Nuremberg - Prague

december 2023
The winter market of Nuremberg and The mesmerizing Prague Läs mer
  • 22fotavtryck
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  • 7dagar
  • 166foton
  • 1videoklipp
  • 1,1kkilometer
  • 1,1kkilometer
  • 22kilometer
  • 17kilometer
  • Dag 1

    Departure: Home - Mannheim

    23 december 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We started our journey to visit Nüremberg which boasts of one of the best Christmas Markets in Germany, and Prague, the city of 100 Sphires!
    But as we were taking the local trains, we had delays...

  • Dag 1

    Arrival: Nuremberg Christmas Market

    23 december 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

    We arrived finally at the most awaited Christmas market. But the market closes at 21:00. So we decided to just get a view of lit market, and it was beautiful!

  • Dag 2

    Exploring Christmas Market

    24 december 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

    We started exploring the Nuremberg Christmas market from 11 am. But the Market was open only till 2 pm. I guess the Shopkeepers too wanted to start preparing for their own Christmas with their family (a part which I actually like a lot about Germany: take your family as priority than others).
    Situated right at the heart of Hauptmarkt (main market), this Christkindlesmarkt (it's the name of Nuremberg's Christmas market) The vibe was amazing and we got to try various food which were awesome (we opted only for Vegetarian food, but it was still great). We tried Apple cider with Orange rum at a Glühwein shop, and it was the highlight of this Christmas market.
    We also got the famous Nürnberger Elisen Lebkuchen, which was delicious (a must try), and there were a good varieties of decorative and day-to-day usable articles. We purchased some for ourselves too.
    We also visited a Luck tower in this Christmas market, and people were standing in a queue just to climb the fence around it and turn two rotatable iron rings, which is supposed to bring good luck. We saw all kinds of antics people do to get good luck here, promoting the naughty, childish and festive moods of people. 😃
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  • Dag 2

    Nuremberg: A Beutiful and Exciting city

    24 december 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

    After our visit to the Christkindlesmarkt, we went on exploring the city of Nuremberg. Although we couldn't roam around a lot, we roamed around the Operhaus Ubahn station. The U-Bahn station itself was so different from the rest of the Ubahn stations we had visited in Germany. It was old but stylish, open and gave a good feeling. Wanted to visit the DB museum, but it was closed. However, when we walked our way back near the HBF (Main railway station), we visited the Operhaus (Opera House) of Nuremberg, which was majestic. The walk along the Frauentormauer (from Operhaus Ubahn station till Handwerkershof) is also beautiful. The Open passageway below this gives a feeling of Castle passageway, which has a nice vibe to it.
    Then we visited the lake of Nuremberg (that's what we like to call it) and there we got to see the Meergottsbrunnen (I guess it has something to do with the sea god Poseidon - who's also know as for being the god of horses (crazy right !)). The statue has a man sitting on top of a galloping horse, which looks great with the lake as background.
    Then we returned towards the Lorenzkirche (St. Lawrence Church) which we felt, is the most famous church of Nuremberg. However, we were not able to enter this church, as it seemed closed.
    So, we visited other churches - St. Elisabeth church, and St. Jakob's church.
    Both were huge and were open. We entered the church, and they were large and beautifully decorated. One thing which we get to see a lot in Germany (actually in Europe for that matter) : Large and Majestic Catholic churches. One can only imagine how big the Lorenzkirche would have been (it was definitely much bigger than these churches). We prayed to God, admired the decorations of the church and left to have our dinner at DelhiEats - which is an amazing Indian restaurant.
    Finally, after dinner, we retired for the day and went back to our AirBnB accommodation.
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  • Dag 3

    Arrival: Prague

    25 december 2023, Tjeckien ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Thanks to the delay at Schwandorf station, our journey was smooth. We noticed that the services offered in the train as soon as we crossed to Czech republic was much better: the TCs were politer, the caterers came to our cabin to ask if we needed anything, and offered food/drinks at a very less price!
    It's literally the same train which came from Germany, but this sudden change was a new experience for us..
    We arrived at Prague - The city of Hundred Sphires in the evening, and we were in awe! 🤩
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  • Dag 3

    Through Kobilisy - Sidliste Cimice

    25 december 2023, Tjeckien ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Our last check-in time to our booked hotel was getting closer, so we hurried to our hotel in Sidliste Cimice. In order to reach out hotel quickly, we had to take the Metro from Hlavni Nadrazi Praha (Main station Prague) till Kobilisy, and from there, we had to take a bus to our hotel. What we were not prepared for was the long escalator which led us to the exit from this metro station. It was long, diagonal tunnel, with the ad posters too placed diagonal (perpendicular to the motion of escalator). If we started reading the contents of posters, we would surely feel claustrophobic!
    Somehow managed to scrape-through this escalator, and boy, weren't we happy to board the bus, leaving our fear behind at the escalator tunnel, promising ourselves not to take the escalators again in Prague! 🫨
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  • Dag 4

