Capital Region

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    • Day 41

      Radtour Esrum Sø

      May 16, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Ich nutze den traumhaften Stellplatz als Ausgangspunkt für eine Radtour rund um den zweitgrößten See Dänemarks.
      Die Strecke ist diesesmal etwas länger, aber dafür weniger anspruchsvoll. Während ich den See umrunde werden leuchtend gelbe Rapsfelder von sattgrünen Feuchtwäldern und Wiesen abgelöst. Zudem erhalte ich einen weiteren Einblick in die dänische Geschichte, denn auf meinem Weg liegen ein mittelalterliches Kloster, sowie je ein Schloss aus den Epochen Renaissance (Frederiksborg) und Barock (Fredensborg).
      Am Abend genieße ich, während eines Lagerfeuers, die stundenlange Dämmerung, an deren Ende sich auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Vollmond dazugesellt.
      Der Abschluss meiner Zeit in Dänemark könnte nicht besser sein und am Horizont sehe ich bereits mein nächstes Ziel: Schweden.
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    • Day 2


      June 14, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      We spent the afternoon exploring Copenhagen and doing our best to avoid jetlag. We walked from our hotel to the Stadhus (town hall), then down the Stroget (walking/shopping street) to Nyhavn, a picturesque small harbor lined with colorful houses. We grabbed lunch from a street vendor then visited Amalienborg Palace to see the Queen's Guards. The King's Garden and Rosenborg Castle were beautiful. We'll have one more day at the end of our trip to see a bit more of the city.Read more

    • Day 4

      Abstecher nach Kopenhagen

      June 16, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Für einen kleinen Mittagssnack haben wir eine Rast in Kopenhagen eingelegt. Es gab lecker Fish and Chips und Calamaris dazu. Das Wetter hat auch mitgespielt und noch dazu konnten wir unweit des Stadtzentrums einen kostenlosen Parkplatz ergattern. So kommen wir gerne wieder!Read more

    • Day 1

      Nachtruhe in Frederikssund

      June 18, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Unser Auto ist müde und will nicht mehr anspringen (Anlasser). Deshalb machen wir nun Pause bei Freunden und tauschen Basthorster Bier (dort getauscht gegen eine blaue Büroklammer) gegen eine Flasche Rotwein.Read more

    • Day 1

      Letzten Besorgungen in Dänemark

      June 19, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Die letzten Besorgungen für unsere Wikingertaufe und unser Abendbrot erledigt. Nun geht es weiter nach Schweden über Europas längste Brücke mit kombiniertem Verkehr (Auto/Zug). Einige Kilometer fehlen noch aber die Motivation stimmt!Read more

    • Day 1

      Endlich: der erste Overnight Stop

      June 19, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Einen schönen Campingplatz haben wir gefunden. Haben uns dazu entschieden, erst morgen nach Schweden zu fahren. Bleiben die erste Nacht nach fast 700 km südlich von Kopenhagen noch in Dänemark… direkt an der Ostsee.Read more

    • Day 2

      Ein aufregender Tag geht zu Ende

      June 20, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Guten Morgen Ihr Lieben, der Tag ging zu Ende mit einem wunderbaren Fußmarsch, der nach der langen Fahrt richtig gut tat. Erst entlang der Bucht und dann durch den kleinen verträumten Ort Dragør. Eine nette Kellnerin des Café Blink hat uns sogar noch als letzte Gäste des Abends herzlichst versorgt. Die Restaurants hatten entweder schon geschlossen oder gerade die Küche eingestellt.
      Müde aber happy über unser eigenes kleines Zuhause sind wir nach einer kalten Dusche tief und fest eingeschlafen.
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    • Day 3

      NOMA, Copenhagen

      April 11 in Denmark ⋅ 🌬 54 °F

      First of all, today was the anniversary of Jeff and my first date 35 years ago! Who knew that April 11th, 1989 (also my parent’s wedding anniversary),
      was going to change our lives and bring both of us more joy and excitement than imaginable. We are so fortunate.

      Okay, back to the food. I warned you. Tonight’s dining experience could not have been more different from last night. The drama of going into this restaurant was overwhelming as we passed greenhouses, test kitchens and gardens that were lovely even in their early spring apparel. The dining experience here was themed “Ocean” and that became evident in many creative and subtle way through the decor as we were led to our table. Beautiful drapings of seaweed and beams that were covered in hundreds of oyster shells set the rustic scene that included candlelight and servers and chefs that moved seamlessly through the space as though they too were moving through the ocean.

      Any subtlety ended there. There were about 14 courses. I can’t tell you for sure because my head is still whirling from the spectacularly created presentations of boldly prepared food that all related to the ocean. The presentations were based around rustic plates/bowls with different combinations of rocks, rattan trays, shells and seaweed. Each dish was a piece of art to be enjoyed aesthetically before diving into the experience of eating. The imagination that went into each course was overwhelming.

