My Life

février 2022 - juin 2024
Starting in Tulum, and neverending. En savoir plus
Actuellement en voyage
  • 32empreintes
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  • 872jours
  • 104photos
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  • 9,3kmiles
  • 3,4kmiles
  • Jour 6

    Back at Cocos

    10 février 2022, Mexique ⋅ 🌧 75 °F

    As I was leaving Cocos last night, I had to stop and turn back around a couple of times. I must have tried to leave twice but couldn't pull myself away from the beauty of the beach behind me. I finally decided I needed to just sit on a beach chair and stay until it was too dark to see. There was only one clean chair, and it was right next to a quite hunky guy. I sat down and said, "I can't leave. How do you leave this place? I tried to leave 3 times." He was nice enough, and we started chatting it up. He said well at least stay until sunset. I said yeah, that was a good idea. We talked about business and travel. He is from Australia and has the sexiest accent. We never ran out of things to chat about. He said he was also traveling alone for about 6 months now and had an online fitness coaching business that charges $1200 for 3 months membership. Incredible. So he invited me to go for a walk down the beach, which felt ridiculously cheesy, but I said yeah, sure. We just kept talking and vibing. It was awesome. His name is Jake, and he asked me what I had planned to do with the rest of my night. I told him I planned to grab a shower and then head up to Playa to try and find the thieves who stole my favorite clothes out of my rental car trunk and get them back. He was surprised, understandably, but invited me for a drink after our showers, and I was honestly kind of excited to ditch my recon mission to talk with him some more. It took what felt like forever to get back to my room. When I arrived, I had a text from him saying he was going to dinner with his friend from Peru at 930, but we could get a drink beforehand. Unfortunately, I wouldn't make it back down there in time, so we rescheduled for today. I was a little tired anyway, so I took my shower and headed to Walmart in Playa, where my car was broken into. I searched the trash bins and asked security where I should look. They didn't know where but told me that the problem is that the thieves work with the car rental agencies and have keys that will open the doors, and it's a big problem there. I eventually felt discouraged and gave up, let it go. I booked it back to tulum to try and get some dominos before bed. They were not making anything more for the night but offered me a pepperoni that just came out of the oven. I took it back to my room and ate what I could. I was wide awake from all the cocoffees that I drank at the beach club and started a Netflix show about crazy cat people hunting down a cat killer on the internet. It had me glued to the screen. I was so mad at this suspect. I smoked a ridiculous amount of weed outside and fell asleep eating Kinder Bueno chocolate and gummy skittles.
    Today, I went to 5 different beach clubs to check them out to see if I could find something comparable to Cocos but different... they were all subpar. I stopped at Papaya Playa, Taboo, Tantra, Selina, and Azulik, and none of them came close to having the excellent vibe that I found yesterday. Jake was there hanging out, so I said hello to him but wanted to keep my pillow paradise, so I went back to my spot to wait for my guacamole that I had ordered to arrive. It was delicious and served with these thin and crispy banana chips that I fell in love with! I never saw Jake again, even though he said he would come say bye before he headed back up to his apartment in Playa. Whatever. I ate more mushrooms earlier and have just been having the most splendid time with myself, going over all the photos on both phones all day. It's going to take a long time to make them all fancy in light room, but I'm here for it and can do it on the travel day tomorrow as well.
    Tonight, I'm going to go to see Virginia at her restaurant one last time before my super sad departure. I could spend another week here and probably another one after that and so on. I'm just waiting for the sunset to cast its gorgeous colors on the beach clouds one more time. It's 5:55 so should happen in about 30 minutes.
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  • Jour 7

    Airport Shenanigans

    11 février 2022, Mexique ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    Well, I just ordered my second $32usd margaritas, and I don't even care about the money. It is so delicious and also affording me the ability to not sit around with a mask on. I am at Sushi Tequila in Terminal 3 Cancun airport, and I just ate probably a pound of spicy edamame, and I just ordered another one. I love these airport days. It's not about money, I can make more of that this upcoming season.

    I'm looking forward to getting back home and hustling the shit out of making and selling some tie dyes! This has literally been the most interesting and adventurous month of my life.. I can't wait to do it again. I am more inspired than ever to work my ass off so I can afford to do whatever I want. Whatever I want is to travel South America in my rental car with one suitcase, locked to the trunk and also locked closed. No more snag and grab from this little lady! I have plans and am so excited!

