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    • Dag 11–12

      D10- Lograno to Navarrete

      23. maj, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      A late start today as we had a sleep in. Had a look around the cathedral then stopped in the square for a coffee. The walk today was pretty much all on hard concrete. As we made our way out of Lograno we took the path through parkland which seemed to go on forever, very nice parks, approximately 3km. We passed over the dam wall where lots of people were fishing and made our way around to the other side. We saw quite a few squirrels in the park near the dam. We made our way up a gravel path for a bit towards the highway and followed the road until we came to Navarrete. Although only a short walk today was pretty hard going on concrete. We booked into the Albergue de Perigrinos de Navarrete, casa Angel. We freshened up and went out to explore the town. We had our first Paella at a little restaurant near the church Inglesia Santa Maria de la Asuncion. We went into the church and put 1 euro into the box and this lit up the church. It was an amazing and thrilling experience and so very beautiful.Læs mere

    • Dag 24

      23. Etappe: Santo Domingo (38 km 🙈)

      19. november 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Huj, war das ein langer Tag!
      Ich wusste, dass es heute wohl nix zwischen 16 und 38 km gibt und ich mich trotz schmerzenden Blasen am Ende des Tages wohl für die 36 entscheiden werde - also bin ich schon um 7 aufgestanden, hab mir das Müsli-Beutelchen, das ich beim vom Halbmarathon in Den Haag bekommen und bis jetzt mitgeschleppt hab, über meinen Kokos-Joghurt geschüttet und noch ne Banane dazu geschnibbelt - also ganz viel gute Energie für den Start 💪- und los gings (trotzdem wieder erst kurz vor halb 9, wie immer 😅).
      Heut musste ich mich erst mal warm laufen - 5 Grad, Wind und Regen von vorn, das verlangte mir schon einiges ab und die Blasen schmerzten vom ersten Meter an, so dass mein Etappenziel schon früh ins Wanken geriet. Jedoch gewöhnte ich mich schnell an die Umstände und wurde nicht so Recht warm mit Najera, so dass ich weiterzog. Außerdem gab mir Pierre, der ja ein paar Kilometer vor mir ist, die Info, dass es auch schon nach 32 km eine offene Herberge gibt - jedoch in weniger schöner Umgebung, wie er meinte. Ich musste ihm zustimmen und so entschloss ich mich dann dazu die letzten 6 km auch noch durchzuziehen. Kurz nach 5 war ich in meiner Unterkunft, der kirchlichen Herberge Cofradia del Santo. Dort erwateten mich schon jede Menge neue freundliche Pilger-Gesichter. Auch ein junger Deutscher ist dabei, der mir direkt was von seinem Essen abgibt (nie mit leerem Magen einkaufen gehen! 😉). Und ich lerne von ihm, dass man Kartoffeln auch in der Mikrowelle kochen kann. Die ist nämlich das einzige Kochgerät hier. Ein Italiener "brät" sich darin sogar ein Omelette. Wow! Ich hab die Dinger echt unterschätzt 😂
      Ich werd heut wahrscheinlich ratzefatze einschlafen so kaputt wie ich bin. Für morgen nehm ich mir dann vor, ne kleinere Etappe zu machen und nicht einem französischem Pilger zu folgen, der morgen 2 Etappen zusammenlegen und gleich 45 km am Stück laufen will 😉
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    • Dag 27

      Another easy walk

      23. april 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We are now at Navarrete after an easy 13 km walk. This is a lovely little town on a hill surrounded with vineyards and the rich red Rioja soil. We walked quite slowly so as not to be too early, arrived at about 12.30, stopped for coffee and also for fresh OJ before checking in and room ready, bags here, and we have settled in!

