K and C Trip Around The World

octubre - noviembre 2018
Una aventura de 29 días de Kelly Leer más
  • 44huellas
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  • 29días
  • 176fotos
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  • 55,6kkilómetros
  • 51,2kkilómetros
  • Día 14

    Golf Day

    24 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Today Celeste and I went golfing at the Metropolitan Cub in Melbourne. We were invited by Lindsay from our Melbourne affiliate.
    This course is hosting the World Cup of Golf in 4 weeks. The World Cup is a PGA event held every 2 years.
    The course was very walkable. It is not very long for a PGA course but the greens and bunkers are the great equalizer. The greens are very hard and you had to be very conscious of them with your approach shots. The bunkers had the sharpest edges I have seen on any course. Mostly the bunkers had huge steep sides.
    The course had a lot of birds on it from cockatoos to parrots to their own kind of magpie. I was in awe walking on the fairways hearing the many different sounds.
    A nice relaxing day in the sunshine.
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  • Día 15

    Sydney Opera House

    25 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Today we were up early to catch our 915 am flight from Melbourne to Sydney. The view from our hotel room is Sydney Harbour and Opera House.
    After unpacking some things, we headed out to walk along the pier and get some lunch. After lunch we took a tour of the Sydney Opera House.
    The building is an architectural marvel, and has been declared a Unesco World Heritage Site.
    There are several theatres in the faculty. The concert hall is the largest with the Opera House the second biggest. There are a handful of smaller theatres as well. They all have live performances most nights.
    Tonight we attended a performance of Evita in one of the main halls at the Opera House. It was great to see some live musical theatre in such a magnificent setting.
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  • Día 16

    Evening Harbour Cruise

    26 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    This morning I went to the William Buck office of Our Praxity affiliate to do a presentation. The presentation went very well and they were very appreciative and we shared ideas on our respective firms.
    In the afternoon we headed out for lunch and some retail therapy. After walking for a long time with no success, a construction worker came up to us and asked if we needed help. I guess we looked lost and desperate. Celeste told him we were looking for a place to eat lunch. He told us to go across the street into an old heritage building. What a beautiful place it turned out to be. Wonderful lunch and some very unique shops. Celeste said it was like an angel was sent to guide us to go to that place.
    In the evening we were invited by Nick, my Sydney Praxity colleague, to go on an evening cruise of the harbour. The views of the city were beautiful from the water.
    We then returned to the dock and had a delicious dinner. After dinner we went out for an evening cruise to see the city at night. It was magical.
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  • Día 17

    Blue Mountains

    27 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    This morning we were picked up at 715 am for our Blue Mountains Tour. The Blue Mountains are a flat Mountains 1.5 to 2 hours west of Sydney. It is very picturesque with wonderful vistas. They call it the Grand Canyon of Australia.
    Our first stop was this farm which was more of a petting zoo with farm animals and Australian animals. So we saw kangaroos , Koalas, cockatoos plus chicken, cows, turkeys you name it. A great place for young kids but we both agreed we could have missed this and they day would have been just as good.
    We stopped a few times to see the valleys, water falls, rock formations and tons of trees. They have a formation called the 3 Sisters here as well, nice but Canmore’s 3 sisters are more impressive.
    We chose the hiking option which while most of the members of our group went for a nice lunch at a restaurant we were given a picnic lunch and dropped off at the hiking spot. The hike was more like a leisurely stroll.
    Our last stop was at the Blue Mountain Botanical Gardens and they were beautiful. We would have love to take the hour from the morning and add it to the gardens.
    Tonight we enjoyed dinner with 3 couples from Australia and Celeste ordered the Kangaroo. Kangaroos are everywhere here (50 million)and the meat is like venison.
    A nice day and our tour guide was very informative.
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  • Día 18

    Quiet Sunday

    28 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Woke up around 7:40 - Kelly was texting with Tyler so we decided to FaceTime with him and Brooke. Had a lovely visit together. Then downstairs for breakfast where we met up with ladies from the US. Had breakfast together and they invited me to join them in their outing for the day. Kelly was booked for a massage today so I went out with five other ladies to explore the weekend market nearby. Lots of interesting artisans selling clothing, art, knickknacks, food items and many things unique to Australia. We had an enjoyable time exploring together. Then it was time for lunch so we decided to stop into Sydney’s Oldest Pub. Watched some of the baseball game during lunch and then went back to the hotel.
    Kelly was done his massage by then and was hungry so we went back to the pub.
    I thought it would be neat to attend Liturgy at the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Sydney but with a city of 4.8million people, the cab ride for one way was going to be $75. So we went at 4:00 to St.Patricks Church near the hotel.