    Tonight I land in Dothan, and my dad wants me to go with him tomorrow and Sunday to look at motor homes with him. He sold his Bluebird that has been a part of our family for the past 20 years, and has his heart set on a Fortravel brand. After we do that, I am going to book it down to Venice to have a little mommas side family reunion! Daniele, Pierre, Jordan, Brooklyn, Ashley, Josh, and Jaden are all going to be there as well as Mom and Gayland and Tami and Dan! I cant wait for us all to be together again!!! We are having g Jadens birthday party on the beach Wednesday! I bought him a clucking rubber chicken in Mexico! Perfect for driving us all bonkers 😜
    I'm also planning to spend some quality time with Madi and Jared while in Venice! They really want to do a ropes course and I am more than e thusiasyic about that. I absolutely loved the one I did outside Cancun with Andy.
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  • Jour 8

    Dale Medical Center

    12 février 2022, États Unis ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    Hospital in Alabama now. All of my symptoms came hurling back at me yesterday on the way back. Doctor says the antibiotic in mexico may not have been enough, (sometimes it takes two) or that my infection could be resistant to it, or that the parasite could be hiding in my liver or other places, the antibiotic could have just "knocked it on the head" and now its woke back up. We are about to do a CT scan, blood work, and stool culture, and fill me back up with IV fluids. This has been a wild ride. I'll be very grateful when it is over, and I am already grateful for the number of wonderful days I had in Mexico despite all of the sicknesses. It was the most magical month of my life, all things considered, and I wouldn't take it back for a second. Sick for 8 out of 28 days down there, and it was all worth it.En savoir plus

  • Jour 14

    Venice Florida

    18 février 2022, États Unis ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    I started feeling better on Monday and drove around Dothan doing some shopping to practice being up and about. All I found was some awesome sweatpants at TJ Maxx when I was really looking for cute dresses to replace the ones that were stolen out of my trunk in mexico.

    Tuesday, I woke up early and headed to Venice, Florida, to meet up with my mom and Gayland, Tami and Dan, and Josh, Ashley, and Jayden! We are celebrating Jayden's 2nd birthday 🎂 I don't think I've ever met a baby as cool and sweet as him. He is just so happy, like 95% of the time! His parents spend a ton of time with him, developing his senses and discovering his personality. When he smiles, every problem goes away for a second. We all went to Sharky's for sunset that first night, and I had so much fun playing with Jayden and taking his photo and slow-mo videos.

    Wednesday, we all went back to the beach for a beach day birthday. Jayden opened presents before leaving the house and got some really cool stuff, including a squawking chicken I bought in Mexico and some mexican coconut maracas. I think he loved my gifts the best 😉 I get to be the silly and fun aunt! Weee!

    Thursday, yesterday, I went over to Tami and Dan's for the morning with Mom and saw Jayden for a little bit before meeting up with Madi and Jared.

    I drove to their house in Venice, and we spent a couple of hours catching up. I stopped at Publix and bought us some ice cream bars and some hummus and pretzels to help me take my next dose of antibiotics. They are very hard on my tummy and cause me to be nauseous when taken without food. Every day, I get nauseated for a little while at least one time. I met their new cat, Luna, which is short for Lunatic. She looks exactly like Hoo but smaller and with constant "What the fuck," wide eyes. She's crazy and entertains herself and others all day long.

    We ate Thai Bistro for dinner, and it was the best Thai food I have ever eaten in my life! I am very excited to eat the leftovers later today.

    Mom and Gayland decided to head back home today 😔 so, I will be moving into my van and sleeping in Madis front yard. My first van camping of the year!! I'm pretty excited. I've been too comfortable sleeping indoors for too long. I'm excited to get a sense of roughing it again and racing to the bathroom in the mornings, lol.
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  • Jour 16

    Venice with Madi

    20 février 2022, États Unis ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

    I'm at Nora's house in Orlando today. Friday, Madi, Jared, and I went to TreeUmph. It is a roped course in the trees, very similar to the one I did with Andy in Cancun. It wasn't as high off the ground, but it was much more challenging on the #4 course! It took us a solid 4 hours to get through that much, and there was still a more challenging #5! We really had a blast swinging like monkeys and encouraging each other. Jared's son, Elian, was dropped off there by his mother, Mel, right as we were finishing up. He is a super sweet 9-year-old with lots of strange thoughts, and I really enjoy him. I was whooped after the rope course, so we all went out for some authentic Mexican food, and I went home to the leftover Airbnb rental my mom had booked and left early from. I think I fell asleep around 8 pm and slept like a baby.