      Again, I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

      We are forever grateful to be able to share both these dining experiences with our two friends.

      By the way, there were two of us that couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t eat the fish eye. They brought us beets instead.
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    • Day 22

      Seejungfrau und Soldaten

      September 7, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bei der weiteren Zugfahrt durchkreuzen wir unser geliebtes Heimatland 🙂 nochmal und kommen am frühen Morgen in Kopenhagen an.
      Dass wir einige hundert Kilometer zurückgelegt und das Land gewechselt haben merken wir kaum.
      Hier ist vieles ähnlich wie in den Niederlanden.
      So gibt es viele Radfahrer und eine entsprechende Infrastruktur und jede Menge Wasser. Die Menschen sind freundlich und sogar die Sprache scheint uns ähnlich. Nur das Wetter ist heute besser.
      Zunächst wandern wir vorbei an den königlichen Gebäuden zur kleinen Meerjungfrau, die am Morgen noch nicht von all zuvielen Touristen umlagert wird. Weiter geht es am Wasser entlang und wir stoßen auf ein Marketingevent der dänischen Marine.
      Wir lassen uns die Möglichkeit Kriegsschiffe und Militärfahrzeuge von innen anzusehen nicht entgehen. Allerdings hinterlässt das Arsenal von Tötungsmaschinen eher gemischte Gefühle bei uns wobei das Personal sehr nett ist.
      Auf dem Weg zurück zum Bahnhof sehen wir noch mehr schöne Bauten und Wasserwege, entdecken Bademöglichkeiten und Fitness Anlagen.
      Kopenhagen vermittelt eine entspannte, positive Atmosphäre und wird uns in guter Erinnerung bleiben.
      Am Nachmittag fahren wir über den Öresund weiter nach Schweden.
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    • Day 51

      Saturday in Copenhagen

      October 19, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We have left Norway. Woke this morning to a grey drizzly morning, and were very thankful for the lovely rain-free day we had yesterday exploring Oslo. So after breakfast and leisurely packing up we went to the airport, as no point hanging round, and getting wet. Oslo airport very organised and not to large. We did have one drama though - Amr, very unusually, made a crazy mistake....we were at the self-serve bag drop, had had boarding passes and bag tags printed, and Amr put his bag up before he tagged it, then scanned the tag (which was still in his hand) and off went the bag away on the belt before he could catch it!! General panic (by us) but SAS are very efficient, and assured him that they would catch it and tag it before it got any further....but it was a moment of horror, and we didn’t feel totally secure until it came out, actually one of the first! at Copenhagen.

      So all was well, and it was SO easy to get into the city from the airport - the metro goes right to the airport and took us to right near our hotel. We knew which stop, and it is quite in the centre with many shops, restaurants and hotels nearby. So easy, and even cheap by Norwegian standards! About equivalent to $15 for the 2 of us. The train to Oslo airport, which was very handy and easy also, was about 4 times the price, and even had seniors from 67, so Amr just missed out!!

      Our hotel is great. It is another of these Scandinavian modern minimalist hotels. Small spotless rooms, everything works, everything fits, no nonsense! If there are 2 people there is a second doona, pillow and set of towels in a drawer under the bed (you always get a doona each here it seems). And amazingly great wifi in all the hotels, and even on the boat.

      So, once we had dumped the bags we went out to get a feel of the city. It is mountains in Denmark. Also, just remembered, we saw what I think was “the Bridge” as we flew in! We had left the clouds over Oslo, and it was even sunny here, though has descended into rain this evening. Reasonable forecast for tomorrow though. We can’t help noticing all the absolutely beautiful young Scandinavian girls...they all have perfect skin, and are remarkably gorgeous - maybe from lack of sun!

      We walked around, it was Saturday afternoon, and a clear day, so everyone was out and about, walking in the cobbled pedestrian streets. Saw the royal palace (slot, which I realise is a Schloss)..but am not sure if this is the royal residence, or just a show place, as there were no visible guards like Buckingham Palace, but maybe the Danes are more casual!! Will find out more...Amr plans to find the Danish design museum tomorrow, and also we found another Viking museum here which should be good! So if it gets rainy there is plenty of inside stuff to do. Had dinner at a restaurant along a canal were there are many eateries. It was lovely...I actually had a very nice steak, and Amr had Danish meatballs. Cold by then. We had come south, and when we arrived felt too hot in thick jackets, but it certainly cooled off. Not much photo taking this afternoon.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Region Hovedstaden, Capital Region, Hovedstaden, Huvudstadsregionen

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