Northern Trek June - July 2018

Haziran - Temmuz 2018
Starting in Los Angeles we will visit California, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and back to Cali. This time in a car we are looking forward to creating a whole lot of new memories with our travelling friends Carl and Paola. Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 17


    1 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    After a great nights sleep in Seattle (no not the movie) we decided that driving into downtown was our best option and parking there for the day. We concentrated on the pier area as there is always something happening there. The famous Pike Street markets were brilliant with the guys at the fish market throwing fish to each other. There was arts and crafts, fruit and veg and any matter of things. It is a must do in Seattle.

    Given that the hop on hop off bus was so good in San Francisco 4 years ago was so good we all decided that the 40 bucks for a 24 hour pass for a similar bus here would be a good idea. We were sadly let down and the tour was probably the worst that we had seen. Completely un informative and a total waste of money. Trip advisor will get to hear of that one.
    A quick pizza at Subway, yes Subway, before we boarded the ferry to Bainbridge Island. The 30 to 40-minute trip was fantastic, and Bainbridge itself is full of boutique shops and restaurants. The shore line littered with drift wood and beautiful houses. We could have spent a day there and our 2 or 3 hours there passed quickly. Drama struck for me on the return trip. All good after a good night’s sleep but I did not remember much about the afternoon.
    We would love to return and explore the islands and maybe do a tour into Canada. Due to our early arrival in Seattle we made the decision to make the Monday a leisurely day and take the coast road 101 to Astoria, so that is the plan for tomorrow.
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  • Gün 18

    Astoria, WA

    2 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    With a day up our sleeve we left Seattle and followed the I 5 to Tacoma and Olympia before picking up the 101 and heading for the coast, Aberdeen, Westport, Long beach to name a few seaside towns.
    We have been watching the recurring land marks of and exploratory expedition of Lewis and Clark and their original outward journey finished in this North West corner of Oregon at Astoria. One year to get here and a year to return and report on their findings through unbelievably hard conditions.
    Our quest to reach these parts was to tick of a bucket list item for Carl and that was to see and drive across the nearly 3 mile span of the Astoria bridge. As I said was passed through Westport a fishing village with its memorial to lost mariners. There was a biting cold North Westerly wind blowing and my brag of going for a swim in the North East Pacific started to be re thought.
    Long Beach Washington is the longest beach in the world and after fish and chips for lunch we drove down to the shore and I at least waded knee deep into the ocean, the water was toe numbingly cold so that was it for me and Paola at least got her feet wet as well.
    From here we continued to Astoria and carl satisfied his bucket list item. It really is an amazing site, crossing the mighty Columbia River. We also visited the Astoria Tower and climber the spiral stair case inside, 164 steps up the spiral staircase certainly got the legs burning but it was worth every step.
    The 101 is an amazing road up the west coast and we are pleased to have covered so much of it in two trips.
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  • Gün 19

    Portland, Fairview, OR

    3 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Astoria was a great place and we enjoyed our meal at one of the boutique breweries that dot the state of Oregon the one we ate at was the Bouy.
    Departing Astoria at 7.30am we headed toward Portland with our destination being Cascade Corporation, corporate headquarters for my work. We were greeted by Tod Finney, Tom Logan who shared the duties of doing a plant tour. Noela now knows that I do not just come here to party. Steve Keller bought lunch in the Cascade Café where we were joined and made to feel especially welcome by Andy, Anderson Susan Wright and David Nakamura. A big thank you to you all for a great tour and lunch. Thankyou also to Joe Gallivan for the invitation to your home.
    A visit to Paradise Harley followed and these guys were unbelievably welcoming. The day was rounded out with the girls visiting some shops, when we returned they did not have one shopping bag. Laundry day today and then dinner.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 20

    4th of July, Portland OR

    4 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    The 4th of July is a special day here in the USA, a public holiday set aside to commemorate and celebrate its independence from the commonwealth.
    We decided to use the quieter roads to explore the Columbia River Gorge. We started out by visiting one of our Cascade contacts Joe and his wife Kelly. We were made to feel very welcome but we were also very jealous of there little piece of country outside Portland.
    From there we took the 84 out along the Columbia River to Bridal Veil, Multnomah Falls and the Cascade Locks. Again, the scenery and history is amazing with Multnomah being the 2nd highest continuous waterfall in the USA. It is still recovering after a bush fire that was started by illegal means in 2017.
    We had lunch at Cascade Locks and watched the old paddle wheeler head out on a tour. Just a little too late for us to join it. All along this stretch the local native Americans have fishing platforms where they net Salmon coming upstream. The Bonneville Dam stretches across the river just below the locks and has been designed with a central sluice that allows salmon upstream access.
    We crossed over the river here, a unique experience given that the bridge is open mesh on the roadway, so you can see straight through to the river below. On the northern side we visited Skamania and the Skamania Lodge where I had the privilege to stay during a sales meeting earlier in my time with Cascade. It has a massive lodge, golf course and a very high price tag.
    We stopped opposite the dam and we noticed that there were some men building a new fishing platform. Whilst the structures look crude they are very strong. I was able to talk to them about how it was constructed. These men were Yakima tribe who have fished these waters for many years and whilst the building materials have changed they maintain old traditions.
    During the day we passed many parks with the locals set up for their 4th July picnics, very very serious picnics with all manner of lounges barbeques and marquees.
    Our route back to the motel took us along the Northern side of the river final picking up the road into Portland from Seattle. The sound of fireworks can be heard right across the city. Its now 8.45 PM and still light so the fireworks will not get underway for another hour yet. Carl and Paola have ventured into the city we have decided to sit that one out.
    Portland city and some shop browsing tomorrow.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 21

