My Life

February 2022 - June 2024
Starting in Tulum, and neverending. Read more
Currently traveling
  • 32footprints
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  • 863days
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  • Day 56

    Back in Tulum

    April 1, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    I'm back at my favorite beach club in Tulum! I came to cancun March 29th and stayed at Selina Hostel. I came to try and find Maria who sells the handmade friendship bracelets.. I searched for her all day and bought some bracelets from other women. When night time came I found her!! She only sets up at night. I bought everything she had, only $130 us worth, and told her I would be back April 13th for more. It was such an epic victory for me to find her! The hostel was nice enough and had a sweet bar and pool to hang out in, which I did none of but it was a good vibe.
    I left Selina the next day, and did a little more shopping around mercado 28 and found some other women who would sell to me for the same price as Maria, 7 pesos for the smallest bracelets. It was so fun to collect them all. I am obsessed with the pretty colors and the nostalgia from when we use to make them as kids.
    I ventured down to tulum and stopped in playa del carmen for some of my favorite tacos on the way.
    When I checked into the Mayan Monkey my room was on the first floor and very close to the entrance, which was perfect because I had alot of gear to haul in and out every day for shooting. I absolutely love Mayan Monkey. Everything feels brand new and clean and spacious and secure. The air Conditioning works great, the bathrooms and showers and sinks are all separate which is awesome because there is really no wait for anything like that.
    I had planned to see Virginia and Oscar for dinner my first night (the 30th), so went there after getting checked into Mayan Monkey. They weren't there when I arrived so I went ahead and ordered my cochinita pibil and Don Oscar Margarita. They showed up right as I was finishing dinner and we had a cheerful reunion, followed by Virginia's personally made passion fruit margarita and samplings of new menu items including fried shrimp and red snapper! Everything was delicious and it was so great to catch up with the two of them as well. We smoked a little of my weed, and I gave them the vitamins and mushrooms I had brought for them. I was so sleepy after that, so headed home to the mayan monkey.

    Yesterday, (the 31st) I woke up kind of late so just drove down the Tulum hotel zone and scouted places to shoot. I took drive by photos of spots I would like to shoot in. This would be especially helpful when trying to find the places again, because I will be able to see what spot was coming up next from my camera roll. There were countless locations from interesting doors, walkways and landscaping that would all make for excellent backdrops!

    I decided to get lunch in town at Laylo and when I headed back from the beach, I missed a traffic circle and was pulled over by the policia! I remembered what Virginia said, to have two wallets, one with only about a hundred pesos, and one with the rest of your money that you never bring out. The cop tried to get me for 2,400 pesos! I told him I'm sorry but this 100 is all I have. He and I went back and forth on the translate app, and he tried to scare me by threatening to tow my car, to take the car, to take me to the police station, yadda yadda yadda.. Eventually, after 30 minutes of this dance, he accepted my offer of 100 pesos and let me go!!! It was like MAGIC. I was SO PROUD of myself!! I just saved $95 dollars by switching to a locals mentality!! Woop woop!!! I immediately called my mom to celebrate and tell her. She was proud too.

    I ended up going to Laylo for a fresh juice for lunch. I really wanted their Vietnamese spring rolls but they were out of them for the day. They have the best peanut dipping sauce!!!

    I just hung out in the Mayan Monkey in the afternoon on the 31st and learned about this new phone camera and how to use it for better photos. I made comparisons using the full 108mp and the condensed 12mp images. I haven't decided which I think is better...

    Eugene from Indo festival vending hit me up and said he was in Tulum also!! So we made plans to have dinner that night! I picked up Eugene and his friend Carrie and we went to a restaurant called Mezzanine. It was easily the best Thai food I've ever had! I keep saying that everytime I eat Thai food but it just keeps getting better and better. Dinner went pretty late, about 10pm and I drank 3 margaritas. Needless to say, I missed my 530am wakeup call to myself to go shoot at all my new beach locations. I was so tired that I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep in. I finally got up and moving around 10am. Slowly but surely I got ready and chilled out in my bunk, nervous about shooting in Mexico. Hair and makeup done, nerves racing. I waited until 230 to go out into downtown Tulum and found some excellent graffiti to shoot in front of. It was epic. There is so much incredible street art everywhere, and it all vibed with my clothing so perfectly! Very successful day!

