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    • Päivä 11

      Day 11: Navarrete

      20. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      We started this morning with slices of tortilla, coffee, and orange juice breakfast a little less than a kilometer from our hotel in Logroño.

      Not long after we started walking again, I told Allan that if we came across a pastelería I could go for something sweet—and three steps after the words left my month we saw one.

      We were soon enjoying chocolate covered pastries and second cups of coffee. And so we finally had our first “second breakfast,” something we’ve heard many pilgrims joke about.

      All that sustenance, plus a cool breeze made today’s 4-hour hike to Navarrete quite pleasant.

      And after the requisite laundry was washed and hung to dry, we enjoyed a full lunch at a local restaurant. We’re making up on our caloric deficits today!

      Tomorrow, we’ll hike 17k to Najera.
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    • Päivä 12

      To Navarette

      11. syyskuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      We found out today from a woman that the group of people she has been walking with call Alan the “Smiling Man” 😂😂 Plus, another man came up to him the day before yesterday and commented on his smile and good energy. Is this the same man I’m walking with??😂😂

      We have entered the Rioja region of Northern Spain, which is best known for barrel-aged red wines made from Tempranillo and Garnacha grapes. 🍇 We have been walking by many fields of grapes and it looks like they are very close to harvest time!

      Instead of staying in the big city of Logroño, we are in Navarette. Tomorrow, we will only walk 10 miles to Najera 🙂 That will give our feet a bit of a rest.
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    • Päivä 17

      Short day to Navarreta

      22. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      On the road again today leaving City life for a rural walk through a long park to the country again for a quick stop on the way to Najera. We broke up the full stage in half to have 2 shorter days. We spent the evening planning up until next Monday to arrive in Burgos, there will not be much time for rest days in the week ahead as we prepare to change scenes once we got the messata in a week. So we have planned some private hotel bookings so we can be rested after long walking days ahead.

      Today's was a mellow walk with 3 Pilgrim Friends and a wonderful lunch when we got into town. We walked through the cathedral then got settled into our hostal for the night. Trina and I shared a private room with our own bathroom. It is quiet and comfortable and we will walk tomorrow with our friends who are also here.
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    • Päivä 16


      20. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Krótki odcinek, który doprowadził nas do pięknego miasteczka Navarrete. W miejscu którym spędzimy noc przebywał ponoć przez 4 lata Iñigo de Recalde bardziej znany później jako Saint Ignatius de Loyola. Po ranach odniesionych w bitwie pod Pamplona, nawrócił się tak mocno że został świętym. Podczas pielgrzymki do Monserat przyjął nowe imię pod którym jest znany i ceniony do dzisiaj.
      W połowie drogi napotkaliśmy płot, brzydki bardzo, przemysłowy oddzielający drogę od szlaku, jak się do niego zbliżyliśmy po pokazały się zatknięte za siatkę bardzo proste krzyże zrobione z patyków i źdźbeł trawy i tak było przez przynajmniej 1.5-2 km, aż się płot skończył. Zrobiło to na nas ogromne wrażenie jaka ilość osób chciała pokazać swoją przynależność do wiary w coś czego nie można opisać, nazwać we właściwy sposób lub wytłumaczyć. Każde jedno zatknięcie prostych dwóch patyków w tej prawie 2 kilometrowej drodze krzyży ma ogromną moc dobra, które ogarnia wszechmocnie.
      Today, at the Marcelino Lobato Ermita del Pelegrina Pasante we met a young man from Italy, who started Walking his Camino on August 15 from Turin, very impressive 👣💪. Everyone on the Camino has a beautiful story behind. And today, even more, I realized how many people are walking their Way... Walking along the fence filled with the simple handmade crosses made me think about Them. Pilgrims who left their crosses there, lightened their load they carry inside themselves. Just simply beautiful, touching and profound ❤️👣✝️
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    • Päivä 11

      Stage 10: Naverrete to Nájera

      23. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      17 km/10 miles, 52°-71°, 5 hours! Arrived in Nájera at 1:00, that's the earliest I've arrived anywhere so far, and the most amazing part is that my back was not screaming at me the whole way! We may have a winner in this new daypack, my body may be getting used to this finally, or it may have been that I walked most of the way with a couple other folks going my speed, talking laughing and singing the whole way. The miles flew by and I wasn't hyper focused on my own sensations. Whatever it was, it was a gift and I am so grateful. I'm tired but not dead tired, and everything does not hurt, hallelujah!
      I found a restaurant serving food early, hit a grocery store when it reopened at 5:00 and scored supplies for tomorrow: 13 miles to Santo Domingo without many services enroute. I have a reservation to stay with Cistercian nuns, should be interesting. What I wouldn't give for a nice hot cup of tea right now. Buenos noches
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    • Päivä 9

