Amerika Syarikat
McKinley County

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas McKinley County
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    • Hari 26

      El Morro National Monument

      3 Mei 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Heute war eine Bergetappe angesagt. Bis auf 2420 Meter führte die Strasse. Wir waren aber schwer bepackt mit Proviant und Wasser, weil wir vorhatten am Abend zu zelten. Bei einem Stop unterwegs hielt ein kleiner Truck an und ein Indianer schenkte uns Coladosen. Mit guten Beinen gings dann weiter durch die Föhrenwälder.
      Bei der Durchfahrt durch den Ort Ramah gerieten wir noch in einen kurzen Sandsturm. Sandgestrahlte Wädli. Wir hatten wieder einmal starken Gegenwind.
      Heute erstmals richtigen Feindkontakt mit Hunden gehabt.
      Conny meinte danach meine laute Stimme hätte den Hund mehr erschreckt, als ihr Dog Chaser.
      Danke nochmals an Ricki fürs Geschenk.
      Auf dem Zeltplatz mitten im nirgendwo, lernten wir Jaqueline und Fredi kennen.
      Sie sind mit einem Bimobil Toyota HiLux schon seit längerer Zeit unterwegs. Sie haben in Uruguay begonnen, sind ganz in den Süden von Südamerika gefahren und jetzt wieder auf dem Weg nach Vancouver. Dort bleibt das Auto bis es dann im nächsten Jahr wieder nordwärts geht. Sie haben uns zum Nachtessen eingeladen. Es gab Geschnetzeltes mit Reis und Salat. Zum Nachtisch dann Schweizer Schokolade. Wir müssen ausgehungert ausgesehen haben.
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    • Hari 34

      Day 29 comments

      11 Julai 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Made it to Cuba in a day that just saw lots of trees and forest roads. In Cuba I had my now traditional Subway wrap and footlong.

      First part of day had lots of Rocky tracks. Got to top of climb at 7km/h. Reached just over 10km/h before Cuba. Including a tar road downhill of 14km that took 13minutes (then they added some hills)

      Resupplied in Cuba. Tried to complete the next 64km section of tar road. Did about 50 before camping out at 23:00 from being too tired.
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    • Hari 28


      4 April 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Lundi, 4 avril 2022
      Nous pouvons bientôt écrire un guide d'hôtels, celui de la nuit passée était le meilleur jusqu'à présent, même s'il se trouve au milieu de nullpart. Le petit déjeuner juste exceptionnel, fraîchement préparé pour nous: sunshine-up-eggs (oeufs au plat), bacon, roesti, toast et café. Rien à faire avec ces insipides buffets où tout nage dans l'huile depuis plusieurs heures. La 66 quitte vers Lupton l'Arizona, nous arrivons à la Nouvelle Mexique et avançons nos montres d'une heure. Les Red Rocks s'approchent et nous arrivons à Gallup, l'autoproclamée capitale des peuples indiens. La ville s'étire sur plusieurs km le long des rails. Le chemin de fer est à l'origine de la ville. Nous y cherchons une boutique avec des objets des indigènes, mais toutes sont fermées. Le charme de cette bourgade ne se voit pas facilement. Ça prend peut-être vie en fin d'après-midi? Nous allons faire le plein de benzine et constatons de nouveau qu'aux E.U. le prix du carburant est très variable; nous avons acheté il y a qq jours le gallon (3,785lt) à $6.59 et aujourd'hui à $3.99. La 66 continue et nous amène sur son plus haut point, le Continental Divide, 2425m, d'où partent les eaux soit au Pacifique ou à l'Atlantique. Nous arrivons de bonne heure à Grants, ce qui nous laisse le temps d'organiser la suite de notre voyage. Notre lieu d'étape vit grâce au gisement d'uranium, qu'un Navajo à découvert par hasard dans les années 50. Pour notre dîner, nous allons nous régaler au buffet à volonté du Canton Café.
      Pendant que nous avançons gentiment vers l'est, Philippe et Géraldine sont allés avec leurs trois enfants à Los Angeles. Tout le programme y était, Walt Disney Hall, Walk of Fame, Griffith' Observatoire, Santa Monica et Bubba Gump.
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    • Hari 11


      18 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Hier nur übernachtet. Stadt hat die besten Zeiten hinter sich. Nette Menschen von der Ostsee im Hotel El Rancho beim Abendessen getroffen.

