5 girls do Europe

syyskuuta - lokakuuta 2023
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  • Päivä 5

    All Blacks sad story

    8. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    So the girls made the trek to watch the Live match. Louise and Beth went along to enjoy the atmosphere at the Fans Zone - amazing atmosphere everyone reports. I stayed back with. my feet in the air….
    We met back up at the little bar 20m from our apartment and we watched the game amongst a group of raucous french people. One girl told me to shush when the haka started…she got the death stare believe me.
    We slipped away at half time thank god, and thought we could watch back here but alas the tv did not comply with our wishes… we could hear the roars coming from the bar though and with sinking hearts watched the score tick over on the internet instead.
    Kel and Susie returned at some ungodly hour and not one of us heard them come back!
    A great night had by all, in the hottest temperatures you could imagine. Thank god for aircon.
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  • Päivä 6

    Eiffel Tower big day

    9. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    After the late arrival of the two rubgy fans home, three snuck out for brekkie and came back to pick up the stragglers. Kel decided to have a relaxing day, so Susie, Beth, Louise and I went off in search of the hop on hop off bus pick up point. Only a mere 1.8km walk to the Louvre and we were on to it. What a beautiful and exciting city Paris is. Such fun on the HoHo but man the heat was pretty oppressive today. Stayed on board, even though I had said I was going up the Eiffel Tower come hook or by crook, but common sense dictated that might be for a cooler day in the future. Hopped off at Lafette and had a good nosy round the beautiful shops. Lunch at Paul and Juliennes place, smoked trout and a cheese platter. delicious.
    Tonight we have been on our Seine Cruise Dinner and what an experience that was. Delicious food from the start to end, and oh my god, Paris in lights is unforgettable…. just the icing on the cake for me.
    Everyone is scattering to different events tomorrow but Im sure. you will hear all about it. Time for bed, its 1.00am and Beth and I have to be up and gone by 6 xx
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  • Päivä 7

    Mont St Michel and others

    10. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    An early early rise for Beth and I today to go on our tour to Mont St Michel. Left our apartment at 6.00am and Uber over to the Eiffel Tower again…. can you believe it came back for me to see….
    Got on the bus at 7.00am and off we went. Our Tour Guide Fabio was lovely. Very informative about the region and all the surrounds. Unfortunately we thought we were going to drive through all the little towns on the way but we didn’t, straight down the motorway. Came across a 3 car smash and it looked bad!
    Onwards we drove, 90 mins later stopped at a servo for wee wee stop and food. (Driver has to have a break apparently. No toilet paper, I was the t-paper courier for beth but luckily found one sans full roll. Off we go and yes a further 3 hours, was at Mont St Michel. 10 min walk from the carpark to another bus to take us almost to the castle….did I mention it was pissing with rain at this point? and beth and i are drenched…
    Anyway troopers that we are, we walked through it, and then came the stairs…. I think about 2 million, I lost count, and my knees and back weren’t happy….But we reached the peak! Wow what a view… absolutely amazing place, the sun decided to come out after we got to the top… and you can see right over to Normandy.
    There was a movie made at the the Mont, with Sean Connery “In the name of the Rose’ they used one of the rooms for a scene… try and find it if ya like.
    Tour ended and down we had to traverse all of the stairs again…god sake! where are the escalators…
    Anyhoo, had a bite to eat then back down to catch the bus back to the tour bus.
    A further 5 hour trip back, traffic was bad, Sunday travellers returning to Paris, so they went through a small village off the motorway or it would of been another hours travel…. We alighted the Bus at 9.30pm. Decided a cocktail was required to get us from Eiffel tower location back to our apartment.
    Kelly and Louise went Amiens to see Kels sons Dans partners parents (they are french) so good opportunity to meet up with them. By all accounts it was a hilarious trip. First of all they went to the wrong train station, and arrived later than expected. Parlez vous Francais courtesy of Louise got them through all the pleasantries and although the hosts had hangovers from a wedding the previous day, they were thrilled to see them.
    Onward journey home, Kel got on the train, the doors slammed shut and uh oh Louise was on the other side…station side…. despite furious attempts to open the doors, aurevoir louise said Kel. Her train was chocka block and no seat. Lou got on the next train, she think it was business class and had a lovely time coming back…. worried someone might check her ticket.
    Susie had a day to herself, we were hopeful she would be the charm….but alas her ninja shopping skills are rusty…and not a damn thing was found.
    C’est la vie! We all climbed into bed damn exhausted and looking forward to Reims tomorrow.
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  • Päivä 8

    REIMS here we come!

