared to ours.... the room was neat and tidy with most stuff we needed!

    Marsha is lovely younger than I thought she would be, but we still unsure Airbnb is for us you are beheld to a family or owner in most cases and have to fit in to their schedule. Which is fine but puts you under pressure, this you really don’t have as much with hotels! down side of hotels not in most cases self contained! We really thought this place had a washing machine as we need to do some washing, but nope it hasn’t and only a microwave I had bought sausages to cook for breaky, looks like nuked snags coming up!

    The village is unreal in itself so quaint and pretty can’t wait to explore it!

    Our night went ok had soup and John had nuked bangers and mash. The room is ok comfortable enough but you are in someone’s yard! See how it goes we have 3 nights here!
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Day 4 Another hard day on the feet!

    22. mars 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    What amazes me about Singapore (and sorry for those who have read previous blogs) I am blown away by their architecture. Last longer stay here I was amazed, but since then they have built even more unreal buildings. This place is full of design and interest! But way, way too dear for budget travellers. So a good thing we are only here for 2 days!
    Staying at the Robertson Quay Hotel in Clark Quay.

    Our day started with me having a Melt down with my phone and the computer, trying to unload all my pics as the phone is full to the brim. I really am over having a 16g phone for a photographer that’s like an ant! But it is what it is so put up with it.....
    I can hear John in my ear! It was so full it kept shutting down Instagram my program I share me pics to the world! That and the fact I hadn’t pre set up my 2 baby hard drives that I upload my pics to daily had me going around the twist. But survive I did and poor John trying to cope with my mental break down, I have got to get more patient with this process if both of us are to survive 7 months of pic taking.

    We set off again on foot to find a camera parts shop as the grip on my 18-300 mm lens has stretched and if no use... over worked the poor thing. After a bit walk we found the store only to be told no they don’t sell parts. So we walked to the nearest train stn and caught the train to the Botanical Gardens. We managed to spend a few hrs there, but in all honesty I really thought Singapore’s BG would be heaps better than it was.... don’t get me wrong it was still lovely but I truly thought it would have a wow factor and it really doesn’t.

    From there we made our way back to the trains, getting the hang of this now and it’s so cheap. This time the destination was The Arab Quarter! Not very big but hit all the senses, worth our visit! Had a great lunch in a Moroccan restaurant yummy food.
    Then a wander around to see all the graffitied walls around the restaurants. From here we walked to see Raffels Hotel again and sadly, very sadly it was all covered up having huge Reno’s done..... so no Raffels shots but plenty of shots of un real buildings....

    We have walked kilometres again today and our poor feet are telling us!

    We set off in this huge shopping Mall to see if we could find an ATM my goodness it was huge and hardly an ATM in sight.... so we walked and walked annnnddd walked finally found one that would let us have just a bit of money, then we saw a cafe with 3 beers or 3 ciders for $ 15 which for here is cheap cheap..... John paid $25 last night at dinner.... so 3 strongbow was ordered and after that we didn’t want to move. But finally did then found a station we could catch and interchange some trains to get home.... Back by 6 pm long day but another day of good sights to delight the senses....
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Day 5 Onwards we head!

    23. mars 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Today we set off for the UK via Dubai. A long day, a long haul.
    However we both managed to fill it easy enough with movies, both watching what we wanted not having to consider each other in the choice! That’s a bit different!

    I watched heaps of chick flicks on both flights, ones I could have a good cry in.
    There is something to be said for Qantas it really is an amazing Airline to go with! Service, food, comfortability all in one! We flew with Qantas for the 1st leg to Singapore then onwards with Emirates even though the whole lot was with Emirates they use Qantas for some legs mainly from Aust!

    Emirates is OK, but just doesn’t come up to the same standard both in, attentiveness and food quality! Comfortability was similar, but all in all it just didn’t cut it the same!

