matkusti 3 maahan. Lue lisää
  • Päivä 20

    Philip Island to Melbourne

    20. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Completed the 2hr drive to Melbourne. Our room is on the 19th floor with a great view of the city. Having been travelling for a while we took some time out for washing etc. Before venturing out for our first meal. Took a stroll down to a restaurant called Claypots Barbarossa in one of Melbournes lanes - narrow streets with restaurants on both sides with outdoor seating. The restaurant served mainly seafood and had a great atmosphere with live music - two guys one on double bass and one on keyboards. Great food, Swordfish ceviche and ray followed by a spicy lamb tagine and a citron creme brulee. All washed down with a couple of carafes of house wine. All very delicious. We have set the bar quite high so a lot to live up to tomorrow.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 20

    Koala Sanctuary

    20. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Before leaving for Melbourne we visited a Koala sanctuary. Initially we saw a few up in the trees but when we turned a corner we came across one sitting on the handrail of the walkway. There was also another one eating its lunch. A great photo opportunity.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 19

    Wilson's Prom to Phillip Island

    19. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Left Wilson's Prom and took a few photos on the way out. Our stay too short to do this beautiful place justice. Drove the 2hr journey to Phillip Island and arrived at our very comfortable B&B. No one there to meet us but instructions had been left for us to let ourselves in and settle in to the room. Had our packed lunch, (last of the cheese and ham thank God!! ). Walked into the small seaside town and sat outside a pub in the sunshine watching HMAS Stuart slowly go up and down the coast. I offered to take a photo for some Dutch tourists but to everyone's glee technology got the better of me and I managed to take a selfie and send it to the guys mother in Holland - she was a bit surprised. We then drove out to the Penguin Parade. The whole thing was on a much bigger scale than I anticipated. A large modern structure containing educational displays and a series of wooden walkways taking us around the areas where the penguins have their burrows. We went down to a seating area at the waters edge and in the gathering gloom the Little Penguins started to come ashore. They go out to sea at dawn and stay out there feeding, coming back at dusk to avoid predators. We watched 243 Penguins come ashore and march back to their burrows, an amazing site. The only downside being we were not able take photos. An excellent experience and we even managed to get a selfie !!!Lue lisää

  • Päivä 18

    Squeaky Beach and Lilly Pilly Gully

    18. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    Didn't sleep too well as it was a breezy night and the tent flapped about a bit. Still, we had some breakfast and went off to see some sights. We needed to do as much as we can this morning as the weather is closing in. We drove down to Squeaky Beach where, because of the makeup of the sand it squeaks when you walk on it. We then drove to Lilly Pilly Gully and did a 2 hr circular walk through the interior. Lush forest with bird life and the occasional wallaby. The weather stayed mainly dry but with the clouds threatening we decided to return to the tent for some lunch. Good timing on our part as at about 2pm the heavens opened and for the next 3 hrs we had a torrential downpour with thunder rumbling around the surrounding hills. This cleared by 5pm allowing us time to nip to the central area takeaway for a Lamb Burger and chips. As we are only there for two days it didn't make much sense to use the shared cooking facilities. The wind had dropped and so we hoped for a quieter night.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 17

    Lakes Entrance to Wilson's Promontory

    17. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Checked out by 10am and had a chat with the owner. She explained that the fires came within 30km of the property and on 31st December they evacuated all of their guests. Luckily the wind changed direction and they were not directly effected but the next paying guest did not arrive until 14th January and this in high season. We went back in to town and walked out over the bridge onto 90 mile beach - the clue is in the title. Then back in the car and on to Wilson's Prom National Park. The journey took us through lush green farm land and rolling hills and familiar places like Stratford which happened to be on the river Avon. We picked up supplies in Toora and some Fuel in Foster as we were not too sure what facilities existed in the Park.
    All of the camping and hostel style accomodation is within a central area. Our Tent was in a secluded area with a shared Kitchen and BBQ. The tent was large with proper ensuite facilities so whilst we were at one with nature we were not exactly roughing it !! We went for a short walk and came across a Wombat and a Wallaby. The park is massive with only one full day we will only scratch the surface but looking forward to getting out and about tomorrow.
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  • Päivä 16

