reiste i 7 land Les mer Leixlip, Ireland
  • Dag 35

    Chiang Mai - ELEPHANT DAY

    18. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    After a very luxurious 2 hour journey in our very squishy Songthaew we arrived in the Chiang Mai jungle and got our first glimpse of the elephants. After a brief safety talk and a description of the sanctuary and its workings we got to meet the elephants. We were given bananas and sugar cane to feed them with but I think we spent more time trying to make sure they shared than feeding them, they are so greedy!! We spent the morning getting to know them and then took a small break for lunch (which was interrupted by one of the elephants when she decided she also wanted some pineapple). After lunch we got changed into our swimming gear and went down to the mud bath. The elephants were delighted to have a mud bath because it cools them down and is good for their skin. The only problem was that they thought we liked it just as much and enjoyed splashing us with it.

    Afterwards we went into the river to wash off and some of the elephants came and joined us. Although I didn't plan on getting that wet, the elephants had other ideas and decided it was fun to spray us with their trunks. We were so sad to leave the elephant park, but at five o clock it was time to say goodbye. We got back in our Songthaew and headed home for a much needed shower.
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  • Dag 34

    Chiang Mai - temple day

    17. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    After waking up to a traditional Thai breakfast of Pad Thai with a fried egg on top we got our map and set off for the day. We wandered around the old town, going to three different temples before getting a taxi to Chiang Mai's most famous temple, Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. To get to the temple we had to struggle up the 310 steep steps to the top. When we got to the top we weren't disappointed. The temple was huge and covered in gold and emeralds. We also had a view over the whole of Chiang Mai town . It was very impressive.Les mer

  • Dag 33

    Chiang Mai- the long journey north

    16. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    From Koh Phi Phi we got a ferry back to Krabi, a bus to the airport, a flight up to Chiang Mai and then a taxi to our hostel. We somehow managed to get the emergency seats which made for a very comfortable flight. When we arrived in our hostel we were met by our lovely host Max. After finding our room, we headed into Chiang Mai old town for dinner before falling into bed .Les mer

  • Dag 32

    Koh Phi Phi

    15. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Today we had planned on going on a tour of the Phi Phi islands but unfortunately a typhoon hit so our tour was cancelled . The sea was so choppy that although we were annoyed we wouldn't get to see the islands we were kind of relieved we wouldn't have to fight sea sickness . We were then left with a full day to spend on the island . We met up with the high school girls and strolled around the markets and explored the island a bit. Emily (Gaffney) arrived in the evening so we went for dinner together and all spent the evening in the Irish bar.Les mer

  • Dag 31

    Koh Phi Phi - my favourite island

    14. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    After an early morning start we headed to the ferry port where we met half of Dublin who happened to be getting on the same boat as us. We got our seats on the boat and were ready to go when we realised there was no air conditioning or fans. As soon as we left the port we went outside and lay out on deck trying to get some fresh air. Apart from feeling a bit sea sick it was a fun journey as there were so many of us. After two hours we arrived at Koh Phi Phi . We were then told that there are no roads so we would have to walk to our hostel. Luckily all the hostels are along the same strip of beach and one of the guys had done his research so we just followed them. We checked in to our room and went to explore. After spending a long time bartering and getting an amazing deal on some T-shirts for Conor, we went for dinner. We spent the night going between an Irish bar and the beach. The whole island shuts down at 2 am to prevent noise pollution so after that we showered the sand off and headed to bed.Les mer

  • Dag 30

    Railay Beach

    13. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Today we walked down to the pier and got on a tiny very wobbly boat to go to Railay beach which is about a twenty minute journey from Krabi. We spent a few hours swimming and snorkelling before a storm hit. We than ran back to the boats and had a horrendous stormy journey back to Krabi. With a lot of screaming and a few tears we finally made it back to dry land. We spent the evening walking around the market, trying to refrain from spending all our money. We planned on going out but were just too tired and we had to be up early, so we headed straight to bed.Les mer

  • Dag 29


    12. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    After Koh Tao it was time for a long day of travelling from the east coast of the South of Thailand to Krabi in the west . We got two boats (in true Thai fashion we were never told to switch boats and luckily we overheard someone saying it and managed to get on to the right one. We then boarded a coach once we reached the mainland and finally reached Krabi that evening. We were staying in a lovely hostel right on the beach. We spent the evening looking around the market and only realised when we got back to the hostel that the air conditioning in our room was broken. When we reported it to the staff they upgraded us for free to a much bigger more comfortable private room. Happy with our new beds we went straight to sleep.Les mer

  • Dag 28

    Koh Tao

    11. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ 🌬 33 °C

    Today we went on a snorkelling trip. It started with our early morning transfer (which turned out to be way too many people stuffed into the back of a pick up truck). We then were given our snorkels and set off on our boat. Our first stop was shark bay which is famous for black tipped reef sharks, although they are very scared of humans so hard to spot. I was convinced I saw one darting off from the corner of my eye but that could just be wishful thinking. We travelled around the whole of Koh Tao stopping off at different spots. It was amazing getting so close to the fish and being able to see the coral up close. My favourite were the little black and white fish who were so interested they swam right up to us. A few swam under me and I could feel them under my tummy.

    We went to an island off Koh Tao called Ang Thong which is a National Marine park. We then hiked up to the view-point which involved clambering up some boulders (like a more difficult version of the sugar loaf at Christmas and about 25 degrees warmer). The view from the top was definitely worth it though .
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  • Dag 27

    Koh Tao

    10. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    After a very delayed boat and sitting in a whole bunch of ants we said goodbye to Koh Phagnan and hello to Koh Tao . We checked into our hostel which was right on the beach. As soon as we dropped our bags Eva and I rushed to the water to watch the sunrise where a random American guy took this amazing photo of us (thanks David wherever you are). That evening we watched a fire show on the beach. The performers were so talented. At one point they tried to get me to let them carry me under the burning limbo pole which was my cue to head to bed.Les mer

  • Dag 26

    Koh Pha-Ngan Part 2

    9. august 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    The day after the full moon was pretty much a write off. We met back up with the nursing girls, went for a beautiful dinner then headed back to the hotel and watched a movie before going to sleep. The next day Eva convinced us to go to a water park called Slip N Fly. The main attractions are two massive slides with a steep incline at the bottom so you go flying into the air before landing in the water . After signing our lives away at the front door we watched a few people land successfully and a few not so successfully .

    When Eva finally convinced/dragged me to the top of the slide a slight meltdown was had where I refused to let go of the Frenchman who was working at the top . He told us that it is actually safer to go backwards as you are then in a pencil dive position landing in the water. It might be safer, but it is way scarier!. Being the nurses we are we decided safety first so backwards we went down the slide . As soon as I went, I actually really enjoyed it - apart from a large pain in the bum when landing in the water it was actually great fun!. That evening we went to the famous Amsterdam Bar that has the best views of the sunset and watched the sun go down on our last night in Koh Pha-Ngan .
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