Cassowary Coast

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Cassowary Coast
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    • Jour 21

      Wooroonooran NP : daar loopt een .....

      10 juin 2022, Australie ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Vanaf Wallaman Falls dalen we weer af naar de kust en doen boodschappen in Ingham. Van daaruit rijden we noordwaarts en zien we naast het gebruikelijke suikerriet ook bananenplantages verschijnen. De trossen bananen zitten in een beschermde zak om ze te beschermen tegen ongedierte en ziektes.

      We stijgen geleidelijk en rijden tussen glooiende heuvels door tot aan de rand van het regenwoud van het Wooroonooran National Park. Bij de Namur Tropical Skywalk kun je over een verhoogd platform op 30 meter door het woud lopen. Dit geeft een totaal ander perspectief op hoe een regenwoud eruit ziet.

      Een deel van dit woud is in 2003 tijdens een cycloon tegen de vlakte gegaan, waardoor er plaats kwam om dit platform te bouwen, maar ook jonge planten en bomen de ruimte kregen om te groeien. Over het algemeen staan er bomen die een jaar of 50 oud worden en ook kleiner blijven, en bomen van tientallen meters hoog die honderden jaren oud worden. We horen veel verschillende vogels, maar door het dichte bladerdak zien we ze niet. Vanaf een uitkijktoren kijken we neer op een rivier die tussen de bergen door loopt. De hoogste berg van Queensland zit helaas in de wolken.

      Vijf kilometer verderop ligt onze camping bij Henrietta Creek, ook midden in het regenwoud. Tegen de schermering loop ik over een wandelpad naar de Creek toe, waar je ook kijkt is wel wat te ontdekken. Dikke boomstammen met uitgestrekte wortels, lianen die aan de bonen hangen en allerlei planten die zich aan de boomstammen hechten. Als ik terug op de camping kon loopt daar ineens de moeilijk te spotten reus op zijn gemak rond, de Cassowary. Deze vogel die niet kan vliegen komt alleen voor in Australië en Papoea en is de op twee na langste en op één na zwaarste vogel. In het halfduister ziet hij er nog indrukwekkender uit. Ze zijn ook niet voor de poes, vooral de mannetjes kunnen hun vrouw fel verdedigen. Ze behoren naast de Krokodillen en kwallen tot de dieren waarvoor je moet opletten.

      De volgende ochtend doen we twee korte wandelingen naar de Wallicher en Tchupala Falls.
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    • Jour 31

      Mangroves • Hinchinbrook Channel

      10 mai 2023, Australie ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Australien von einer ganz anderen Seite.
      Nicht rostrote Landschaften mit weiten Ebenen und Trockenheit sondern sattes Grün an steilen wolkenverhangenen Bergen inmitten von Wasserflächen soweit das Auge reicht.

      In den vergangenen vier Wochen in Melanesien und Australien gab es Höhepunkte einen nach dem anderen und ich dachte diese wären nicht zu steigern, aber der heutige Tag war unfassbar an Eindrücken und lässt sich kaum in Bilder und Worte fassen.

      Mit der vorsichtigen Einfahrt in den südlichen Zugang zum Hinchingbrook Channel, vorbei an der Zuckerrohr-Verladestelle von Lucinda in der Halifax Bay, tasten wir uns bei 3-5m Wassertiefe über zwei Meilen durch ein Flachgebiet in die Mangrovenwälder. Man muss mithilfe eines Peilrichtfeuers haargenau einer Fahrwasserrine folgen sonst sitzen wir auf dem Trockenen.

      Am späten Vormittag fällt der Anker in dem Gajunda Channel eines Seitenarms des Hinchinbrook Channels. Wir liegen mitten in ausgedehnten Mangrovenflächen die bis an die umliegend steil aufragenden Berge reichen. Der Mount Bowen mit 1121m Höhe liegt etwa zwei Meilen westlich von uns entfernt und beherrscht komplett mit Regenwald bewachsen die Szenerie.

