Río Bermaña

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    • Dag 14

      Hotel Via XIX in Caldas de Reis

      27. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We were on the road from Pontevedra by 8:15am.
      The walk was good, even though long. We didn't have any big inclines today. Whew!
      We stopped twice to eat rest and have a beer with Camino friends it was nice. We had 3 young military men jog by us today, and michelle could hardly contain herself.
      Like I said before, you never know what you're going to encounter on the camino. As we work our way closer to Compostella,
      We are starting to see more people stop on the side of the trail. Adjusting something on their backpacks, changing their socks, taking a drink of water, rubbing their feet, some people limping, etc..
      But one thing everyone has in common. They continue to move forward💙💪
      I hope everyone enjoys today's pictures😊
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    • Dag 14

      12. Etappe Caldas del Reis-Padrón

      19. mai, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Im Frühtau zu Berge wir geh'n,fallera,
      es grünen die Wälder, die Höh'n, fallera.
      Wir wandern ohne Sorgen
      singend in den Morgen,
      noch ehe im Tale die Hähne krähn. Noch vor acht waren wir putzmunter wieder unterwegs nach Padrón. Nach kurzer Zeit haben wir auch schon Michael, einen Australier aus unserer Camino Family getroffen und hatten ein schönes , tiefsinniges Gespräch. Auch wenn wir trocken starten konnten wollte der freundliche , galizische Regen uns auch heute begleiten 🙈☔️😂. Nach ein paar kleinen Stops sind wir dann auf dem Sonntags Markt in Padrón gelandet wo wir auch in der ersten Pulperia eingekehrt sind . Wein gab es hier nur flaschenweise und Kaffe gabs mit Orujo. Wir haben uns noch Krake gegönnt , ein wenig schleimig aber lecker . Die Ferienwohnung heute ist toll, sehr sauber und mit WASCHMASCHINE!Les mer

    • Dag 12


      4. mai, Spania ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Einfach den ganzen Tag! Nachts hatte es schon angefangen und einfach bis 16 Uhr nicht mehr aufgehört.
      Die Frage war: Können wir das schaffen? Jo, wir schaffen das! 😅

      Wir haben erst versucht das Schlimmste abzuwarten aber gut, das war wohl nichts! Also wurden die Füße heute etwas anders prepared und zwar mit Müllbeuteln über den Socken und dann ab in die Schuhe 🧦 hat tatsächlich ziemlich lang gehalten. Nachdem Abschied von ein paar anderen Pilgern, die ich teilweise erst am Abend vorher kennengelernt hatte, oder von Maria 🇦🇹 die ich immer wieder in dem einen oder anderen Hostel getroffen hatte, war dann 10:30 Abmarsch… naja, da hab ich erstmal Nana, meine kleine Regenponcho-Kuh einsammeln wollen, haben uns aber vorab noch ein Pastel de Nata und einen Cappuccino gegönnt 🙌🏼 Ist ja schließlich Wochenende, da kann man auch etwas entspannter in den Tag starten. Dann ging’s aber los, also nachdem wir noch bei Ale-Hop waren und hier und da das ein oder andere Foto gemacht hatten 😅 bei strömendem Regen, insgesamt 26 km bis nach Caldas de Reis.

      Wir hatten uns übrigens für den normalen Weg entschieden. Für den spirituellen würden wir wohl leider einen Tag länger brauchen und die Zeit haben wir nicht. Vielleicht beim nächsten Mal 😉 schön war auch, dass ich nicht der einzige verpeilte Mensch bin, denn irgendwo lief uns Pedro noch mal über den Weg, der die Abzweigung für den spirituellen Weg verpasst hatte und dann das Stück wieder zurück musste 🙈

      Ich muss sagen, es war scheiße, aber auch wahnsinnig lustig 😅 Klar, Sonnenschein wäre toll gewesen, aber wir hätten lang nicht so viel erlebt und gelacht wie bei diesem Hamburger Schietwetter 🌧️ durch Matsch, durch Pfützen und überschwemmte Flüsse… ungelogen. Irgendwann war es wirklich nach dem Motto „nach müde kommt blöd“ und wir haben so viel gelacht! Ändern konnten wir das Wetter nicht, nur das Beste draus machen! Und das haben wir!

      Nachdem wir ohne Schuhe einen über die Ufer getretenen Fluss durchquert hatten ging’s die letzten 10 km in Socken und Adiletten weiter. Unser Style wurde auf jeden Fall hart gefeiert und wir hatten unseren Spaß!