    • Hari 9

      Day 8 BABR - Grants,Nm

      3 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      Day 8 Broken Arrow Bible Ranch, NM - Grants, NM
      Miles - 56
      How many deers we saw - 3

      We had a late start time, because everyone was very exhausted. We got a message that we would be packing up and going 30 minutes down the road to a small town of Ramah for breakfast. We would need to load up and be ready to leave by 8:15am.

      It was pretty smooth as we packed up, and crammed into the van. Neil visited with old men at the Stagecoach Cafe. I sent a photo and little note to Kris back at NBC so she could pray for the conversation that was happening.

      I ordered pancakes and Glenn ordered biscuits and gravy. Very good. When I started talking about lunch options, Glenn realized that he left the "cooler" stuff at camp and then quickly called the camp to ask if they could bring it to us. By the time we were ready to leave, Ann showed up with the cold stuff.

      The ride today was gorgeous also. It took us through beautiful and breathtaking locations. We stopped at the Ice Cave and Bandera Volcano. Neil was exhausted, so after cooling down and stuff, the rest of the gang wanted to visit the Ice Cave and Volcano. So while Neil slept in the 2nd seat of the van, we ventured out to Ice Cave. Unbelievable how the Cave can be so cool. Aerage temperate is 33 degrees. That felt wonderful for the cyclist. They continued on to the volcano, but I decided to go back benches outside of the rustic lodge. Glenn and I then started talking to Dave and Debbie the owner of this place. Its not a national park, but privately owned. This couple have been married for 45 years, met and attended the Air Force Academy and served for 10 years. He was very interesting. Once Neil woke up, he started speaking and having a conversation with Debbie.

      Well, this stop was longer than normal, but a good stop for Neil to get some additional rest and then for everyone else to take a walk and see the Ice Cave. The bikers got back on their bikes and continued onto Grants. As we pulled into Grants, we decided to go to the hotel, check in, unload the van, and then take a shower and be back at the van in 30 minutes. And we did!

      I called ahead to the Steak Restaurant to make sure they had room for us. They had the table ready for our arrival. I had enchiladas and Glenn had Fajitas. Very good. Afterwards, we came back to the Southwest Motel and rested for 5 minutes before we took Una to the laundry mat and she washed ours and the boys clothes. Thank you Una. I told her to text us when she was done and we would pick her back up. We drove towards Wall-Mart and got some gas. We checked about a GPS Garmen to buy, since Betsy died 2 days ago. They did not have any.

      The other folks that went to Walmart purchased vanilla BlueBell iceceam to go with the apple pie Neil bought at the Stagecoach Diner in Ramah. Good idea. We sat out on the park area and enjoyed the delicious pie. Glenn offered to give the "left over nearly melted vanilla ice-cream" to Kim, the owner of this cute hotel. Kim was very grateful and then even accepted Neils offer to have a filmed conversation together.

      Glenn and I drove to pick up Una and on our return back to the hotel, there was Neil in the parking lot filming with Kim.

      I am two days behind in my blogging, but I feel better, now that its only 10:30 and all I have to do is answer a few emails and send a deposit to Darla via Paypal and sometime in the next few days, I need to get my pills organized.

