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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Vietnam
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    • Jour 693

      Sa Pa

      29 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Es sind nur 32 km bis Sa Pa. Wegen der 1500 Höhenmeter die es bergauf mit einigen Gegenanstiegen geht keine leichte Sache. Immer wieder steile Abschnitte und ich war wegen der Hitze zwischendurch sowas von k.o.
      Sa Pa ist sehr touristisch und ganz und gar nicht günstig. Aber von der chinesischen Grenze nur nach Hanoi zu fahren, war mir einfach zu wenig, da es hier einiges zu entdecken gibt.
      Das Hotel kostet umgerechnet acht Euro. Es ist nicht schlecht, aber die Schwiegermutter beziehungsweise Senior Chefin oder was auch immer sie ist, schreit ständig rum und das ist ziemlich unangenehm.
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    • Jour 47

      Saigon Vol. 2.0

      18 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Hello everybody! After a while I've got some time to tell something about my travelling again.
      Well, the south of Vietnam was fantastic. I rented a scooter again for a 6 days and my plan was to explore the whole south inkl. the Mekong's Delta.
      And what did I see? Really beautiful beaches full of russians. Fishing village with a local fish market directly on the beach, where you can buy all the sea monsters for really good price. An area full of a coffee fields, which is called "the best coffee in the world". I also met a local fishman, with who I sang a Karaoke almost for the whole day and got an offer to marry his daughter. Slept in the floating village. Explore the DaLat city with really intresting climate similar to in the europe and with many colonial buildings from the french time. Got a food poisoning for 3 days. Visited the tunnels, which were used in the Ho-chi-minh pathway during the Vietnam's war. Took a boat on the Mekong's delta and at the end came back to Saigon, where I got a friend, who is living there.
      So with his help, I could explore properly the whole city with all the quarters like Chinatown, Japantown, Blowjob street (yes, there was a street focus just on a blowjobs :D) and the modern part woth all the skyscrapers and also to try a local dish like a duck's embryo.
      Except the food poisoning went everything allright and I manage to get easily at the airport. A next destination was spontaneously choosed - Sri Lanka (Cejlon). So let's see how it's going to be there.
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    • Jour 65

      Ha Giang loop day 3

      14 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      This morning our leader Kien made sure we set off nice and early which caused a few grumbles in the group. However we were all so thankful, as when we arrived at Du Gia waterfall, no one else was there apart from one 8 year old Vietnamese kid. The water wasn't too cold and the waterfall was beautiful. We were debating wether you could jump from the rocks at the top, and before anyone could answer, the kid throw himself off headfirst and confirmed that we definitely could. He was very entertaining, and was able to scramble up the middle of the waterfall, through the water, was doing flips, diving sideways and all sorts. He lead a guy in our group called Tom up the the top, who was the first to brave the jump. After that we all joined in. 20 minutes into our fun, other groups doing the loop started arriving, and as we left there was over 50 people there with more arriving, so we were so grateful to get there early.
      Mid morning we stopped off at Duong Thuong viewpoint, enjoyed a coffee with 360 views, and walked over some sketchy rocks to get a little group photo, which nearly slipped off!
      Lunch was at Tam Son town, which is where we sadly said goodbye to one of the group members, a lovely French lady called Cari as she had a flight from Hanoi the next day!
      The loop isn't actually that long and can easily be done in 3 days two nights, so we had someone from another group join us as he wanted to switch to the longer trip we were doing.
      In the afternoon we visited Lung Tam village, a place famous for hemp weaving! We'd stopped off earlier in the day next to a field of hemp which everyone thought was weed. However it's dried, massaging, stretched out, dyed them woven into brightly coloured patterns clothes, bags and all sorts of items by the surrounding villages. I didn't really need anything, but bought a little woven keyring to put on my bag.
      Our homestay in Nam Dam village was a little rustic, the walls seemed to be made of clay and weren't quite connected in some places. However it was right out in the country side, so much so we were next to some sort of 'milatry' base which we could hear explosions from!
      We were greeted by the lovely family who owned the palace when we arrived, and given homegrown cucumbers as a snack. Before dinner we were introduced to Vietnam's national sport, foot badminton. Which is basically how it sounds. The shuttlecock has feathers on but is weighted by metal disks which rattle as you kick it. The drivers definitely showed us up, but it was so fun. We played for over an hour, working up a sweat before our last dinner! As usual, the food was accompanied by many shots of happy water, with each driver stating it was his last, before another guy coming to the table 2 minutes later getting us to do another! We were at the homestay with another small group doing the loop with the same company and joined forces for evening karaoke and reluctant dance routines. Our group leader Kien gave very much Dad energy, and was sat in the corner cheering us on and filming, he was very cute. He then sat waiting for us to go to bed so he could put away the karaoke machine, so we didn't continue on too late as we didn't want to keep him up!
      Most of the drivers have families who they rarely get to see, so lots of them go off to facetime them every evening after dinner. Danny was saying he gets to see his family a few hours on the final day of the loop, then goes back to Ha Giang the next day to start it again with another group! A different driver was saying he was driving 3 hours along a section of the loop everyday to go to the mines for work. Being a driver was the same pay as in the mine, but he says it's much more enjoyable even if he does see his family less.
      These guys look after us so well, and even though a lot of their English isn't the best, they're so kind and fun to be around, it definitely makes the trip!
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    • Jour 310