    Downtown, Portland OR

    5 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Portland is a beautiful city and we spent today cramming as much in as possible. The public transport here is brilliant, we jumped onto the Tri-met Maxrail at 8.00am for 5$ a head ride all day for 24 hours. With a quick stop and a coffee at Pioneer Square we boarded the max rail again and wnt up to Washington Park the home of Portland Zoo, the Japanese Garden, International Rose garden, Vietnam Vets memorial, a memorial to the Holocaust Victims and more.
    I was first taken to the Rose garden in 1994 and have always wanted to come back. From the terminus of the Maxrail there is a free shuttle every 15 minutes that runs through Washington Park. We got off the shuttle at the Rose garden, the rose fragrance is amazing and there are literally thousands of roses planted here. The oldest being a rose bush grown from a cutting from a plant 1000 years old.
    From here we went our separate ways with Carl and Paola going to the Vietnam Memorial and the Zoo and us walking the streets and taking in Portland downtown. Noela picked up some good bargains. We really enjoyed all of the different parts of the city including some of the weird ssites like the blue guy below. Reports from Carl and Paola are that the zoo is fantastic, and Carl got to appease his bear appetite again.
    We regrouped at the motel at 4.30 and visited the Columbia river adjacent to the airport where there is a whole community living in houseboats on the river. Portland is truly a wonderful place but for now we are packed and ready for our gypsy train to move on. Tomorrow we move on to visit Mt Hood and Sisters Oregon and some very special friends.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 22

    Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood, OR

    6 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    In 1994 I was taken to the Timberline Lodge by a Cascade colleague, I slept all the way there and back but memory told me that it was a special place. So it was put on the agenda for this trip. We set off down highway 26 stopping at the rangers station on the way to find the zig zag track. With the information we needed we found the turnoff required and headed into the wild. At the end of this road we found the trail/track and set off on foot to see yet another beautiful stream and waterfall. The forest was amazingly fresh and quiet. We can see why the locals love their hiking, there is just so much of it, but with stories of bear and cougars inn the area we were certainly very alert.

    Back in the car we started the climb to Mt Hood and the famous timberline lodge. America was very lucky to have a very visionary and ecologically savvy president in Roosevelt all those years ago as it was he that created Timberline and so many National Parks to preserve the land and wildlife.
    Timberline is fantastic built of local timer the workmanship has stood the test of time and is a fantastic structure. when it was built it provided much needed economic and employment stimulus.

    Mt hood it’s self is a very accessible ski resort with all year round snow and is the summer training ground of the USA ski team.

    After Mt Hood we headed for Sisters Oregon via Warm Springs and Madras where we stopped for a sandwich lunch. our destination Sisters is the home of great friends Bob and Vicki Hunt. We were welcomed as usual with open arms. Carl and Paola set off to find accomodation for themselves as we were staying at “Tlalapaque” the Hunt high desert home. The views from the house are outstanding, Mount Jefferson, Mt Washington, the Sisters and Three fingered Jack all stand like sentinels in the distance. With dinner planned for 6.30 Carl and Paola dragged themselves back getting the last room in Bend, they thought they might have to sleep in the car.

    Bob and Vicki excelled with dinner, a home cooked barbecue, salad with all the trimmings. It was great conversation and company and the night ended all to early. Our travelling buddies headed to bend and we fell exhausted into bed.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 23

    Tlalapauque to Klamath Falls, Sisters OR

    7 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    After a sleep in we are up and at em with another fantastic meal this Time breakfast. Vicki and Bob served us a great beak fast that left us not needing to eat until late in the day. Bob and Vicki have done an amazing job since we saw them last, in 2014 they were camped in a caravan/trailer with a cook house for food preparation and cooking. Four years later the home that they have built with all of the ditch digging for services and the fire mitigation work is absolutely astounding. We all congratulate them and are in awe of their efforts. The time had come to get on the road and as I do I found it very emotional but leave we must and so it was that we hit the road.