    11. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Early French breakfast today and off to the train station. Our lives were in the hands of the Uber driver, and man did he work at trying to keep us alive. Traffic galore, horns a beeping, cursing going on all over the place. Almost as bad as the Arc de Triumph roundabout!!!
    We arrived at Gare de L’est and had a leisurely drink before running to find where the hell we get on the train…the platform number only came up 1 sec before we had to get on….humped 4 large bags + 3 carryon’s onto the train, and found our lush seats…. Loulou got into conversation with her fellow passenger and found out she can go from Reims straight to Charles De Gualle airport when we leave here so happy chappy she is. Her parlez vous Francais is very handy to have…I have google translate 😆 for when she is no longer travelling with us…see how that goes shall we!
    Arrived in a very timely fashion to Reims train station and waited while Loulou changed yet another ticket 😵‍💫 she had purchased…
    Got a taxi, pissed a taxi driver off in the meantime so gave him 💶 10 and that shut him up. Mind you the nutty woman who drove us, kept going on like a mad chook in french and I’m sitting in the front seat and shrugging my shoulders furiously cos I don’t know what the hell she is asking for 🥴. Arrived at our accommodation, its is fantastico…4 large bedrooms, large living room kitchen and dining, 2 bathrooms, one toilet though which with 5 women could be a challenge. One little problem….. the goddamn air-conditioning isn’t going… apparently it broke after the last people. FM! So we have contacted the man and he has bought more fans. Loulou has had a go at him when he bought them around, and was very vehement that we haven’t got what we paid for., so he needs to come to the party on compensation.
    Believe it or not we had sushi for lunch, and they ran out of rose after we had one bottle! so off to the supermarket to do a stock up. Loulou found a great deal on local Champagne, and buy one get 50% off the other bottle. Quite a nice drop too.
    Decided to have a ‘at home’ platters and wine instead of going out for dinner. and I was on washing duty.
    PS the owner dropped off 2 fans, and 2 brand new air condition units (free standing).
    Beth and I had to do another wine and food run to the local Mono Prix for supplies…
    End of a great day, looking forward to tomorrow
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  • Päivä 9

    Reims doesn’t fail to impress

    12. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    What a gorgeous city, slow paced and beautiful. Loulou and Beth up early and off for a reconnaisance walk to suss the area out. They found the cathedral and how close we are to everything, and came back to tell us all about it. After a quick bite we were off, searching for coffee and looking at clothes shop, and yes we have helped the economy very slightly (baggage weight issues). Beautiful buildings everywhere, people are friendly, pleasantish temperature.
    So today was Louise’s day-she wanted to do the champagne places - so she was tour director for the day 🤪.
    Couldn’t believe it when we saw a place called Eden Park so of course the two rugby nuts needed a pic.
    We had a superb lunch at a wee place in town -the biggest Cos Salad you have seen in your life for most of the party, I had this gorgeous ham salad on like a pastry bun, delicious. A lovely bottle of Rose went down nicely, then the rain came…. and I mean it poured for about 20 mins…. cooled the temp down rather well too.
    Conductor Kiely had us catching a bus and off we went to Veuve Cliquot… no tour times available but it was a great photo opportunity.
    A walk up a hill 😵‍💫 and along the way, we came across the most marvellous Vranken Pommery Champagne House. Wow what a place, what a story about an amazing woman Jeanne-Alexandrine Pommery who after becoming a widow at an early age, took the world by storm introducing their champagnes. She is know as a true trailblazer, the basis for luxury product promotion: the style, the brand, the communication and public relations. She invented the image of the Pommery Brand.
    The vineyards are built on top of Chalk quarries/Pits and it took more than 10 years to build the exterior buildings, plant 25 hectares of vineyards and dig the 18km of interconnected galleries that link the 69 chalk pits to one another.
    We went down the 116 steps to the cellar, and OMG there in front of us were all of these artworks displayed. Breathtakingly spectacular, utilising the chalk pits to highlight the art. I was gobsmacked. The temperature was amazing 30 metres underground, perfect temperature for the champagne to mature within the bottles. We all absolutely loved the experience and were so please Loulou had insisted we do it. We got a complementary glass of champagne at the end and it is quite delicious.
    The walk back up the 116 steps after our goat climbing a couple of days (well for Beth and I) was challenging on the knees and back and we are paying for it.
    Anyhoo we hopped back on a bus and off we went….allllll over the city… end of the work day dropping off all of the locals at their neighbourhoods and after about 30 mins we alighted and made our way home. Time for a rest then off out for a bite to eat.
    Have to say so far we haven’t really had the best experience with service or food but hoping to improve.
    Look up the Pommery Champagne - its bloody interesting.