      Emy Tailor

      24 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Hoi An ist weltweit einer der bekanntesten Orte für maßgeschneiderte Kleider und Anzüge. Viele Topmarken lassen hier auch produzieren.

      Wir haben uns das auch nicht nehmen lassen und mir zwei komplette Anzüge und Alessa zwei Kleider, einen Hosenanzug und zwei Bikinis anfertigen lassen. Alles war jeweils in 24h fertig und passt perfekt. 

      Hoi An hat hunderte verschiedene Schneidereien. Wir haben uns für Emy Tailor entschieden.
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    • Jour 64

      Ha Giang Loop day 2

      13 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      This morning, the first stop was a very short drive up from where we stayed the night to a mountain pass to gaze at the Chinese border. Across the other side of the valley, we could see a squiggly line of a wall, which was the border! Pretty cool to see.
      We then drove along Ma Pi Leng pass, and stopped half way along at a stunning view point. Obviously a popular one as there was a wee queue to take photos on a particular rock!

      It was a bumpy ol' ride down to the bottom of the valley, to get to the pier for a short boat trip along a section of the Nho Que river. Some areas of the roads were the toughest we've driven over so far! Our drivers went super slow so it was actually pretty fun going through big ditches and over uneven gravel. We were told the river is normally a lovely greeny-blue, but because of the heavy rains over the past couple days the water was a murky brown. It didn't matter though as an hour long ride on something that wasn't a motorbike was welcome, and also very relaxing.
      We stopped for lunch in a place called Meo Vac. Lunch and dinner has been pretty much the same every meal. Normally a big bowl of rice is brought out alongside a chicken, beef and tofu dish, some veg and some spring rolls. Not the best food, but definitely fills a hole, and is nice not to think about having to plan where to eat! I also love the style of eating, everyone has a very small bowl with chopsticks, and the dishes are put in the middle of the table, with everyone serving each other or helping themselves.
      After filling up on spring rolls, we drove through Sa Li pass, which was unlike any valley we'd been through yet. The bottom half of the mountains were slate grey, and rocky with not much greenery in sight, but was still beautiful. It was a bit of shock to see kids as young as three or four walking along the road unaccompanied or just sat on boulders on the side of the road hanging out. We even saw kids that looked maybe 9/10 carrying their younger baby siblings on their back, whilst carrying bags along the roads. My driver Danny said it was very usual for kids part of ethnic groups and villages to do this as their parents are normally out working on farmland.
      In the afternoon, the sun was out in full force, and I had to make sure to put suncream on at each stop, as the breeze on the bike makes you forget how hot it is! We stopped at Lung Ho viewpoint which was an absolutely stunning panoramic view of rice paddies and mountains. The last hour of the day was my favourite though, the sun was just starting to dip behind the mountains which created a gorgeous golden light, I had a great album playing in my earphones, and it was just magical! However once the sun had disappeared, I was eager to get to our accommodation as two straight days sat on a motorbike isn't the most comfortable!
      We arrived into our homestay in Du Gia village just after 6 and all immediately jumped into the pool, and made the most of the evening light. Fortunately there was no compulsory karaoke tonight, so after food we just sat around chatting and drinking beer.
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    • Jour 692

      Lào Cai / Einreise Vietnam

      28 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Ich fahre die verbleibenden 65 km zur Grenze. es kommen mehrere Polizeikontrollen. Wie in den letzten zwei Wochen wurde ich auch an diesem Tag oft geblitzt. Es werden alle geblitzt, die durch das Verkehrsüberwachungssystem fahren. Manchmal sind schwenkbare Kameras installiert und sie sind tatsächlich in Beobachtungsmodus, weil sie hinterher schwenken.
      Der Grenzübergang ist super modern, und als ich mit dem Fahrrad ein paar Stufen hoch muss und schließlich die Rolltreppe ins Obergeschoss, zeigen sich die Chinesen nochmals von der freundlichsten und hilfsbereiten Seite.
      Das Gepäck wird geröntgt. Dann auf vietnamesische Seite ist alles völlig unkompliziert. Jetzt darf ich maximal 45 Tage in Vietnam bleiben. Meine restlichen chinesischen Yen kann ich an der Grenze tauschen und auch gleich eine Simkarte kaufen. Dann suche ich mir ein günstiges Hotel.

