Sri Lanka

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    • Day 33


      December 15, 2016 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      So after the rough ride we basically threw ourselves off the train at Kandy train station. Not exaggerating when I say 'throw', the crowds were terrible and pushing to get on without letting us off first, the trains are also raised very high. So after passing the smaller bags through the open window to Phil, I had to throw myself into the crowd as the only way to exit. Yes I crushed some people but hey if they won't wait what can I do!? Unfortunately the concept of patience and queuing is lost here, especially when it comes to the fight for best seats, not that there were any...
      As we left the station we weren't in the best mood for the usual tuktuk drivers games. We knew the price it should be to take us to our guesthouse so we held our ground. Some drivers didn't take too well to this but we moved on and found a young lad who did it for the accurate price (half what the others said).

      Upon arriving at our guesthouse it was like an oasis. A kind lady greeted us and took us upstairs where there was a gardened covered balcony right outside our room. It was quiet, even on a main road and was a lovely escape.
      We went to a hotel restaurant two houses away which was recommended (described as clean so I'll take that) and we actually had this amazing Chinese feast, which definitely made us feel more human. As we felt dead, the rest of the day was to chill and recover from the full on travelling experience.
      The next day we were refreshed and went out to experience the city. Only a 10 minute walk away was Kandy lake, the centrepiece of the area and next to it The Temple of the Tooth, one of the main sacred Buddhist templates in the world.
      As we walked towards the entrance there was a large crowd gathering where we wanted to go. As I looked through to see what was happening I was met with an armed guard with a machine gun... so we will be waiting here I thought.
      I realised behind him was a red carpet and suddenly an onslaught of photographers and video cameramen came running down following a police escort and a blacked out car. Clearly someone very important was arriving. We watched him and a huge entourage walk down and wave at us all and go through a traditional ceremony and into the temple. Shortly after we were allowed through to buy our tickets (somewhat overpriced ticket considering locals are allowed in for free) and then wait again out in the sun. Even locals were fainting around us so it was a tough 20 minute wait or so! But finally we went in, along with crowds of Sri Lankans with flowers to offer. To be honest it was pretty mad being pushed along somewhat like cattle, and we were glad to be outside the back of the temple to get some air and explore at our own pace. The main draw of this temple is the 'tooth' of the Buddha which is housed here in a gold casket, and is one of the most precious relics to Buddhists. I saw it for a maximum of 3 seconds before being forced to move on. Maybe it was just a bad day to visit.

      After we explored the whole site we went for a leisurely lunch at a lovely cafe just outside the temple, where we even indulged on ice cream sundaes. We wanted a treat after feeling somewhat disappointed with our temple experience. Afterwards we went for a wonder around the lake which was pleasant and saw a surprising amount of wildlife including a huge monitor lizard sunning itself on the edge of the water 1m from us.
      Off a side street is the Garrison cemetery which was recommended to visit. After strolling around the caretaker who has worked there for 20 years started telling us the stories of some of the people buried there, and wow were they fascinating. To a point where we've looked up these people since. Whether it was the last British colonial man to be killed by a wild elephant, to the millionaire robbed by Sri Lankas 'Robin Hood' who then gave his wealth out to the poor in the mountains, there were quite some interesting tales. Prince Charles went to visit this cemetery in the nounties and he was still gushing about that visit which was sweet.
      After we left the cemetery it was a short walk back to the lake and to the red cross hall for a cultural show we had booked tickets for. Kandy is known for these dance shows so we knew we had to see one.
      The show itself was very good with impressive costumes and performances. But at the end was even more impressive when they brought out hot coals and men starting walking bare foot across them as well as eating fire. Besides being covered in ash it was quite a thing to see. We still don't know how they did it.

