Cabo Verde
Concelho de São Vicente

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Os 10 melhores destinos Concelho de São Vicente
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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 122

      Mindelo, Republic of Cabo Verde

      3 de maio, Cabo Verde ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      Our caravan of 4x4’s stops at the pass and we get out to survey this moonscape. Battered by furious wind, parched earth swirls around. No rain in seven years. Yet somehow birds find enough water and food to survive. Creeping down the primitive road we come upon a dried riverbed covered in poisonous gourds and follow it to the sea. No swimming here, though. Beautiful beach scape takes its cue from the hostility of the surrounds.
      Strong currents and Blue Sharks make this point undesirable for anything but admiration from the shore.

      We return to civilization and pull onto a rocky road. Cabo Verde shares in the history of the slave trade. This road was painstakingly hammered into existence by labor paid only a dollar per month. Its bumpy texture serve as a reminder of the scars left from a previous era. Volcanos fill the horizon, casting shadows and silhouettes against the bowl of sky. We refresh in a fishing village, sipping local grog and beer. Our return encounters dunes descended from sands of the Sahara and sculpted by nature’s hand. Alas, passing mineral rich beaches beckoning for us to remain, it’s time to board our ship, which is bound for the new world.
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    • Dia 11

      Santo Antão und die grünen Täler

      30 de novembro de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Ungewöhnlich viel Grün, hohe Berge, Wolken und Bäume – wir sind im Osten der Insel Santa Antão unterwegs. Am frühen Morgen hat uns eine Fähre von Mindelo nach Porto Novo gebracht. Nun geht es auf kurvenreichen, schmalen Wegen steil nach oben. Die Straße, auf der wir fahren, stammt noch aus früheren Zeiten und wurde in mühevoller Kleinarbeit mit Basaltsteinen gepflastert. Eine breite Bergkette, die an vielen Stellen 1.500 m übersteigt und bei der Tope da Coroa mit 1.979 m ihren höchsten Punkt erreicht, teilt die Insel in einen nördlichen und einen südlichen Teil. Immer wieder haben wir atemberaubende Ausblicke auf tiefe Täler und ein zerklüftetes Gebirge. Wir schauen auf das grüne Paúl Tal hinab und können unseren Blick bis ans Meer schweifen lassen. Süßkartoffeln, Zuckerrohr, Maniok, Mais, Papaya, Bohnen und andere Gemüsesorten können hier angebaut werden, denn die Vulkankrater speichern unterirdisch Wasser. Das sickert in die Täler und sorgt das ganze Jahr über für eine üppige Landschaft. In Ribeira Grande schlendern wir durch den schönen Ort, bevor wir uns das Paúl Tal von unten anschauen. Im Restaurant o curral essen wir leckere, vegetarische Gerichte, dessen Lebensmittel ausschließlich aus dem Tal stammen. Am Nachmittag erreichen wir mit Ponta do Sol unseren Übernachtungsort. Im kleinen Naturhafen liegen idyllisch viele bunte Fischerboote, die jeden Abend mühsam an Land gebracht werden müssen, weil die Brandung zu hoch ist. Und die Sonne verabschiedet den Tag mit einem dramatischen Untergang.Leia mais

    • Dia 10

      15 et 16 Janvier Mindelo

      15 de janeiro, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Nous voilà arrivés de bon matin à Mindelo où nous resterons jusqu’à demain soir.
      Aujourd’hui nous avons prévu de visiter l’île de Santo Antao qui se trouve juste en face
      Nous arrivons à Porto Novo vers 09h15.
      Alain a fait un malaise vagal en descendant du bateau, direction l’hôpital tout proche. Ses constances étant bonnes il est vite sorti.
      Nous avons rejoint notre groupe à Ribeiro Grande en taxi par la montagne, sur des routes pavées très inconfortables. L’épreuve a été un peu douloureuse pour Alain qui n’était pas encore complètement remis.
      Le côté sud de l’île est semi-désertique avec beaucoup d’accacias. Le côté nord est quant à lui très vert avec des conifères et des fougères.
      Le centre et particulièrement le cône du volcan éteint est d’une très grande beauté.
      Après avoir goûté la Cachupa d’Lenha, le plat national, nous repartons au ferry vers 16h00.
      Le lendemain nous allons faire un tour en ville, à la sortie du port nous rencontrons le guide Roberto qui nous avait fait visiter l’île l’an passé et qui nous a presque sauté dans les bras.
      Nous avons pu voir les marchés colorés et notamment le marché aux poissons. Nous terminons notre balade par la plage. Retour au bateau en début d’après-midi pour un départ à 16h00 vers Walvis Bay - 7 jours de navigation et 3344 Mn.
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    • Dia 10