    The Opening Reception for the Praxity Conference was this evening. Kelly has met so many wonderful people from all over the world through his attendance through the years. Now I’m getting to know them and their spouses. It was a lovely evening reconnecting. Early morning tomorrow with the Companions Tour. Kelly will be in meetings.
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  • Día 19

    Meeting, Companion Tour and Gala Dinner

    29 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I was actually off earlier on the Companion Tour before Kelly’s meetings started. Bus picked us up at 8:00 to go to the Blue Mountains. Our first stop was at Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydney, a spot similar to the farm Kelly and I visited on our Saturday trip. So lots of kangaroos, koalas, birds, and other animals to observe. Then back on the bus to the Blue Mountains. Today’s trip was different from two days ago where we looked across and down into the mountains. We took a cable car across the deep gorge and then got on the world’s steepest funicular to go down deep into the mountains. A short walk deep down and then another cable car back up. A beautiful lunch at an old hotel and then a 2 hour bus ride back to Sydney.
    Upon returning to the hotel I immediately crawled under the covers and slept. These long days have me feeling like a cold is coming on.
    Tonight was the Praxity Gala Dinner. We were treated to a lovely meal on the Starship Sydney as we cruised through Sydney Harbour.
    In Australia they acknowledge the Aboriginal people at the start of all events as the Aboriginals are the original caretakers of the land, and they pay respect to the past, present and future elders.
    An Aboriginal elder opened our meeting and he was lead in by a member playing a didgeridoo. The member then played the instrument for 15 minutes. He was excellent.
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  • Día 20

    Final Day in Sydney

    30 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Although Kelly was up early for a 7:30 breakfast meeting, I got a much needed sleep in. Kelly even brought me some breakfast up to the room.
    This mornings Companion program was The Rocks Walking Tour. The Rocks is a historical area very near our hotel which is actually the area where Sydney was first inhabited by the Europeans. Many of the first people who arrived here were actually convicts from England. At the time England had no room, so they were sent to Australia. The convicts were sentenced to work at developing Sydney into a colony. With hard work, their sentence was pardoned or reduced and then many contributed to the development of the city as architects, woodworkers, developers of the banking system, as well as other areas of expertise. Today, if one can trace their ancestry back to the First Fleet of convicts, it is quite prestigious. However, back in the day it was not. Our tour ended with lunch at Sydney’s oldest hotel - The Lord Nelson. Quite a drawn out lunch, but with a bunch of women, there was plenty of conversation. I sat with people from Cypress, Dubai, Auckland, and Charlotte, NC.

    The Praxity conference concluded with a fun night beach party. We all were to dress on Aussie beach wear. We took the ferry across the harbour to an amusement park where we had drinks, dinner and a dance. One interesting that they do here for organized dinners is “ alternate drop”. They have 2 appetizers ( which they call entrees) and 2 main courses and they alternate drop the servings around the table. The same goes for the main course. So you end up trading with your neighbor if you don’t like what you were given.
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  • Día 21


    31 de octubre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Airlines in Australia have different rules for carry on and checked baggage. Last week we flew from Melbourne to Sydney and the airline weighed our carry on at the gate and we were overweight and fined $60. So for today’s flight we flew a different airline and put more in our jammed 2 suitcases. We got to the airport and this airline said we were over on our checked luggage. The agent asked us to move items from our checked suitcase into our carryon. She was very nice and Celeste did an awesome job of repacking to save us the surcharge. I was back to being a Sherpa again.

    Adelaide is a lot smaller than Sydney and Melbourne. It is very hot today well into the 30s
    We walked around the central business district and went to a great seafood restaurant for dinner.

    Tonight we went to an amateur theatre company performance of 6 Dance Lessons in 6 Weeks. It was preview night and all seats were $9. The audience was mostly seniors enjoying an evening out. The play was well done.
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  • Día 22


    1 de noviembre de 2018, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Kooyonga is an Aboriginal word that either means “lose lots of golf balls” or “ flies in your face for 18 holes”. It is actually the name of the golf course we played today.
    The course was a good test of golf. The day was hot, humid and quite windy and the course had many undulations. It was a good walk and very enjoyable.
    We were hosted by Tom and Jamie from the William Buck Adelaide office and they were super guys to spend the day with.
    After a much needed beer at the beautiful club house, Jamie took us to Penfolds winery and we enjoyed a tasting of some of their new releases and got a quick tour of the wine cellars. Penfolds is one of the oldest and famous winery in Adelaide.
    We got back to the hotel around 5:30. Celeste needed a nap. Then a quick trip to the grocery store for some breakfast items and dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. We had the best Pho ever!
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  • Día 23

    Kangaroo Island

    2 de noviembre de 2018, Australia ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

    We had an early call this morning for our trip to Kangaroo Island. KI is the 3rd largest island of Australia and more than 1/3 is a national park and totally natural. The bus picked us up at 615 am and we had a 1 3/4 hour bus ride to the ferry terminal. Off the bus and then onto the Ferry for a 45 minute ride. Then we we had to board another bus to begin our tour. On the journey to the ferry we saw a lot of Kangaroos in the wild. They are most active early in the morning and at dusk.

    Our first stop was Seal Bay. It is a national park and is the home of 800 Australian sea lions. It was interesting to learn that the female sea lions spend 3 days feeding at sea and then come back to land and sleep as feed their pup.
    The vegetation on the island is thick with trees. The wild life and birds are very abundant. Our next stop was for lunch to an area where we had to go a number of miles down a gravel road.
    The third stop was Hanson Wildlife Sanctuary. It is one of the most bio diverse and pristine ecosystems that remain in Australia. We went for a walk and we probably saw at least 20 Koalas in the wild. Many of females had their Joeys in their pouch.
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