My adventures in South America

tammikuuta - huhtikuuta 2020
I am gonna take you with me on my adventures. Unfortunately you gonna join me halfway through my journey, as I didn´t know about this application before.
Have fun and see what beautiful South America has to offer!
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  • Päivä 48

    Day off in Parque Pumalin

    3. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Today we didn’t have to work in the food truck. Instead we were allowed to join one of the tours that tommy is guiding. We drove to pretty pretty places with nice views onto the glaciers. Also we did a Little hike in the Parque Pumalín, where you can find giant trees! What a wonderful world we’re living in!!!
    Afterwards we went to Santa Barbara again and put on wetsuits to go swimming and snorkelling. When we were in the water, there was a sea lion coming super close to us! Luckily it was a baby sea lion, as the big ones are quite dangerous apparently 😁 it was so fun, but especially because tommy had so much fun doing this hahaha. We even caught a sea urchin which you can eat.
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  • Päivä 50

    Finishing the Carretera Austral

    5. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Oh we had such a lovely time in Chaitén, with Lotta and Tommy and with all their friends. It was so fun to work in the food truck!
    On our last night we got T-shirt’s with our names on it and the label of their food truck and tourism company. I’m wearing it now very proudly 😂✌🏼

    All in all we had the most beautiful sunsets in Chaitén, the best food that Lotta makes, and her Cakes 🤤, super funny conversations and some spontaneous dance and singing interludes in the truck 🚌 !

    With Chaitén, our hitchhiking adventure of the Ruta 7 - CARRETERA AUSTRAL - is gonna end here too! I had the best time camping and traveling with Mona for that time! Will never forget this, and the nature, the people and all the glorious moments!

    We are taking the ferry to Puerto Montt now, which is also called the gate to Patagonia. So we are gonna leave Patagonia now to go back in the north!
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  • Päivä 52

    being a proper homeless person

    7. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Last night we arrived with the ferry to Puerto Montt. We were planning on camping but some guys came up to us and said it’s not that safe. Especially as we are two girls. So we decided to sleep in the bus terminal 😂 I felt super homeless 😂 but it was an experience. With all the homeless dogs that took care of us, but woke us recklessly up with tremendously loud barks in the morning at 5.30am as soon as someone entered.
    Right now I am sitting in the bus. Mona, my travel friend since the last month is just sitting opposite. We didn’t get seated next to each other but at the moment we both are enjoying our burger for breakfast 😁😝 #unhealthy 🤦🏽‍♀️ the Imbiss was the only open shop that sold something else than biscuits ✌🏼
    I am gonna be in this Bus for about 14 hours, oh yeah 🙄😎
    But I do enjoy the long bus journeys, so I get the chance to process my impressions and experiences of the last two month in Patagonia 🏔
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  • Päivä 56

    Good vibes in the La Joya Hostel

    11. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    I absolutely love the hostel that we’re staying in. It’s called La Joya, and it has such a nice Rooftop terrace. I go crazy about it😂 you can chill in the sun during the day and at nights you’ve got this super lovely view of the city with all the lights and when it’s a starry sky it’s even better 🌌 💫
    We met two other travelers. One guy from turkey and a German one, and we always ended up being on this rooftop until like 4am in the morning.
    I’ve lived very unhealthy, regarding to my high consume of alcohol the last week, so I’m gonna change it for at least the whole next week. But they’ve been such good drinking buddies and we had a really good and fun time!
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  • Päivä 56

    Valparaiso, te amo!

    11. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    This now is the second time I visit Valparaíso and I am definitely planning on staying longer than last time, as I was here in October and just for a day trip. Although I had already been here before I still was so amazed by the colorful and poetic vibe this city offers. Everywhere you go is art! And to me even the food markets with the big fruit stands appeared arty in some way.
    I found a really good quote in the internet, that describes the city very well. It was said by Pablo Neruda: “Valparaíso, how absurd you are…you haven't combed your hair, you've never had time to get dressed, life has always surprised you.”

