Natural Drift w/ Tyde

maaliskuuta - huhtikuuta 2024
Exploring Vietnam and India together. Lue lisää
  • 17jalanjäljet
  • 2maat
  • 31päivää
  • 112valokuvat
  • 7videot
  • 20,4kkilometriä
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  • Päivä 2

    Touch down in Saigon!

    12. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    We landed safe and sound!! Tyde slept like a dream for most of the flight to my surprise! only waking 30 minutes before landing. Taking the win and counting my blessings.
    We passed through customs like a breeze. The customs officer seemed pretty relaxed, as he had already stamped our passports by the time I got our visas out!
    Also thought it was rather relaxed, usually have to declare baby food which was dismissed without a care.
    Hot and muggy off the plane, but good to be here!
    Our hotel had someone there waiting, and was there to organise our pick up smoothly.
    We go to our hotel by 930pm, where we were greeted by our Vietnamese hosts.
    All good in our hood!
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  • Päivä 3

    Pho for breakfast 😋

    13. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    630 am came around and it was time for breakfast. Tyde was already showing signs of being tired again after the early rise.
    Managed to have a coffee, where it is mixed with condensed milk and makes a sweet coffee treat.
    For breakfast we were served chicken Pho! A Vietnamese classic consisting of rice noodles, coriander, chicken and peanuts. Served with lime and more coriander on the side. Chilli if your that way inclined.
    We had a fried egg on the side for Tyde :-) with some local fruits to go with. Dragonfruit!!! My favourite!!!! Making the most of where this glorious fruit originated from!
    Half way through breakfast Tyde got very grizzly and somehwat dosturbing the others who were eating. We dismissed ourselves, kindly asking them to save our breakfast and we will be back!

    An hour and a half later, we were back. Our food got reheated. No high chair ment I became a human jungle gym. Not easy. Plus we made a mess everywhere. Safe to say though, Tyde liked the rice noodles from the Pho.
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  • Päivä 3

    "Goood morrrning Vietnam!!"

    13. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

    Rise and shine!!
    Glorious 4am wake with the time difference. We were both ready to go and take on the world, then realised it's still pitch black outside!!
    We somehow managed to use an hour in the hotel room before finally deciding to head outside as day break, which was around 5.15am!
    My goodness were we shocked!!
    Walk outside the hotel and there are people everywhere!! All working out with these crazy acrobatics to some hard core Vietnamese techno!!
    We start walking, it's already 27degrees and we are trying to take it all in, whilst I secretly hope I can find a coffee at this time!
    No luck but breakfast was starting soon. Let tyde free on the ground and he soon has the attention of all te staff and people waiting to have breakfast. They were all approaching him with little charms they hang from the trees. Tyde loved the interactions as he was smiling from ear to ear. This melted the hearts of those who were around.
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  • Päivä 6

    First day in Da Nang went well 💛

    16. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Soaking up the gamo rays, swimming, and eating pineapple.

    Fruit selection is incredible. Fresh dragonfruit, pineapple,mango, orange. How refreshing.

    I got chatting to a couple at the beach today. We come from very different worlds, but they gave me some helpful tips and told me where I can get a tta el stroller that might help my eating situation.
    Their son was 14 months old. The father didn't let him even touch the sand and was quite taken back seeing Tyde scoop the sand into his mouth by the handful. I have tried to stop him, but he keeps doing it. So meh.

    That night.. how the sand went in. It's exactly how it came out.. Tydes little bum up against literal sand paper..
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  • Päivä 6

    Smell that ocean air - Da Nang.

    16. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Nothing beats shaking off the city and swapping it for ocean swims and Tydes' favourite - sand snacks!

    Getting on the plane today was a bit of a process. Ho Chi Minh airport is always busy. No matter what. We arrived early for this reason. So luckily, we are just cruising through. No rush or panic. Woo hoo.

    ✔️ Checked in
    ✔️ Bag drop
    ✔️ Security scans
    ✔️ Mess everywhere from pre departure meal
    ✔️ Bacteria from the airport floor all over Tyde

    For some reason, we were all meant to be mind readers. Flight was delayed with no communication or announcement. All waiting there, scratching our heads.

