Département du Haut-Rhin

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    • Dzień 41

      Fünf Fotos-Basel Day 3

      24 maja 2022, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We enjoyed a laid-back day today. Jim C headed to the laundromat so that our clothes would be ready for our river cruise launch tomorrow. When he returned back to the hotel, he remarked, "It turns out that the first stop was a dry cleaners so I went to France to do the laundry instead. " 🇫🇷 It is a bit surreal to cross the border without it being a convoluted checkpoint.

      Yesterday I remarked about us receiving a complimentary Basel Card that gives us free access on all public transportation. An additional perk of the card is discounts to a number of area attractions. We opted to take a trip to the Zoologischer Garten Basel (Basel Zoo) and when we arrived we learned that our admission price had a 50% discount with the card.

      It was almost as fun to watch the families and school children at the zoo as the animal exhibits. It felt a bit unusual to be at the zoo without Olive as we frequently take her there. Overall, the zoo made for a nice stroll. One of the exhibits had nutria, a rodent that resembles a beaver. When I looked at the geographical map showing the distribution of this species in South America- they forgot Oregon. I knew that nutria are an invasive species in Western Oregon as they were released in the wild decades ago.

      After the zoo, we went to the Markthalle, an open food market and seating area with an extensive cuisine representation. Jim opted for Pad Thai, and I had a Vietnamese noodle dish. I think we were both feeling a bit homesick for take-out back home.

      As we were leaving, I noticed the proximity of booths representing countries typically in conflict, and it served as yet another reminder about building bridges across cultural and political divides.

      Given our ample lunch, we opted to skip dinner and instead have a beer and people watch near a traffic circle. In contrast to traffic circles in Italy where it's a "me-first" mentality without attention to any other rules, Basel seems like a choreographed cooperation dance. It was fun to watch bikes, scooters, cars, busses and pedestrians looking out for each other. In particular any pedestrian approaching a crosswalk is given right-of-way without exception.

      I'm getting ready to call it a night with a cool breeze beckoning me to sleep.

      Gute Nacht, Freunde und Familie.
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    • Dzień 43

      Fünf Fotos-Rhine Cruise Day 1

      26 maja 2022, Francja ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Although we're on the boat we have remained docked as planned for the first day. We slept well, and we were up early to have breakfast and get ready for our departure by coast.

      We began the day with about an hour drive to Lucerne, Switzerland. We learned from our guide that today is Ascension Day, a clerical holiday in Switzerland that celebrates the Christian event of the ascension of Christ forty days after the resurrection. Most businesses are closed on this day, and we learned that truckers are not allowed to operate unless they are transporting food.

      Lucerne is a preserved Medieval city in central Switzerland with beautiful Lake Lucerne at its center with a backdrop of the Swiss Alps.

      When we left the coach we walked across a beautiful wooden covered pedestrian bridge, Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge) that crosses the Reuss River. The bridge was first built in the 14th century and it contains many paintings from the 17th century. We learned that a large section of the bridge was destroyed by fire as well as many of the original paintings. The Kapellbrücke is the oldest coveted bridge in Europe.

      We enjoyed walking the streets of the Altstadt (Old Town) and the river serves as a dividing point between old and new. We also enjoyed the rather quiet streets due to the holiday.

      When we returned to the coach, we headed for Wilderswil, a town near Interlachen, a beautiful town surrounded by glacier fed turquoise lakes. At Wilderswil, we made our way to a historic cog railway that took us on a 45-minute steep path to the Schynige Platte, a small mountain ridge and a viewpoint in the Bernese Highlands. The views of the glacier-covered Alps from this 7,000 ft. viewpoint was magnificent. We were blessed by a beautiful sunny day with mostly unobstructed views of the moutains.

      I have to admit that my view of the fields surrounded by the backdrop of the snow-capped mountains took me back to my six-year old self viewing the opening scene of Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. It was magical, and I remember wanting very much to be in that field when I was little.

      We noticed off to the background a few musicians playing the alphorn, the twelve-foot horns made famous by the Ricola commercial. We decided to wander further up the slope to view the different vegetation. I kept my eyes focused for edelweiss, but I learned that it's too early in the season from one of the passengers who is traveling from the UK.

      At the appointed time, we made for our descent down the mountain to our waiting coach for the two and a half hour return trip to Basel. The sights were indeed beautiful. It's not every day that you get to see rolling hills with a castle scattered here and there. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, it was a bit too long a day on the coach. It's reinforced for me that I generally would prefer to be traveling at our own pace instead of with ninety-five of our "closest friends".