      Good night. And if you have made it this far. Great
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    • Hari 28

      Femte dag på route 66 8/8

      8 Ogos 2016, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Vi startede dagen i Albuquerque, hvor vi så den gamle del af byen. Inden da skulle vi lige afhente to gratis drømmefangere i en butik. Ekspedienten var meget flink og gav os tips om forskellige indianerstammer at besøge.
      Den gamle by bestod desværre mest af souvenir butikker, men arkitekturen var flot. Efter en time gik vi mod bilen. Målet var nu at nå at se Ski City og komme på den anden side for at sove.
      Vi satte GPS'en og kørte mod Ski City, indianerbyen på den store sten. På vejen kom jeg i tanke om at vi havde læst om et monument lige uden for Albuquerque. Vi kørte forbi, men vi fandt ud af at vi skulle gå i en time for at se det og det havde vi desværre ikke tid til. Den søde receptionist anbefalede os at tage videre til Ski City og huske at spise noget Fry Bread for hende 😃

      Vi kørte derefter en time for at GPS'en viste os til et sted midt på motorvejen. Så vi måtte være kreative. Vi fandt det på telefonen - Gud ske tak og lov at vi havde internet. Vi har oplevet et par gange nu at vi har været uden internet.
      Vi kom ud til Sky City og fik noget at spise. Vi fik Fry Bread med salat, kylling og noget bønne sovs -det var faktisk rigtig godt. Jeg var ikke så meget for bønnerne, men dem gik jeg bare uden om.

      Inden vi skulle ud på en guidet tur kl. 15.30 så vi en film om denne indianerstamme. De boede egentlig et andet sted, men det blev ødelagt af uvejr og de flyttede fordi de mente at det måtte betyde at der var "bad spirit". De skulle gå efter et sted hvor der var ekko og de gik indtil de fandt den sten de nu bor på. Der bor ikke særlig mange, i dag omkring 30-50 og flest kun om sommeren, da der hverken er elektricitet eller rindende vand. Vi så de gamle huse helt fra 1100 tallet og kirken som blev bygget under at spanierne kom og overtog byen og gjorde mange af indianerne til slaver. Det var rigtig spændende. Vores guides bedstemor boede der også. Hun var en del af den største klan/familie. Det var derfor svært at finde nogen at date fordi man skal vælge en uden for sin klan.

      Efter turen kørte vi til Gallup, hvor vi skulle sove. På vejen fandt vi ud af at de på torvet dansede og spillede kl. 7, så vi skyndte os at få et billigt rum igen gennem vores hotel kuponer og kørte direkte ned i byen. Det var rigtig hyggeligt. Han fortalte lidt om deres kultur og sange osv.

      Aftensmaden fandt vi lige ved siden af på Camilles, hvor vi fik salat. Mums det var godt 😉 På vej hen til bilen mødte vi en dame i måske 50'erne og hun spurgte om vi vidste hvordan man spillede pokemon. Hun havde det installeret, hun vidste bare ikke hvordan man spillede det. Det var lidt sjovt. Vi kunne jo desværre ikke hjælpe hende fordi vi ikke spiller det 😃

      Nu ser vi High School musical 2 på Disney Channel. Ih, jeg elsker de film! 😃

      Godnat 😴
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    • Hari 25

      Route 66, eller næsten - femte del.

      8 Ogos 2016, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Vi startede dagen med morgenmad på hotellet, der var en lille buffet. Derefter fik vi gjort os klar og pakket bilen.

      Vi kørte ind til Albuquerque, og parkere ved en souvenirbutik. Butikken var fyldt af alt muligt indiansk lavet ler krukker, drømmefangere, smykker, tæpper i meget mere. Her kunne vi med en kupon få en lille gratis drømmefanger. Ekspedienten var meget venlig og fortalte os hvor vi skulle tage hen og se og høre noget om indianerne, til sky city. Han guidede os i retningen af "old town" i Albuquerque. Vi fandt så ud af at det lå ret tæt på hotellet. Det var okay, en del gamle bygninger. Men butikkerne i de gamle bygninger mindede nu ret meget om hinanden, indianske souvenirs. Så fik lige set lidt af de gamle bygninger inden vi besluttede os for at gå tilbage til bilen.