      Im letzten Café trafen wir noch Patricia aus Kalifornien und sie meinte „endlich treffe ich dich wieder ich habe vor einigen Tagen ein tolles Bild von dir gemacht und hatte gehofft, dass ich dich nochmal treffe um es dir zu schicken“ 🥰

      18:30 hatten wir es dann auch endlich mal geschafft und als Belohnung unseres Tages hatten wir die Zeit zum Wäsche waschen verpasst… nice! Danke für nichts Universum 😅 also ab zum nächsten Waschsalon und in der Zwischenzeit erstmal ein Stück Pizza snacken ✌🏼

      Zuletzt habe ich meine Schuhe noch ganz fachmännisch im Bad mit dem Föhn versucht zu trocknen, aber hey, soll morgen eh wieder geregnet LIEBEN WIR!!! 🥴

      Es sind so vielen lustige Dinge unterwegs passiert, so viel lustiges wurde gesagt, aber ich habe nichts notiert und bekomme nicht mehr alles zusammen, aber das ist ok. Es bleibt ein Tag den ich in Erinnerung behalten werde 🫶🏼

      love and peace out 🌧️
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    • Dag 19

      Pause 1 - Dienstag Nr 2

      30. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Bilder sprechen für sich. Für meine Gedanken keine Zeit. Muss spätestens morgen 09 Uhr in Santiago sein.

      16 km schon geschafft. 45 km noch vor mir. Notfalls Taxi ‼️‼️‼️

      Ich brauche bald dringend Finisterre und dann Zukunft Muxia.

      Santiago spielt morgen keine Rolle. Ist kein Ziel. Hatte ich schon 2022 erreicht. Andere beide Orte sind Ziele dieses Jahr.

      Santiago evtl nochmal, da es auf Rückreise liegt.

      Liebes Dankeschön hier an Yvonne. War ich vielleicht ein Vorbild für dich 2022 und Hilfe deiner Entscheidung, bist du inzwischen Vorbild für mich 2023 für Mut zu meiner Entscheidung.

      Danke für deine treue Teilnahme beider Caminos. Du bist mir näher gerückt und hast inzwischen jemanden überholt in meiner Rangfolge.

      Sollte er doch eigentlich den Platz eins nach meiner Mutter mal einnehmen.

      Tja Cow-boy, im wahrsten Sinne den Moment damals leider verschlafen, mich bloß gestellt, meine Mutter gedemütigt. Wir haben es verstanden und verziehen. Du es nie versucht wieder gut zu machen. Halt mich jetzt des lieben Friedens Willen lieber zurück und meine Fresse.

      Wie gerne hätte ich mit dir zusammen übernächstes Wochenende meine Familie 🐈🐈 aus meiner Heimat zurück geholt, dir meine Familie in der Heimat vorgestellt.

      Ich weiß, aber mein Träumen lass ich mir von keinem verbieten und ich weiß zu 99,9% du wirst dich nicht arrangieren, geschweige all dies hier gelesen haben.

      Verlasse mich lieber auf meine Freunde . Oder wieder Europcar. Es sei denn 0,01%? Aussprache?


      Tanzen ist Träumen auf zwei Beinen


      Eigentlich mag ich keine rosa Trullas

      Will nen Kerl, Naturbuschen.


      Ich bin auch keeeeeene Trulla. Sondern lieber auch n Kerl Punkt
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    • Dag 13