    Our stay in Dubai didn’t happen, we were to have 11/2 hrs here, but as the flight had a delay in landing only due to the holding pattern, we had a mad panic (or should I say me in a mad panic) to get through to the next flight as it was boarding as we landed! We did make it but my goodness was it a crazy 20mins of running trying to find our way through the Dubai airport, onto connecting trains to take you through to a different terminal to get on our flight!

    Then at the last minute we got separated as they wanted to search John, he thought I took off without him, but i was told to keep going..... He was not impressed by the time he found me in our seats....
    but in any airport you do as staff says especially in The UAE..... any we made it ok.... we did meet another couple once we hit London who were really upset about the whole experience, saying in the future they will book longer between flights! In hindsight we could say the same but you consider 1 1/2 hrs plenty of time, guess it’s not! Note to all who travel book plenty of connection time when traveling OS, otherwise the heart gets a good work out, physical by running and emotionally through stress!

    On arriving in London first part was baggage collection, ohhh my goodness this nearly took as long as the flight!....... well that’s an exaggeration but it did take an hour to finally get our suitcases, many others were getting very upset they were so slow, but this is becoming the norm when we travel, baggage collection can be very distressing and slow, so just go with the flow! If they don’t turn up I now pack incase cloths in my carry on and some small toiletries as it has happened before!

    Once we had our belongings we had to negotiate our way from Terminal 3 to Terminal 5 so we could catch a shuttle to our hotel! We soon discovered Heathrow airport is huge with many levels many escalators and nooks to get through to find your way around! But as we didn’t have to rush it was a lot less stressful than Dubai! We did manage with both our very heavy suitcases up escalators trying not to topple over.... we did it....... both very weary and tired but elated we had managed to find our way through the maze! Before we knew it we were at Holiday Inn Express Terminal 5 Hotel. Booked in and in our rooms just before all the hoards of tourists arrived behind us ( we aren’t tourists we are travellers ha ha). Had a light dinner of soup both of us and off to bed, it’s been a huge huge day, but we are here.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 6 The finer details complete!

    24. mars 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    A bit of a restless night with our body clocks out of whack, but we did get some sleep.

    Our room at the Holiday Inn Express Room 228 is just lovely roomy and very comfortable plus breaky is part of it and only cost us $80 aus a bit over the budget but worth it after the huge haul!

    We had our breaky, not bad for what we paid, a hot buffet. I tried a few more bits than normal and paid for it all day! This food business is going to be a challenge....
    Our plan today is to pick up the hire car from Victoria stn.

    1st step was to get back on the shuttlecock. Th Hotel, back to Terminal 5 to find the underground railway to get to Victoria Stn.....
    John is finally realising that asking helps..... so we asked how to at Terminal 5 and yep it went like clockwork all the way! Even had to change trains at Hammersmith to the country line that took us right into the heart of London and Victoria Stn....

    As we had no way of using our phones at this point we headed to Maccas to get the address of where the car was, John had left the paperwork at the hotel😭.
    Well this turned out to be awhile but drama..... nothing goes to plan with us with the small things!
    First step we learnt that the Sims from Singapore which were still in our phones can’t receive texts from Maccas here in we could look up the address... plus all correspondence was on. Our phones but as we could log onto net we could see anything as it wouldn’t down load! Next problem we couldn’t get the new sims out of the phones to put our old ones back in as we needed something like a paper clip to this we didn’t have.... the issue was we had to be at the hire car company by 12md it was now 5 mins too and we had given ourselves heaps of time! I had to head to the loo so while there gave it all to the Lord.... pls help us sort this mess out! While looking in the mirror at the loo I looked at my earrings and realised we could use them to take out our Sims..... Praise you Lord for the light bulb moment! We got the Sims out yep got the phones to work, so we thought we will call them to get the address.... by now we were both in panic mode thinking we would be charged a lot extra cause that is what the contract said! Little did we think about using the Maccas wifi once we got our sims in all we could think about was letting them know we didn’t have their address and a bit lost!

    We called them yes all good.... set off to find them... turns out there are 3 big stations in Victoria 1 the underground, 2 the Express and 3 the Bus coaches Stn and yep you guessed it, it was the bus coaches so no way we would have known that, we could have been hopelessly lost for ages! But God is a wonderful God He does look after us in times of stress and we found the car hire place!