      The next day we decided to have a leisurely start and went to the outskirts of the city to Kandy's famed botanical gardens, and the largest in Asia. To be honest we weren't expecting much but boy were we wrong. I've never been to gardens more stunning and varied. They had different sections from the Orchid house to the spice garden and each one was in a class of it's own. The colours and smells everywhere was amazing and so luscious. As well as being immaculately matained. As we walked around there was also plenty of animals, lots of monkies which Phil happily walked through as a huge group passed by, and giant flying fox bats hanging from the fern trees. This only added to the amazing nature around.
      Another thing that happened is a group of some sort of summer school approached us. Now we are quite used to be stopped and asked for photos, especially tall blond haired Phil which is of extra excitement to the locals. But this was different as it was a range of schoolchildren of different ages learning English, and they desperately wanted to practise. We had all the questions like what are our favourite hobbies and so on, it was really quite adorable and we were happy to stop and chat. However it started to go a little bit awkward when they insisted we sing a song, which we begrudgingly did (we sang Jingle Bells) but then they kept pushing for us to dance too. I wanted to point over to the actual monkies in the park and tell them to ask them to perform instead. But i restrained these thoughts and grabbed Phils phone, knowing that he would give in wanting to please them and I better get the video going!
      Well let's just say it may be one of the most awkward but hilarious moments of my entire life. A school girl sang this slow independence song and Phil was just wiggling about with this 7 year old boy, then burst into the robot moves, because what else could you do!? No one really knew what was happening but I was genuinely shaking with laughter. In fact shortly after when Phil signalled he really wanted to leave now (bless him) I was hunched over crying in hysterics watching the video back. Sorry to say folks Phil has banned anyone from viewing this...currently. It took a while to get over this encounter but then we went back to exploring the gardens and stayed there for hours.
      We got the bus back and was dropped right outside the prison on a hill so we could see in. To say it was grim is an understatement. If anyone watched the TV show 'Prison Break' think about SONA.. it is just like that, horrendous.

      Now we were very tired and hot and needed an escape, so upon a recommendation from a fellow traveller we ducked into a plush shopping mall just off the lake. It had an impressive food hall with food from all over the world and we tucked in. Sri Lankan food is great but nice to have a change from rice and curry sometimes, and it was delicious. We then indulged in some fancy ice creams and suddenly we felt recuperated. We strolled back to our guesthouse and relaxed ready for another full day of travelling the next day, to go North and do some more ancient temple exploring.

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    • Day 8

      Kandy can do

      February 27, 2019 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Zoran had a dream to drive a tuktuk and it nearly came true! We spent much of yesterday trying to convince every tuktuk driver we met to let us drive to Kandy whilst he took the bus and then we would hand it over, with lots of money. Nalin, Mr Tuktuk as he is immortalised in my contacts, agreed and after protracted negotiations all was set, until this morning when he changed his mind! C'est Sri Lanka!

      So instead, we took the bus which was brilliant! Full of people, music, colour and noise. We only had to wait 5 minutes and even got seats with our suitcases being stowed in the boot.

      Kandy feels like a proper city and is teeming with people, gridlocked with cars, deafening with horns, stinking with drains and stifling with pollution - well that's how it seems to us having spent so much time in the wilds. The bus terminal was utter hell! Luckily my research has led me to book a homestay in the hills above Kandy in a Tara lookalike villa (Gone with the wind). Peace, fresh air and everything spotlessly clean! Our room is huge and looks over the river and jungle - we were told not to leave our balcony door open as the monkeys will get in!!

      I couldn't resist more steps - so good for you! - so we went to view the Bahirawakanda Buddha which overlooks the city. The views were misty in the rain and it was a bit sad, neglected yet very atmospheric.

      Then we hit the town and wandered around looking for vests! Zoran is s connoisseur of fine quality cotton vests and bought 10 😀. I'm considering a few purchases but no money has changed hands yet. We had dinner at the villa - what a good idea that was.
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    • Day 4

      Laatste avond in Negombo, en Kandy

      November 29, 2021 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Het is nu 18:13, we wachten op Chandana om bij hem te eten. Vandaag maakten we de lange taxi reis naar Kandy. Het is maar een reis van 100 km ofzo, maar door de infrastructuur deden we er 3 uur over. Op de eerste foto wachten we op de taxi, die een beetje te duur was door een 'misverstand'. De tweede en derde foto is ons eerste tuk tuk avontuur. De vierde zijn 2 hele vriendelijke mensen, Jan en Anastasia. We ontmoetten hen in ons hotel in Negombo. Jona, Ruben en Anastasia gingen om 4:30 vissen, en de 5e en 6e foto is hun vangst. Daarna is nog een tuk tuk video en een visfilmpje. Ons nieuwe hotel is niet om over naar huis te schrijven (wat we nu dus wel doen eigenlijk). Overal zit vieze meuk, waarvan ik liever niet weet wat het is. Nou ja, wij gaan zo eten. Hier gaat het goed. Tot snel.Read more