    Lots of photos today cos its all just so amazing…from just walking around, the pictures of nuns are from the bathroom where we had lunch - to the champagne houses… and that Art! wow…Pommery collection I will add to another post cos they won’t fit
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  • Päivä 9

    Pommery Champagne House Art

    12. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    Pics of the Artwork - deserve their own page

  • Päivä 10

    Last day in France - temps cool YAY

    13. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Early morning for me and Beth today… just can’t sleep in at the moment.
    We had a leisurely breakfast (some of us) and then off to town for cafe au lait and brekkie for Kel and Lou. Afterwards I opted to return to the apartment for some relax time, get my feet right and just have some time to myself. So the rest of this post is by Kelly…

    Much cooler today, yipee! Wandered the elegant streets of Reims, it really is beautiful, clean, scented roses blooming. Traffic still a little crazy and of course we always look the wrong way, risky! We have disappointed ourselves for the lack of shopping, me not so much but I am traveling with 3 black belts so a little surprising. Visited the Reims cathedral which is incredible, 34 French kings and queens have been crowned there. Reims looks totally original to me but it was bombed badly during the 2nd world war but has been beautifully restored, so you wouldn’t even know. We visited Maison Mumm, very simple in comparison to Pommery, like Burger King to French Cafe, you could say the product is the same? We had a lunch after being turned away from a couple as they closed for food at 1.30!! It was ok but have to say the food and service is not as good as Paris. The gorgeous young things are a little scathing of us old birds. No tips for them! We had done enough for the day, we have food at home and have a V early start, so home dinner, just a platter (gourmet of course) and plenty of champagne. Tomorrow is a travelling day, we arrive in Roma late afternoon and of course the priority is finding a bar with the rugby on, we are hoping the boys will manage against Namibia, God willing. I know Roma will be 4 crazy days, a new experience for Disey who of course wants to do everything! Then to Valencia for a pool/beach holiday, relaxing, woohoo, over and out xxxxxx

    Me again…some more photos of our neighbourhood. We have had some hilarious moments here…Louise doesn’t fail to surprise and gobsmack me at time, from her fantastic communications in french, to her Keilyisms of words that seem to rise up in bubbles above her head for me… Frencharony, there seems to be a ‘arony’ added to many things. Makes me laugh often.

    Beth has got us on Vodka and Water - good for the waistline and I like it.
    See ya in Rome, I cannot wait!
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  • Päivä 11