      It was a perfect temperature for walking, coolish and quite a lot of cloud cover. It actually feels cold now, and I am wearing a fleece that I thought would never be worn again once we left the Pyrenees…weather app says 19° but it is wrong! It has now become a little drizzly, but doesn’t matter, and tomorrow should be dry and still cooler for our 17 km walk to Nájera. We walked out through the outer suburbs of Logroño- you realise it’s quite a bit city and not just the historical centre - and through a big park and bird sanctuary…very pleasant. And also passed the big bull structure high on a hill that is equivalent maybe to our big banana …. you can see it for miles in all directions…anyway, a very good and easy walk…our hotel has a pilgrim menu for dinner so all is well.
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    • Dag 18

      A Walk in the Park

      29. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Today was quite literally a walk in a park. After a kilometre or so in Logrono suburbia the Camino took me to a city park followed by the Grande Parc Logrono which spread past the city outskirts into the nearby fields. Another five kilometres and I was at my next nights stay in Navarette.

      The new sandals were a dream and I set Logrono talking with my stylish sock and sandal combination. My wide feet, already splayed more that normal from those barefoot years in Indonesia's steamy climes in my childhood, may be permanently even wider if I walk 600km in sandals but at least my toes aren't numb and ready to fall off at the end of the day. No hobbling was involved. Mind you I felt pretty good the first day after a rest day last time too so let's see how the week pans out. It was flat and mainly paved too so no dust and loose gravel in the sandals on day one, take two.

      I saw squirrels. 😍😍😍 And ducks. The water is low and Spain and it's vineyards are looking a bit worse for wear after their intense summer heat wave. It been trying to rain for several days now but never more than a few drops falls, not enough to wet the pavement. It's colder than I expected but it's a bit early in the season and it's supposed to warm up for a week or two in a couple of days.

      My accommodation for the night is on the main street in another old town on a hill, next to the church whose bell will chime late into the night. I love standing on my little balcony overlooking the Plaza and the street and watching life in Spain. My little balcony on the first floor is about level with the bar across the street that has tables out on the paving in front of the church. Could be a noisy spot tonight.

      This town Navarette, has a bit more life to it. So many of the town's I've walked through so far have seemed almost closed. There has been hardly anyone around except pilgrims and a few shops and bars for pilgrims. Most buildings in these old hilltop towns are shuttered and I wonder if anyone lives there or if they are holiday homes. Maybe the occupants head off early to work in the cities. Navarette is a bit more alive but it feels more industrial and maybe there are some jobs around that keep it going.
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    • Dag 13

      Day 11 - To Navarrete

      19. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 11 - To Navarrete (Monday)
      13 km; Difficulty 2/3

      Walking these days is a bit tougher than usual. I’m battling a cold which wears me out. My right lower leg, just below my knee, is sore. I think I’m developing a tendinitis.

      Today I walked past a fence that was decorated with hundreds of handmade crosses. It went on for kms. Quite obviously done by pilgrims over likely a long time.
      A landmark in Spain is the ruins of the “San Juan de Acre Hospital”. It was founded in 1185 and it was intended to be a hostel and provide aid to pilgrims. The floor plan was created in the shape of a cross.
      This cow on top of the hill was entering Navarrete. One would think they could get something better to represent them, LOL.
      Beautiful church again and Navarrete! They are everywhere; artistic wonders!
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    • Dag 11

      Stage 10: Naverrete to Nájera

      23. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      17 km/10 miles, 52°-71°, 5 hours! Arrived in Nájera at 1:00, that's the earliest I've arrived anywhere so far, and the most amazing part is that my back was not screaming at me the whole way! We may have a winner in this new daypack, my body may be getting used to this finally, or it may have been that I walked most of the way with a couple other folks going my speed, talking laughing and singing the whole way. The miles flew by and I wasn't hyper focused on my own sensations. Whatever it was, it was a gift and I am so grateful. I'm tired but not dead tired, and everything does not hurt, hallelujah!
      I found a restaurant serving food early, hit a grocery store when it reopened at 5:00 and scored supplies for tomorrow: 13 miles to Santo Domingo without many services enroute. I have a reservation to stay with Cistercian nuns, should be interesting. What I wouldn't give for a nice hot cup of tea right now. Buenos noches
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    • Dag 16