    • Day 6


      February 5, 1994 in Sri Lanka

      Auf dem Rückweg nach Kandy besuchen wir noch eine Edelsteinfabrik, einen Kunsthandwerkladen und ein Seidengeschäft. Die Nacht verbringen wir wieder im Queens Hotel. Weiters sehen wir einen Baum mit Fliegenden Hunden und können der Bevölkerung bei ihren Alltagsbeschäftigungen zuschauen.Read more

    • Day 12


      January 24 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Dernier jour à Kandy .
      Nous sommes allés nous balader en ville ...Hallucinant le monde qu'il y a ...

    • Day 3


      October 6, 2018 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      In Kandy angekommen lernten wir am Bahnhof Kamal kennen. Er sprach uns an und wollte uns für schlappe 0,25 EUR in die Stadt fahren. Das war selbst für die hier herrschenden Verhältnisse ein Schnäppchen. Auf dem Weg gab er dann sein Bestes uns von seinen Reiseführerfähigkeiten zu überzeugen. Er hatte ein Büchlein dabei, in dem seine bisheriegen Gäste gute Worte über ihn und die Touren mit ihm hinterlassen hatten. Da seine Ideen perfekt zu unserem geplanten Programm passte und er ein sehr umgänglicher Typ war, entschieden wir uns zunächst den Nachmittag mit ihm durch Kandy zu cruisen. Dabei zeigte er uns schönes Aussichtspunkte der Stadt, Tempel sowie einen lokalen Pub, bei dem wir den Tag bei Livemusik und einem Lion ausklingen ließen.Read more

    • Day 6


      November 18, 2018 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Wie sagte Manu so schön: “Kandy ist wie unser Swasiland im letzten Jahr. Wir waren halt mal da, aber wirklich gebraucht hätten wir es nicht.“
      Vom Bahnhof aus hat uns ein TukTuk-Fahrer ins Hotel gebracht und wir haben mit ihm dabei direkt noch eine Sightseeing-Tour ausgemacht. Daher ging es nach dem einchecken direkt weiter.
      Als erstes zu einem Aussichtspunkt von dem aus man über die Stadt sehen konnte.
      Dann sind wir zum Big Buddha, der ziemlich groß war.
      Danach durften wir über eine wackelige Fußgängerbrücke laufen, während der TukTuk-Fahrer Bilder von uns gemacht hat. Dann waren wir bei den laufenden Mönchen. Eine Art outdoor-Figuren-Erzählung über die geschichte Buddhas.
      Ganz zum Schluss sind wir noch in den Zahntempel. Der war aber total unspektakulär und dafür völlig überteuert (was uns der TukTuk-Fahrer auch vorher gesagt hat ;) ).
      Nach unserem Abendessen sind wir dann eine große runde um den See im Tal gelaufen, um zu unseren Hotel zu kommen (das waren schon ein paar km). Dank dachten wir das ginge, nur standen wir zum Schluss in einer Sackgasse und haben uns dann doch von einem TukTuk nach Hause bringen lassen.
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    • Day 176


      March 26, 2019 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Auf nach Kandy, der zweit größten Stadt Sri Lankas. Sooraj unser nächster Host wartet bereits in seiner Ayurveda Apotheke auf uns. Wir lassen unsere Rucksäcke dort und laufen um den kleinen See und erkunden die Stadt. Nach gutem Kaffee und Kuchen gehts in unser neues „Zuhause“.
      Ein komplettes Apartment mit Balkon haben wir für uns. Gemeinsam mit einer dritten Couchsurferin aus der Türkei bereiten wir Abendessen zu. Danach herrscht ein wenig unangenehme Stille, sodass Nora und ich direkt die Gelegenheit nutzen um ein Kartenspiel zu erklären.
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    • Day 3