    I timed Tydes naps out today and thought I would nail it for the time we got on the plane, however the delay proved extremely detrimental in my plan and Tyde couldn't help it, no matter how hard i tried to keep him awake, and fell asleep in the line.
    I got chatting to some older Irish blokes that were good crack, flying in for a family reunion. By the time the line started moving, Tyde woke up after a 15 hot nap. Spelled disaster. Let's see.

    Yep. Picked it. Absolute disaster. TYDE SCREAMED THE WHOLE TIME. A mother's worse nightmare. I don't know what is worse, trying to console your baby and nothing is working or the unwarranted sheer humiliation that sets in because of the reactions of others?

    I was trying not to focus on that, but on the wonderful Balinese woman sitting around me, trying to help distract him whilst I was clearly over whelmed.

    Our shortest flight on the trip now became the longest. My poor little love, over tired, wired, and just needing some TLC. Thank goodness it was over.

    Time to relax. Were by the ocean. All is well.
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  • Päivä 7

    That ocean breeze 😍

    17. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We got up and out!

    Changed and dressed, Tyde in his swimmers and to the beach we go. It was already 7am and 20 something degrees. The beauty about this time of the day is that you see the town wake up as well.
    Crossing the roads was a dream to the beach this morning.

    Walking along, I got a coffee. Black with condensed milk. Yum. Then, I felt the weight come off my shoulders with the freedom and ease of being able to put Tyde down on the beach and let him go for gold.

    I relaxed, sipping my coffee, watching Tyde eat mouthfuls of sand, and thinking to myself: the ocean really does something to me.

    It felt easy, and thinking about Tyde , he had the whole beach to crawl around on, which he did.
    He paddled around in the water, and I got to have a nice conversation with a Canadian traveller.

    I'm not meeting many other travellers compared to usual. A few differences that probably impact that: baby, hehe. Hotels, not hostels. No drinking and partying. There are no weird late nights talking to strangers whilst getting tattoos on the beach.

    There is nothing else on our agenda today other than beach, beach swim, food, nap, beach food shower bed.
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  • Päivä 12

    Time to go Hoi An

    22. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Touch down in Hanoi!!

    A full on day of travel and relocating to a new place after getting comfortable at our lovely accomodation in Hoi An.

    We took on the world early. Tyde is exploring his body in new ways and loves being able to turn around and get himself off the high bed now! No assistance needed!

    We had breakfast. Bahn (bread) with beef Pho rice noodles soup. Scambled eggs on the side, with some watermelon and dragonfruit.
    After an unsuccessful dinner tyde had an appetite this morning, eating most of the scrambled egg, rice noodles and soup from the Pho. Relieving. Meal time still had some challenges, where our wonderful host came and took Tyde around so I could eat. She must have felt abit sorry for me when she saw tyde climbing all over me and my skirt covered in soup and food. Regardless, I was thankful and used the 5 full minutes to enjoy my coffee out of all things.

    Our host organised our cab at a very cheap price, yeeehaaa. And then it was time to go. That was one of the best most personable stays we have on this trip yet.
    Everyone rushing to get last smiles and affection from Tyde before he left. The grandmother of our host, was very smitten with Tyde, and from the outside looking in, it seemed as though they communicated this heartfelt connection. With no words. Very special.
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  • Päivä 12

    Touch down Han òi

    22. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    We've just arrived in Hanoi after an easy-going 1 hour flight from Danang. Tyde was getting a bit over tired by the end of it, but held out like a champ until we got into our grab taxi and made way from the airport into Hanoi to tour accommodation. Our ride into the city took nearly an hour, and little man slept most of the way.