    I ate a poke bowl from across the street from Mayan Monkey. I was so hungry, curious about the place, and utterly exhausted from shooting around tulum for hours until sunset. Oh I am so glad I went there. It was absolutely delicious! I had mix greens, fried rice, tuna, edamame, avocado, sesame seeds and spicy mayo. It was everything I needed in life in that moment. I finished up, thanked the sweet family who crafted my meal, ate a weed caramel and am going straight to bed! Tomorrow comes early 😉
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  • Day 57

    Tulum, my love!

    April 2, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

    What a whirlwind! I've only been in Mexico about a week and have done so much! Picking up where I left off-
    Morning came about 6am for me and I hurried to straighten my hair and do makeup to try and catch that sunrise light at 6:45. I missed it, could not get ready in time. But I was in the South Tulum Beach area by 7ish, and the light was still great. It was already smoldering hot at this time and 100% humidity, but I just continued to drive, stop, shoot, change, drive, stop, shoot, change. I kept the rental car running with the A/C on full blast and pulled off to the side with my hazards on for the moments of shooting photos. It was great, because at that time of day, there are hardly any people around. I only saw truckloads of locals going to work. I did this for a couple of hours and had a blast. When I got to the end of the road, where the Siian Kan Biosphere entrance is, I had to pee so badly, so stopped at a juice bar for a fresh juice and a potty break! The juice was sooo delicious! My bartender handcut the fruit and minced the ginger and blended it up and strained it into the glass, very proper! Then he told me they had a cenote in the back and I was welcome to walk back and check it out. I walked up some wooden steps onto a raised wooden walkway that connected lots of little bungalows that people could rent for vacations. At the end of the walkway was a beautiful deck with kayaks and paddleboards, a lounge palapa, and some jungle gym equipment! It was really nice, and I enjoyed my delicious juice there and went back to the front. I stopped at the bathroom one more time on my way back to the car. I had been having diarrhea for a couple days and was pretty nervous that I might be getting sick again.. but thankfully everything went back to normal 😌Read more

  • Day 59


    April 4, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    Well I got back to the hostel and looked through my photos from the morning and found that in a lot of them, my crop top hem is turned up and looks weird. So I was met with a great dilemma of "Do I reshoot , or leave it?" I decided to go back in the morning. even earlier, and re-do all the outfits that I had issues with. That was yesterday morning and I am oh-so glad that I did. The photos are much much better with the clothing situated properly! I also brought more outfits and went very early to Coco Beach Club to shoot there and they gave me permission to shoot around before it opened to the public. I think my favorite photos were there. I then decided to give myself a whole day to rest at the beach club.

    I left and dropped off my laundry to Bo Laundry on the main road. The cost was 150 pesos for 6kg of laundry, so about $7.50. I returned to Coco Beach Club right as they opened and started off with a coffee cocktail. Eventually, all of my favorite servers showed up to work, Victor, Pedro, Jesus all came to say hola! I worked on sifting through the seemingly endless photos. Eugene hit me up around 1pm and I invited him and Carrie to come hang out. They arrived and we all ate mushroom capsules and enjoyed the food and drinks before taking them back to their hostel at Camping Chavez where I met the manager, Jasper and Eugene and I went for margaritas at a little cute bar and food truck area down the street.

    When I went back to get Carrie who was resting, Jasper mentioned that he needed to go to Bacalar, tomorrow, and I had planned to go there and offered him a ride. We exchanged whatsapp numbers and I took Eugene and Carrie to Oscar y Lalos to meet Virginia and have the best meal ever!
    They loved it, I was sort of drunk, and could have chatted with Virginia until the sun came up, but Eugene was fading fast and needed to get to bed. So I drove them back to Chavez and took myself to bed.
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  • Day 59


    April 4, 2022 in Belize ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

    We made it to Bacalar this morning. Jasper and I shared excellent, top notch stories the whole 2.5 hour drive south. I really enjoyed talking to him about travel, relationships, sexuality, and living in Mexico. He needed to go to the border to extend his visa, which had expired a couple of days ago. He is from Canada and has been living in Mexico for 6 years full time on a tourist visa. He mentioned his friend Suzanna was bicycling from Tulum to Panama and we would probably pass her at some point. Sweet!