    Our first stop was bend to visit Bend or Wildhorse HD for some tips they gave us last trip, whilst there we met another Aussie guy there who has called Bend home. We think he was pretty happy to have a chat in his lingo. From Bend we carried onto Crater Lake National Park, we missed this last time and all we have heard is of how fantastic it is Well the guys were right. After miles of travel we caught our first glimpse of this natural wonder. With a depth of 592 metres and visibility of 142 metres the water is the most brilliant blue. No photo truly captures what the eye does but it was unbelievable. We spent several hours there including lunch and a couple of items from the gift shop.

    It was getting late in the day but we kept finding new things to stop at, including Fort Klamath that was a military outpost that provided a resting place for pioneering settlers in the 1800s. It contained yet another great small museum and a great guide.

    Finally we made Klamath Falls (by the way there are no falls at Klamath Falls) and rooms at the Super 8 Motel. We stumbled upon the Klamath Basin Brewing Company where a great little blues quartet was playing in a beer garden. We enjoyed a great meal along with a cold beer or two.

    The big
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 24

    Lassen NP, Redbluff, CA

    8 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Today marked our 10th National Park, it was not on the original plan but with Bob and Vicki recommending it we thought we had better have a look. For some reason we missed the border crossing into California and only knew we had when we got to the fruit check gates. So much for paying attention. Shortly after that we caught our first clear sight of yet another snow capped peak looming in the distance wow what a sight.

    Soon enough we turned off at Mt Shasta and headed for Lassen NP. It was certainly a beautiful drive and the park is spectacular. Time did not permit any walks and especially when we arrived at Lassen peak which demands a 4-5 round trip to the top. It was already getting late so the walk was out of the question. Noela found more snow to play in whilst we admired the spectacle.

    We started down the mountain from 8,500 feet and 53 degrees stopping at some various viewing areas and geo thermal mud holes and steam vents. Over the next hour we descended and finally reached Bed Bluff where the late afternoon temperature was 97 degrees.

    Laundry day today so we got that out of the way and headed of to Denny's for a quick bite. Tomorrow we head to San Francisco which pretty much marks our last leg of the trip so we need to make the most of our time there.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 25

    Goldengate, San Francisco CA

    9 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Well Red Bluff was one of those towns that Jason Aldean sings about, "Rearview Town", even the locals said to us why would you stay here. There had been a shooting just down the road from us with two police officers shot, they will be OK but the shooter died in when he crashed his car. All due to a random car check.

    We got away around 7.30 and headed down the US 5, 70 MPH and flat country so our eta to San Francisco was around midday. So what kept us occupied? several crop dusters, guessing what fruit was growing in the orchards you name it we played it.

    We decided to do a bay bridges tour on the way in so came in via San Pablo and this enabled us to take the North Western approach and visit the water side suburbs of Bellevue, Marin and Sausalito. We also visited San Quentin Prison which as we went to take pictures we were reminded by the guards that it is a live prison. Unfortunately the gift shop outside the gate was not open. Sausalito is a very hip place and we will go back to it on a Big red bus tour in the next day or two. We followed the coast road and came across Fort Baker at the North Eastern side of the Golden gate Bridge, wow what a stunning view, and it was here that a gun battery was set up to protect the inside of San Francisco bay in the early 1900s.

    We continued to the Western side of the bridge and a succession of lookouts where the views got better and better. We missed this 4 years ago as many people do. more gun emplacements an old radar installation and the Nike missile site. We saw harbour seals hauled out on the rocks and an amazing coastline. There are so many vantage points, the views are really captivating and it also make you think of the fate or survival of the escapee Frank Morris and his cohorts from Alcatraz prison.

    Finally we made our way across the Golden gate and into the city to find the Lombard inn. Chinatown was our destination for dinner thus ending a very busy day.
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  • Gün 26

    Big Bus Tour, Fishermans Wharf, CA

    10 Temmuz 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    The Lombard Inn was a good choice for its central location, 25 minutes walk to Fishermans Wharf and similar to the down town area, we did have a scare when on the first night the shower was ice cold with the same happening the next morning. They got the boiler fixed and it has been all good since then reducing the room rate for one day $50.00.
    Last time we were here we used the Big Bus Hop on and Hop off service, we did the same this time buying the deluxe package which gave us 48 hours and the night tour and the Sausalito tour as well. We reacquainted ourselves with the cities colourful past, and its different sectors. We took advantage of the Sausalito tour today the wealthiest part of SF, rents are up around $17,000 per month. Robin Williams lived just down the road at Tiberon, and everyone that we spoke to or heard from just gushed about the man he was and what he did for the homeless. San Francisco is the poorer for his loss.
    We returned to the North point of the Goldengate Bridge, Carl and Paola continued to the southside where they walked the bridge whilst Noela and I went back to Fisherman’s Wharf where we listened and watched the buskers, watched the seals on pier 39, and generally walked and took in the sights.
    We caught up with Carl and Paola at 5.45PM to do the Big Bus night tour over the Bay Bridge and other parts. We had an awesome guide Blake Klemett who absolutely had us entertained all trip. By the time we got off the bus it was freezing with the coastal wind coming in.
    We can thoroughly recommend the Big Bus tour service.
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