      Vi kørte så mod Sky City. Turen derud var lidt kringlet, øde bjerglandskab, med stort set ingen huse hele vejen fra highway området og de ca. 15 miles (1 mile = 1,6 km) til turist centeret hvor der var ture fra. Helt vildt flot landskab dog. Vi kom også ind i et område med køer, så pludselig stod der to med kalv ude midt på vejen. De kom dog hurtigt væk fra vejen da de så os. Vi kom ud til en stor bygning med få huse omkring. Dette var turist centeret hvorfra man kunne købe guidede ture til Sky City. Den eneste måde at se byen var på de guidede ture. Vi gik først på cafeen for at se om vi kunne få noget indiansk frokost. Vi var på vej ud til Sky City forbi et monument, men da vi fandt ud af det var en gåtur på mindst en time til monumentet måtte vi indse det havde vi ikke nok tid til. Men damen der fortalte os om gåturen anbefalede fried bread. Vi skulle ko så prøve det her fried bread. Det blev serveret med bønner, salat, tomater, sour cream og en form for mild chilisauce. Det er åbenbart indiansk, det var ret godt!
      Så købte vi billetter til turen. Vi fik set lidt af museet og en film om denne indianer stamme inden turen.
      Man blev kørt i en lille bus op på toppen af et bjerg, her var byen bygget. Byen blev bygget i 1100 tallet. Guiden fortalte at stammen havde fået at vide de skulle finde deres lokation baseret på ekko. De boede først på en bjergtop i nærheden, men i en storm slog lynet ned i den eneste vej op til toppen. Så de måtte igen lede efter et sted at slå sig ned. De fandt så bjergtoppen vi var på. De boede i små huse bygget op med træ, sten og noget der lignede en blandning af sand, ler og halm. Der lå også en stor kirke som en italiensk præst tvang indianerne til at bygge. Der var få oprindelige bygninger fra 1100 tallet da spanierne ødelagde byen med kanoner, i et 3 dages slag mellem indianerne og spanierne. Byen blev dermed genopbygget vist nok i 1600 tallet. Husene beboes stadig om sommeren af stammen, der er ingen rindende vand eller elektricitet.
      Det var en sindsyg spændene tur, kan virkelig anbefales.

      Vi satte så Frida (GPS'en) til at guide os til Gallup, hvor der var billige hoteller. Vi var så heldige, at der klokken 19 skulle være indiansk dans og sang på byens torv, havde Charlotte læst i en af de 100 brochurer vi har. 😅 vi nåede lige at få et værelse og komme ind til det begyndte. Det var fedt at se. En mand der spillede og sang og fortalte lidt om kulturen og 4 dansere i indianer tøj. Det tog lige omkring en time. Så fik vi lidt at spise og kørte så mod hotellet. Nu kører tv'et i baggrunden, men jeg vil nu til at sove, da der venter endnu en lang og spændene dag i morgen! Godnat! 😄😴😴
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    • Hari 10

      Day 9 Grants, NM - MoratieY, NM

      4 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Day 9 Grants, NM - Mororiaty, NM
      Miles - 85
      How many we spotted along the fields - Dogs = 15 Horses = 22

      The hotel we stayed on the 8th night was your typical iconic Route 66 Motel. Southwest Motel. It was cute and just adequate. Its what you think of a typical hotel room back in the 60's. Our room was full with our suitcases and then the food and blue box container, plus the extra bicycle.

      We loaded up and was out of the parking lot pretty much on time, at 6:50am. As we were heading back on Route 66 to go to the Wow Restaurant, Neil Tomba suggested that we get a breakfast meal at the upcoming McDonalds. I then texted Jeff in the other car and they followed behind us. Glenn was out checking stuff when I ordered him the 2 burrito meal. I ate 1/2 of my Egg McMuffin. We headed out of town on Route 66 to the East. We were basically on the service road taking it north of I40 and also south of I40. At one point we were on about 5 miles of just a very poor road, and lots of washboard. It was very bumpy.

      This day, the cyclists rode for Chessman Wealth Stragesis. And the cyclists rode their bikes with special t-shirts designed for this special day. I know there was another day, where Neal was wearing a special shirt for a friend of his that recently passed away. I don't know the whole story because We were not around when Neal was being filmed for the documentary.