    Sure enough, we saw her and he asked if I would stop and we could cheer her on. Of course I loved this idea. We pulled off to the side, got out and began waving for her. When she reached us she was a negative dramatic mess. Not a single nice word came out of her mouth and she just enthusiastically bitched about her situation of being on a bike during the hottest part of the day because her free breakfast at the hostel was. ot ready early enough for her to leave before 11am. Just one of the things... I was over this interaction 45 seconds into it. I recognized this vibe. It was not a good one, it was dark and sucky. Like energy vampire sucky. I wanted to leave immediately as she just kept barking nasty things at us and complaining about everything possible. She asked if we could attach her bike to the outside of my rental car. I told her no, it would fuck up the car and there is no room inside it. One of her main complaints was that she had too much stuff on her bike that she didn't need. Just to try and end this interaction I offered to take her bags to bacalar and she could retrieve them there. She immediately got happier and I was relieved to see her relieved and also wanted to fucking go. So we went on down the road and left crazy Suzanna to ride her bicycle.

    When we got into town, I checked into my hostel at the Yak Lake House, secured my belongings in the dorm room, and we headed for the border. I wanted to go to Belize to get my passport stamped. It was a Circus. The first border crossing woman wanted 5000 pesos from him! That's around $250 usd. He said "No way!" and we went to the other border crossing. They would not allow us to drive through, so we parked the car and Jasper did all the talking in Spanish. Apparently this wad not the border to Belize, it was the border into what they call the "Free Zone" between Mexico and Belize, where you can buy all sorts of things super cheap and tax free, without technically crossing into either Mexico or Belize. It was confusing, very very hot and sunny, and we walked, forever, through this zone. I almost gave up so many times and said "fuck it! Its not worth it!" but we kept getting closer and closer to my goal.. The sun was just beating the life out of us. I left all my belongings in the car except passport and phone, because it looked like we were right there, when we actually ended up walking probably 3 miles. Finally, we came upon another checkpoint. It was a Belizean checkpoint, so I got to do some talking finally, as Belize is an English speaking country. I asked for a passport stamp and the super nice chubby man with the happiest smile told me he's not the guy, and told us it's about another mile to the border. So we hailed a dirt bike taxi that looked kind of like a pedi cab for 80 pesos to take us there and back. We were so relieved to not be walking any longer!!!! I had my passport and was all ready to get it stamped. When I told the border guy that I just wanted to have my passport stamped he was a big dick. He started telling me all these lies about how they don't let people into Belize for one day, there is a minimum of 3 days. If they come for less than 3 days it has to be to visit family, and they confirm it by calling the family. What a load of shit. We went back and forth for a while and I eventually got my passport back and turned to leave, saying, "Fuck your country." Not my finest moment but I got away with it, and we walked back to our motorbike taxi and rode back to the car. Jasper gave up on fixing his visa for the day and I drove us back to bacalar, exhausted.

    We were absolutely starving, and went to a restaurant next to my hostel called LA Playita. It was absolutely delicious, I had a mango mezcal or two, and the chicken fajita pitas. Jasper was kind enough to buy my meal as a thank you for bringing him to the area. After dinner it was getting dark so I drove around scouting for places to shoot. and Jasper walked around to find a place to sleep. I didn't see much in the way of cool backdrops for photos, so resolved to start the day shooting at the hostel on the water.

    My bunk mates were two drunk girls who were throwing up in the bathroom but still very sweet, and a gorgeous model looking girl who didn't say much, and a party animal guy who I called, "Mr. No key," because he could never find his key to the room so always kept it unlocked. It's a beautiful hostel right on the water and they have rental kayaks and SUPs. Just gorgeous. I could stay here to do a retreat and get some work done another time. Buenas Noches until tomorrow!
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  • Day 60

    Bacalar Shoot/2nd attempt at Belize

    April 5, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

    I got up super early this morning and caught sunrise in the Yak House back patio for Dimples Dyes photos. The sun was surprisingly strong for it being first thing in the morning. This made the photos sort of challenging, as a filtered light is more ideal. They were accomplished though, and as I was finishing up a very sweet woman showed up with yoga mats and said there was going to be a workout if I would like to join. Hell yeah! I ran upstairs to change and it was actually a very good workout using only body weight.

