gereisd in 3 landen Meer informatie
  • Dag 16

    Bondi Beach

    28 december 2016, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Today started like yesterday where I went into town hall to get my SIM card which was the first successful trip to Vodafone. After I had my phone all figured out I decided to meet my new Swedish friends from the night before at Bondi Beach. When I got there there were thousands of people and it took me thirty minutes before John came to find me. After playing some soccer with Niko and John I went into the water which was much colder than I expected. The next few hours we hung out on the beach before heading back to my hostel to back and get ready to move to my next accommodation which was an Airbnb in Bondi. Chris was having phone problems so didn't get any of my messages about where I was supposed to go until 7:30. So I took all my stuff back to Bondi and finally got settled. It was quite late so we decided to go out to grab some food. We went to a little burrito place down the road which ended up being a long wait for not great food. Once we finished it was time for bed and after a long day it wasn't too hard to get to sleep.Meer informatie

  • Dag 15


    27 december 2016, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I woke up at 12 today in the hopes of being more awake and lively for my first night out. This method definitely worked but didn't leave me with much time to do anything in the day. First I went into town hall to try to work out my phone again but unfortunately Chris left his passport so we would have to do it another time. After walking around town hall for a bit we headed back to his hostel for some lunch before going out yet again to try to get our SIM cards. This time however we ran into yet another problem. I had left my phone at the other Vodafone and so I had no phone to put a SIM card in. I ended up having to go all the way back and get my phone and by that time it was time to get ready for the night. After I had cleaned up I went back to Chris's hostel and met his friend Kersten who we would be staying with. After eating a quick "toastie" we went to Sidebar but left soon after because it was so dead and the people we were meeting there hadn't arrived. We just decided to meet them at there hostel and drank a few beers before heading back to Sidebar. Unfortunately they had closed entry by the time we got there so we went to Scubar. There we met an English girl and a German boy who we eventually followed to a karaoke bar. That was closed when we got there so we just went into the closest club we found. Overall my first night clubbing was very hot but very fun and filled with lots of dancing.Meer informatie

  • Dag 14

    The Royal Botanic Garden

    26 december 2016, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Today was a very busy day right from the start. In the morning me and Chris went out in search of some SIM cards which would only be the very beginning of the hunt for SIM cards. After being told my phone was still locked by at&t and that we needed a passport to buy a SIM card we gave up for the day and went into a nearby Coles for some food. We walked out with some water a whole roast chicken and a salad in a bag. We then continued on to the botanic gardens and found a nice shaded place to eat our chicken and salad. When we finished eating we kept walking around the gardens and finding such interesting vegetation and even a little pond where kids were feeding eels bread as if they were ducks. We then found the water and headed up to Mrs Macquarie's chair to get a good view of the opera house and the bridge. Once we reached the end of the peninsula we saw a big dock to walk out on and we headed over to it. After looking at all the statutes on the dock we headed back towards town and found the Art Gallery of New South Whales, went in and looked at some beautiful art from all different kinds of artists including lots of aboriginal work. We left just as it was closing and got ourselves back to our hostels to get ready for dinner. We met back up in Woolworths to buy food for the night and the next few days. We decided on some frozen pizza because it was already so late and we were lazy. So we went back to his hostel and ate the pizza before I turned in for the night and walked back to my hostel with all my breakfast food.Meer informatie

  • Dag 13

    Sydney Airport

    25 december 2016, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Today was another early wake up in order to get to the airport the suggested three hours early. Unfortunately, when we got there Jetstar hadn't opened so we were forced to wait forty minutes to get my boarding pass and my bag checked. Once that was done I had to say goodbye to William before walking through security. After getting a little lost I found my gate and waited. While I was waiting a Brit sat down next to me and we got to talking. His name is Chris and we ended up being in the same row and seeing as there was barely anyone on the plane we got to sit next to each other. Besides not having any food or drink the flight was quite pleasurable. There were lots of places to lay down across three seats and some movies to choose from. Chris and I even got into a sudoku battle. Once we landed we headed to the baggage claim which took almost an hour for them to send them all down. Once we got all our bags we headed to the train station got some opal cards and headed to our hostels. We were only about .5 miles away which made it easy to figure out the stops. After settling down and exploring my hostel me and Chris met up again and we took the train down to The Rocks. We got a great view of the opera house before climbing up on the bridge to get a better one. We ended up going all the way across the bridge to catch the train back. Out of desperation for food we quickly sat down at a Thai place before heading back to my hostel and quickly falling asleep.Meer informatie

  • Dag 11

    Pearl Harbor

    23 december 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today we woke up before the sun and got ready to stand in line at Pearl Harbor for an hour. Amazingly we were one of the first people there in what would be a line of at least a thousand. Once in, we got to look around a little before watching a short film about the background of this preserved cemetery and then boarding the boat to take us out to the site. Thanks to Mr. Messner's previous trip we knew where to sit so we would be the first ones on. I got an amazing picture of just the memorial structure with no one in it. The whole thing was very solemn and beautiful. Oil continuously bubbles up from the depths of the ship and the sheer mass of the boat was mind boggling. The coral that had grown on the boat was more vibrant than any I had seen in Hawaii. We were taken back to land and walked through a few more museums before leaving. On our way back to the hotel we stopped at Punchbowl cemetery and quickly drove by the beautiful structure. Once at the hotel William and I took a short nap before getting ready to go parasailing. We were put on a boat with a nice family from Phoenix and although the time we were up in the air was short, it was a truly magnificent experience that I am glad I had. After parasailing we got dressed up for dinner and I packed all my stuff in preparation for my flight. The rest of the gang watched the Friday fireworks and I met up with them on the beach after. We all walked to Dukes from there which was a nice half hour walk. It was good we had made a reservation because it was packed and I quickly found out why. The food was amazing and it was a great place to go for our last meal in Hawaii. We even pretended it was Brenna's birthday to get a free piece of their famous Hula pie. With out stomachs full we walked back to the hotel and went to bed for the last time in Hawaii.Meer informatie