    Then for the lesson.... as we were signing all the paperwork, I get a text fro Telstra to say we had just clocked up $100 on our ph, that quick call cost a fortune, what I did forget was when we got our Sims in Singapore you had to put Mibile Data on to get them to work, not sure why, but in my panic I forgot to turn it off when the old Sim went back in. When Joh checked it last night we discovered by the time we put in our UK Sims it had clocked up $185..... nothing we can do, I must have had something running in the background using data! I have looked to see what but can’t work it out! So note 2 to travellers make sure you always turn off your Mobile Data,I always do but in panic forgot momentarily and now we have to pay big time for a silly mistake!

    On a lighter note we have a band new car upgraded as they didn’t have the one we booked, it’s a Volvo very smick and neat!

    So as we could leave the car parked with Hertz we decided to head out and see some sights. A wanderer around and we found Westminster Abby and Parliament House , a pommy pub for bangers and mash share lunch, a huge March not sure why but seems it was a protest, hundreds of bobbies everywhere! A walk around St James park and yep Buckingham Palace! Some really lovely sights, amazing buildings both old and new!
    On our way back we called into the Underground building where we saw a Vodophone shop after researching we decided in getting Vodophone Sims as they go over 50 countries in Europe and had a pretty good data deal.... so now we have UK phone numbers and can use our data without a huge Telstra bill!!

    By the time we did all this it was nearly 5pm so we hot footed back to get our hire car, then figure out how to get back to our hotel....
    When we signed all the paperwork, the guy asked us do we need a GPS, we said no we had our own, thank you very much.... he was going to charge extra if we said yes! The thing is now nearly all cars have Inbuilt GPS which is all part of the use of the car now a days, they really are shifty buggars, all about the $$$$$. But thank goodness it does have one as it as our way home.

    Back safely on dark, it’s been a very cool miserable day weather wise no sun at all... A friend who has been travelling around the UK for the last 4 weeks told me they have had 3 days of sun in all that time! Ohh well we are in the UK....

    Day over all our planning has come together now let the adventure begin!!!
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Day 7 Onwards to the adventure

    25. mars 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Today is the start of the real adventure! After all our months of planning and putting things into place we can finally say here we go!

    Had our last buffet breaky at The Holiday Express Inn... John had packed our car and spent considerable time trying to figure out the Nav we don’t have but we do???

    Off we set towards our destination making the decision to head off the Motorway to go along the country roads as that is where life is happening!

    Our first stop was Henley On Thames where the hold the Long Row boats regattas. What a truly wonderful delight this stop turned out to be, it wasn’t planned just happened due to the amazing looking bridge we spotted as we drove into town! The plan was to keep going but after crossing the bridge we couldn’t help ourselves.
    We parked and John’s first challenge was to work out how to use the parking meter box.... apparently it was even challenging for the locals as well!
    The weather here is a winters day in Biloela, but unlike Bilo it doesn’t rise above 10 so with a sneaky wind really baring down , we venture out to check out this little village!
    What a truly wonderful delight it turned out to be filled with unreal history and buildings that left us in awe. So much to take in so much history we can’t comprehend!

    We walked around the bridge up the street and too my delight I found a whole street of amazing old doors, I am sure many must have been hobbits in the past as the doors were so short!
    Many of the buildings had crooked supports that were 100’s of years old still supporting these unreal old buildings. It made us laugh as we checked out just how crooked they really were.

    Sadly after taking heaps of door shots and seeing long row boats rowing up the Thames, it was time to head off!

    Our next stop was Tesco found accidentally, but it was time to stock up on food to cut costs! A trolley load later we had all our goodies, just having to remind ourselves everything is double what we pay at home!

    Loaded with goodies we head off to our last port of call to the White Horse in the hill...... the roads we knew would be narrow but this time we have a bit bigger car so more of a challenge to not side swipe someone or be side swiped. We made it to the spot we had planned on to discover it was up a hill that you had to walk to amongst the sheep, plus the poor, and the wind!