    When we were done sweating and stretching, I had a shower and ordered breakfast from the bar. I had planned to just chill, casually drink and work on my phone most of the day. All the lake activities were sold out for Tuesday, and the lake was closed Wednesday to give it a rest from the tourism.

    I had two days with nothing to plan. Oscar was correct when he said to only spend a maximum of 3 days in Bacalar because I would get bored. Well, I wasn't working for very long when Jasper showed up to Yak to have a farewell drink and a snack. We got to talking again and he said Suzanna was on her way to us to get her bags. I was immediately uneasy knowing she would be in my bubble again. Just bad vibes. I told him I was hoping someone would cancel their sailboat tour and I could hop on, maybe not be around when she comes... I hoped, but did not get my way. She arrived like an explosion of volatility into the back yard of the Yak and immediately began ordering at the bar and being rediculously picky and entitled. Again, I was ready for this to be over, but I for some reason chatted with her and mostoy Jasper for a bit, while I finished my 2nd or 3rd drink of the day. I think it's because she is actually very nice and I believe she is well intended, just not at all self aware, so I kind of feel bad for her. But maybe that's her point. I don't know. Tired of waiting for her to be ready to help me carry her 70lb pack from the parking lot to her, I just went and got it myself. I gave it to her at the bar and announced I would be working/napping in the hammock because I was feeling drained. I think I was able to doze off.

    Suzanna shot that horse in the foot when she yelled in my face, "Hey we've got a beautiful salad over here if you want some!" At least if she's going to be obnoxious she's going to feed me. Since I was already awake I went over and shared a few bites of a very good salad. Still feeling icky about being in her presence, I said I was going upstairs for a nap.

    I'm just going to work on photos until I fall asleep. Buenas Noches!
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  • Day 61

    Never Driving to Belize again.

    April 6, 2022 in Belize ⋅ 🌙 81 °F

    Today I woke up before the Crack of dawn, probably because I went to sleep so very early, trying to recover from my Energy Vampire. I messed with photos on the phone a bit more and then ventured out of the hostel to find a nice place to watch the sunrise. I found it less than 1/4 mile up the street, there was an open fence that looked like some kind of a resort/restaurant situation. There was a gorgeous deck at the end of the dock that was old and looked like it may fall in at any given moment. It was perfect. I walked out and took a time-lapse of the sunrise on the gopro and photos on my phone. I was alone and it was peaceful. I was still recharging my emotional energy. I called my dad and we chatted for a while, I love his voice. I have an irrational fear of my parents dying. I just want to savor all the time we get to share in this life because I know I will miss them terribly when they're gone. 💔

    I decided to remove all contraband from my car and give Belize another try. I also wanted to check out the free zone for shopping to see if there were any bracelets there! The drive seemed shorter this time, but there were still infinite checkpoints. I didn't find much in the free zone, just some funky socks for Gayland, and a notebook for me for travel notes and purchasing notes so I can keep better track of what I'm spending. It reminded me a bit of canal street in that the streets are lined with stores selling knock off designer shit and everything looks like it just got unpacked out of a shipping container from China. It was an experience.

    In order to drive into Belize, you have to give up your Mexican Visa, Pay an entry fee, Have your vehicle sterilized which costs a fee, either get a covid test for $50us or have a vaccine card-I used my fake one and it worked.🤫 You also have to get a passport stamp for your vehicle which costs a fee, if you will be in Belize longer than 24 hours you must purchase Belizean insurance.

    Whew, I did flips through all these hoops for them and entered Belize in my Mexican rental car without permission from the insurance company.. with a fake vaccine. Rebel status for sure. I won't be doing those things ever again. Too stressful. Belize at the border is literally nothing to write home about. It's like farm land and anywhere on Google Maps that says there is a business is nowhere to be found. I was trying to at least eat some lunch somewhere, but I saw not a single place of business that I felt like I would survive eating inside of. So I took photos of some cool signs and got the hell back to the Mexico border...

