Provincia da Coruña

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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Provincia da Coruña
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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 17

      June 3

      3 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Unfortunately I didn't sleep well and woke up tired but the throbbing in my feet had subsided. Mary and I set off at 8:00 to a nearby cafe for fuel to make our way to Pontevedra. Leaving Arcade, we crossed Pontesampaio, a historic stone bridge (a significant location during the War of Independence). We enjoyed a lovely morning walk through some forest and along an ancient stone path. My feet were not happy when we arrived in Pontevedra, so I decided to take a bus with Lorelee for the final 10 km to our destination in Combarro. A short 15 minute bus ride should have us in Cambarro by 2:00 pm. With some help from Google maps we made our way to the bus station, thankfully it was shaded. We sat there for a while watching busses come and but it seemed none were heading to Combarro. With the assistance of some locals we realized we were at the incorrect bus station. So in the intense heat we embarked on a search for the correct bus station. We spotted the bus and in our poorly pronounced Spanish asked the driver for Combarro, we heard his reply, " Si, Combarro". We settled into our comfortable seats in the air conditioned comfort of the luxury coach. It was a lovely drive along the coast, and it seemed to be a long way. An hour later, we arrived in the gorgeous seaside town of Combardos. When a Spanish person pronounces, "Combarro and Combardos" they sound the same but are two very different locations. A return trip back on the bus and the helpful bus driver stopped the bus at the side of the road and pointed us in the direction of the bus stop for Combarro. An hour long wait in the blistering heat had us ever so thankful when the bus arrived. We jumped on with Google maps as our companion feeling confident we would be at our albergue within a half hour. However, that was not to be, we missed Combarro and eventually arrived at a bus station hopeful that the bus would be doing the return trip back and we could try once again to get off at Combarro. The bus driver was quick to tell us that he wasn't going back that way and that we should wait for another bus. An hour later, after other busses came and left that were not going to Combarro, the original bus came back. The driver was shocked to see us still there and told us to sit right behind him so he could make sure we got off at Combarro. What should have been a 15 minute trip turned into a 7 hour adventure with us both convinced we shouldn't attempt Amazing Race. Our dear friend, Mary, had a delicious dinner waiting for us when we arrived.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 16

      June 2

      2 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      I awoke feeling rested and energized and ready to tackle the 23 km trek to Arcade. It was early Sunday morning (7:00 am) and the crisp air felt good. A number of groups of young people, we encountered as we walked through the deserted streets of Vigo, appeared to be feeling good as they continued their Saturday night partying. Once we exited the city streets, we were treated to spectacular vistas of the city and the Ilas de Cies and enjoyed tranquil woodland paths as we made our way to Redondela. Upon arriving in Redondela, I was treated to more intricately decorated streets that were prepared for the Corpus Christi procession. I did find a place in the shade to watch the procession that was beginning at 1:00 pm, but after about half an hour, with the temperature rising steadly and the procession not in sight, I decided I better get walking because I still had about 10 km left to walk. After navigating the busy streets leaving Rendonela, I caught up with Lorelee who was resting at a cafe. We enjoyed a drink and some food before continuing on to our final destination. Unbeknownst to us, we had a very steep climb ahead of us. The heat made the climb extremely challenging. Thankfully it was mostly on forest paths with periodic patches of shade and incredible views of the area. We arrived at our accomodation exhausted and with throbbing feet. After some rest time to recover, we went to a nearby cafe beside the water and enjoyed a refreshing drink.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 14