      Der Versuch, einen Kaffee zu bekommen, ist irgendwann erfolgreich. Dann suche ich nach einem Bike Shop. Google Maps empfiehlt und ich folge der Empfehlung. Das war eine gute Entscheidung, weil der Mechaniker hatte es echt drauf. Mein Rad musste zentriert werden und endlich konnte das hintere Ritzel getauscht werden. Ich hatte schon mal erfolglos versucht es zu lösen. Am Nachmittag haben wir nochmals die hintere Bremse entlüftet. Ich bin skeptisch, weil ich ein Leck in der Hydraulik vermute. Nie wieder würde ich auf so einer Reise ein hydraulisches Bremssystem verwenden. Die einfachste V-Brake wäre hier die beste Wahl gewesen. Habe jetzt Adressen in Hanoi von Bike Shops, die mir bei meiner Roloff und bei den Magura Bremsen helfen könnten.
      Der Mechaniker war ziemlich lange mit meinem Bike beschäftigt und das völlig kostenlos.
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    • Jour 63

      Ha Giang Loop day 1

      12 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      *****have fallen very behind on posting which I'm trying to rectify over the next couple of days!******

      First day of the Ha Giang loop today! It's a famous motorcycle ride spanning 350km in the North of Vietnam, and is known for it's scenic views. We set off around 9 this morning, in a group of 8. 6 of us have easy riders, so we have a driver to ride the motorbike, and then two guys are driving themselves. My rider was the youngest of the bunch, (a year younger than me!) but had the best English. He's called Danny and is from a small village of the Hmong people in Ha Giang province. He definitely looks like a biker with long hair, shaved sides and tattoo sleeves, but is very lovely.
      Today's intinary was driving along Bac Sun pass, visiting Quan Ba heaven gate, sightseeing Quan Ba twin mountains, driving through Can Ty pass, lunch in Yen Minh town, driving through Tham Ma pass and visiting Hmong King's palace, before staying the night in a hotel in Dong Van town.
      First stop was an impressive one. Quan Ba heavens gate is a viewing platform and the highest point in Ha Giang, 1500m above sea level and has stunning panoramic views of winding roads and green mountains, and was enjoyed with a coffee.
      After lunch, we drove up along Tham Ma pass and stopped at the top of the road. There we were greeted by Hmong people dressed in traditional clothes and makeup, mainly kids. As soon as I stepped of my bike two little girls ran up and grabbed my hands, asking my name and where I was from. I asked them questions back, but they only knew their names and ages before they repeated the same thing. They then asked if I wanted to get my hair plaited with flowers which I politely refused. I'd heard about this before going on the trip, in lots of places parents keep their children out of school to get money from tourists. Many parents also can't afford to send their children to school as it costs money here in Vietnam so it's hard to tell, but it wasn't something I felt comfortable supporting. Many other tourists also at the stop were taking photos with or just of the kids, shoving cameras in their faces in some cases which made me feel a little uncomfortable, so I found somewhere to sit and watch people drive up the road.
      I felt conflicted as this is many of these people's main source of income, and me not paying the kids isn't going to send them to school or change anything, so not sure what the solution is.
      In the afternoon it rained a bit so we stopped and put some lovely ponchos on. All the drivers out waterproof trousers on too, which we ignored as most of us were in shorts. But by the time we got to the next stop, all of had soaked shoes and shorts, which was a regretful decision 😅 The last stop for the day was the Hmong (one of the ethnic groups in Vietnam) King's palace. It was particularly impressive as it was just a huge wooden house, however the history was interesting to learn about the history.
      Throughout the whole day we never really drove for more than an hour, we'd have stops at either coffee stalls, viewpoints or attractions frequently, where we could stretch out our legs. My favourite part of the day was driving through Can Ty pass, a road along the middle of a mountain overlooking a valley with mountains on the other side, but we had stunning views pretty much all day.
      Parts of the roads were pretty bumpy, and there was some stretches of the Than Ma pass where we were overtaking lots of big lorries on small roads. The drivers are obviously pros so it's no problem for them, but I did close my eyes for some parts aha. The 45 mins of rain wasn't ideal as the helmet visor got covered in raindrops, so was hard to see much, but it cleared up on the last stretch to the hotel, and the sun even came out!
      We arrived into Dong Van town just after 5, had dinner later in the evening, accompanied by many shots of 'happy water' accompanied with cheers chants led by the drivers. Happy water is the national drink of Vietnam and is homemade wine usually made of rice, sometimes wine, varying between 20-40%. It wasn't the nicest shot but also not the worst , it tastes like rice flavoured vodka.
      After dinner we were dragged to karaoke, which we participated in for all of 40 minutes before getting an early night.
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    • Jour 319