      That brings me to our efforts to try and find connection on the cruise. It appears that nearly all, if not all, of the passengers are from the UK. They look like us, they're the same age range as us, but it appears that we're the only couple from the States as well as the only gay couple. It's interesting feeling more like outliers in this experience than in other countries that we have visited to date where the language, culture and skin tone of the people is markedly different than ours.

      We've been trying to find ways to strike up conversations, and most of that has been a bit of a miss so far except for Daniel, one of the bartenders who is from Romania. Daniel has grown weary of the hospitality industry, especially in the aftermath of COVID-19. He is studying to be a truck driver because he likes to drive and he sees it as an opportunity for me freedom in his life. I don't think he's much younger than me. I'm optimistic that we'll have more opportunities to meet other folks and have deeper conversations as the week progresses. The few folks we have spoken with to date have had some connections to Portland through family and friends. Multnomah Falls is a universal hit. 😊

      We did have another great dinner, and at this writing, I'm staring out at the floor to ceiling glass doors of the French Balcony with the man I love at my side. At some point this evening, we should launch north on the beautiful Rhine. I'm ready. Guten Nacht!
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    • Dzień 42

      Fünf Fotos-Basel Day 4

      25 maja 2022, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      "He was as fresh as is the month of May."
      Geoffrey Chaucer

      We woke up to the news of the Texas school shooting. As a former teacher, a father, and a grandfather, I have no words other than a feeling of deep despair and anger. I was haunted by that notion as I watched every parent on the streets of Basel today. As we made our way over to Basel's Altstadt GrossBasel (Old Town) we paused to watch elementary aged students play a game of Kubb, a game that is a hybrid of bowling and horseshoes. I loved watching the collective joy of the students engaged in this competition, and I couldn't help but think of students deprived of that joy and future promise. I hope that we figure out a better solution soon. Kids deserve to get to be kids.

      We took the time to tour the Basler Munster, a historical and strking sandstone cathedral that was once Catholic and ultimately became a Reformed Protestant Church. The church was originally built in the early 11th century and it was destroyed in an earthquake about three hundred years later. There were several modifications of architecture and style over the centuries.

      It was fascinating to tour the crypt and see the remains of the original cathedral with an integrated multimedia production that outlined the timeline of events in the church and society at the time.

      Among the famous people buried in the cathedral was Queen Anne of Habsburg and her son Charles; Erasmus, a Catholic priest whose writings has great influence on the Reformation movement; and Jacob Bernoulli, a mathematician known for his contributions to calculus.

      In the 1500's many of the paintings and statues of the original church were destroyed in rebellions against what was viewed by Reformists as idol worship. In the 1850's New stained-glass windows were installed. They were quite beautiful, particularly in the light of this sunny day.

      I've been meaning to share about one of the prominent icons that we have seen all over the city. At first I thought they were dragons, but we learned that they were instead the baselisk, In medieval animal books, basilisks are often depicted as hybrid creatures with the torso of and head of a rooster, and the abdomen of snake. A basilisk's gaze petrifies or kills. Its breath is deadly poisonous. The legend in Basel was that a jet black rooster laid an egg the size of the rooster and the townspeople must destroy it to save themselves from the hatching of the baselisk. The basilisk has remained an important symbol of Basel over the last five hundred years, and is now depicted carrying the town shield and coat of arms. Harry Potter fans might also recognize the reference to basilisks.

      After this visit, we took the light rail to see if we could locate where our river cruise ship was moored. We found it, and we learned that we would be able to board early although our cabin wasn't due to be ready for hours. We returned back to our hotel to retrieve our backpacks, and we made our way back to our boat.

      For the remainder of May (thus, my chosen Chaucer quote), we will be aboard Riviera Cruise Lines' MS Geoffrey Chaucer as we make our way up the Rhine from Basel to Köln, Germany. This boat is beautiful and new; it was commissioned in 2020 and Covid limited its use over the last two years.

      For the first several hours, we were the only passengers on the boat, and our room was readied for us early. The staff have all been very lovely and welcoming.

      We settled into our cabin, Room 222, with visions of the old TV show in our heads. We had a nice nap in our cabin and we then relaxed in the lounge and on the deck. We learned that there will be about 94 passengers on the ship, At first glance at our fellow passengers, it appears that we are on the younger side of the spectrum. Most of the passengers appear to be from the UK. I imagine that we'll have plenty of opportunities to meet them over the next week.