      Geplant sind zwei Erkundungsfahrten mit dem grossen Tender, vorher steht eine Luftaufklärung auf dem Zettel, um sich nicht in dem Gewirr der Seitenarme zu verfranzen. Das gesamte Gebiet am Hinchinbrook ist ein Naturschutzgebiet, in dem es Salzwasserkrokodile und Dugongs gibt und viele endemische Vogelarten die nur in Australien vorkommen.

      Ergebnis der Dinghifahrt:
      Sehen wir ein Salzwasserkrokodil oder Dugong?
      Gibt es szenische Drohnen-Aufnahmen?
      Verstecken sich Vögel a la Coleur im Geäst?
      Antworten: nein • ja • ja
      Wir waren aber auch zu schnell in den Mangrovenarmen unterwegs.

      Abends kommt erstmals der Bordgrill zum Einsatz und es gibt Knoblauchbrot, leckere Steaks, Kartoffeln und Grillgemüse. Einen praktischen Nebeneffekt hat das offene Feuer an Bord, die Mücken und Stechfliegen werden einigermaßen von uns abgehalten.

      Der Abend klingt mit dem Film „Fluch der Karibik - Salazars Revenge“ aus.
      Die Nacht wird hart in den Mangroven, absolute Stille unterbrochen vom schrillen Vogelgeschrei, Luftjäger die ins Wasser peitschen und springende Fische auf der Flucht vor ihren Jägern.
      Alle nicht geschützten Hautpartien sind den Angriffen der Plagegeister ausgetzt. Jetzt heißt es Zähne zusammenbeißen und durch auf unserer Expedition, es ist alles freiwillig was wir hier machen.

      Der 1. Bootsmann Jakob Niekerke hat ein kleines Video zur Tour in den Mangroven geschnitten.
      Guckst du hier:…
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    • Jour 51

      South mission

      14 novembre 2022, Australie ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Decided to use my day to wander down to South Mission beach. 35°, direct sunlight at 1.5hrs later I realised the mistake id made.

      South mission is very small, basically just housing for the rich. It is also very pretty, sitting in a little bay so protected from most of the winds. I stopped at the only cafe there and had lunch which was much needed. I didn't bring water with me because I didn't realise how far it was. That was my biggest mistake. Half way through I decided it was easier to keep going and grab something when I arrived rather than turning back.

      Unfortunately I found out that mum was right, I probably shouldn't have swum in the sea the other day. Though there are no spotting recently, crocodiles and jellyfish are ever present and warned against. Down in south mission there is a little area cornered off by nets that it is safe to swim in. I didn't break any laws or anything, but it is advised against. So that's good to know!

      It took around 4hrs from when I left to getting back so I was very tired by that point. Enjoyed some lovely aircon in my room before heading to the pool again.

      The temperature had not dropped but the sun was past the point of directly above us, so was more bearable. I choose not to swim, instead I settled down to do some writing and watch the sunset. A photo is enclosed of the pool.

      That was until I got a message from my friend at work asking if I could cover. And because money, I obviously said yes. Definitely a good choice as it was not very busy, so I basically got free money for covering the sports bar for 3hrs. There were a few people in but the focus was on room service tonight.

      A tour that does the east coast stops in Mission beach on mondays. As a result a large group of backpackers arrived late evening and always come for food. Now because they are backpackers, room service is a luxury so they all ordered it. Nothing like 20 separate orders all at once. Thankfully because I was in sports, I just covered gaming as well while the others dealt with it.