    In order to leave Belize and enter Mexico, you must pay an exit fee, get your vehicle stamp cancelled out of your passport, and then pay another visa fee at the Mexico border. Oh and fun fact I did not know until I did all of this: You only get 7 days free in Mexico when you come by land, if you stay longer you have to pay a bunch more tax, so I just switched my flight to 2 days sooner. My work here is done anyways. The shoots are done and I have tons of bracelets, or pulseras as they say.

    What a headache!

    When I returned to the hostel they were in the middle of getting set up for the neon party Yak was hosting. I had no interest or energy in participating. It was mostly like 20 year-olds at the hostel and I was tired from getting fucked like a house cat let loose in the streets of Tijuana. It tool hours to leave and re enter Mexico for no more than an hour spent in Belize. I may have even still been recharging.

    I took myself back to La Playita for dinner and had a lovely salad with avocado, strawberries, and goat cheese balls rolled in sesame seeds. Of course I had a couple of their gorgeous Cocktails as well.

    I'm about to work on the photos until I crash out again! Adios!
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  • Day 62

    One Last Day in Bacalar

    April 7, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    Today I woke up extremely early again and headed downstairs for my Sunrise Stand-up Paddleboard Tour. It began at 540am, it was me, one other single girl and two hetero couples. Our guide was out of this world sexy... I noticed him during our morning workout carrying all the boards back up from the dock that day. I can't even remember his name now but whew. He was strong and tan and had tattoos and the most gorgeous curly long hair. He just looked like he belonged on the cover of every SUP magazine and under the covers of my bed. Haha just kidding, kind of. He took us to the Black Cenote first, which is 100 meters deep and so cool because you go from being in quite shallow water and then the earth just drops off and it's black. You can see nothing. We stopped on a dock there and drank some water and talked amongst ourselves. I told my story about swimming with Panchito and everyone seemed to be very amazed by it.

    We took off to our final destination, Pirates Channel. This is notoriously the channel that Pirates used to come through to try and take control of Bacalar. Someone once built a concrete structure there with the plan of making it a restaurant, but those plans were squashed when someone realized the environmental impact it would have on the Lagoon. So, now it is a strange shell of what looks like a wreched concrete pirate ship. Immediately when we arrived I had to climb onto the ship... It was begging to be explored. There was a pontoon boat near by with a bunch of party people and the first song I heard from them was MY song, "Vacation" by the Dirty Heads! It made my moment for sure. We swam around there and ate fruit for a bit before heading back. Our devilishly handsome guide took photos of all of us throughout the entire trip which was very nice. His French accent was a little weird with his voice but I could get used to it for a little bit 😁 I also feel like I could SUP all day!

    When we got back to the dock I immediately took a shower, and tried to cancel my sailing for the afternoon. It was not able to be cancelled so I just decided to dress cute and not swim. I ate some more avocado toast at the bar and used my free welcome drink, since the bartenders had not been charging me for like any of my alcohol, I still had it on my leaving day. They just kept giving me free, creative, and beautiful beverages, it was awesome!

