dos meses en México

Mayıs - Temmuz 2021
buenas vibras y poquito español Okumaya devam et
  • 46ayak izleri
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  • Gün 38

    Day trip to Zipolite, Puerto Angel

    7 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    My neighbor Marco took me to Zipolite and Puerto Angel on his motorbike. It was fun. He doesn’t speak English so my Spanish skills got tested to the maximum... you can say a lot when you don’t care about grammar and just try to make clear what you mean :) I’m on my way back to Puerto Escondido. This was too boring for me, I think I saw everything after 48 hours here. Dinner in the Peruvian place with Romio. My oh my, that’s some delicious food!!!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 41

    Daytrip to San José Manialtepec

    10 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Becca and I took her Scooter to this lovely small town to do a tour to the hot Springs with horseback riding but unfortunately at this time it is not possible to do so. So we just experienced the surrounding area, enjoyed seeing something else than the ocean and spent some time with only the two of us. We saw many vultures which really look crazy. Being stupid is my favorite thing to do here I think because sitting on a bike with no shoes, no helmet and only shorts doesn’t seem too smart. But... we survived so everything’s alright.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 47

    My last days in Puerto Escondido

    16 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Last time I wrote about Puerto Escondido I said it will only get one entry for the amount of time I have spent there. Since that time doubled itself again this really is the last written blog entry you will see. Right now I’m sitting in the bus to San Cristóbal - finally - happy and sad at the same time. My time in Puerto... I don’t want to miss it but also, I should have left earlier.
    13 more days for a long bus trip to catch my flight in Cancún on the 1st. The traveling has started again. You will get more updates now. I’m really sad I didn’t write into my diary this past month in Puerto Escondido because it was an amazing up and downhill time ending with me having tonsillitis and not being able to drink speak or swallow... I met great people, I got a few skills in Volleyball, I partied hard, I ate well, I didn’t do much. I’m not sure if I want to come back but I think I will eventually. This place can be like a home. I understand why everybody’s buying land - it’s a gold mine. You can make a fuck ton of money renting air bnbs or hostels in this “hidden port” which is not so hidden anymore.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 48

    Puerto Escondido -> San Cristóbal

    17 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    13h night bus - not the most relaxing experience. But! A beautiful green view and safe. I stay in hostel Iguana, there’s actually hot water!!! What a fantastic change of fate after 1 month 😍😍 took a shower immediately. After that Élise (I know her from Puerto Escondido) and I took a stroll around the city, visited some nice hostels, met like 20 new people, ate Calzone, drank Combucha at this cute Café Frontera and went on the walking tour to find out more about this city. Pretty cute city btw. Definitely worth a visit if not a stay.
    In the evening I went out with some people from the hostel for wine and drinks.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 49

    Cañon del Sumidero & Party

    18 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Elise and I decided to take a tour - which was soooo worth it!! 3 miradors and a (kinda speed) boat tour through something like Grand Canyons…. At one point the guide explained the stonewalls go up to 1,2km… the views were incredible. There was a small waterfall going down which we drove past, many crocodile which are supposed to be vegetarian, baby crocodiles and monkeys. Nature and wildlife are really fascinating I want to experience more like this and then in a more untouched environment and not as commercialized.
    The small city we had a stop in afterwards was a big disappointment and really expensive as well - if we hadn’t seen the price on the menu we wouldn’t have believed that a fucking Tlayuda cost 130pesos… and not even a really good one! In the evening I went to visit Elise at her hostel, found a Churro place by accident (I have been searching for one for my whole time being in Mexico!!!) and had a weird but great evening with some people in Puerta Viaje. Shaved eyebrows, having to chug drinks and me: running against a glass door are only parts of it… th night ended with a nice night club with live music and salsa and spicy tacos at a nice food stand on the main market area at 2 am.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 50

    Hiking to San Juan de Chamula

    19 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Being ready at 9am and being a punctual German - two things you wouldn’t connect to Gina.
    Nice breakfast at 11am in the city center and then walking (not really hiking) for 2 1/2 hours. Partly through abandoned and not touristy streets of San Cristóbal, then through a small forest next to a dirty river, muddy ground, probably a few tics and really beautiful silence and then following a street straight to Chamula. On our way we saw the horseback riding tour and I got kinda jealous until this one guy’s stirrup just ripped and he was knocked of the running horse, falling down to earth without a helmet on… he was fine, but the shock was big.
    The purpose of this hike was to go to Chamula, which I will only refer to as town with the crazy chicken church from now on. Chamula is a very traditional and conservative town from what I have seen. All the women wear not perfectly fitting long black skirts out of sheep’s wool and unreveiling tops, there’s more poverty than I have seen so far and for some reason the people here don’t smile. Not even when you say hello, thank you or smile at them… weird! Got the way home we took a Colectivo and in the evening I went out with two guys from Denmark and one from the US for drinks and to a club called “Haus” - the music wasn’t really good but I had a good talk with a Mexican girl in Spanish so I see the positive side. The vibe of the club was people in fancy dresses and suits, booking tables in advance and spending money to show off…
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 52