    Au Revoir Paris, Ciao Rome

    14. syyskuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    It was an early wakeup from Susie that got us all moving at 6am. Showered dressed and packed and downstairs with the suitcases by 6.45 to wait for the arrival of 2 taxi’s at 7 to take us to the train station in Reims. Feet were getting twitchy by 10 past, we were all pissed off, so Kelly and I each ordered an uber. And wouldn’t you know it they arrived at 7.13 with one of the taxi’s turning up. He was given the short shift by all, and off we got into the Ubers. alighted at Gare Du Nord and on to the train. quick ride back to Gare du L’est in Paris and then decided rather than try and negotiate two more trains to Orly Airport we would hop into an uber…we do love the Mercedes Vans. Traffic was horrendous once again but our driver managed to get around the hoards of cars.
    Orly is HUGE, sat down and finally had some breakfast and coffee. Off to catch our flight… no buso on this one though 😢 and we didn’t purchase the Speed lane, so had to line up to get on.
    Nice little trip to Rome, I had an American guy sitting next to me, he thought I was Australian! Put him straight on that one.
    Grabbed another Uber to take us to our apartment and along the way my heart just about lept out of my chest when I saw what I thought was the colosseum, but no thats just a little one madam, the proper one is just along here, look right when we go around the corner! WOWOW there it was. I have wanted to see it all my life. Had a few tears in my eyes I can tell you.
    Finally arrived at our apartment where we were met by our host, fabulous guy, took us inside, up the lift! yay we have one, and proceeded to give us a lesson on the famous landmarks and their vicinity to our new home. funny chap but he had filled the fridge with a beer, bottle of Prosecco, milk, muffins and gluten free twisties that Beth was thrilled to see.
    Its an older building but really cool too. Few little quirky things. Susie was fascinated by the cornflake dispenser so hammed it up. She has never seen one before.
    Kel had told me about one place she has stayed in before that had a toilet in the shower which seemed very weird…and yep we have one here too. Its a second toilet though so we aren’t moaning. As the saying goes… you can have a shit, shave and shower…all at the same time 🤪
    Had a wee rest then off out for dinner, gorgeous food, I had the oxtail stew, and it was YUM.
    Ps we shopped on our way to dinner, 2 doors down from our apartment, 3 of us bought linen dresses, happy as can be.
    Home now, aircons are all on, its hot again in Rome.
    Tomorrow will be me exploring all the wonderful historical places I have had on my bucket list. I cannot wait. Hoho bus will be booked for us to see this beautiful city, and for an extra day for me so I can go explore the sites on my own. The other girls have been here before so the excitement for them has faded to visit them again.
    Internet is a bit sketchy here so even though I tried to post it last night, I had to wait to the morning.
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  • Päivä 12

    Highs and Lows, awesome views

    15. syyskuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    The day started off fairly leisurely today. Decided to do the HOHO bus again as it’s so good to just sit and look while the heat of the day pounds down on us.
    Purchased the tickets online and then went down to the kiosk not far from our building to get the ‘real ticket’…. no you get those on the buses!
    So find somewhere to eat, €10 eggs (scrambled or omelete) ham and slice of cheese with little vegetable (lettuce and tom), with orange juice and a coffee. Not bad considering the price.
    Off we trot to the closest pick up point and off we go. Rome does not fail to blow your mind. the intricate carvings, statues and buildings are certainly amazing. The traffic and number of tourists? are unbelievable. Hustle and bustle everywhere.
    Saw all the major tourist attractions from the bus, and decided after going around the circuit once, that I would alight the bus at the Colessuem and the girls would do their thing.

    We got off at a stop closest to where we got on and found somewhere with a toilet and aircon cos it was now 34 deg… ordered our lunch (I had the caprese salad) and then watched the ‘manager’ continuously berate the waiter. And I mean constantly (we thought he was new - a small Indian man) God it was awful and he had a loud obnoxious tone. Anyway we got our lunches and a lot of muttering about ‘bullying’ was had. At the end Beth got up to pay the bill and said to the little guy, “you are doing a good job” and then chatted about where we are from - he said “good cricket team”. Nice little fellow. As we went to leave Beth said to him “Good Luck” and the ‘manager’ came over and loudly asked, why you say good luck to him’ so Beth told him why. You are rude and a bully, I also chimed in with a ‘rude’ as I left. Well did he bellow. Lots of ranting and raving…we headed to the jeweller next door to get away and Kelly tried to calm him down with her quiet voice trick…nup he wasn’t having a bar of it. Apparently the little guy is a liar, he said he was experienced, today was his first day blah blah blah. FM! anyhow he decided it was me who was the culprit and still followed us up the street going on and on and wagging his finger in my face. I wanted to tell him to FO but decided the situation wasn’t getting any better LOL so just kept walking.