    So off we set realising it would take a lot longer than we had, as we had set a time of 3pm to meet Marsha our Airbnb host!
    So after walking in amongst the Lee and poo of the Sheep and unable to get up closer to the Whitehorse made in the 1500 with chalk stone hammered into the hill side in the shape of a white horse! We decided to head off in a hurry to meet out deadline, only after getting in the car and realising it was later than realised we decided to contact Marsha to tell her sorry we are running late!

    She was great about it and told us how to get into our room as she would be out when we arrived!

    We finally made it to Bradford on Avon but discovered that we couldn’t access the road to get to the Airbnb. Seems after we tried for many roads and ways to get there we phoned Marsha to ask how do we get there! Marsha who had been in London all weekend suddenly remembered they were doing up the bridge in town. So with new instructions off we set through the neighbouring village only very big village Trowbridge to do a backwards way to get to our home for the next 3 nights.

    Once here, the reality of this Airbnb even though private was in someone’s back yard and really we aren’t sure about Sharing space with others, but with no opinion this is it! Not all Airbnb’s are about sharing your personal space but to a point when you are in someone’s backyard in cute cottage it’s still their space!

    Well here we are and have to make the best of it on meeting Marsha who was a lot younger than we thought and really lovely what more can you want.

    Plans may be a bit different we had thought but still ok, so here we go fi the next few nights to enjoy the sights of this area and if today is any indication it will be wonderful.

    I had soup, John had nuked bangers and mash we have plenty, and have just realised we won’t have a fridge in the next few places, buggar got too much for the fridge see how we go,
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Day 8 Delighting in old

    26. mars 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Our little cabin in the backyard is turning out not too bad! We set off after another restless night to discover the delights of Bradford on Avon.... and she didn’t disappoint. The wonderful quaintness of all the old buildings were different to many other small villages. On a quick look we thought this one was small to but it’s actually quite large!
    Walking to see the delights we pass by all the terrace buildings all cloned and without personality... Compared to the buildings of old we really have a lot to answer for ours in the last 70-30 yrs are really bland! But they are home to many and after talking to John about it decided if we knew no different we guess we would be living the same! Fortunately we don’t live like this!

    The town itself is built around the Avon River also not very big, but quite pretty and has a lot to offer the people who use it! Some of the houses are built right on the water line unreal when you think about how they did it back in the day! No modern equipment to help them prepare the River banks, just mans hands and simple tools!

    We spent a good few hours walking around and at every turn finding more quaint buildings and sights!
    A cuppa in a warm very large coffee shop with dogs in it, dogs can come into the shops here it would seem and as the floors were wood every time they barked it echoed something terrible! Not looking forward to a total dog friendly country but it is coming in Aus, we can see the writing on the wall! Not that I dislike dogs, I just feel and this is me Restaurants and coffee shops should have them outside.... but with the weather so cold here no one wants to sit outside, hence the dogs inside!
    Our last sight to visit was the Barton Farm and massive most amazing Tithe Barn, the workmanship in the barn with the wood ceiling is just unreal and so beautifully built!

    We headed back to our little abode to make some lunch with all the food we bought, has to be eaten.
    Then off to Lacock another wonderful old village used in the Harry Potter fins for its buildings. So very different to Bradford on Avon, but as interesting as here but different. Again we wandered around checking out the unreal old buildings some in Tudor style that had the most crooked twisted wood supports that are centuries old yet... are still doing the job of holding the houses together! Unreal to see just how it all works even today!

    A cuppa had in old tea house, we didn’t go to the Abbey as planned it’s the main reason people come here, the cost was a bit much with us on a budget it has to be just look from a far for me I am afraid!

    Joh has come down with a flew so once back home I had to dole him up the. He slept for over 2 hrs so late dinner after 8pm here and agin our own goodies.

    Another wonderful day of adventuring to see the sights!
    Les mer