      We enjoyed a great dinner, and then we attended an obligatory safety briefing and an overview of our itinerary tomorrow. We feel very fortunate to have this experience. 💞
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    • Dzień 2

      Het basiskamp

      20 maja, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Aangekomen bij het hotel in Muhlbach-sur-Munster, best wel weer luxe, en een kok die volgens mij sterrenaspiraties heeft. Hele dag prachtig weer, dat zal morgen anders worden ben ik bang. Genoten van de mooie rit, en ik hield het beter vol dan ik verwacht had. Had wel ergens een dip qua vermoeidheid, maar opgelost door een pauze met goed eten en drinken. Vandaag zijn we Henk niet kwijtgeraakt overigens… Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2

      Start Rally

      27 maja, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Lekker geslapen en redelijk ontbeten. Het is wel een beetje spannend hoor! Waar gaan we heen? Hoe gaat het pittig vind ik😊. En wat zie je een mooie auto's! En heeeeeel veel bochten! Tis wel erg mooi en superleuk! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 151

      Tag 151

      20 października 2022, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Auch aus dem schönsten Traum wacht man irgendwann auf. Doch man kann einiges für sich persönlich mitnehmen.

      Oder laufe ich immer noch? Wenn man von einer Entfernung von 1346907555302.4001 Km auf die Erde schauen würde und so ein gutes Teleskop hätte, dass man so etwas kleines wie mich sieht, müsste man sehen, wie ich gerade in Trondheim ankomme. Das Licht braucht nun mal auch seine Zeit und auch das, was mein Körper reflektiert.
      Das Universum ist Wahnsinnig 🤪

      Der Westweg ist zuende und somit auch meine Tour. Der Westweg war sehr schön und ich habe coole Leute getroffen denen man immer wieder mal begegnet ist.

      Schlussworte spare ich mir, denn die wären genauso wie das, was ich bei der Ankunft in Trondheim geschrieben habe. Es war einfach eine extrem geile Zeit!!!!

      Hier in Basel werde ich jetzt noch zwei Nächte verbringen, morgen etwas durch die Stadt bummeln, was gutes Essen und mich noch wahrscheinlich mit Maarten auf ein Bier treffen.

      Ich danke allen die geistig mit mir unterwegs waren und auch allen Menschen die ich kennen lernen durfte! Ihr kommt alle an meine Foto-Wand. Das wird cool!

      So viel Großzügigkeit, die ich erfahren durfte.
      Da habe ich selber Lust bekommen anderen Wanderern eine Überraschung zu bereiten. Ich habe da schon ein paar Ideen, die ich am Hermannsweg realisieren werde.

      Nach der Fernwanderung ist vor der Fernwanderung 😁 und dazwischen gibt es immer wieder mal "kürzere" Touren.

      Liebe Grüße, Gena
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    • Dzień 17

      Dr. Joe Dispenza

      7 sierpnia 2022, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Noch etwas abgefahrener als das vorangegangene Wochenende war das Seminar mit Joe Dispenza. Der US-Amerikaner scheint so etwas wie der „Popstar“ in der Meditationsszene zu sein. Das Seminar in Basel wurde von 7.000 Menschen besucht und war innerhalb weniger Tage ausverkauft.

      Sandra kannte ihn schon, für mich war das neu, aber ziemlich spannend. Er hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Auswirkungen der Meditation wissenschaftlich zu belegen und hier schon wirklich viel publiziert. Seitdem meditiere auch ich… wer hätte das gedacht.

      Informationen und Videos gibt es im Internet zahllos. Danke Björn und Teresa für das Auto und Alina und Stephan, dass ihr die Erlebnisse mit uns geteilt habt.
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    • Dzień 1

      Basel - Rhein

      23 lipca 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Tag 1:
      Für schlappe 17,50€ hab ich mich von der Heimat aus auf den Weg in die Schweiz gemacht.
      Herrlicher Sonnenschein und 30Grad haben mich erwartet.
      1. Halt Basel - du hast mich überrascht und überzeugt 🧡 Der wunderschöne Rhein ist die Lebensader dieser Stadt. Alle paar Meter steht ein festinstallierter Grill, an dem Menschen jeden Alters und Kultur ihr Abendessen brutzeln. Überall Bänke, Bars, grüne Pflanzen. An jeder Ecke riecht es nach Gras und es dröhnt feinster Beat, ob Freiluft Dj‘s mit nettem Techno oder Strassenmusiker mit ihrer Trommel. Doch am aller sympathischsten: Bus und Bahn sind nicht so der Renner, denn die Basler nutzen als öffentliches Verkehrsmittel den Rhein. Die Leute binden sich ihre Schwimmsäcke um, springen ins Wasser und lassen sich dorthin treiben wo sie „aussteigen“ wollen.
      Locker,lässig von A nach B kommen in meinem Lieblings Element - voll meins.
      Für mich ging’s außerdem noch zum Cartoonmuseum, zum Hosesaggmuseum und dem doch recht unspektakulären Dreiländereck.
      Die Altstadt ist zwar ganz nett, doch es hat mich einfach ans Wasser, zur Musik und nem kalten Bier gezogen.
      Heute Nacht wird sich hier in einem Hotel gemütlich gemacht. Muss ein paar Sachen trocknen weil meine Flasche ausgelaufen ist 😅
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    • Dzień 12