      Vietnam 3

      16 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Grün... Grüner wird's nicht. Der Norden Vietnam überzeugt durch tolle Natur. Wir haben wieder Höhlen, Höhlen, Höhlen gesehen. Eine ist schöner als die andere. Die Region Ninh Binh und die Halong Bucht mit ihren grünen Felsen haben unser Herz erfreut. Es ist einfach nur schön 😍En savoir plus

    • Jour 61

      I will walk five hundred steps

      24 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Heute machten wir den nächsten Ausflug, es ging hoch hinaus.
      Mit dem Auto fuhren wir Richtung Ninh Binh zu den Mua Caves. Neben den vielen Höhlen ging es auch 500 Stufen hoch zu einem Aussichtspunkt mit einem liegenden Drachen und einer wunderbaren Aussicht über das ganze Gebiet mit unzähligen Reisfeldern, kleineren Bergen und dem Fluss Tran An.

      Als kleine Randnotiz:
      Romy hat es zu Fuss bis fast in die Hälfte ganz allein geschafft 💪🏻
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    • Jour 39

      Sapa Tag 4

      22 mai, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Juhuu, Daniel konnte wieder salzige Kräcker und trockenes Weißbrot essen. Trotzdem ruhte er sich heute lieber noch etwas im Hotel aus. Ich machte mich auf zum höchsten Berg Vietnams, dem Fansipan. Allerdings nahm ich den Schummelweg mit der Seilbahn, bei dem man nur die letzten paar Meter auf sehr vielen Treppen zum Gipfel steigen muss. An der Seilbahnstation unten angekommen befand sich erstmal ein Park mit Verkaufsständen und Tänzern.
      An der Bergstation wurde man immer wieder über Lautsprecher zur Vorsicht ermahnt. Starke Winde und Regen, rutschige Treppen und gesundheitliche Beschwerden wegen der Höhe sollten beachtet werden. Das einzige, was ich feststellen konnte, waren Kälte und schlechte Sicht. Mich erwarteten außerdem ein riesen Buddha, ein paar Tempel, eine Pagode und dann natürlich der Gipfel. Es machte Spaß Treppauf - Treppab zu klettern bis ich furchtbar Hunger bekam.
      Also ging es schnell zurück ins Zentrum, um Pizza zu holen. Daniel im Hotel knurrte tatsächlich auch schon wieder der Magen. Wir wollten heute aber beide mal lieber kein vietnamesisches Essen. 😜
      Danach gab es eine kleine Fitnesseinheit für mich und dann setzte Daniel seinen Filmmarathon gemeinsam mit mir fort.
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vietnam, Viëtnam, Viɛtnam, ቬትናም, Bietnam, فيتنام, Vyetnam, В'етнам, Виетнам, Wiyɛtinamu, ভিয়েতনাম, བི་དི་ནམ།, Viêt Nam, Vijetnam, Fietnam, བེཊ་ནཱམ, Vietnam nutome, Βιετνάμ, Vjetnamio, ویتنام, Wiyetnaam, Fjetnam, Vít Neam, Bhiet-Nam, વિયેતનામ, Biyetinam, וייטנאם, वियतनाम, Վիետնամ, Víetnam, ベトナム, ვიეტნამი, Vietinamu, វៀតណាម, ವಿಯೇಟ್ನಾಮ್, 베트남, ڤیەتنام, Vietnamia, Vyetinaamu, Viyetinamɛ, ຫວຽດນາມ, Vietnamas, Viyetiname, Vjetnama, Whitināmu, വിയറ്റ്നാം, व्हिएतनाम, Vjetnam, ဗီယက်နမ်, भिएतनाम, ଭିଏତନାମ୍, Вьетнам, Wietnam, Vietname, Witnam, Viyetinamu, चम्पादेश, Vietnäm, වියට්නාමය, Fiyetnaam, Vietnami, Вијетнам, வியட்நாம், వియట్నాం, Ветнам, เวียดนาม, Wýetnam, Vietinemi, ۋيېتنام, Вʼєтнам, Công Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam, Vietnamän, Orílẹ́ède Fẹtinami, 越南, i-Vietnam


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