    I moved all my things into my car and checked out of the hostel before being the first to board the catamaran and securing a coveted spot on the front of the boat. I was immediately joined by the self-proclaimed, "Big Booty Bitches of Bacalar." They were all in their early twenties and fucking wild! They would talk and it was clear that they all slept with different dudes each night and one of their previous prospects was on the boat, too. His name was Jack but they kept calling him Jonathan in a deep voice. It was shenanigans. They were so silly and fun, I loved them. We stopped for a swim near one of the cenotes off the Lagoon and they all were taking photos of eachother and decided they should all hold hands and jump in. I offered to take a video for them, and one girl, Eva, gave me her phone. I stood on the front side hull of the catamaran and they all lined up. When they jumped, the entire boat dropped out from under me and I completely lost my balance! I tried to stay on the boat for the phones sake, but I hit the boat with my knees and wrist and fell into the water, yelling, "Fuuuuckkkk!" The captain saw my hand up with the phone in it and jumped in after me to retrieve it. He got it before it even hit the bottom! Straight up hero! The phone was fine and I guess I was swimming at that point so I threw my harem pants up to the captain and enjoyed the warm water. After our swim we took the boat around Bird Island and went to the Pirates Channel for some more swimming. I wasn't going to get in again, as I had just become a dry person again but it was just too hot to stay out of the water. We took the boat back about 2pm and Eva let me use the shower in her dorm room. Jonathan needed a ride to Tulum, so he grabbed a shower as well and we took off! It was another pleasant drive with a stranger and he even split a tank of gas with me. I dropped him at his hostel, dropped off my laundry at Bo Laundry, and went onto mine, back to the Mayan Monkey 🐒 I got moved in and went straight to Mezzanine Restaurant on Tulum Beach North. It's where I had Thai food with Eugene and Carrie. I couldn't wait to eat there again! I had the exact same thing, Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce and Panang Curry Medium Heat, which they call, "Expatriot." Hotter than "Tourist" and not as hot as "Local."
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  • Day 64

    Trip to Cancun to meet Maria

    April 9, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    Two days ago I messaged Maria to tell her I would return on April 13th to buy more bracelets. She informed me that she would be going home to Chiapas on the 11th, and could I come on the 10th. I had plans with Virginia for a glamour party on the 10th so I said I would just come on the 8th.

    Yesterday I left for Cancun around 9am after chatting and catching up with Jerry, who was still at the Mayan Monkey. I had requested that they put me back in my same room and bed so it was nice to see a familiar face. There is a new large group of kids herein this room all about 20 years old and they are loud AF. They like to drink in the room and party in here, inviting all sorts of strangers to come in and hang out. It felt like I was at a high-school party again. They didn't want to pay for the drinks at the bar so they used one of their lockers as a bar and made drinks out of it. I find them quite annoying and am really looking forward to their departure. It's really annoying that there is always a group of 10 people crowded around the lockers blocking them, the bathroom area, and the door in and out of the room. I just wish I could have an equally annoying tactic for them to experience.

    I arrived in Cancun and locked my belongings in their storage, ate at the little Cafe next door some chorizo con queso. guacamole, and chicken soup with white rice. I was really hungry! It had rained and alot of the streets flooded a foot or more, I drove through them hoping that my rental car would survive all the water, and thankfully, it did.

    I headed over to Mercado 28 to find my bracelet girls from before. I bought some from the wandering women who carry them. and I searched and searched for Lucy and Pao, the short young girls who I bought tons from last time I was in Cancun. I walked and walked, and kept passing the same people, it was like I was stuck in a loop even though I had intended to make zig zags throughout the mercado! It became quite hilarious actually, as I continuously said "Hola!" to the same people as I chuckled at myself.

    I finally found them, and they were right by where I started, only a few hundred feet to the left of the entrance I chose. So funny that it took me hours to locate their stand. When they saw me they got very very excited, and I knew we would have a fun business exchange again. I asked if they had any more bracelets since last time, as all I saw on the table were the same ones I left behind before. Lucy said she had some, but they were in her room. I asked if I should come back tomorrow, and they said no, I can go now and be back in 10 minutes! Pao offered me a seat and we waited together. The man who owns the jewelry store across the way came over to greet me, he helped us alot with translation during our first go around on the 29th, and was incredibly sweet. So we chatted and waited for Lucy to come back. She was running like there was fire chasing her! I told her no necesito, no rapido, relax!

    She brought tons of beauties for me to choose from and I spent about $400 with them this time. We took selfies and exchanged contact information, they, too were going to head back to Chiapas soon, and said I may not see them next time. But I will certainly try! It was about 530pm when we finished our bracelet deal, and all that shopping made me very hungry. So I went to see my favorite bartender at Selina.

    He is a sweet small but fit man from Texas of Mexican descent. I ordered a margarita and drank it while meeting a couple others at the bar. I wanted to order food but the kitchen was not ready so I waited, had my "Welcome Drink," which is some weird green cocktail that was at best, okay tasting. My bartender had never charged me for a drink before, and I said goodbye I'm going to meet Maria around 730, and he said bye, like no problem. I tipped him, and left.