      20. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Krótki odcinek, który doprowadził nas do pięknego miasteczka Navarrete. W miejscu którym spędzimy noc przebywał ponoć przez 4 lata Iñigo de Recalde bardziej znany później jako Saint Ignatius de Loyola. Po ranach odniesionych w bitwie pod Pamplona, nawrócił się tak mocno że został świętym. Podczas pielgrzymki do Monserat przyjął nowe imię pod którym jest znany i ceniony do dzisiaj.
      W połowie drogi napotkaliśmy płot, brzydki bardzo, przemysłowy oddzielający drogę od szlaku, jak się do niego zbliżyliśmy po pokazały się zatknięte za siatkę bardzo proste krzyże zrobione z patyków i źdźbeł trawy i tak było przez przynajmniej 1.5-2 km, aż się płot skończył. Zrobiło to na nas ogromne wrażenie jaka ilość osób chciała pokazać swoją przynależność do wiary w coś czego nie można opisać, nazwać we właściwy sposób lub wytłumaczyć. Każde jedno zatknięcie prostych dwóch patyków w tej prawie 2 kilometrowej drodze krzyży ma ogromną moc dobra, które ogarnia wszechmocnie.
      Today, at the Marcelino Lobato Ermita del Pelegrina Pasante we met a young man from Italy, who started Walking his Camino on August 15 from Turin, very impressive 👣💪. Everyone on the Camino has a beautiful story behind. And today, even more, I realized how many people are walking their Way... Walking along the fence filled with the simple handmade crosses made me think about Them. Pilgrims who left their crosses there, lightened their load they carry inside themselves. Just simply beautiful, touching and profound ❤️👣✝️
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    • Dag 12


      26. april, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      🚶‍♂️✨ Just took a serene stroll from Logroño to Navarette, walking through the stunning winelands. The journey was an easy blend of urban vibes and tranquil rural scenes. Every step was a view! 🍇🌿 #WalkingSpain #WinelandWandersLæs mere

    • Dag 15

      Day 11: Viana to Navarrete

      28. maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Mileage: 14.75
      Altitude gain: 1,109
      Altitude loss: 915
      Weather: mostly warm and sunny. A few drops at one point, and it thundered nearby once we got to Navarrete, but overall great.
      Total mileage: 111.25

      We left Viana in another crisp morning. We spent a good chunk of the morning walking through the city of Logroño. It was mostly just very city-like but we walked through a great park as we left the city - tons of trails, picnic areas, a fishing pond. Lots of people out enjoying their Sundays!

      We climbed into Navarette (again with lots of hills today) and arrived at our destination at 3. We stood there stupidly for a while because we couldn’t find our hostel. A nice local stopped to ask if he could help, and when we showed him the hostel name, he said, “Oh, that’s been closed for seven years!” There is a bar and restaurant right where we thought it should be, and this man went in to ask. It turns out that the owners, who are Romanian, just opened last week! We had a good laugh about the adventure. We’re in a room over the restaurant, where we had a really nice if rich dinner.

      1. Forest leading into Logroño
      2. Bridge over the Ebro as we walked into Logroño
      3. Yellow Brick Road!
      4. Iglesia de Santiago el Real in Logroño
      5. Oh, no worries. I am.
      6. Looking back over Logroño with the park pond.
      7. HUGE bull cut out looking out advertising maybe a winery. We’re in Rioja country now, so lots of that happening. Wineries and advertising, not bulls.
      8. Navarrete as we approached
      9. The view from the terrace at our hostel. Nice to watch the clouds and rain roll in elsewhere while we safely waited for our laundry to dry!
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    • Dag 15

      The Food, though

      11. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 68 °F

      I'm a Camino anomaly in that I think I've gained a few lbs despite walking so much.

      The food here is amazing. Just.... Amazing.

      I would like to eat 5 meals/day.

      Also notable: the churches. I suppose that being on the oldest religious pilgrimage in Europe I should expect an abundance of churches... But even the "not an official stop" towns have these massive/opulent houses of worship.

      I'm enjoying the artistic beauty very much.

      Navarette is home to Don Jacobo organic wine. We had a bottle of their 2019 crianza tonight.... Wow! And in a fancy restaurant the two of us enjoyed a 3 course meal w wine for 65€.

      Delighted. I am delighted.
      Tomorrow I plan to visit a meadery en route to a comfy peivate room. It's important to take the occasional self-care night.
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