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Tower Hamlets

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    • Dag 18

      Biking & Walking - Day 2️⃣

      30 mei, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Some of our favorite moments today included a biking tour all around unknown places in London, visited Tower of London and the Crown 👑 Jewels, Boroughs Market 🍲 and London bridge. Had lunch with our tour guide Edward, heard about his life, the pain he went through as a kid and shared some of our story. We have loved walking so much, at the end of the day we looked at our watch & realized we had walked 11 miles 😜.

      We may get rid of our cars 🚙 when we get back.
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    • Dag 3

      Head Over Heels

      4 september 2022, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      This morning, we had breakfast and tea on the balcony. From our fifth floor apartment we can see north to the Queen’s Olympic Park. Site of the 2012 Games, the Park runs several urban blocks, north and south. Most noticeable from our vantage point was a twisting, red, metal structure. It was odd enough that it made me curious, so I did a quick google search. It turned out to be the Arcelomittal Orbit. What the heck is that, you ask? It is the world’s longest tunnel slide, conjoined with a fantastical steel structure, created specifically for the Olympic Games. Well, no challenge like that is going unanswered. I immediately purchased tickets for an afternoon ride, and we were off to the Park in minutes.

      We strolled along a series of waterways to reach the Park. Moored to the piers, several long, slender, houseboats filled the narrow rivers. The walk was quiet, despite the bustling avenues a block or two away. Entering the Park on the south side, we walked past the Arcelomittal and the hill that once hosted the medal podium. To our right was a giant, clam shaped building that houses the aquatic center. The building shimmers a blue hue and made me want to take a swim; unfortunately, we were under time constraints. We hustled to the Olympic Rings for a quick picture, before turning around to make our slide appointment. The walk back along the river included cool shade, under oak trees, with coots lazily swimming upstream.

      We arrived for our slide right on time and took the elevator to the launching deck, about 250 feet up. The views were incredible; the outfit, not so much. We had to put on a silly hat that looked like an old time football “helmet.” The old leather ones that you see in black and white photos. Not sure what the point was then or now, but we complied. Along with the head gear, elbow protection was required and made more sense to me. As we waited in line, Kim started to second guess her choice, but I reassured her. Then came the scream from the woman, who had just slipped into the tube. The young man working the entrance of the tube smiled and said, “She’s loving it!” I’m not sure that it was a scream of joy or if she waited for her friends, but it got me even more excited. Restraining myself, I let Kim go first. She nervously pushed off and it was silent, until it wasn’t. Suddenly a prolonged howl emitted from the slide, which I later confirmed was a spontaneous utterance of enjoyment. I came down next, smiling the entire way. It was 600 feet of pure fun that ended way too soon.

      We left the slide and grabbed a quick bite, simultaneously eating and walking to the ABBA arena. We stood in the short line, with lots of platform shoes, before entering the dance floor. Although we got there with ten minutes to spare, somehow we ended up on the railing of the stage, smack in the middle. What? We just got the best dance spot in the house? Uh, yup. We then met Andy, who flew from Australia for the show. As a matter of fact, he came on Friday night and loved it so much that he was back for the matinee today. Although I had worried that my expectations might be unrealistically high, Andy just put me at ease. In only moments, the show started. I can’t really explain what I saw, but it was incredible. Andy and I had waited 40 years for this, so I smacked him on the butt and danced with him to”Does Your Mother Know.” Kim and I bounced up down but when they let loose “Dancing Queen” the entire place erupted. It was bananas. I turned toward the audience, and none of the ticket holders in the seated area were in their chairs. Jumping, shaking, singing, the whole place was deafening. It was like a huge sing-along with 2,999 of your best friends and everyone knows the words. Wow! By the time we left, I was partially deaf, and we were almost back to the apartment by the time I could hear again. Before we left, I asked Andy if he preferred his seat in the back of the Arena on Friday or center stage on the dance floor today. With a huge grin, he said, “This is the best seat in the house!” Then, he paused and leaned in toward me, as though revealing a secret, “I’m supposed to go to the theatre before I leave on Friday, but I might just skip it and come back here.” It was that good. (I have to admit, I looked but couldn’t get tickets for tonight’s show-sold out).
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    • Mamma Mia: The Party 🎉🕺🏼🌺☀️🥗

      19 juni 2022, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      A balmy 23 glorious degrees as you enter the island 🏝 of Skopelos. Crickets 🦗 chirp & Greek music 🎵 plays as you are strategically and well organised taken to your table under the pergola entwined with vines 🍃and flowers 🌺 Authentic & welcoming… served delicious Mezze 🫒 of olives, dips, breads & tangy Greek salad 🥗. Musicians circle, chat and mingle. And, then…

      The hits begin!