      Caldas de Reis to Padrón

      20. april, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 52 °F

      I woke up this morning to a pink sky dawn with the majestic Igrexa San Tomás standing sentinel just outside our window. It feels surreal that we have made it so far! The sisters have alternately struggled with sunburns, blistered feet and aching muscles. I’m so proud of them but also so worried for them! This adventure and pilgrimage has become sobering in that we all struggle and we must help each other and lean on each other to achieve our goal of reaching Santiago- God willing we will arrive tomorrow! Between the altitude changes and the varied terrain there is always something to watch out for. We left town by crossing the River Bermaña over a 1st century bridge which still had some remains of the Roman pavement and a beautiful cruciero. We passed the chapel of St Roque who is the patron saint of the town. He is also the patron for pilgrims, dogs and those with contagious diseases (so timely for us now as we emerge from the pandemic.) Most of this stage of the walk was on natural pathways through woodlands and quiet country roads. We passed along two river valleys, the Bermaña and then the Cortiñas before reaching the Valga valley into Pontecesures and crossing the rio Ulla over a long bridge. At one turn in the road we were treated to the site of the Iglesia S. Mariña de Carrecedo- it’s bordered by farmland and vineyards. Peaceful cows and sheep meander around the church- so picturesque! We passed many churches today. We saw San Miguel de Valga from far away- the dark grey of the worn granite bell tower and steeple was so beautiful against the blue sky. It was unattended and locked except for an iron gate that you could peer through to see the sanctuary. And if you slipped 50 cents in the lockbox the altar light would come on for 1 minute- ingenious! Also on our route was the Romanesque church of San Xulián and the Cruceiro de San Lázaro and the site of a medieval leper colony (!) Moving forward once we reached Padrón we saw the Igrexa Cathedral de Santiago de Padrón which contains the stone that secured St James’s boat as legend has it when he landed in Spain. Amazing church filled with religious statues and paintings! Nearby rising from a rocky promontory we could see the imposing 18th century Carmelite monastery. We hiked 16+ miles today and we are exhausted. Such a long day filled with wonder and so much to see! Just like the waves in the rivers we walked along and crossed over there were waves of pilgrims today- most hurrying by us but many we caught up to and chatted with. Everyone we saw today had an expectant air- we are so close! Our hostel tonight is a large pension with an outside pool with freezing water and a pilgrim meal served around large tables/ we drank a little sangria with our new friends and hurried to bed to get ready for a very exciting day tomorrow!Les mer

    • Dag 13–14

      Day 9 walking

      25. april, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

      11 miles today. Pretty tired. So I’m keeping this short. Our first cloudy day. Rained a little. Music made my day-listened to some late 80’s alternative and my book, The Hundred Years of Lenny and Margot, and Polly K. on Sobercast. I think I’ve hit a bit of a wall and my knee hurts. I’ll be fine. Had delicious homemade yogurt with honey and nuts for lunch. Grateful ☺️Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Four candles

      7. mars 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      So, Tuesday (or second Tuesday; opinions differed long after Sue’s helpful intervention from France) has dawned. I’ve often not known where I am (ever slept in a Hilton?) but usually had a fair grasp of what day it is.

      Despite last night’s final stop being adjacent to a Kebab shop; I resisted, dear reader.

      [I did once wake up in a hotel room when still ‘working’, accompanied by a half-eaten kebab and a pair of signed Formula One racing overalls; a sure sign that a charity auction had taken place and I’d been spending someone else’s’ money. Those days are long gone.]

      Having vacated a decent hotel room, it’s worth checking what’s on offer. The shower cap’s coming with me ( protects shoes when packing for non-solo trips); but a shoe-shine pad! It’s like the 1980’s never went away. Mrs HtD recently disposed of my stock of Kiwi Parade-Gloss black polish; a relic of the days when boots were to be shiny and the russian hordes resisted across the east-German plain. Another chapter of my life best consigned to history.

      The preceding was clearly typed before bed, whatever day it was.

      Better get on with it.

      A pre-dawn start, which isn’t that early at this time of year, was followed by the now traditional slogging up a hill in the rain. For a supposedly flat Camino there’s a surprising amount of up and down. It’ll add up over a day.

      The Don Pulpo (regrettably named) in San Amaro was open for coffee and shortly after Valon provided a welcome hot chocolate via a roadside vending machine. Substantially better than nothing. At least it’s stopped raining.

      Spoke too soon. Persistent drizzle’s set in. It’s ‘that rain which gets you wet’ and it’s dampened spirits a little.

      Now this was a pleasure to see. A small wooden tool-handle factory. (Photo of where the hipsters should be sent) (vague reference to title of thread). That’s what it’s all about.

      The 90% of under 40’s who seem to aspire to a remote working career as an ‘influencer’ would benefit from a few months on night shift in a place like this seeing what the diminishing minority who actually create economic value have to do to put food on the table. Taking €1 of wood and making €20 of tool handles vs cloud-based virtual brand development in your pyjamas? I know who I’d want on my side if the sh*t hit the fan.

      A groundworks team are out on the Camino just before Caldas improving the senda, and then the Guarda Civil pull over to say ‘hello’. They’re from the dedicated ‘peregrino’ team.

      Next sign is another ‘200m this way’ trap. I’m not falling for that again; (photo of blatantly misleading sign) but it’s swiftly followed by the kind of simple, reliable ‘Bar’ sign (photo of trustworthy sign) which gladdens the heart. No extraneous information, just the promise of somewhere open; and it was.

      And so Caldas de Reis. Menú del día by the river and then the accommodation has taken a stratospheric leap forwards in the form of the Pousada Real; €64 including breakfast. Lovely room, nice people. I’d post a photo but 15 seconds after your’s truly arrived in a bedroom out of an interior design magazine it now looks like a war zone. I’d strongly recommend it if you’re passing. The same room in the UK would be more than double the price.