    On the way to the airport this morning, I stopped off at our accommodation in Da Nang and picked up a parcel I had ordered with one of the reception staff a few days prior. This travel stroller gadget has changed the trajectory of our travels right now.
    As we put our stuff in our hotel room in Hanoi, we hit the streets to see what our area was about at first glances. I put Tyde in the stroller, and we rocked on x.
    We glided up and down the streets, and this afternoon became the highlight of my trip so far.
    As we moved through the streets, tyde was in a world of his own, connecting with all the people he went past. I've never seen anything like it. He was catching the attention of people cruising past, then smiling like crazy and laughing at them. People were taken back by his cuteness. We had local ladies pass by offering doughnuts, which tyde soon demolised, old grannies coming to wipe thendrobble off his face, we had it all. Whilst observing it all, I deeply felt, in those moments, why i had chosen the name Luca to embody part of his personality. He was quite literally the bringer of light. It was my absolute pleasure watching him interact with the world around him.

    I'm so glad I got that stroller. 🙌

    It was time to get dinner. I didn't feel like pho again, my gosh. But looking around, all there was mm, was damn Pho!! I resorted to ordering grab, where within 20 minutes we had roast chicken delivered to the door. The rice and chicken was a hit with Tyde and I liked the 5 spice marinade. We are happy.

    Good night world.
    See you tomorrow.
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  • Päivä 13

    Train street treat.

    23. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Lazy morning this morning, sleeping in till 730!! Got to love dark rooms! We still have a few days when we get back from Ha Long Bay to hit the streets early, like usual, to observe the city before the true hustle and bustle starts!

    Enjoyed breakfast, which was a selection of fruits and veges. toast and usual fried rice, eggs, and noodles. Opted for a simple breakfast, so rice and noodles could be an option for lunch and dinner without feeling asthough we already had it. I slipped some sweet potato and corn away in my pocket for later, so Tyde has a snack of substance....cheeky.

    We hit then got ourselves together and hit the streets. On route to train street where we will grab a coffee and watch the train go past.

    I tried to get a bearing of which way to go, only to get lost in between some little side alleys. This wasn't a bad thing. We got to see a local market and fruit and vege exchange, which you wouldn't see on the main streets. A plethora of beautiful fruit and veges all displayed on the foot path, as well as pork and beef carcuses being butchered on the step not much further away.

    I eventually put my trust back into google Maps to get us on course to train street. Still pushing buggy around in this little trolley, he is having a ball seeing the city from a different perspective. Walking through the market, the woman rushed to hand him fresh fruit and veges and catch a glimpse of this chunky monkey x like usual, tyde entertained them whilst I maintained his personal boundries.

    We finally arrived at Train Street. What a delight and unique experience. It's a train track that runs through housing blocks for about 100 metres. Train runs 5 times a day.
    The hustle is off-putting approaching train street. They hagal and hustle you to get into their cafe. I went to enter through one entrance where they were pushing and pulling us trying to get us into the cafe. I out my foot down and refused to give them my money, which in turn the police officer ushered us out. So I went to the other entrance. Another lady was there touting for customers, which I kindly accepted and took her invitation after she went to great lengths to help me collapse my stroller.

    We had front row seats for the action.

    I ordered my first egg Coffee which is a must try here in Vietnam. At first I was sceptical to the idea as coffee and egg did not go well in my mind. But when in Rome. If you think coffee meringue, it's something that pleasantly surprised me and could potentially be ordered again. Hehe.
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  • Päivä 13

    What do they feed their babies?

    23. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Like I'm stumped. We were all babies at one point. So why can't I find baby food/snacks in any of the supermarkets or food shops. Even nappies are in their own places.

    I walked 4 kilometres around the city today, on a wild goose chase to find a big supermarket with baby stuff. Finally getting to the super market, they sent me somewhere else, got there, and they sent me somewhere else, until I gave up and walked us back to our hotel to cool down and re evaluate.

    Googling away, I found somewhere!!!! 'Baby mall and care" ahhh. We set out again, this time with no baggage, we were almost flying we felt so light. I stocked up on some baby snacks...780,000 VND later. Heck.

    Getting humbled, no surprises there travelling. Never condemned this kind of food. However, never condoned it. Sticking with Fed is best. Not taking the way we eat for granted when we go back home. That's for sure.

    Such hard work if you don't know where to go.

    Well, mission accomplished. Hope Tyde likes his baby cruskits and tuna rice combos hahaha!
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