    When I woke up on Saturday, I went over to Aunt Tamis to eat my Thai food leftovers and bid them farewell. Then, I headed north towards Hunsader Farms, where I was meeting Madi, Jared, and Elian for strawberry picking and a petting zoo. I picked up a phone case for my FREE PHONE that Amazon kindly just refunded me for, more on that soon, and returned some things to TJ Maxx on the way.

    The strawberries were pretty picked over, and we had to really hunt to gather a couple of handfuls. It was still great fun to search out the good ones together. When we headed over to the petting zoo, it was suddenly exciting. All the cute animals were so sweet, and we really enjoyed feeding them. It was a magical time for sure, and I think we spent like 4 hours there altogether. We said our "See you laters" and parted ways as I headed for Nora's in Orlando.
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  • Jour 17


    21 février 2022, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    I arrived at Nora's about 7:30, and we squealed and giggled while our tired selves caught up. We were going to go out for Thai food but were so sleepy, and Tobi offered to cook dinner so he went to Publix and got some ingredients while we chilled on the couch and watched the new Sex and the City spin off called And Just Like That. We ate a delicious dinner of chicken Alfredo with bow tie pasta and veggies. Tobi is really talented in the kitchen! Well, in lots of areas. I passed out on the couch and moved up to the guest room in the middle of the night.

    In the morning, I woke up early and booked flights back to Mexico. My friend Michael bought a ton of beautiful friendship bracelets down in Cancun to sell on tour and I decided I needed to find them as well, just so I could have something for sale in my booth for under $5.00 for the little kiddos to be able to buy who only have a few dollars. I also love Mexico! So, my plan is to go home around March first and make tie dye until my hands fall off, or April 1st, whichever comes first. Then, on April 4th, I fly to Mexico for 2 more weeks out of St Louis.

    When Nora and Tobi got up, they came into my room, and we had a kitty cuddle puddle for a while. Then it was time to make breakfast, so Tobi made us some lovely sausage croissants with cheese and egg. We watched a terrible fantasy show with him until Nora and I both fell asleep, actually immediately. When it was time for Tobi to go to work, we switched back to And Just Like That and enjoyed ourselves just relaxing and laughing.
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  • Jour 19

    Debbies House

    23 février 2022, États Unis ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

    Sunday night, Nora Tobi and I went ot to Thai Thani Thai to celeday. We were all super tired and went dressed comfy. It was the hands down best Thai food I ever had! When we got home, I fell asleep immediately on the couch and eventually moved upstairs in the middle of the night. They had work in the morning, so we said our farewells, and I nestled in on the couch to finish our show before heading to Debbie's house.

    When I arrived at Debbie's, we were both hungry, so she drove us to BJs Restayrant, and we had a wonderful lunch and caught up on lots of things, including the Park Drama. Apparently, Ben, Alex, and Andres booths are no longer welcome at SOSMP either. Teena, Robin, and James refuse to offer explanations to Debbie or anyone for that matter. I must admit that I am a little relieved to no longer be alone on the trespass island. She thinks it is because the trio of assholes believes Andres is involved in illegal activity, and because Ben and Alex's crew once set up without them present and a patron brought in a bag of wine and threw it under their booth to hide it. Security came running to take it and also to just ruin the livelihood of a long-standing vendor. It's amazing how dark that place has become in my mind.

    We came back to Debbie's after unsuccessfully trying to schedule massages for us both at Massage Envy. She worked on emails, and I worked on sifting through the massive amounts of photos from my recent trips. Kyland came home, and Debbie suggested we all go to the Rodizio restaurant, a Brazilian Steakhouse. I had never been to in before, so I was super excited. We waited until about 7 and drove over, where we were given a 45-minute wait estimate. So we walked over to the arcade that wasn't far and got a couple of drinks and played the largest pac man and Galaga game in the world. It was so fun! When our table was ready, we headed back over to Rodizio and had one of the most beautiful and delicious meals ever! The steaks were incredibly juicy, and I ate a whole lot! I even tried their classic Brazilian drink. I can't remember what it is called now, but it was delicious!