    Anyway the girls went one way and I went back to find the bus. Off I go around the whole bloody way again, it is searingly hot, and got off at the Colosseum, hook or by crook I was going to see it, have admired it most of my life…around the whole thing I walked looking for a ticket place (and it is now 3.30) asked a guide but he said join a tour at 4.30, I replied I just wanted to walk around myself and he said no tickets left for this month!!!!! So that was that. I had tried to buy online before we left but couldn’t get any…now I know why. Didnt want to do a tour so late and wouldn’t be finished till 6pm.
    So back to the bus stop I go, get off close to home and wouldn’t you know it I walk past the same bloody restaurant and he is in the doorway! pulled my hat down low and kept walking 😵‍💫.
    Got back just as the others did too and then rested till we were off to an irish pub to watch the All Blacks. Great pub, cannelloni was delicious for me, lasagne great for Susie and Kelly and beth had nachos. Still very hot though. Few other Kiwis showed up and an aussie and fijian to watch the game. Great young people who loved to chat with the old girls. awesome day and night. Tomorrow Beth and I are off to see the Vatican and yes, we are booked on a tour!! YAY
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  • Päivä 13

    Vatican City tour

    16. syyskuuta 2023, Vatikaanivaltio ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well today was the day, Beth and I both up early for our tour. Beth cooked us eggs on toast, I made the coffee and then downstairs to catch an uber to the tour office. Of course there were many others there to. You had to be there 25 minutes before the tour started at 10 and we go there at about 9.10 so told to wait outside on the street till 9.35am as there were lots of people getting organised 🤨. BTW whilst waiting this little hawker comes up and said you have to cover your shoulders and knees…. uh oh didn’t notice that on the tour information… and Beth had a sleeveless top and shorts on, I had a skirt just on my knees. Told him I don’t need anything I could pull my skirt down… Beth got stung for 2 scarves at 10 Euro each. I succumbed and bought one too. Not happy at all I tell ya, plus temp was rising and that didn’t help us at all. by 9.30 the temp was 25 and rising. got to 32 today btw
    Finally we could go in and get our pink sticker, and then wait for some more. Lots of waiting in this city…. Off we trot with the tour guide Pascale following his little flag, following along like little chickens behind the mother hen.
    We get into the Vatican entry point and Pascale informs us that although we booked for the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and Basilica, the Pope was having a meeting until 1.00pm and we couldn’t see the Basilica so basically they would just extend the museum visit…see where this is going? Not happy…
    Anyway after a bit of delay and waiting and lining up again we get our headsets and off we go, did I tell you there are steps…lots of steps…Beth has a crook knee, my back wasn’t playing the game either so both a bit weary of stairs.
    Lots of beautiful art, the marble is extraordinary, the tapestries and paintings unbelievable. So many photos, so many beautiful things to admire. But I have to say after the first hour, it was becoming rather much same same if ya know what I mean.
    Loved the square, loved the ceilings throughout, they sure liked their baths the popes thats for sure and wouldn’t mind one like it at my place 🤭.
    Finally we get to the Sistine chapel and the guide says the tour ends here, just go on through, sit down and take the time to enjoy the beautiful Leonardo paintings. Well that would of been good, because we no longer had a guide we were pushed through like cows in the cattle yards, prodded at every moment to keep moving. I reckon we had about 2 mins inside before being herded out. Those who still had a guide, were able to stand in the middle and admire the paint works. Throughly disappointed and the review will reflect that when I get a moment to do it.
    so Beth and I have decided we aren’t doing tours together, they are always a bit of a flop!
    But we can tick that off the bucket list. Wish I had seen the Basilica though, dammit!
    Back to the apartment and met up with Kel and Susie, went to lunch and had Spaghetti Cabonara, delish. Home for me to put my feet up and fell asleep for 2.5 hours.
    Easy night at home tonight, got into Netflix and watched a movie together with platter food for dinner.
    Bed time now, its 11.40pm and feeling jaded.
    Tomorrow is our last day in Rome and off to Valencia. Bit of trouble with our onward flights to London later this month, but I will tell you about it next time.
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