      Sao Vicente, Kapverden

      5 de novembro de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Ich glaube, wir haben das Paradies gefunden😆
      Wir haben gebadet, das Wasser hier ist ein Traum🏊‍♀️🏝👙🩳 Ich dachte, sowas gibt es nur im Fernsehen.🥰

      Überall liegen diese kleinen Mäuse herum und chillen bei gefühlten 45 Grad im Schatten.🥵

      Soeben haben wir abgelegt und machen uns auf den Weg nach Brasilien 🤩🥳💃

      Was für ein unvorstellbar verrücktes Ding, diese Reise...🌎
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    • Dia 95

      Mindelo, Cape Verde

      16 de março de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      New-to-us Port #20.

      Mindelo — overlooking Baía do Porto Grande on Cape Verde’s São Vicente Island — our first port of call in Africa. This island country, which gained its independence from Portugal in 1975, is just 310 miles off the coast of the continent.

      Today, we joined Sonia & Boris for a private tour that they had organized. Fred & Barbara, with whom we had dinner last night, also joined us. This was an especially poignant port call for Fred as his grandfather, at age 16, had left Mindelo to settle in the USA.

      To meet up with our guide, David, we had to first walk to the port gate. A path had been marked for us to follow through the commercial port — a very stinky one … we are assuming from all the fishing boats clustered together along the way. The walk was fairly long, but we managed well enough.

      David first took us to an overlook to view Porto Grande, the bay, and the city from high on up. The beautiful color of the water was particularly visible from this vantage point.

      Then, we walked around to the other side to check out the views from that vantage point. Our jaws dropped when we spotted the amazing blue/turquoise color of the water at Praia da Laginha, the city beach. With the white sand trimming the edge of the water, it was a breathtaking view. If we ever find ourselves in Mindelo again, we know what we will be doing 😉

      Next, we drove into the city for a short walk with a few quick stops. At the fishermen’s beach, we saw the men cleaning the scales off their fresh catch using a tin can like a rasp. A few steps away, fresh catch was being sold in the fish market … one woman salting the fish to preserve it. Around the corner was a fresh vegetable and fruit market. And then the handicraft market. We had about 15 minutes at this stop, but instead of shopping, Mui and I went for a wander that rewarded me with plenty of murals made with the blue and white azulejo tiles.

      Back in the van, we began the long, winding ride up to the top of Monte Verde. The cobblestone road made for a bumpy ride, but the views were breathtaking. Unfortunately, the higher we went, the hazier the scenery became with filmy clouds. At the topmost overlook, the view was alternately hidden and revealed by thicker clouds moving through on the air currents. Quite spectacular — even better, I imagine, on a clear day.

      Before heading back down, we walked over to the small hut where an enterprising man was offering coffee, ponche, and other liqueurs. Since I don’t drink coffee, Mui got me a ponche, which David described as being a combo of grogue (sugar cane spirit) and molasses or honey. It packed quite a wallop. I took a sip and gave the rest to Mui, who put it in his coffee and proclaimed it to be quite tasty.

      From Monte Verde, we headed to the east side of the island to visit Baía das Gatas, a small beachside village whose name David translated as Catfish Bay. It’s still winter here, so the houses were all locked up tight. The only action seemed to be at a nearby restaurant … which turned out to be the lunch spot for the Oceania tours.