    After dinner, we went back to the arcade to use up our points card. We played a little more pac man. I dominated at air hockey and connected four basketballs, and we just had a really great time playing around. When we had used up our points, Kyland chose some toys from the ticket trade in place, and we came home where I again passed out on the couch uncomfortable full from dinner.

    Yesterday, Tuesday, we got up and went walking with Debbie's girlfriends at the park. We power walked 4 miles, and I am sore from that! Debbie walks really fast. We all plotted to go out to lunch later, and when we returned home, Debbie let me try some of her NATs and kind of showed me all her different products from Pruvit that she loves. I'm pretty psyched to try this stuff out! Apparently, it puts your body into ketosis without changing your diet or exercise routine, and Mark has already lost like 27lbs from just drinking these delicious keto drinks!

    We met the gals at Bonsai sushi and had a fun girls lunch. I ate 2 of the same sushi rolls because it was so delicious. Suen bought lunch, which was rediculously sweet of her, and Debbie and I walked over to the Chinese massage place to see if they could get us in for a quickie. They could! We each got the most efficient 30-minute massages next to each other. Our therapists wasted no time getting deep into our muscles, and it was fantastic! I felt completely worked over and relaxed. He was pulling on my arms, twisting them and stretching me out in the best way.

    When we finished up with that goodness, we came home and did some phone and computer work until sunset time. Shelley, Debbie's sister, has a membership to a really nice lake club, and we drove over there for a gorgeous sunset and seltzer time. Shelley joined us on the dock and invited us over to her place for some patio drinks once it got chilly to them. She has the most beautiful back patio with a gmlagoon pool, grotto hot tub, and what looks like it is usually a waterfall. We chilled out, caught up, and just relaxed. When Shelley and Mike were about to eat dinner, we came back to Debbie's to wait for Sierra! She was coming to give us reiki massages from St. Pete! I had thought she lived in St Augustine, and I wouldn't get to see her this trip. Debbie made a really lovely dinner of crockpot shredded chicken and salad that we ate when Sierra arrived at about 830. We smoked some bowls, and she started on Debbie first. I sat on the couch and scanned in all of my receipts to Dropbox since the new year and dozed off. They woke me when it was my turn, and I hopped up on the table. Everything started out awesome, and I had all the tingly feels. Then, about 10 minutes in, she started doing extremely light pressure and like holding her fingers on places on my body that felt like it was doing literally nothing. This gave me some serious ants in my pants, and I had the urge to fidget. The whole massage went downhill from there. She wasn't massaging in a moving sense. She just kept doing super light holds, and I was becoming angry and antsy. When I fidgeted, she thought it was too much pressure and asked me, so I told her I could do much more pressure. She began just squeezing the same parts of my muscles over and over again in the same exact spots. It was not enjoyable. It hurt, and she only worked on my back! I kept thinking surely she must be about to move onto an arm or a leg, but no, she just annihilated my shoulder muscles more. So now I feel very uneven. My back and shoulders are all loose, but my arms and legs are completely neglected. I will probably go to a massage envy on my way back to or in Dothan just to get the rest of my body worked out! I'm pretty disappointed in my massage from Sierra. I was really looking forward to some great healing, but the whole thing was just annoying and lacked flow. I also think she massaged us each for 90 minutes when I thought we were only doing 60. So that'll probably set me back about a hundred bucks or more. It's a wash, really, because Debbie has been paying for like everything since I got here. She is so nice and has all these coupons from her barter website. So I hadn't really bought a meal or a massage this whole time, so it's less of a hit to pay a lot for a massage that I just didn't enjoy.

    Today I head over to see Molli Williams in Daytona Beach! I haven't seen her for YEARS, and we used to be best friends in Illinois. I am really looking forward to connecting with her! I'm pretty sure she's all the way self-employed now with her and Tim's Ritual Apparel, and I am just so proud of them. So, I will stay with her tonight and get up and go back to Alabama tomorrow. I want to spend another week with my dad before heading back up to Illinois to crush another month of production. It always feels like there isn't enough time..
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  • Jour 21

    Molli Squires!!!