      February 26, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Iebraucam Candy. Tiekam aizvesti uz batikas darbnīcu, ražotni, veikalu. Mums tiek parādīts kā veido batikas uz auduma no dabīgām Šrilankas izejvielām-krāsām. Ļoti skaisti zīmējumi, kā gleznas.
      Esam piebraukuši Candy pilsētā pie Šrilankas vissvarīgākā Budisma tempļa, kurā atrodas Budisma vissvarīgākā relikvija: Budas zobs un Svētā Budas zoba templis.
      Zobs uz Šrilanku tika atgādāts no Indijas 371 gadā, kas bija palicis pēc Budas kremēšanas. Zobam tiek piedēvēts burvja spēks. Vietējie nāk ar dāvanām un lūgšanām pēc palīdzības .Budas svētkos zobu ievieto speciālā kastē, kuru uzliek uz speciāli apmācīta ziloņa un vadā pa pilsētu, svētku procesijā. Iepriekšējais zilonis strādāja 40 gadus, kad tas nomira, tam par godu izbūvēja mauzoleju, kurā tas stāv kā izbāzenis.
      Vietējie iedzīvotāji uz templi nāk baltās drēbēs. Templī drīkst ieiet tikai basām kājām. Mums arī bija jāiet basām kājām. Kurpes nodevām kā garderobē, tikai bez numuriņa, kā mēs smējāmies, nez vai nākot atpakaļ savas kurpes vairs dabūsim. Vietējie uz templi nāk ar ziediem vai dāvanām, kas paredzētas mūkiem. Dāvanā ir higiēnas preces, kāds katliņš vai auduma gabals, proti saimniecībā noderīgas lietas. Mūki negatavo ēdienu, to viņi dabū katru dienu ejot uz pilsētu un meklējot žēlastības dāvanas. Templī parasti dzīvo 3-4 mūki. Tad ēdienu meklēt iet pa vienam un pārējiem atnes.
      Pie tempļa ir sava veida bizness. Tur tiek gatavotas un pārdotas ziedu kompozīcijas, kuras pamatā tiek gatavotas no Lotosa ziediem. Tā ir liela problēma, jo masveidā tiek iznīcināti Lotosa ziedi. Tiek apsvērta doma, ka Lotosa ziedi jāiekļauj aizsargājamo augu sarakstā, lai pasargātu no iznīcības.
      Bet skats ir ļoti skaists, pilnie galdi ar krāšņajām ziedu kompozīcijām un cilvēki baltajos tērpos, kas tos nes uz templi.
      Pēc tempļa apmeklējuma, pēc svētajām garīgajām vērtībām mūs aizved uz Šrilankas teātri, kur tiek izrādītas nacionālās dejas, dziesmas, mūzika, uguns šovs.
      Skaisti tērpi, savdabīgas dejas, iespaidīgs uguns šovs. Mums kā dejotājiem interesanti skatīties.
      Beidzot pēc tik garas un iespaidiem piepildītas dienas nokļūstam vienīcā- Devon Hotels Limited Candy pilsētā. Trīs zvaigznes. Hotelis labs ar baseinu. Izmantojam baseinu, kura malā redzam sikspārņus. Ir jau tumšs, baseins izgaismots, palmu ieskauts. Skaisti un ir jauka veldze pēc garās dienas.
      Tad seko tradīcija- neliels aperitīvs pirms vakariņam ar Ievu un Aigaru un dodamies vakariņās. Šīs ir otrās vakariņas. Šoreiz ir Zviedru galds. Tas labi, ko redzi, kas uzrunā, vari paņemt. Ir augļi un dažādu ēdienu pārpilnība. Garšīgi. Noguruši un laimīgi dodamies pie miera.
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    • Day 5

      Sri Lanka - Zahntempel

      September 13, 2019 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Wikipedia Eintrag

      Im sogenannten Zahntempel (Sri Dalada Maligawa, sinhala dalaˌdaː ˈmaːligaːvə) soll ein oberer linker Eckzahn des Buddha aufbewahrt werden. Diese Reliquie war eine wichtige Quelle der Legitimität des singhalesischen Königtums und wurde daher immer in der jeweiligen Residenzstadt aufbewahrt. Sie macht die Stadt zu einer der wichtigsten Pilgerstätten des Buddhismus, was ein wesentlicher Grund für den Wohlstand der Stadt ist. Zu den jährlichen Prozessionen (Esala Perahera, sinhala ˈæsələ ˌperəˈhærə) Mitte August wird Kandy von Pilgern besucht, da dann die Reliquie auf einem Elefanten durch die Stadt getragen wird.

      1988 wurde der Tempelbezirk der Stadt von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt
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