      I clocked off at 9 and headed back to my room. Ended up being unable to sleep for various reasons and was still awake at 2am, not fun but there we go.
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    • Jour 4–5

      Day 3.0; (T)Rainforest alps

      22 novembre 2023, Australie ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Heute ging es zurück Richtung Cairns. Auf dem Weg genossen wir die wunderschöne Aussicht der Great Barrier Reef Road. Wir entschieden uns jedoch noch schnell zu den Barron-Falls, anstelle direkt zu Mission Beach zu fahren. Auf dem Weg zu den Wasserfällen hinauf fühlte es sich an, als ob man einen Schweizer Pass hinauffahren würde, einfach quer durch den Jungel. Bei den Barron-Falls selbst, hatte es sogar eine Zughaltestelle, welche sich direkt am Abgrund befand.
      Danach ging es dann direkt zu Mission Beach. Als einziger Unterbruch der 3h Fahrt, besuchten wir ein Erdbeerenfeld in den Australischen Hügeln. Nach diesem Abschnitt sassen dann auch alle einmal hinter dem Steuer.
      Derzeitiger Scheibenwischercount, anstelle Blinken:
      Marc: 2
      Nathan: 3
      Nehmo: nach 5 aufgehört zu zählen
      Bei Mission Beach ging es dann das erste mal ins Meer. Danach gab es einen Grillabend. Nach dem Grillieren, sichteten wir sogar die ersten Wallabys.
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    • Jour 110

      #working life

      12 janvier 2023, Australie ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more #theunemployedlife

      I have finished work. Ngl, I'm glad but it's still bitter sweet.

      I won't miss much from Mission Beach, but I have learnt a lot and met some great people.

      Mission Beach will always be the first place I lived away from home. It will be the first place I lived abroad. The first place I had to truly look after myself (jury is still out on if i succeeded with that one). It has healed a part of my soul I lost after everything that happened and it had bosted my ego to scary heights! If you ever feel insecure about yourself, move somewhere remote. I was asked out multiple times a week, the weekends at least 3 times a shift. It has been wild.

      If I could do it again, I think I would. Just maybe try and change the temperature. 30+° daily is inhumane!

      A small collection of photos from work. The time cleaned the fridges for 4hrs and everyone couldn't figure out why I wasnt frozen (it's like 10° in there, they gave me a massive coat and everything). The time a keg exploded, when I went insane a grabbed a load of steak knives. The only nice looking coffee I've managed, the truly amazing 'tattoo' done by my crazy colleague and one of the many chocolate hauls work mum bought me. The random animals everywhere, the insanely good iced coffee and when work mum thought I had forgotten my name so underlined it loads. And finally, the drink made for my bday by one of the girlies.
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    • Jour 45


      8 novembre 2022, Australie ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      It's been a super busy week but I am so glad I made the choice to come down to mission beach. Work is great, everyone is so nice and the area is beautiful. Hands down the best choice I could have made for me.

      I did a bit of meal prep yesterday so woke up to overnight oats. Not quite as good as the ones at home, but still very nice.

      Work was super chill today. It was busy but we all worked together and it went super fast. As soon as I walked in I was greeted to happy birthdays from everyone which was super nice as well.

      At the end of my shift, one of the girls made me a cocktail to celebrate. It was half way between a sex on the beach and a tequila sunrise, very nice. And free which is top tier. The chefs also gave me a leftover jacket potato and made me some garlic bread. Not very healthy but very nice.

      Overall, it's been a great birthday. Not the one I was expecting, but I knew what would happen when I chose to leave in September. I knew my 21st would be celebrated probably on my own, but the guys at work have been so nice and I dont feel alone at all. As dad would say, I've landed on my feet here and took off running.

      I have two days off now so am going to explore more of this beautiful place I have moved too. A beach day is needed I think!
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    • Jour 67

      Nailed it

      30 novembre 2022, Australie ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Once more I have proved my supremacy by writing 50,000 words in November. Two years running!!

      I was very proud when I realised I'd made it. All written and began the editing. Nailed it!

      I had the breakfast shift which was kinda dead but chill. It continued being dead until 1ish when it began to rain. As a result all the tradies came down. Cause when work gets rained out, hit the bar. Had a few funny convos with them and the regulars. I'm beginning to recognise people and their orders now which is making them all happy. Still have them ripping me apart for being british but nicely rather than rudely.