    Valparaíso is a wonderful mess!
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  • Päivä 57

    Las dunas de Concon

    12. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Close to the Chilean coastal town Renaca, you can find some massive and beautiful sand dunes.
    It’s been the last day of Mona and me traveling together, so we decided to go there and have a relaxed one.
    We actually went there because we wanted to do some sandboarding. Unfortunately we weren’t able to find the place where you can rent the boards 😂 so we decided to just walk up the dunes. It rather felt like a tough climb, although it wasn’t very high, but it’s so hard to walk through the sand. Eventually we made it and were able to enjoy a fantastic view on the Pacific!!! 🌊
    Later on we even tried to do some sandboarding with cardboard, but it didn’t really work out.
    We had so much fun though just playing with the sand and were super satisfied by the way it was going with the wind. We always gonna remain children in our hearts.
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  • Päivä 59

    New travelbuddies for the desert

    14. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After being in Valparaiso for a whole week, I am gonna continue my Journey up north.
    I met my friends Jaron and Nadin in the airport in Santiago very early in the morning today. I know these two from Los Ángeles, where I worked on a horse ranch. Nadin and Jaron are doing a volunteering project for one year over there and we decided to meet up again, so here we are, on our way to the north of Chile!

    The flight from Santiago was only about two hours long and as soon as we left the airport we were surrounded by such a different nature! I’ve never been in a desert, but it is so different. A lot of people in Santiago have been telling me that the north is ugly. But to be honest, I really enjoy it here! Yes, it is super dry, but the sun is shining all day long, it is not too hot and the houses they’ve built with the white walls and the lovely differently coloured stony floors look so lovely.

    In the evening we started a little walk to a river close by. It was quite muddy but we kept on going up to an open spot where we were watching the sunset and after the sun had gone down the stars appeared magnificently above us. We were listening to some beautiful and calm music, so there was such a nice atmosphere. I really enjoyed it. We have even been able to get some shots of the stars with a phone camera. So you can’t imagine what it looked like in real life, it was insane!
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  • Päivä 60

    Laguna Cejar and Tebinquiche

    15. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Today we decided to sleep in and we booked a tour for the afternoon. During the day we explored the city a little. It is such a touristy but still super cute little town with lots of little souvenir shops and bars and cafes.
    Our tour to Laguna Cejar started at 4pm. We were a group of 10 people and the tour was hold in Spanish. I am pretty proud of how well I was able to improve my Spanish skills by only talking and listening to people.
    We finally got to Laguna Cejar, which is a natural Salty Lake in the middle of the desert. And it is salty indeed! You will not need „floaties“, you literally just need to walk right in and you’ll float! Also the water is unexpectedly cold given it is in the middle of the desert. But definitely a good cool down.
    After the Laguna Cejar we were on our way to Laguna Tebinquiche.
    But we did a stop over in the middle of the desert and our tour guide got out the piscina sour. Which is a traditional latinamerican drink. I love it! Afterwards we made our way to Laguna Tebinquiche. I was wondering the whole time how a lake can exist in such a dry desert with an altitude level of more than 2000m. My tour guide knew the answer. The lakes are born from the thawings of the snow and the rains that rarely visit the desert. Also, we have been super lucky as we were able to see the peaks of the volcanos in the background covered in snow. Four days before our arrival it was raining A LOT in San Pedro. The people who live there are never really prepared, so that some of the houses were flooded. But of course, it does dry super quickly again the next days.
    We stayed at the lake until the sun had fully set. It was a beautiful sunset and if you turned around you could see the Andes turning purple.
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  • Päivä 61

    El Tatio Geysers

    16. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Got my warmest clothes out of my rucksack for this morning. We got up at 4am and took a Bus for 2 hours to get to the El Tatio Geysers. Almost 4300m above sea level, the geysers and hot springs bubble away in a massive volcanic crater. It has been so impressive to see these Geysers in full action. Also we went there that early, as they are even more active during the night and while sunrise.
    This is the largest Geyser field in the Southern Hemisphere and has more than 80 geysers, 30 of which are always active. And can you believe, they are shooting forth 86 Degree Celsius water from below the surface of the earth and give some sense of the active volcanic activity under your feet. I really loved this experience as Ive never seen something like this before. And also being on such a high level of altitude has been interesting. I was really shocked at how quickly i got out of breath by just walking around...
    On our way back to San Pedro, we stopped in a little village where they were selling Llama meat. Firstly we saw some standing next to the road and everyone was taking photos of them and said how cute and sweet they looked. And five minutes later you could see the meat on the grill.
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  • Päivä 61

    Valle de la Luna

    16. maaliskuuta 2020, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    The name says it all “valley of the moon”. As soon as we got out of the car, I felt like being in a different world or on another planet. You could really imagine being on the moon!
    It is such a cratered landscape, with steep cliff walls and bizarre rock formations. We went there quite late after lunch, so the rocks were shining kinda red in the afternoon sun.
    Also there are some salt beds. I firstly thought it looked like snow, but of course it would’ve been impossible since it was around 30 Degree Celsius at the time we’d been there. The salt is still from the sea from millions of years ago!
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