      We took a wrong road and then Neil spotted a man working on his head light on his car in the yard. Neil turned around and asked if he could have a conversation with him. There was a shade tree and we parked the van there along with the bicycles. Neil immediately to started filming. He was talking to a Jeff who grew up in the area and had recently returned to the area.

      I sent a text message and a photo to Kris to start praying for Neil to have the right words to say. We were there about 45 minutes. His sister came out and gave us free tortilla. Very delicious. Neil gave them two t-shirts and his card. They gave Neil a pottery. Neil cried. He was moved by his kindness

      We continued down the road and had to put the bicycles in the van for about 20 miles until we came upon the Carl Jrs. I ordered a salad to share with Glenn and a strawberry and chocolate shake. The salad was perfect for us. As we packed up to continue on Route 66, the wind was picking up. It looked like it could rain any moment now. Glenn followed the cyclists through Albuquerque. We got separated several times but caught back up together.

      While we were going through the neighborhood, Neil waved to a guy that was working on his Winnebago bus. Glenn said a few words to him also. The cyclists turned around. We back a little bit so we would be out of the camera shot. The other car had to make a stop at the FedEX building so, they connected back with us. We were here while Neil carried on a conversation with the bearded man for about 45 minutes. As soon as we left, it started to rain. They got on their rain gear and continued east.

      We did make another stop at a gas station for a potty stop, and Neil talked to this guy too. Only was a 10 minute conversation. We made another stop at Jack in the Box for the girls to go potty. Now it was time to head out of Albuquerque and start climbing. We were back on Route 66 and at one point, I feel asleep. They said I was asleep for 45 minutes and they even stopped to change a tire I believe. I didn't even wake up.

      Occasionally I will send text messages to Dad to ask him if he knows where we are. He is looking on the Find My Friends app and can tell immediately. I love to read his comments to Glenn and Vela in the van.

      We ended up on some very rough and challenging roads. Rocky and just only good for road bikes. Once they got to the top of the pass, Wes and Caroline got in the van. Neil continued on. We then hit a very steep road. I couldn't believe that Neil got up it. 19degrees slant. He made it to the top. And then we made another turn and Neil got in the Van. We started to head back to I40 when we got to a spot in the road that Neil said "50/50 Chance". We didn't take the chance. We returned back the way we came into that area, and headed to I40 and on to our hotel - named the Sunset Motel. Again, it is your typical Route66 motel form the 60's and 50's.

      For supper, we got all the food out on the table and we made ham and cheese sanwhich and chips. We also had grapes, PB&J, crackers etc.

      I have been sitting in the corner of the room for the past 2 hour to catch up on my blog and my FindPenguis account. I also had to call AppleSupport for help with getting my photos transferred from my phone to my MacBookPro. Glenn has already taken a shower and is snoring. He helped clean up the bicycles and I think he'll wait until the morning to clean up the van. We have a call time of 6:30am. Luggage has to be loaded and ready by 6:30am.
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    • Hari 6

      day two over....

      16 Mei 2016, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      557 miles today. Left cold and foggy Texas. As soon as we go into New Mexico it got hot. Red hot. I'm a cheap motel now. Just what the doctor ordered. 900+ mikes so far. Time for a couple of beers then off to bed.Baca lagi

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    McKinley County, مقاطعة ماككينلي, Маккинли, ম্যাককিনলে কাউন্টি, Condado de McKinley, McKinley konderria, شهرستان مک‌کینلی, Comté de McKinley, McKinley, okrug, McKinley megye, Մակ-Քինլի շրջան, Contea di McKinley, マッキンリー郡, McKinley Kūn, Naʼnízhoozhí Bił Hahoodzo, Hrabstwo McKinley, مککنلے کاؤنٹی, Comitatul McKinley, Мак-Кинли, Округ Макинли, Маккінлі, مک کنلی کاؤنٹی، نیو میکسیکو, Quận McKinley, Condado han McKinley, 麥金萊縣

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