      David had intended this as the swim break for our tour. Mui and Sonia checked out the beach and nixed the idea. The water inside the reef was very shallow (below the knee) … it would have been more like playing in the water … not swimming. Instead, they suggested going to Praia da Laginha at the end of the day. Thus, we moved on.

      Following the coastal road, we enjoyed the beautiful landscape … rough surf and dunes created by the high winds. There were several pull outs along the way. We stopped at one of them for photos before continuing on to have lunch at the Hamburg Restaurant in Beire Mar do Calhau, which translates as Pebble Seaside.

      David had asked for our preferences and called in our order to make sure the food would be ready without a long delay when we arrived. We were served shortly after taking a table inside … would have preferred the outside terrace, but the black flies were swarming and we didn’t want to deal with that.

      Mui and Sonia ordered grilled octopus; Barbara, Fred, and I ordered shrimp; Boris ordered grilled tuna. Everything was served with sides of rice and salad. French fries and steamed veggies were also brought out to share. Sonia and I had the local beer, Strela. To wrap up our meal, each couple shared an order of ice cream — mango and passion fruit. The food was delicious … and at $35/couple, quite inexpensive.

      After lunch, we began the drive back to Mindelo. Along the way, we stopped to take a gander at one of the few farms on the island. Draught is a problem here (even in the summer months, which traditionally is the wet season), so very little produce can be grown here … most is imported from abroad. We also stopped at an overlook for another view of the city and port … this time from the opposite direction.

      Next up was the Cultural Center where Fred wanted to pick up some postcards and stamps to send a few quick notes to friends and family. While he and Barbara shopped, we wandered through the rooms where we enjoyed some of the cultural exhibits.

      Then, onto Praia da Laginha. It was already 4:30p … too late to go to one of the beach clubs. Mui and Sonia determined that changing in the public toilet was going to be a hassle. And there was the problem of where to leave shoes and towels once they got down to the beach. So, they just made do with a walk down to the shoreline.

      We had a really great time exploring Mindelo and its surroundings. That today’s high was only 77F — with no humidity — added to our delight.
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    • Dia 61

      Mindelo (São Vicente), Cape Verde 2

      16 de março de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Too many photos and videos for one post!

      NOTE: there are 2 videos in this post. The first follows the collage of Bruce. If you are viewing the photos in full screen, click on it to see the arrow to play it. The second video follows the next two photos and gives you an idea of the trip up the mountain.Leia mais

    • Dia 61

      Mindelo São Vicente, Cape Verde AFRICA 1

      16 de março de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      We arrived today at the West African island country of Cape Verde (pop 588,000) which is about 350 miles from the coast of Africa (Senegal). We spent the day on the island of São Vincent (one of 10 islands as indicated by the stars on their flag) which covers 1,557 square miles. We arrived at Porto Grande Bay on the north side of the island where Mindelo is located, the largest port city lined with old colonial houses. The city is home to 93% of the entire island's population (81,014) where 49% are under 25 years old and only 7% over 65 years old. In Cape Verde the population speak Portuguese and Creole (a hybrid African language).

      As background, uninhabited until the 15th century, Cape Verde became the first European settlement in the tropics. Cape Verde islands were located in a convenient location to play a role in the Atlantic slave trade and therefore attracted a strong economy in the16th and 17th centuries. They also provided key supplies of water and food to boats sailing to America, Europe and Africa. From 1815-1822, Brazil owned these islands and then in 1951 they were what was considered an overseas Portuguese department. In 1975 they became independent and is considered one of the most democratic and stable countries in Africa.

      Although the Cape Verde is not very “Verde” (green) with its barren mountain scenery, there are interesting formations that lead down to beautiful beaches. First, we went to Praca Nova, the colonial square and went into the Cape Verdean Cultural museum and theater which includes rotating exhibits from local artists and a quaint old theater (interesting model boats). We then visited an active fish market, a vegetable market and an outdoor art exhibit. Next, we walked to a West African marketplace that sold handcrafted goods of wood, wicker baskets and art.

      We visited the beautiful Catfish Bay (at Baja das Gatas). The highlight was when we went up to the top of majestic Monte Verde (not easy on these stone laid roads), the highest point on Sao Vincent at 2500 feet high for great views of the crescent shaped Praia Grande with white sand and black lava mountains. Even with the fog rolling in, it was quite an experience.