    25 février 2022, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    I left Debbie's on Tuesday and headed for Daytona Beach to see my old bff, Molli! We were close for so many years back in my formative teen/twenties. She was in a band and I loved them, we had countless afterparties at her house called "Harm House" and made probably thousands of pounds of vegan food for traveling bands and friends who stayed around most of the time. She moved to Daytona a few years ago, and we somehow let ourselves fall out of touch.

    I saw on her Instagram the other day that her mother had passed on at the young age of 58. I had met her mom before and thought she was sweet but also flighty and self concerned. Her post was tagged in Illinois, and I realized I was in Orlando, only about 90 minutes away from Daytona! I made a comment about how I was in her home, and she was in mine. She said, "No! I'm in Florida! Come over!!" I messaged her, and we planned to meet up on Wednesday.

    I got a late start leaving Debbie's Wednesday because it was just so great to be with both Debbie and Sierra. We had a lovely time chatting and catching up in the morning, and Debbie made us these amazing waffles made from only egg and cheese and some kind of carb free flour. She mixed in diced ham and jalapeños to round two, and that was a slam dunk of an idea!! We lounged a bit, and then Sierra and I hit the road about 2 pm.

    When I arrived at Mollis super cute house, she wasn't quite home from work yet. She said she was sorry that her house was probably barking at me. I told her no problem, there's a super cute old man cat that kinda looked like Jag, coming over to greet me. She replied, "It's Jag!" I said, "NOFUCKINGWAY!!" I got out of my van, SO FAST to go meet my long-lost buddy in disbelief that he was still alive! He was even sweeter than I remember and so cuddly, ready for pets and butt rubs, more like hip bone rubs, since Jag was skinny as a skeleton but was happy as a pig in mud. I was just so tickled. We had been amigos 13 years ago in the height of Molli and my friendship. He always chose me when I was at their house full of metal punks to sit next to and be loved by. I sat right down in the road and pet him while I waited for Molli to get home. It was a grand reunion! When molli pulled up, she was taking video of our sweet exchange and giggling out her car's window.

    Molli pulled in and told me to park in the driveway. When I said, "What about Tim?" She informed me that they were in the process of getting divorced. I looked shocked, and she reminded me that we had a lot to catch up on.

    Entering her home, we were greeted by Algernon and Freya, the same wonderful doggies she had in Illinois. Both are much older now and still just as sweet. She also has another dog now, Henry, a full bred pitbull with much training to complete still. Suki is still flaunting her little attitude around, like always. We hung out and caught up. Molli told me about all of the turmoil in her life recently. Most notably, her mother's death, her pending divorce, and finding out that her father, who raised her her entire life, was not actually her biological father. Her mom was 5 months pregnant when she got with Mollis life-long dad, and now Molli knows that all of her aunts and uncles her whole life have been lying to her. She communicates with her bio-dad, but it is still a strange feeling to her, understandably. Tim left and moved to Kentucky to live with Kyle in a place that doesn't allow pets, leaving Molli to care for 3 dogs and two cats all on her own. Tim does the social media for their company, Ritual Apparel, while Molli does all of the product creation, branding, packaging, shipping, and storage. To me, it doesn't seem like a fair split at all, and I have some major disappointment towards Tim because of it. Molli is an incredibly strong, resourceful, and smart woman, and I have no doubt that she will come out of this on the brightest side possible. I will be here and there to cheer her on and provide support in whatever ways I am able.

    After our big catching up session, we watched Ali Wong's newest Netflix special called Don Wong and laughed our asses off until about 8 pm. I invited her to come to Mellow Mushroom with me, and we headed there. She loved it! I had some kind of habanero margarita that was just delightful, along with my favorite little Greek salad and small pizza with a side of beer cheese.

    When we arrived back at Molli's house, she recommended a movie called Get Out. I turned it on and went outside to smoke some weed to help combat the nausea I was feeling from my antibiotic. I spent the next 2 hours, with my eyes glued to the TV screen. It was such an intense and riveting movie. Then, I fell asleep with Jag on the couch. I woke up in the middle of the night, uncomfortable from not moving to keep from disturbing Grandpa Jag. I saw that Molli had the guest sheets out, so I attempted to make the guest bed, but the sheet was still quite damp. I went back to the couch and had Jag lay on my chest to sleep.