      What an amazing interactive performance it becomes… All of the actors & musicians circle the entire venue and make everybody feel part of the action! 🕺🏼💃🏼🕺🏼💃🏼 The waiters become actors and enthusiastically embrace the surroundings.

      You are reminded how many amazing songs ABBA actually have. It is hit after hit after hit! Even some of the lesser known songs from the back catalogue are used to perfection in the performance. Everybody in the audience/tables feel like they are on the stage and the emotion is palpable. I honestly had a tear (…actually quite a few) in my eye just thinking how lucky I am to be here! 🥰

      By the way: the food is superb. Everything is cooked to perfection & really delicious and fantastic quality. Extremely clever and appropriate menu of Greek delights! Tender lamb and beef with tantalising lemon potatoes & zucchini. Speaking of delights…the boys in the show are beautiful too 😝😍 😝

      Benny and Bjorn are Masters in manipulative marketing! I mean that in a really good way: Even if you were not an ABBA fan (unlikely in this room) you would still be completely and utterly transported away to the island they are representing here. It is absolutely amazing and beautiful. What a truly wonderful experience. This will allow ABBA’s astonishing music 🎼 to continue on for generations to come. The most amazing part of the experience is that you actually feel like you are on an island in Greece (even down to temperature of the room!) and this is all happening around you; literally & naturally. Who can do that?
      Only ABBA! ❤️❤️❤️

      You never have to wait for anything; food, drinks, service: there are enough waiters and waitresses who double as performers to cater for your every need. Yes! I am gushing but I am so glad that I was not disappointed. It is pure magic! 👍🏻🌺

      The next 24 hours will have me an emotional ABBAwreck! 😜

      There are 3 acts which are skilfully and purposefully wrapped around each deliciously prepared course! It’s a whole lotta bang for your buck! Well worth every cent. The ticket 🎟 price is high but we were upgraded as well: to a table right inside the action…no value or price can be associated with such a privileged ‘experience’ 🕺🏼

      Not only do you get this thoughtful & well produced show (slightly resembling the original Mamma Mia) but the entire room becomes a gigantic glitter ball ABBA disco! Everybody goes joyously crazy, as they should!

      I can only imagine what future generations will think of this amazing band and a legacy they have left! The absolute beauty of this is that we have people from all ages and all walks of life enjoying every moment!

      ABBASOLUTELY Brilliant!

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    • Dag 26

      London Calling!

      7 april 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      An meinem ersten Tag in London wurde ich mit klassischem englischen Wetter begrüßt 😄🌧 Am zweiten Tag hatte ich aber mehr Glück und bin dann zum ersten Mal mit einem Hop On Hop Off Bus und dem dazugehörigen Boot gefahren. Es hat wirklich Spaß gemacht, vor allem der Blick von oben auf, sowie vom Wasser aus durch die Stadt war wunderbar 🚍⛴️ Auf meiner Fahrt habe ich viele tolle Orte gesehen und bin natürlich auch an einigen etwas länger geblieben, wie zum Beispiel an der Tower Bridge und dem Tower of London, Westminster und einem meiner Lieblingsplätze, dem St. James Park. An meinem ersten Tag, direkt nach einem kräftigen Regenschauer, zeigte sich die Natur dort von ihrer schönsten Seite und unzählige sehr zutrauliche Eichhörnchen waren unterwegs 🐿 Aber auch im Kensington Park gab es neben dem Palace und wunderschönen Blumenbeeten einen schwarzen Schwan mit gelockten Federn zu sehen 🦢Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      London (Pt 1 - St Paul's & Tower Bridge)

      14 juli 2023, Engeland ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      This evening we walked from our hotel next to St Paul's Cathedral to the Tower Bridge (often misidentified as the London Bridge) and then back again via the Globe and the Millennium Bridge. These pictures are of St Paul's, the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge.Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Auch dat mut...