      I made more chilli beans which was an entire vibe. I added a courgette in, which doesn't add much but was better than it going off. I really love chili beans.

      There was also a frog just giving on the chopping board when I came back. Scared the bejesus out of me. The noise that tiny thing made, insane.
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    • Jour 85

      Nearly Christmas

      18 décembre 2022, Australie ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Someone took my food. I am not impressed.

      My roommate arrived on sunday evening last week. She went to her job and found out it was only for 10days. Personally I would have still worked those 10days cause its seriously good pay but she chose not too. Left again tuesday morning. I am alone once more.

      I informed my boss i was leaving. It was very funny, he said he was annoyed I was going after all the training he had given me. Tried very hard not to laugh at that. I have learnt next to nothing working there but there we go.

      Booked my flights down to Tasmania. I'm gonna spend a couple nights in Sydney on my way day. So instead of waiting for 7hrs in Sydney airport I'll have a day in the city and another in the blue mountains.

      I've booked a couple nights stay in Hobart when i first arrive but not sure what I'll do after then. I'm still fighting all that out.

      For now I am just biding my time here. I have one shift left today, once that's done I have 10days off and am so excited. Full time work is not a vibe!
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    • Jour 78


      11 décembre 2022, Australie ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Ok so it's been like 12 days, to be honest not much has happened. Work, sleep, coffee. That's it.

      But I now have an update so I'm back! Yay!!

      I have decided to move on from Mission Beach in January and will be making my way down to Tasmania. I am so excited to go down there!

      I will be leaving mid January. I'm thinking of doing a couple more days in Cairns. Do the great barrier reef and crocodile tour. Them fly down to Tasmania. Unfortunately the direct flights are super expensive so I have to transfer in sydney. Good news, instead of spending 4hrs in Sydney airport bored, I'm gonna spend a few days in the city.

      I want to do the blue mountains tour and I'm going to do some walking tours and things around the city. One of my colleagues used to live in sydney so im going to get some tips from him on what to do.

      I also had a great conversation with some customers yesterday about Tasmaina. One of them grew up there and

      Its fascinating listening to peoples responses when I tell them I'm going to Tassie. Most of the locals just go "why" with a look of disgust, it's hilarious. But the other travelers and people from other parts of Aus, are much more interested.

      I had a great conversation with some customers yesterday about Tasmania, one of them grew up there and loved it. From what they said it sounded like I will love it there aswell. Theres loads of beautiful landscapes and more like a british summer this time of year. They had lived in uk as well, so I trust them on that. They were so nice and one of them handed me $50 for literally no reason. She said to look after myself and have a great time. They were honestly the nicest people ever.

      I'm feeling a bit sad to be leaving Mission. I feel like it's very easy to come here and never leave again. But it's not right for me so I know I have to. I've also gotten settled here and the thought of having to start over with friends and work in a whole new place is daunting. But that's the life I have chosen so I'm glad to be going again.

      I've really begun to miss travelling while being here. The constant moving and meeting new people is exhausting but everything is very stagnant here. Not much is happening and it's kinda dull after a while.

      But now its time to start planning again. I forgot how much effort that was!
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    • Jour 38

      Wongaling Beach

      1 novembre 2022, Australie ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Had my first day at Wongaling Beach, was quiet fun.

      I had a lie in which was nice, first time not having roommates waking me up or someone next door. Then made some breakfast and headed down to my new job. Did not manage to meet my new boss but did meet some of the others. Got handed two massive piles of paper work.

      Spent the entire afternoon completing those, not fun. I also did some more of my RSG, read my ARC book and began NaNoWriMo again. It's insane how quickly November comes around.

      I then realised I had done nothing except sit on my but all day, so I did a sunset walk to the beach and back. It wasnt long as the sun was setting pretty quickly and I didn't want to be out in the dark somewhere I didn't know just yet.

      Then attempted to make myself an omlete for dinner. It did not succeed, but tasted pretty good in a pile anyways.
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