      At the TOP of Monte Verde I got to “try” grogue, the national liquor made from sugarcane of Cape Verde. Grogue is a traditional drink made using a press (trapiche). Grogue, handmade, is also used for “medicines” and may soon (once the production is standardized) be offered in Europe!

      NOTE: there are 2 videos in this post. The first follows the is just after the guy cleaning fish. If you are viewing the photos in full screen, click on it to see the arrow to play it. The second video follows the handicrafts and gives you an idea of the trip up the mountain.
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    • Dia 7

      Tag 7

      7 de março, Cabo Verde ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Heute war ein "dolce fa niente" Tag.
      Warten in Mindelo, Vieles vor ein paar Tagen schon gesehen. Am Nami zurück ins Hotel , um Koffer zu holen...Ohhh Schreck: unser Flug ist annulliert, Grund defekt am Flieger.🤪 Also neues Zimmer beziehen ( ohhhh Überraschung....... Suite) und warten bis morgen um 9 Uhr sehen wie es weiter geht!!!!!!!Leia mais

    • Dia 20

      Jeep Safari auf São Vicente Teil 1

      17 de novembro de 2022, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Morgens um 8.15 Uhr startet unsere Jeep Safari am Hafen von Mindelo. Zu viert sitzen wir mit Martin und Bianca im Auto, im Kofferraum Bereich sitzt uns heutiger Führer Honduro und na klar, haben wir für diese Offroad Tour einen Fahrer. Vier weitere Jeeps fahren Kolonne.

      Zunächst geht unsere Tour an der Südküste entlang, bevor wir ins Inselinnere Offroad abbiegen. Die Landschaft ist sehr karg, nur kleine grüne Sträucher sind Farbtupfer im Grau-Braun der weiten Fläche und der spitzen Berge. Dieses Jahr hat es erstmals nach 3 Jahren mal wieder geregnet und das ganz heftig, so dass einige der Offroad Wege nun wegen größerer Steine schwieriger zu befahren sind.

      Erstes Ziel ist der abgelegene, wunderschöne einsame Strand namens Flamengo Beach im Südwesten der Insel. Mit sehr starker Strömung ist er zum Baden nicht geeignet, aber man hat einen tollen Blick auf die unbewohnte Nachbarinsel Santa Lucia.

      Mit viel guter Laune geht's weiter in das einzige kleine fruchtbare Gebiet der Insel, wo Landwirtschaft jedoch fast nur für den Eigenbedarf betrieben wird. Ein ungewöhnlich grüner Streifen!

      Etwa 96 000 Bewohner hat São Vicente, wo von der größte Teil in der Hauptstadt Mindelo wohnt. Jede der kapverdischen Inseln hat einen "Präsidenten", der auf der Insel demokratisch gewählt wird und Stimmrecht auf der Hauptinsel Santiago hat.

      Weiter fahren wir Offroad zum Sandy Beach, der auch einsam liegt und mit dem schwarzen Gestein im hellen Sand und blauem Wasser herrliche Kontraste zaubert.
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    • Dia 9


      14 de janeiro de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Accostage prévu à 07h00
      Visite impromptue de l’île avec un petit groupe formé à la sortie du bateau
      Nous avons fait le tour de l’île où nous avons vu le Monte Verde qui culmine à 774m, le village de pêcheurs de Salamansa , la Baia das Gâtas qui est sublime, et pour finir Calhau
      Nos guides Roberto et Guillermo nous ont offert une belle visite.
      Arrêt dans un petit restaurant sur le port pour déguster une cachupa le plat national cap verdien, une espèce de potée aux saveurs tropicales, qui s’est révélée excellente.
      Petite ballade en ville et retour au bateau vers 17h00
      Depart à 18h00, cap sur Salvador de Bahia, la navigation devrait être agréable avec un vent de moins de 25Kn et des vagues de moins de 2m
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Concelho de São Vicente, Concelho de Sao Vicente, São Vicente, VXE

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