      7 mei, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Pause an der Tower Bridge....
      kleiner Kaffe um den Füßen eine Pause zu genehmigen, an der wunderbaren alten Brücke. Mächtiges Bauwerk nur leider so sehr mit modernem Umbaut, das die Schönheit ihre Strahlen etwas einbüßt.Meer informatie

    • Dag 10

      Kleine Ausflüge

      6 augustus 2022, Engeland ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Ich bin jetzt in einem anderen Hostel mit einer besseren Lage in London, die Leute sind im Schnitt 10-15 Jahre älter, also bin ich gerade eher für mich. Dazu kommt, dass sich gerade auch eine Erkältung einschleicht, dadurch lasse ich es gerade ein bissen langsamer angehen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 107


      6 juli 2022, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Miles: 5.7 Steps: 14784
      Flights stairs: 39

      Spent the day seeing just a few sights. We started with St Paul’s cathedral, another crazy beautiful church. I can’t help but think as I sit in each of these of the waste of resources and space tho. At the time these were built, there were so many people who were in such need. Certainly could have been a better use of the money it seems, then building these massive ornate cathedrals. But, what do I know. 🤔

      We then headed over and took a tour of the Tower Bridge. 432 people worked on the bridge; only 10 people died. For those times, probably not too bad. Walked up and back down 235 steps.

      Then we kept walking and went through the Tower of London - basically a big old mid-evil fort on the waterfront. It had been remade so much (and gift shops added everywhere) that it seemed like it was built this decade. Compared to other historical castles we’ve been thru, somewhat disappointing. The outside looked much more “historic” than the inside, but it was still hard to not notice all of the “improvements” that shouldn’t have been there.

      We bought the “London pass” - basically pay a flat fee to see as many sites you can in 48 hours. It definitely pays off with just a few places because London charges sooo much to see the sites. With the pass, came access to a roofless, double decker “hop on/hop off” bus. It was a great vantage point to see the sites and the modernistic skyline - and fun with the wind in your hair. Nice idea, but in the end didn’t work very well. In London just way too much traffic so we just sat there not moving for much of the trip. 😩 Glad we didn’t actually pay the £40 to use it and that it was “free” with the card.
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    • Dag 30

      Tower of London, UK

      27 mei, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we went to the Tower of London. It is a palace, fortress and jail all in one. The building was started by William The Conqueror, the first king of England, who made the bit in the middle called the White Tower. Kings and queens kept adding to it until it was what it is today. Although it is called the Tower of London, it is not very tall. We found out that it was a menagerie, which is like a zoo. It is not any more, but there were lions, a polar bear and monkeys amongst many others. We then saw the crown jewels. They were very sparkly with all the diamonds, and other gems in it. In the Crown Jewels, there are lots of cool items, like crowns, swords and scepters. The weirdest thing I found was a spoon. It was used to apply Holy Oil to the monarch at their coronation. You might remember watching King Charles's coronation. If you remember that he went behind some curtains and got undressed. Then the priest would have sprinkled him with Holy oil before he got dressed.
      We then saw torture machines. There was the thing were you were tied and stretched, which was called the rack, and there were lots of other stuff.
      And we saw a lot of ravens. There is a legend that if the ravens ever leave the Tower of London, the kingdom will fall. At the gift shop I bought a tea towel that had all the kings and queens on it in order from William the Conqueror to King Charles the 3rd. I bought it because I like a song called the Monarch Song from Horrible Histories. You can watch the video at the next URL:
      Did you like it?
      We then went to Pizza Express and I had a spaghetti bolognaise.
      We are now in our hotel room.
      Tomorrow we take a train to Leicester, see you then!

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    • Dag 26

      I 🤍 London

      22 september 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We have made it to London! And it has been an incredibly busy and exciting last few days here. The pace in London is different from Rostrevor. There are a million things to do, places to eat, and not enough time to do it all! Thankfully we arrived here on a Friday, so we had the weekend to explore and adjust before classes resumed Monday. We’ve done lots of walking, ridden on buses and trains (which i love… the efficiency is incredible), and eaten at some wonderful restaurants. We don’t have kitchens here, so most of our meals we eat out. I’ve tried lots of new foods and drinks. I love how many options there are. We’ve gone thrifting, shopping, gotten our nails done. and went to a very interesting and bizarre shakespeare play at the globe. Big Ben was beautiful and I’m glad I was able to see it in all its glory since last time it was hidden by scaffolding. Today, we visited the Imperial War Museum which was heavy, but powerful. Love you all. It’s been hard to keep in touch with the time difference, so if you’ve texted or called me, I will respond as soon as I can. I appreciate your grace!Meer informatie

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