    Iglesia Guadalupe

    21 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Katie, Nicci and I went walking around the city after a long sleep till the middle of the day, seems I gotta stay longer since I’ve missed that rave yesterday and everybody keeps telling me how great it was… I like San Cristóbal, it’s really cute and has an interesting atmosphere in between colonial and Mayan. We ate at a nice garden place where one guy had to serve and prepare food for only the 3 of us and it took him at least 1h and 20min… I’m not really a patient person even though I’ve developed - but that almost threw me overboard… we went up Iglesia Guadalupe, took part in a Spanish service and bought some (really sweet) Mexican sweets afterwards in a small corner shop.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 52

    Hiking, otra vez Crazy Chicken Church

    21 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    This is a short excerpt of my mental diary. It’s kinda personal but I feel like today is the day to share some thoughts and “hugs”: I don’t know if you have noticed how beautiful life is but I honestly JUST experienced it. I came home after a really nice day, we went to a thrift shop after hiking but that’s more of an amazing side note, but anyways. It was raining, it was cold, all my things are at the laundry place so I don’t have anything to wear and then I got a new, freshly washed towel, the electricity was off but the hot shower runs with gas from 8am to 8pm and it was one of the happiest moments of my life to stand under that shower have hot water pouring on me, putting on shampoo, drying up in a hot steamed room with a soft fresh towel and then putting on lotion and new clothes. There’s so less in life that you need. There’s really so less. Every second thought I have is that I don’t want to come back to Germany. It’s not even: “I don’t wanna come home.” I don’t feel like that’s my home. Not sure if I have ever felt that way. Home is where your heart is and my heart has always been with the people around me. I felt homesick few times in my life, really few times, maybe once or twice. But never for a place but only for my family and the family I chose. I feel like I am on a long journey to find home. Home in like a place. And this journey just started, it’s gonna go on for quite some time.
    I’m not gonna miss my flight to Frankfurt even though I think about it all the time but I’m also gonna book another one leaving Germany again. To somewhere. To search further. At some point.
    Somebody told me today that traveling is the thing that makes life worthwhile but coming back to a place where you’re staying is the real thing and I sat there listening: I just don’t feel it, I have empathy I can see the honesty in your eyes but I just don’t feel it.
    I don’t feel like I belong somewhere where I cannot be the way I feel I am. I found out things about myself but also about the world in these past two months which I didn’t expect. Mexico has changed me - maybe not as much as you could see or sense it right away but I feel like I’m more as I have been before. There’s so much room in me that I haven’t realized I had before, there’s so many thoughts I didn’t think before. People keep being surprised about my age and honestly I feel so old and so young at the same time. I wish I would be something around 30 years older to know a lot more than I do but I also keep wishing to be 8 years old just indulging in life and not worrying. Sometimes I even wanna go back to around puberty, that age could have been the most amazing time in a good environment. I am really happy to have had this chance, to have made amazing and life changing experiences, to have met people that got me thinking, people I loved to talk to, to party with, to have gotten over myself and my fears and to have started being totally and a hundred percent honest to myself. 9 days left. Soooooo not looking forward.
    I don’t know what to do.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 53

    Cascada el Chiflón

    22 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    6 am in the morning: I’m getting picked up to go on my tour to El chiflón and the 5 lakes between Guatemala and Mexico. No breakfast in sight… I didn’t realize we wouldn’t stop for food… 25 pesos for a sandwich at the tourist attraction but it saved my life, not any step further without food in my system… we hiked up the stairs and path to see the top of the waterfall. Unfortunately it’s a booked trip so we only have two hours, 1 1/2 hours later we’re at the top, 1.2km more in altitude. The security guard we meet there congratulated us, apparently there aren’t many people who reach the top and see the waterfall Quinceñara. The view over the valley makes it worthwhile but the way up is hard. I’m tempted to use the fun zip line on our way back but 25€ for that doesn’t seem worth it. I really would have liked to stay longer, maybe picnicking on top with that breathtaking view around or going up again but this time from the other side, I was totally overwhelmed by the grandness, beauty and noise of the waterfall(s), 100% recommendation and definitely want to come back.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 53

    5 lagos & frontera de Guatemala

    22 Haziran 2021, Meksika ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Perrine and I didn’t stop after seeing the cascada… no no no… out bud took us even further to the 5 lakes that are right next to the border of Guatemala and Mexico. The colours were really beautiful and the water so clear. Really touristy to be honest, we got food there and they really know how to take your money… We had a small dispute with our traveling agency’s itinerary because of an extra payment we weren’t informed about before which led to us changing the lake to take a boat rowing trip for half the price - but paying 50 pesos to see something called a Cenote even tho it was only a dirty ugly waterhole. (POV: picture of my face)
    After that we went to another grand lake, touristy shopping mile up a hill and then a small lake which is divided by a rope signifying the border between the two countries. There are flags, welcome signs, mile stones - and best of all - we got a sms saying “Bienvenidos a Guatemala…” Unfortunately my tour plan said I’d be home by 6pm but we only left that place at 7pm - still having to drive about 3.5hours and with no charge and connection everybody at Iguana worried about me taking off with my newly wed husband the bus driver… ;)
    After getting many hugs and kisses they convinced my made up mind to go to the rave… good thing they did I really enjoyed till the morning hours.
    Okumaya devam et