    Day-1 @Prague

    26 december 2023, Tjeckien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    After getting up a bit late in the morning, we decided to have our lunch at Govinda restaurant, which is near to Florenc. Although the path through Metro would have been much faster, we decided to take a Tram to Florenc from Kobilisy, thanks to the escalator experience. It took around 1 hr 15 mins to reach out destination, and we were trying to hurry as the restaurant shall close at 14:30.
    We huffed and puffed our way to this restaurant just to get to know that unfortunately, it was closed due to Christmas holidays. Disappointed, we were set to return to Florenc, but stumbled upon an amazing Italian restaurant - Alforno Trattoria Italiana. The ambience: Nice and cozy, the food tasted fabulous here, and the staff were very friendly.
    After having a sumptuous meal here, we set off to explore Prague around the area of Namesti Republiky - The city's central square (The name translates to The Republic Square) at the evening. We roamed around the Prasne Brany - a famous and scenic Gateway, and around the Jewish Quadrant, and the Paris street, which is was adorned with many expensive designer shops. The whole city seemed to have been immersed in sparkling light everywhere, which was very pretty to watch!
    Then we reached near the famous city Museum, where a mini-Christmas market was also available. The overall scenery was so pretty - Museum adorned in lights, lots of shops selling so many different things, the ' I ❤️ Prague ' souvenir shop, the big Christmas tree in the middle and the Ice-skating rink. We spent our rest of the evening trying out each thing available here, went up the museum stairs (museum was closed) and the street locked dazzling 🤩. Since we were trying out many things to eat as well, we were not very hungry. We decided to have something substantial so that we won't feel hungry in the night, so we wanted to go to a restaurant. We ate our dinner at 'Namaste India', which offered just the same stable food that we required - Dal-Chawal (rice and lentil soup).
    Satisfied with our dinner, we retired for the day and returned to our stay at Sîdliste Cimîce.
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  • Dag 5

    Day-2 @Prague: Prague Castle

    27 december 2023, Tjeckien ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    After having dinner at Namaste India the previous day, we wanted to try it again, but at its another branch - which was near Palmovka station. It didn't disappoint us. The food was great, and it wasn't so crowded either.
    After enjoying our lunch, we set off towards one of the main attractions: an important Spire in the city of 1000 Spires - Praha Hrad (The Prague Castle). We were greeted with a majestic view of the Castle, which got us awestruck! After entering through the gate, laid a huge varanda with a Fountain at it's heart. Apparently, it has been recently renovated, so that the bird-statue in the fountain has now accurately carrying 2 Flags - a symbol of the Bohemian monarch. After spending sometime reading the history behind this fountain, we entered the premise of the Castle, and it was overwhelmingly huge. First we get the entrance to the Church portion of this castle, where it was very crowded. We decided against going inside this part. We walked around the circumference, and got to hear an Asian family of 1 mother and her 2 almost adult kids, where she seemed like sharing a lifetime worth lesson with them (it was fun to see and hear the expressions). From the backside, we entered to the Golden street, which was supposed to be one of the most majestic streets back during the Bohemian empire - The king and his army would generally march around these streets, and all the nobles used to occupy this street. But during the first world war, Czech was in dire stairs - with this street almost reduced to slums. This was the area where the great Czech author - Franz Kafka was born. The surroundings around him inspired him to write about abstract concepts which fit the description - " Everything is not what it seems to be" .
    After passing through this street , we were at the exit of the Castle, which is at good 100 m above the ground level where the Old city square is built. This gave a wonderful view of the Old city part of Prague, and the evening setting made it even more prettier with the lights glowing all around. We took some pictures and spent some time admiring the city from above, and decided to explore the Old city square....
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  • Dag 5

    Exploring the Old city square

    27 december 2023, Tjeckien ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    After exploring the Castle and it's surroundings, we wished to visit Charles Bridge. However, it was already dark, and there was a huge rush over there, with not much of lightings. So, we thought it wouldn't make much sense if we are unable to checkout the statues of Charles Bridge after going to Charles Bridge. Therefore, we decided to checkout other attractions around the Old city square - Starometska. We needed to board Tram 22 from the Castle's stop, and we got to see the Christmas celebration spirit of Prague in a tram that was lit up in a beautiful decoration in white lights. Unfortunately, it wouldn't have led to our destination, so we just enjoyed it's view.
    Then we boarded our tram and reached Starometska station.
    We visited the Rudolfinum, a Concert and gallery building situated right beside the main river of Prague - Vltava. There were thousands of lighted candles in front of this building, and got to know that this was in the mourning and honor of those 14-15 students who died in the Mass-shooting spree that happened in the Charles University just a few days back. There were some candles that were extinguished due to improper covering, which we duly lit and covered them to pay our respects. We went near the river bank to realize the beauty of Prague Castle from afar, with the colourful nightlights on the Castle. We enjoyed the view here, relaxing and smelling the fresh air blowing across the river, and headed off towards other attractions.
    We went ahead to visit the Jewish Quadrant and the Paris street, which is supposed to be the most expensive street in this city (by extension, in this country). All branded shops were available on this street, and we did what we do best in such areas - Window shopping! The prices mentioned for the items made it look like Euro is a joke. We concentrated our energy in enjoying the lit street with the decorations for Christmas and we ended up near the Old city square, where the Christmas market was at it's full flow! Various shops and items were lined up. We tried tasting all we could, and somethings were really tasty, like the Ratatouille dumpling, freshly fried potato chips and the Meade. We realized that the Astronomical tower is right near to us, and we decided to be in front of this tower at 20:00. When the time came, we got to witness one of the most amusing chimes and the cuckoo was replaced with human dolls doing strange things. We roamed around the Christmas market and around the Old city market area. After a while, we returned to the market and stood atop a pedestal, which gave a good view of the market from above. The Christmas tree that was erected was glittering brightly and we enjoyed it..
    While returning, we were feeling hungry again, after looking at a Burger place. We are the burger, and by far it was the worst we ever tasted. Cursing the owner, we made our way to retire for the night.
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