      They’ll regret all this fancy-pants concealed plumbing though. After years of chasing utilities round a C17 stone house, you want your plumbing where you can get at it, believe me.

      Weather forecast deteriorating, if that were possible. Wetter than an otter’s pocket tomorrow.
      Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Day 8 - Pontevedra to Caldas De Reis

      4. juli 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      My feet feel like feet!

      It seems like forever, but finally my feet felt like feet today. They walked when I told them to walk. Moved when I told them to move. I didn’t have to think about lifting my foot and putting it down. They just moved! Praise the Lord!

      We got off to a great start at 6:30 am, which turned out to be a real blessing. Finishing the day early instead of it dragging into the afternoon makes a big difference in how you feel and thus affects your attitude. We left old town Pontevedra before the sunrise during a beautiful clear morning. Granted it was a little rough because it was very much up and down stone streets until we crossed the bridge over the Lerez river. The terrain flattened out eventually across the beautiful countryside.

      As yesterday we were blessed with an amazing walk along a stream under the trees and through the woods. We had the feeling that the world was
      going on all around us, yet we were living and enjoying the moment of simply walking through an amazing area. And a lot of it was on the Via Romana XIX.

      I had to look up what that meant as it had nothing to do with the century the road was made. Obviously. My conclusion is that it was one of the many of the roads built by the Romans and is known as the 19th. Almost like it is 19th street. Just follow 19th to Santiago or to Rome, whichever way you’re going.

      More and more along the way we saw our Peregrino friends and made more. It’s so easy and enjoyable. As I mentioned before “my saviors” found me and we are having dinner with them in an little while.

      We also met a wonderful couple from Ireland and I spoke with John and Claudia spoke with Brenda for about an hour as we walked. They walked very fast and before we knew it our walking for the day was over. We sat down for beer and tapas and mapped out our strategy for the next few days.

      We will do 19 km tomorrow, trying to leave at 6 am. About 19 km the next day, leaving us with about 7+ left. We plan on a glorious early morning arrival so we will have plenty of time to enjoy the day in Santiago. Like I said before, I have a plan, but will follow God’s plan. Maybe they are the same this time?

      After beer and tapas we found our albergue for the night and relaxed awhile before lunch. Wonderful restaurant on the river. I had prawns. Claudia had pulpa aka octopus. Bleh. Even though it is a specialty in Galicia, no thanks.
      I even found another use for my Brierley Guidebook/Bible.

      Special treat for today were the hot springs here in Calda de Reis. Calda, get it? Since the Romans, people have come here to enjoy them. We found an open one and rested our feet in it for a few precious moments, with our fellow pilgrims.

      After relaxing, we went to dinner with the saviors and had a great time.

      Time for bed now. Early morning tomorrow.


      13.4 miles/ 35,000 steps
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    • Dag 12

      Day 5

      23. januar 2020, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Leaving Casa de Reis and heading to Padron. Apparently this is renowned for its oysters. Shame I don't like them. Yesterday was a bit of hard work for me. But have lots of anti inflammatories on board and had a couple of baths so hopefully all good today. I didn't take many photos. This town is a spa town and the region is famous for vineyards and wineries. But as it is winter everything is shut...shame. Came down to breakfast and man oh man! What a choice. Ate in the dining room on my own for tea last night (but had Glenn's company on Skype) and breakfast not another soul in sight. Followed a young German couple for most of the way yesterday. Two little dogs hanging out the window barking like mad. Couldn't see them for ages. Reminded me of wee Parker. I couldn't understand a word they were barking as I do not understand Spanish!Les mer

    • Dag 9

      Caldas de Reis

      20. oktober 2022, Spania ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Loads of rain and sunshine today!!!
      But mostly... Rain.

      After our little breakfast with everyone, we said goodbye to our friends who were off on the Spiritual route and we all turned to ourselves, walking in complete silence or solitude the entire way, as it starting pouring down on us nearly all day. Very weird but powerful.

      I know I reflected a lot on the crazy close connections we created in such a short amount of time and how it can't be a coincidence we ended up on the Camino at the exact same time.
      We fit together as a team perfectly and I'm so grateful for it, I've learned so much from each and every one of these beautiful souls.

      It was a hard slog through rough weather, but we made it that bit closer to Santiago 😎

      Also... Cibrao, my Galician Camino friend, says me walking in the poncho looks "between very cute and the complete opposite of cute" 😂 not sure if that's a compliment or not but I'll take it!
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