    When I woke up again Friday morning, Molli was slightly frantic and searching the house for Freya. We concluded that she was nowhere in the house and jumped into Molli's car to go and find her. This would end up being the start of an 8-hour search for Freya. I felt extremely guilty, as we were pretty certain she snuck out when I went outside to smoke, so there was no way I was leaving town until this was completely remedied. We went to two police stations, called countless vet offices, walked through animal shelters, and drove hundreds of miles in various search patterns, all within a few miles of her house. We took turns calling for Freya in the various ways that Molli called for her when she was being a "good girl." Molli had no voice since the day before and sounded very weird, like a boy going through puberty. The solution for that was we made a recording on Molli's phone of each of us calling for Freya for about 15 seconds total, and played it as loud as possible through her car speakers over and over again. We spoke with every single human that we saw outside. Several people thought they had seen a dog matching her description at some point in the day. We also talked to several characters experiencing varying levels of early morning intoxication. Around 2pm, hour 6 of the search, I suggested we whip up a lost dog flier and start distributing them on utility poles since several of the people we spoke to had said they saw her at some point. Maybe if they had seen the flier, they could have reached out, and we would have made faster progress in our goal to bring Freya home. I brought my laptop from the car and put together a basic flyer, and we went to the Ritual HQ to print them off and grab a stapler. Through this entire day, we never lost hope, we never quit, we stayed positive and even shared numerous giggles at our great mission and relentlessness to find success in locating Miss Freya. There was just no stopping us. Nothing could throw us off our course. We were going to look until we found her, whatever it took.

    Molli drove, and I hopped out at each block with a flyer and the stapler. That was our system. We continued to ask each person we saw. At one particular pole, there was a black gentleman outside, and he confirmed that he saw Freya less than 30 minutes ago running across the empty field across from his house. I proceeded to get out and put up 2 fliers on the pole because of the way traffic was, and an angry woman came out of this man's house on her cell phone and aggressively walked right up to Molli's window and started yelling at her about being parked there. Molli explained that we were putting up fliers, and the woman fixated on me, walked up to me very closely, and was loud yelling at me about my being there. She was clearly strung out on some sort of amphetamine, and I was concerned for our safety with this volatile woman targeting us. I jumped back in the car, and the man corraled that woman back into the house, and we drove in the direction he said he saw Freya. We played the recording one more time and heard the man yell, "Hey!!" When we looked back in his direction, there she was! It was Freya sitting in the empty field looking for where our voices were coming from. Molli put the car in park, and we both jumped out and frantically called her name. It was a perfect Homeward Bound moment with her excitedly running to meet us, and we were both yelling with excitement. It was an epic reunion made for the movies. Molli was crying, and I was rediculously giddy. It was pretty cool when a young dude on a bike was rolling up right as this reunion was taking place and got to witness the climax of our real-life lifetime movie. He was so excited too and shocked when I told him we had been searching for 8 hours straight. We got little Miss Freya in the car and drove her home, where she ate an extra big dinner. We went to the Publix to buy all kinds of ice cream goodies to celebrate. Molli invited her new love interest, Joey, to celebrate with us! It was the best ending ever to the most stressful day ever. I don't even remember what we put on to watch that night. I was so tired from the lack of sleep the previous night I passed right out.

    Friday, we got up and chatted until I left to meet my dad. He was coming to Ocala, FL, just 1.5 hours in the direction I was headed back to his house. I met up with him, and we followed each other home after eating at Texas Roadhouse in Tallahassee.
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  • Jour 30

    Home Sweet Home

    6 mars 2022, États Unis ⋅ ⛅ 43 °F

    I headed back to Dad's after leaving Mollis and spent several days with him. He worked on cars, and I worked on getting my shit together to return home to Illinois. We had the house all to ourselves since Dee and the kids flew to Arizona to see Acie graduate from Intelligence Analyst Training. It was nice to have him all to myself for a little bit. He reinforced my pole hooks in my van that all pulled out through he steel ribs that Eric, Michelle's friend, had installed poorly. We ate great food and enjoyed eachothers company, laughed more than ever, and it was really sad saying, "See you later." But I made my way up north on Wednesday the 2nd.