      Day 6 - Shorter but lovely day

      21. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      "Just pick up your courage and walk away. Don't waste time. The longer one drags on, the amount of pain accumulates." -Dick Hirayama

      Day 6 - Logroño to Navarette 13.1 km - 7:30am start

      I woke up early as usual and just wanted to get out and get the heck going so todays walk would be over. I did t want to walk, but I couldn’t just sit there for a full day babying my foot. And I wasn’t up to another day of Fiesta. So, I was walking.

      As I sat there procrastinating, I read my messages and comments on social. I noticed I had a private message here. As I read this message, which was from an old colleague, I got all teary again. This is not someone that uses social media, on principle. And yet they took the time to not only read my posts, but to reach out - as they too have done the Camino. They told me it is tough. It breaks you and it makes you. And they sent me the Pilgrim’s Prayer (I will do a post just for this). I was so touched, as I needed to read this today. I put my pack on with a lighter heart and headed out.

      As I hit the streets, the clean up from last night was in full swing. Street cleaning, “power washing” with fire hoses etc. wasn’t that a party?? Getting it all nice and clean for todays celebration! So many people were still wandering around, a lot of them drunk as they hadn’t gone to bed yet if their eyes were any judge.

      I got out of the central area and spied a van across the street, by the hotel there. Jacotrans!! Now I know this won’t mean anything to you unless you’ve walked the Camino, but what a sight for sore eyes (and ankle!). This company (amongst others) are a baggage transportation company. They pick up your bag at your current Albergue and deliver it to your next one, for 5€ per trip. I had never used them but decided today was the day for another “first”. Although I caught them a bit off guard before they started pickups, they graciously allowed me to send my pack. The Camino provides! I quickly grabbed my day pack, water and first aid kit and damn near skipped up the street!!

      The walk was lovely. Mostly flat, despite the last few hills into town. I walked with a variety of people at a variety of speeds. Took me 4 hours to cover the 13+ km and I couldn’t have cared less. It’s not a race.

      Along the way, I met a Camino legend -Marcelino Lobato Castillo. I finally got my pilgrim shell and will attach it to my pack tomorrow. I also met a minstrel - for lack of a better word. He was walking towards us, playing a mandolin and singing. It just put a huge smile on my face!

      I got to town and called the physiotherapist back that I had tried to call yesterday. Very long story short, I finally found where I was being directed to and it was an Albergue not a physiotherapist. Lovely. An extra 2+ km up and down damned hills, for nothing. The Spanglish wasn’t working in my favour today lol!!

      Spent the rest of the day hanging out in bars (always wanted to be a barfly!) chatting with other pilgrims and eating amazing tapas!! Not sure this will be a weight loss journey 😂
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    • Päivä 17

      Navarrette, the in betweens

      22. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Met up with some Pilgrims and had a nice breakfast in Longrono at Ibiza.

      Amy, Fred, Cheryl, Glenys and I walked out of the city center and into the cities parks and greens spaces for the locales.

      The green space had a big pond/lake and I enjoyed seeing fisherman catch some fish.

      I have also been taking lots of pictures of dogs.

      We made the 12.6 km (7.82mi) walk in a few hours. We laughed how it feels like such a short walk.

      We are doing another “short” walk tomorrow to get ready for some longer walks. I’m ready to get rid of all my luggage and or clothes. Not sure how to do that yet. I may leave all of it here. 🤷‍♀️ working that out in my head.

      We rolled into Navarrete a small town with an awesome bar that had the best Tapas/Pintxos.

      We ate lunch and then I went to the church there.

      Iglesia Santa Maria de la Asunción - I will post pictures and video on a 2nd post.

      Then we checked into our Albergue - A La Sombra del Laurel.

      I’m enjoying the short day….
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    • Päivä 7–8

      Day 6 Sansol - Navarrete

      2. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      34.5km (176.1 km from start). 40.000 steps. 6h 45min with breaks. 2420 calories

      Long day today. After great breakfast (ham, cheese, eggs and juice) started day with painkillers. First 10 kilometers are known as “knee wreckers” and my would definitely preferred another route. I was in so much pain. Starting to realize what is it I am really doing. Getting to Santiago in 26 days is VERY optimistic.