  • Dag 10

    Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki

    22 december 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

    Today was another moving day so the first part was mostly consumed by packing and organizing everything. Once we finally got everything ready we headed back to Waikiki and quickly got settled into our hotel room. Although the view wasn't anything like the one at the Marriott it was a nice way to look out over the city. As everyone got ready to head down to the beach I was lying in a heap on a couch, still too sick to do much. William kindly stayed behind with me and we played a fun video game to keep us occupied. Around five I finally convinced my body to get up and we went down to the beach and splashed around in the water before sunset. After cleaning up with some showers we went down to the village and scouted our food options before settling on a nice deli. We watched Sully in our room as we ate our meals and then hit the hay so we would be well rested for our last day in Hawaii.Meer informatie

  • Dag 9

    Ko Olina Marriott

    21 december 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Unfortunately I was bedridden most of today with the night bringing little improvement of my sickness. So after sipping tea, taking DayQuil, and watching Burnt I finally dragged myself out of bed and to the pool around three. After ordering the tiniest, most expensive caprese salad I have ever seen, I sat by the pool watching a large family play a very weird rendition of volleyball. About an hour later we came back up to the hotel room only to go back down and sit by the beach to watch our final sunset in Ko Olina. After lots of laughs and some beautiful pictures we called it a night and crashed in our hotel room with some yummy leftovers to get us through the night.Meer informatie

  • Dag 8

    Dole Plantation/ Turtle Bay

    20 december 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    Today I woke up and made some guava pancakes for the group before we headed out to the Dole plantation. After a little traffic and a lot of beautiful views we arrived and instantly felt the hot sun beating down on us. After perusing the jewelry carts and taking some pictures in a giant pineapple William, Brenna and I found ourselves in a very short line for the maze. The length of the line was quite deceiving as it took us over 40 minutes to get to the front. Once we were in we all split up and I was left to my own terrible sense of direction. After 10 minutes I ran into William who had already gotten three of the eight stations and laughed when I told him I hadn't gotten any. After 20 minutes I only had found one station but my luck changed and in ten minutes I found four more. In the end it took me 59 minutes with the help of the map and cutting through the bushes. Not a very impressive time seeing as it was said to take 30 to 40 minutes. Next we went to Turtle Bay where we went snorkeling and saw hundreds of barracudas and many other beautiful fish but no turtles. With nothing in our stomachs we headed back to the hotel but decided to go the scenic route and stopped at a popular shrimp shack for a snack. At this point I wasn't feeling too well so I opted for just water to sustain me for the car ride back. We had views of beautiful cloud covered mountains that were full of lush green foliage as we made the long drive back. After a hot shower and a quick nap we ate a lovely spaghetti dinner before taking some NyQuil and drifting off to the sound of the waves.Meer informatie

  • Dag 7

    Ko Olina

    19 december 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Today we decided to hang around the hotel and participate in the many events that Marriott was hosting. In the morning William and I went and looked at the tide pools that had only recently be filled and therefore didn't have much in the way of wildlife. We made our way over to the second lagoon to go snorkeling. We saw lots of little spotted pufferfish and many other vibrantly colored fish including the Hawaiian state fish. After drying off we headed back to our hotel and prepared ourselves for the hula hoop competition. Unfortunately none of us won any of the rounds despite my constant assurance of how good I was. We then headed to the soccer game where we found that the only one there was Jimmy, a friendly employee who we quickly befriended. A few minutes later a family showed up and we proceeded to school them at soccer. After showering we headed back down to watch the fire dancing and even saw a warrior climb a palm tree. As the sun set we made our way over to Longboards to eat a lovely meal. Once our food had settled we went night swimming in the hotel pool which included sneaking up the water slide. Luckily the water was turned off yet that didn't stop a few injuries from occurring while trying to reach the top of the very dark tube. It turns out going down a dry water slide with a wet bathing suit on isn't nearly as thrilling as I thought.Meer informatie

  • Dag 6

    The Queen's Medical Center- West O'ahu

    18 december 2016, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    After a restless night filled with coughing and wheezing we decided William needed to go to the hospital to get some medicine prescribed. His mom, William, and I made the half hour drive to Queens Medical Center only to wait for another three hours to get a bed. In another two hours we had a diagnosis of acute bronchitis along with a viral infection in his lungs. The most exciting part of the day was seeing a beautifully colored rooster as we left the hospital and headed to pick up his prescriptions. After another 45 minutes waiting for the prescription we were ready to head home and I immediately took a long nap when we got to the hotel. When I finally awoke me and William ventured to the outdoor grill to cook the huge pieces of steak that would be our dinner. After dinner it didn't take much for all of us to pass out after a very long day.Meer informatie

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