      Basel to Zagreb

      12 września 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Today we leave Switzerland for Croatia. But we don’t need to leave for the airport until noon.

      We started the morning with coffee from our in-room machine and food we picked up at a local supermarket yesterday. After making lunches and checking out of our hotel room we made our way on-foot to the Basel Kunstmuseum (Art). We were able to leave our luggage in the hotel.

      It was our first museum visit and we looked forward to the visit, having heard good things about it. We were able to use our Basel tourist pass to get in for 1/2 price. It’s a large museum organized by time periods. We started our tour looking at very old paintings from the 1500’s to around the 1800’s. Then finished by viewing 20th century art. I was surprised to see that the museum housed a large number of pieces by well known artists such as Picasso. We had a couple of hours in the museum and got to see a lot of interesting pieces.

      It was very easy to get from our hotel to the airport by bus. Only had to walk 1/2 a block to the first bus and the second bus picked us up right where the first dropped us off. We are now waiting to board our plane to Zagreb. It’s scheduled to arrive 30 mins. late.

      Plane finally flew almost an hour late. Got great seats with more legroom than I’ve ever had on a flight! That’s because we were in line with the emergency exits. On arrival in Zagreb we got lucky and found our way to where a shuttle bus was heading from the airport to the city bus station. From there it was short tram ride and walk to our apartment.

      It felt good to arrive at our next destination. But we had to go out and buy some food because we are going on a full day bus trip to a national park leaving early tomorrow morning and we want food for both breakfast and lunch. We found a nice grocer near by and were happy to see that prices were much lower than in Basel. We also noticed that a restaurant right outside our apartment has margarita pizza on the menu for a good price. So, after unloading our groceries that’s where we went for dinner. We both ordered the margarita pizza. We enjoyed both the food and the lively atmosphere on the street. I also really enjoyed the local, Croatian beer I had with my pizza.
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    • Dzień 1

      Basel und Emil

      5 października 2019, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute hat uns der Wecker bereits um 4 Uhr aus den Betten geholt; so können wir also über einen richtig langen ersten Urlaubstag berichten. Berlin hat sich mit einem unangenehmen Landregen von uns verabschiedet, die Anreise zum Hauptbahnhof verläuft jedoch unproblematisch und unser ICE steht bei unserem Eintreffen schon einladend am Bahnsteig. Nachdem Räder und Gepäck gut verstaut sind, haben in den folgenden 8 Stunden nur die Kaumuskeln was zu tun, um sich intervallweise durch den üppigen Proviantberg zu kämpfen. Mit Lesen, Rätseln und "einfach nur sitzen" vergeht die Zeit rasch und gegen 14 Uhr erreichen wir Basel. Der Weg zum Hotel geht durch die schöne Innenstadt mit Überquerung des Rheins. Am Hotelempfang erhalten wir außer dem Zimmerschlüssel noch Tickets, mit denen wir kostenlos die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel nutzen können. So stürzen wir uns in das bunte Straßenbahngewimmel und fahren zunächst zum Theater, um Karten für die Abendveranstaltung zu erwerben. Dann schlendern wir durch die hübschen Gassen und erfreuen uns an vielen hochwertig restaurierten alten Gebäuden. Schließlich holt uns das Berliner Schmuddelwetter ein und wir beschließen ein Ruhepäuschen im Hotel, bevor wir zum Theater aufbrechen. Es erwartet uns ein Kabarettabend mit Emil, der uns im Fernsehen und auf Schallplatte bereits vor über 30 Jahren erfreut hat. Hier in seiner Heimat spricht er Schwyzerdeutsch; das ist für unsere Ohren schwierig, man hört sich ein bisschen ein, Rüdiger mehr und ich weniger. Jetzt gibt es noch ein gepflegtes Glas Wein und dann wird das Licht gelöscht. Czytaj więcej

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