      Off to the seaside👏👏👏

      21 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After a very simple, but very nice supper of cheese and ham bocadillas, with added olive oil, then cake and jam, accompanied, of course by a bottle of the local Albariño, we settled down for the night.
      Sid, Marcel, Mouse and Mog had their own little adventure and had a go at swimming and sunbathing whilst we were eating! 🙄😂
      We were being picked up at 0730ish so made sure we were ready that evening. The owners turned up just as we were packing up, armed with a loaf of bread and lots of pre-packed croissants and cakes - how lovely of them! They asked us if we wanted a lift back to the Monastery the next morning, but we'd already asked our lovely taxi driver to pick us up, so we declined, telling them we'd walk instead. 🙄😂
      It was a good night's sleep, and the taxi turned up to take us a) back to the Monastery, and b) 7.5km further on to Os Castaños, where Julie and I would begin our walk.
      There were a few pilgrims ready for the off when we arrived in Armenteira, but Luke and Ray headed straight off and, knowing their speed, they would have left them far behind!
      Ray was determined to take the bread our hosts had left us and attached it to the back of his rucksack. Luke was thrilled, listening to it swinging to and fro for 5 hours. A true pilgrim! 😂
      As soon as we reached Os Castaños in the taxi it began raining, so we put our waterproof jackets on. This route is known as the Stone and Water route as you spend quite a lot of time walking beside a river. It was beautiful but would have been even more beautiful if the sun had been shining (we'd had to stop to put our waterproof trousers on, too, as it was raining quite heavily). A first breakfast was consumed along the way, just one of the pre-packed goodies, and Sid made a new friend 🧡
      After 6km or so, we reached Puente Arnelas, where we stopped for our second breakfast - this time, it was a tortilla bocadilla 😋😋😋. As we left the café, Luke and Ray walked across the road! They'd walked 13+km in the time it had taken us to walk 6.2km and eat breakfast 😂😂😂.
      We walked the rest of the way, about 11km, together, through small villages and past farms and lots of vines, presumably the Albariño grapes. The sun had turned up by now and it was a great walk.
      A stop for our celebratory beer, with about 4km to go, was a little previous, but it was very welcome, and a visit to a local church, where we lit a candle for Nigel, gave us a little rest before the last few kms.
      Conversation in the bar turned to buffs (the things you wear around your neck), but neither Luke nor Ray understood what I was talking about until Julie said, "buffs"! There followed quite a protracted discussion (still ongoing) about how we should pronounce the letter U in words such as buff, buffet, puff (as in pastry!🙄😂), Buffy (The Vampire Slayer) etc. It developed into the 'oo' sound as in book, look, etc. Of course, being a northerner, I'm absolutely correct in my pronunciations, but it's caused a lorra laffs!😂😂😂
      We're now in Vilanova de Arousa, in the most amazing apartment that overlooks the water, and it's from here we take another boat journey in the morning (Marcel can hardly contain his excitement 😀), this one for about 90 minutes.
      Luke and Ray have been foraging (hunter-gatherers, if you can say it correctly!) and we've enjoyed a delicious pasta pesto with chicken and salad (with wine, of course!)
      The boys can come again!
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    • Giorno 14

      12. Etappe Caldas del Reis-Padrón

      19 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Im Frühtau zu Berge wir geh'n,fallera,
      es grünen die Wälder, die Höh'n, fallera.
      Wir wandern ohne Sorgen
      singend in den Morgen,
      noch ehe im Tale die Hähne krähn. Noch vor acht waren wir putzmunter wieder unterwegs nach Padrón. Nach kurzer Zeit haben wir auch schon Michael, einen Australier aus unserer Camino Family getroffen und hatten ein schönes , tiefsinniges Gespräch. Auch wenn wir trocken starten konnten wollte der freundliche , galizische Regen uns auch heute begleiten 🙈☔️😂. Nach ein paar kleinen Stops sind wir dann auf dem Sonntags Markt in Padrón gelandet wo wir auch in der ersten Pulperia eingekehrt sind . Wein gab es hier nur flaschenweise und Kaffe gabs mit Orujo. Wir haben uns noch Krake gegönnt , ein wenig schleimig aber lecker . Die Ferienwohnung heute ist toll, sehr sauber und mit WASCHMASCHINE!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 14

      Hotel Via XIX in Caldas de Reis

      27 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We were on the road from Pontevedra by 8:15am.
      The walk was good, even though long. We didn't have any big inclines today. Whew!
      We stopped twice to eat rest and have a beer with Camino friends it was nice. We had 3 young military men jog by us today, and michelle could hardly contain herself.
      Like I said before, you never know what you're going to encounter on the camino. As we work our way closer to Compostella,
      We are starting to see more people stop on the side of the trail. Adjusting something on their backpacks, changing their socks, taking a drink of water, rubbing their feet, some people limping, etc..
      But one thing everyone has in common. They continue to move forward💙💪
      I hope everyone enjoys today's pictures😊
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    • Giorno 15