      Said goodbye to Judita from Lithuania. We shared the road in almost 2 days - she was a great company. We said goodbye in Logrono where she went on hunt for blisters treatment and I looked for pharmacy and some additional painkillers for my knees.

      Walked last 12 km very fast - just wanted to get to hostel and rest my old body 😂
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    • Päivä 23

      22. Etappe: Navarrete (34,3 km)

      18. marraskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Die Paella gestern war sehr lecker und ganz ohne Meeresgetier, dafür schmetterte uns der Hospitaliero noch ein paar Songs auf seiner Gitarre! Fabelhaft! 🎸🎶 Ein beschwingter Tagesausklang 😊
      Gestartet wurde für mich als Spätaufsteher wieder viiiiiel zu früh! Wieso muss man bloß um 7 Uhr aufstehen, wenn man nur 20 km vor sich hat? Ich werde es wohl nie verstehen 😅 Ich blieb also noch ein bisschen liegen und machte mich fertig als das Bad frei und schon alle auf dem Weg oder beim Käffchen waren und rollte von hinten das Feld auf. Ich musste mich etwas beeilen, denn ich wollte nicht in der Groß- und gleichzeitig Hauptstadt der Rioja-Region Logrono bleiben, wie alle anderen, sondern noch ein wenig weiter. Eine nette spanische Mitpilgerin hatte netterweise für mich vorher in der Albergue El Cantaro in Navarrete angerufen und ein Bett klar gemacht 😊👍
      Zwischen Weinfeldern und Olivenbäumen überholte ich also so nach und nach alle und verabschiedete mich.
      Kurz vor Logrono fings dann leider an zu regnen, so dass ich nicht wirklich viel von der Stadt mitbekam, nur ein wenig bei einem kleinen Umweg zur öffentlichen Toilette, den mir eine nette Dame von der Touristeninfo erklärte. Ohne ihre Hilfe hätte ich die im Leben nicht gefunden! Sie lag gut versteckt unterirdisch und überhaupt nicht ausgeschildert auf einem Platz. Was das betrifft bin ich wirklich sehr verwöhnt von Frankreich. So was wie öffentliche Toiletten gibts hier leider kaum 🙁
      Weiter gings raus aus der Stadt, vorbei an so manch beeindruckendem Wandgemälde, durch einen unendlich großen Park mit allerhand Enten, scheuen Hasen und sehr neugierigem Eichhörnchen. Die letzten Kilometer musste ich mich etwas durchbeißen, denn es ging weniger schön entlang der Autobahn. Mein heutiger Zielort drohnte dann schon fast surreal über den Straßen.
      Heute bin ich 3 Wochen unterwegs und habe schon mehr als die Hälfte meiner Strecke zurückgelegt! Das hatte ich gar nicht so wirklich auf dem Schirm - am Ende des Tages sind es schon über 660 zurückgelegt Kilometer und laut Hinweisschild vor Navarrete aber weniger als 550 km nach Santiago 😳
      In der Herberge werde ich herzlich empfangen, auch wenn der Gastgeber kein Englisch spricht, konnte er mich zumindest verstehen. Er wohnt direkt über der Albergue und zeigt mir alles. Heute genieße ich die Ruhe, auch wenn es komisch ist, an einem riesigen Tisch ganz allein zu Abend zu essen. Ich bin mir aber sicher, dass ich schon morgen wieder in Gesellschaft bin, umso schöner ist mal ein "Ruhetag". 😉
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    • Päivä 15


      2. lokakuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      A shorter walk today, about 13.5 kms from our hotel, to Hostel Villa de Navarrete.

      Only one ridge to climb today, then down to the next valley and a short climb up to the small hill town of Navarrete. Walked into town just after 1 PM.

      Met a Austrian man whole started walking in Austria, said his total trip will be over 3000 kilometers. He walks with his pack on a two wheeled cart, that clips onto a hip harness. He walked through some of the Alps with his setup. Today's ridge he described as a "bump"!


      Added some photos of the inside of the Navarrete church!

      Then we had a beer with our friends Patsy and Kevin of Portland ME, and James, an Anglican Minister of the Church of Ireland of County Kildare, who is walking the Camino!
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    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Navarrete, Navarret, Նավառետե, Наваррете, 纳瓦雷特


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