    When I made it to Tulipanes Street to meet Maria, she was not there, but her friend (sister?) was, and she was ready to help me with my bracelets! Maria was on her way from Playa Del Carmen, apparently. I bought tons from her, and needed to go to an ATM. When I returned, her friend showed me this other style of bracelet as well, which I do not love as much as the original style I was buying up all over the place, but I got curious and decided to buy some from her as well, partially to show gratitude for her assisting me with the sale from Maria.

    I came back to drop off the first haul of bracelets at Selina, and my bartender buddy asked me sort of accusingly if I had paid for my drink. I said, "Nope." and he said, "OK, well do you mind taking care of that now?." I said, "Sure, no problem!" and he asked me to walk around to the computer to pay it. I felt very attacked, like I was the one doing something wrong. 😔 It left a bad taste in my mouth.. he was the one breaking the rules, and then came at me like I was trying to steal, but he was giving the drinks to me! Ew. I happily paid for my drink to his boss no problem. I have no problem paying for my drinks but if a bartender wants to buy them or not charge me or whatever... then whatever!
    I went back to see Maria's sister, Veronica, and I chose 320 of her bracelets and then also bought all of her hat bands and belts of the similar style. I even bought one of her handmade stuffed animals for Marissas new baby girl who is on the way! It was a successful transaction, and she said they could meet me tomorrow night with even more bracelets. I told her I would not be here at night, but could meet them in the morning! She agreed and we planned to meet at El Arca de Noe, or Noah's Ark. It is a store very close to the ADO bus station and right by my hostel.

    We said goodnight and I went walking around the Parque de las Palapas to experience it on a Friday night. It was absolutely booming with energy of locals cutting loose and having a great time. Tons of food vendors and crafts people set up booths, there were children's carnival rides, 1-hour massages for 300 pesos(!), and little electric toy cars that about 40 children were driving around the center of the park in. I ordered a chorizo quesadilla and it was phenominal! Then I had Dulce de Leche cheesecake that I ate some of on my walk home. I gave the rest to my French roommate, "Didi" and he enjoyed it. I retired into my bunk for the deepest sleep.
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  • Day 64

    Final Bracelet Excursion

    April 9, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Maria and Maria's friend made a special trip to meet me this morning! We met at Noah's Ark and they both brought their kids and we sat on the sidewalk while I bought all they had left. I spent about 8,500 pesos with them today. At the 19 exchange rate, that is roughly $450. They seemed very pleased and I was so excited. I get high just looking at the bracelets. It's like sex for eyeballs.. I have now bought I think about $2,000usd worth of these bracelets and I am soooo excited to add them to the booth. They fit perfectly with the clothing that I make! I am lowkey obsessed with them. Ok, maybe high key! It's going to be difficult to sell them... because I love them so much! I'm definitely going to be pulling at least 100 of my favorites. I believe I've bought around 2,000 skinny ones and probably 750 medium and fat ones all together. I'm so psyched to take inventory. I need to remember to make receipts for all my purchases. I also need to get a tiny notebook so I can keep a more detailed record of the quantities because right now everything is logged into my calculator. Later I will sit down and crunch the numbers with paper! I loooooove business like this! I se myself moving towards a 50/50 tie dye/import Booth. I'm just so super psyched to see how these sell (and I hope really well, obviously 😬)Read more

  • Day 64

    Pit Stop in Playa

    April 9, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    Not a whole lot can make me happier than walking through a bustling hot sunny street in Mexico. The sounds of the music and all of the different languages that you can overhear within 15 seconds is so beautiful. Everything is full of color, there is street art nearly everywhere you look. Creativity is welcomed and supported here. Its obvious, and everyone is hustling. Most people are happy, kind, and proud. It is such a proud place. People take pride in their work, you see it constantly here. How beautiful ☺️ The list of reasons to leave this place is much, much shorter than the list to stay. My reasons to leave: My family, it gets unbearably hot during certain months, I work in another country, and finally, I effed up my visa going to Belize and must leave before I am allowed to stay longer. That's it. Everything else here is Paraiso. 🏝🍹🌅Read more