      Caldas de reis -> Lestrobe

      28 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We left our hotel. Via XIX by 8:15 am. The weather was perfect most of the day, then started to warm up later on. We made 2 and a 1/2 stops along the way. We were only supposed to walk about twelve miles to our next destination. However, Michelle typed in tomorrow's destination in Google maps by mistake, and we ended up walking almost 4 miles past our stopping point.😳
      We realized the mistake and called a taxi to get us back to Casa Antiga do Monte.
      We were both wondering why we were so tired. On top of that, the front of my ankle was a little swollen and was in pain for about the last 8 miles..
      The place we are staying is a private resident and is absolutely beautiful.
      We both had hot showers and a home cooked meal. And now we're relaxing, and I put ice on my ankle. all as well. Time for bed!!
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    • Giorno 33

      Santiago de Compostela

      19 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Gestern war es so richtig nett. Wir haben zusammen gekocht, gegessen, getrunken und tolle Gespräche geführt. Am Morgen ging's dann schon um 6 Uhr 30 los und es regnete nicht. Ganz im Gegenteil, es schien ein schöner Tag zu werden. Denkste , um 10:30 dann ging's richtig los, es regnete, nieselte, hörte auf, regnete,....
      Frühstück im Cafe mit der ganzen Truppe, dann traf ich Ted und Harry, lief mit ihnen, die sind so nett, traf wieder auf Archie und die anderen. Die machten länger Pause und ich wollte eigentlich weiter, sonst wird mir zu kalt. In Santiago traf ich mit Ted und Harry ein, es war wirklich schön. Wir tauschten noch unsere Nummern aus, machten Fotos und verabredeten uns um 7 Uhr f. die Messe um 7:30. Dann trafen auch schon Archie und Adam ein, wieder Fotos und dann die Mädels. Viktoria aus D ist ja Pastorin und war total gerührt. Dann gingen wir gleich zur Registrierung um unsere Compostela holen zu können. Danach ging es in die Hostels und um 7 Uhr trafen wir uns wieder. Jetzt hieß es Schlange stehen und nachdem gar nix mehr ging, fragte sich Viktoria mal durch und erfuhr, dass gleichzeitig eine Konfirmation war. Also Organisation 0. Endlich drinnen, gab gab es ziemliches Durcheinander, denn die Pilger wussten nicht, dass es eine Konfirmation gab und die Firmlinge waren auch erbost, dass die Pilger sich in ihre Reihen drängten. Es war ziemlich laut. Nach ca 45 min gaben wir auf und verließen enttäuscht die Kathedrale . Stattdessen gingen wir zum Abendessen und saßen noch gemütlich zusammen, nachdem auch noch Kate dazu kam. Valencia/Martin fuhr schon am selben Abend nach Hause.
      Nach einem erfüllten Tag verabschiedeten wir uns, wünschten uns das Beste und versprachen in Kontakt zu bleiben.
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    • Giorno 18

      Day 6 Cycling Coastal Camino

      23 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we are cycling 43+ km from Pontevedra to Padron. We had breakfast and lots of conversation with Mary and Keith about their ride yesterday, about their children and travel. Our ride today consists of:

      Cycle through the ancient streets ofPontevedra to start the journey to Padrón,which will be relatively hill-free and surrounded by pleasant countryside. Just
      after Pontevedra you'll briefly cycle on a main road but this will be replaced with attractive woodland very quickly. 2.5 kms
      after leaving Pontevedra, the Camino splits off for the Variante Espiritual and the main
      Camino. Make sure to turn right at this point to continue on the correct path. After 15km, there's the opportunity to leave the
      Camino very briefly to visit a series of stone watermills at the Ria Barosa Natural Park just 200m from the Camino. Continuing on,
      visit the hot spring in the center of Caldas de Reis if you wish, then continue on the bike to gradually climb through a series of hamlets and a beautiful stretch of woodland to a high point of 165m before a gentle descent. Take some time to explore medieval
      Padrón, and discover its deep connection to St. James as well as its tasty green peppers Padrón is also home to illustrious Galician
      writers, such as Camino Jose Cela and Rosalia de Castro.