    I booked a cheap $40 AirBnb in Paducah for the night, and had my hair appointment with Taryn in St. Louis the following day. We did my Brazilian Blowout and caught up on everything over the past 4 months. It took us about 2.5 hours and then I headed for Springfield, stopping for sushi along the way.

    It was awesome to see my mom and Gayland when I got home. I immediately unpacked the van and put all my stuff away so I could get started on making more tie dyes before time to return to Mexico! I booked flights for the end of March through mid-April. My friend Michael was roaming around Mexico around the same time as I was and had found these friendship bracelets extremely cheap to sell on tour. They are bright, multi-colored, various widths and would be a perfect addition to my tie dye booth. These bracelets would give me something to offer for only a few bucks, just exactly what I need to have something cheap for little children with only a few dollars to spend, so they can have a shopping experience, too. Currently the cheapest items in my booth are bandanas for $10. So, I am stoked to go down there and source these beauties! I'm also planning to bring all kinds of new tie dyes to do jungle/beach photoshoots for social media and my online store.

    I just finished working out with Gayland at his gym, Pure Performance in downtown Springfield and we are almost back home. Here I go to lay down some more colors!! I have a long day of dyeing ahead of me. About 65 more pieces to color for today!!!
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  • Jour 38


    14 mars 2022, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 50 °F

    Wow, I just woke up, and it's about 10 am! Never do I ever sleep this late. The time change was just yesterday, so we lost an hour. I've been home for 10 days now. It's been a whirlwind of making tie dye. Everything I've made has been in the Electric Forest color way. I should be stocked on those colors for a while now, but they are my best sellers. Friday was an ice dye expirament to try and find some easy quick styles I can make that will bring a lot of money. This morning, they are ready in the dryer, and I'm so psyched to see how they came out!

    Yesterday, I did a lot of personal catch-up. My basement had become a wreck with my stuff kind of thrown everywhere, from only focusing on tie dye for 10 days. It had become quite a disaster. So I organized, straightened up, and did a little bit of ice dye swatches, worked on some tapestries that had been staring me down for days. My tie dye dryer had stopped working on Friday, so I watched a ton of YouTube to try and diagnose the problem. I concluded it was probably the timer switch and ordered one on Amazon for $70. It arrived yesterday. I took the dryer apart and replaced the piece. It still did not work. YouTube consulted with me again, and I further took the machine apart and finally concluded that it was the thermal fuse. I almost electrocuted myself once I solved the mystery because I was too excited to remember to unplug the machine again to handle the wires. No harm, though, thankfully! I ran around town, making some returns and looking for a thermal fuse. You cannot buy them anywhere in town. I got one on order from Amazon and then thought to message Lonnie, who I buy all my washers and dryers from, and see if he had the part handy. He did and offered to meet me at his shop in an hour!!! I felt such great success! I solved mystery, and all the machines were functioning again, and I felt victorious!

    Over the weekend, I've been struggling with binge eating sugary foods. This is not helpful on my weight loss journey. Today, I am committed to getting back on my track. I haven't taken phentermine in 3 days and today is my day to stop obsessing with snacking again. I'm scared to weigh in but feel like I should. I'm 5'6" and have been weighing around 140lbs and 16% body fat. I would be very happy to get down to 130 with 14% body fat. So, that is my goal. I have 2 weeks to accomplish it before heading back down to Mexico.

    My dream last night was completely wild! I was finishing up some kind of activity and happened to walk past a music festival, a huge one. So, I stopped and snuck in. I immediately saw Jeremy, and we reunited with glee. It wasn't even like there was any romance; we were just great friends happy to see each other. Apparently, we were in Vegas, and I helped him with his booth for a little while and went off to explore. There were tons of activities like kangaroo bouncing shoes, raised walkways, canals to swim, sup, and kayak in. It rained, but I still felt beautiful and energetic and excited to try all these festival things that I never get to experience while I'm working. I was giddy for the whole time, which is probably how I slept so late this morning... Just having way too much fun in my sleep!

    Today, I will get back after crazy productivity. I've got tons of stuff I would like to make and no time to waste!!! Mexico photo shoots are calling me!!!
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