    Lakes Entrance

    16. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    We arrived at our destination, Waverley House Cottages, a small development of self catering cottages. We went straight into the town. Lakes Entrance was very quiet, perhaps it was because it was Sunday but also because of the lack of tourists as a result of the bushfires and the closure of the only road The Princes Highway. It had a slightly 70s feel, a little run down with Tourist shops selling tee shirts, camping and fishing stuff. We found a Hotel and had a few beers and some fish and chips which were very good. Ali had beer battered Gummy Shark and breaded Whiting, I had Flat Head tails. Watched Queen perform on the Firefighter Concert and had an early night, another 3 hour drive tomorrow.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 16

    Bermagui to Lakes Entrance

    16. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    We packed up and had breakfast overlooking the marina and then went our separate ways - Lisa and Dave to Canberra and us to Lakes Entrance, the first stop on our 650km road trip to Melbourne. This was the part of the trip that had caused us concern as the route had been closed for several weeks because of the bushfires. The route takes us past Malacoota which was the place where the Navy evacuated people from the beach. Thankfully the road is fully opened but the devastation was clear to see. We drove for about 300km from Bermagui to Orbost. Virtually the whole way we were driving through burned forest. In places a 40m area had been cleared both sides of the highway quite incredible given the short time available. From time to time we came across the remains of houses, the brick fireplace and chimney the only sign of what had once been a home. We stopped at a rest area and I took a few pictures but these can only give a rough idea and goes nowhere near showing the extent of the damage, burned vegetation in some places as far as you can see. Yet strangely the recent rains had created several green areas. The verges with buttercups next to dead trees, life and death side by side. The closer we got to our destination the less distressed the landscape until we found ourselves once more surrounded by lush green countryside.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 15


    15. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Weather a bit overcast but still had breakfast on the balcony and then did a tour around Bermagui. We started at Camel Beach so called because of the shape of one of the rocks. From there we went to one of the Lakes and watched some birds. Not sure what they were but recognised Pelicans. We could see the sea crashing on rocks in the distance and so made our way to take a closer look. Took a walk around the headland to Horsehead Beach with panoramic views out to sea and across to Gulaga, Mother Mountain so called because it resembles a pregnant woman laying on her back which you can just make out despite the hanging cloud. We had a quick look at the salt water swimming pool in the rocks but it was too rough for a dip so we went back to town and had a couple of beers in the Bermagui Beach House Hotel. Then back to the house for some food and a graze. Finished off with some local sausages and found a very apt movie - Crocodile Dundee !!Lue lisää

  • Päivä 14

    Canberra to Bermagui

    14. helmikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    This is the start of our road trip - a two night stay in The Beach House in Bermagui about a 3.5 hour drive east from Canberra on the Pacific coast. We stopped after about an hour for a pie in Braidwood, a typical Aussie country town, then continued to Bermagui. To date we have seen nothing of the bushfires, this was about to change. The area is mainly National Park forestry and in places you could see the lush green vegetation, how it should be. This is in massive contrast to vast areas where there are only charred trunks and brown leaves of burned trees, as if someone had turned off the colour leaving only a brown sepia image of what used to be. So far the damage was mainly to vegetation and eerily a total lack of animal life. The impact on humans seemed limited. This was not the case In Mogo. This small town had a number of buildings turned to rubble protected by metal fencing. It was very moving and I couldn't bring myself to take any photos - it didn't seem right and would not have been respectful to those who had lost their homes, livelihood and even their lives.

    Bermagui was thankfully unaffected and the Beach House commands an amazing view over Bermagui Beach. The effects of the cyclone were agitating the sea and producing white breakers and higher than usual tides. We sat on the balcony and watched the local bird life and then Lisa, Dave and Ali went for a walk while I prepared dinner. Bruschetta with tomato,onion, lime and corriander followed by Barramundi fillet with a creamy curry sauce. Finished off with a chocolate dessert from Woolies.

    Also today was the 20th anniversary of when we got engaged. Happy anniversary to my wonderful wife.
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