      We were all super tired today. I think my quads were done before I started today, but we all just keep encouraging each other and away we go. We saw a LOT of pilgrims on the trail today because the Coastal and Central Camino trails have merged. We used our bells a LOT to try to get around and through. Many people dont know what to do,so we have to be very careful. It was a bit stressful today because of the sheer volume of people and the unpredictability of what they will or will not do when they heat our bike bells. We saw a sheep farmer taking his tiny flock up the road. All were white except the black sheep at the back...unfortunate!!
      We had lots of little climbs today, enough to really get our legs, ugh!! At 8km we were going down a forested path and came across a slightly wider creek. Lots of pilgrims were heading across the big stones on the side so I made a judgement call to ride through. Well the first half was shallow, but the second half was more like a full on big bouldered creek and I got stuck and had to put my foot in and it slipped and down I went into the water. All I could do was laugh because I was soaked and couldn't move. Joanne got my bike off me, Andrew helped me up and then was so quick humored, he blessed me as I was standing in the water😂😂😂 then led me out of the water and Anthony was filming and taking pictures🤔😉Everything was pretty wet so we pulled over up a bit and had a reset. I entertained all the pilgrims walking on through 😂🤭😜
      I added to my existing bruises on the one leg and more on my other ankle. So much for confidently riding through!! Though I saw one guy do it after me while I was still sitting in the creek. It was a wet ride for a bit then stopped and changed my tops for dry ones. My 2 padded bike shorts were soaked the rest of the way. We continued on and closer to 20km we stopped for coffee and a piece of the local salmon Porta cake. I dried out my passport, our Camino passports and several items in my pack. On we continued and eventually we hit a few climbs, some we rode, some we walked our bikes up. The descents were very steep and tricky today. Our wrists were actually sore having to brake so much and ding our bells to warn other pilgrims. We had a nice. Gentle ride into Padron and came across a.bridge and took pics of the weeds floating in the river in very cool formations. We would d our way eventually finding our beautiful, old hotel.
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    • Giorno 8

      The Hope of the World

      20 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      The day started out bright and early cause today was the BIG walk, 15.5 miles and hoping for no rain. Well God showed up in a BIG way!

      👉🏽 Sun ☀️ was out!

      👉🏽Visited churches along the way. I think about all that entered but walked away without hope. Praying for those lost and alone.

      👉🏽 Praying together with my bride as we walk the Camino is one of our favorite times.

      👉🏽 One store we passed had a ‘free hugs’ sign. No one was standing there. I asked Brett if I could stand there and give free hugs. She said I could but that she was leaving 🤣.
      I got the message!

      👉🏽 We finished the day with a pilgrims mass. The country is predominately Catholic, but as I finished the day and sat by the bench i saw the sun setting as it lit up the cross on the church. Was reminded that Jesus is the hope of the world.

      The ending of a wonderful day.



      Route Summary

      15.5 mi, 1832 ft

      Portomarín to Palas de Rei

      After leaving Portomarín, a town that dates back to the Romans which was an important stop along the route in the Middle Ages, you will set out on foot for Palas de Rei. This stage will take you through the region of Monterroso and Palas de Rei, crossing renowned villages like Gonzar, Castromaior and Ligonde. The first half of the stage goes right by the main road and the second over roads paved specifically for the pilgrims.
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    • Giorno 37

      Von mercadoiro nach airexe

      8 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Hallo Freunde des caminos. Heute stand die oben genannte Etappe ganz im Zeichen, Regencape an oder wieder aus, dass Wetter war wechselhaft aber zum Pilgern optimal. Gestern Abend, begegnete ich in der Alberque eine Spanierin, welche vor Knieschmerzen kaum laufen konnte. Nach langem hin und her, habe ich ihr dann, das Declophenac Schmerzgel gegeben welches sie dann direkt aufgetragen hatte. Diese Dame war so gerührt, dass sie mir ein paar Zeilen hat zukommen lassen, womit sie mir ihre Dankbarkeit mitteilen wollte (siehe Foto,s ). Sie ist mir heute auf der Etappe begegnet und konnte ganz normal ihren camino fortsetzen. Das ist der camino. Man könnte die Etappe auch als unspektakulär bezeichnen aber sie hat mich wieder ca 24km näher zum Ziel gebracht. So langsam steigt die Spannung, denn das lang ersehnte Ziel rückt in greifbare Nähe. Erkenntnis des Tages: Auch wechselhaftes Wetter, hat seine Vorteile. Ultreya.Leggi altro

    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Provincia da Coruña, Provincia da Coruna, A Coruña, Província d'A Coruña, La Coruña

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