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    • Day 7

      We Set Sail on the Rhine

      August 27, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Today was the day to formally begin stage one of our adventure. Our home for the next week will be the MS Andante, a large passenger "barge" able to carry around 80 passengers. Our Ghostrider group constitutes about 25% of the total, the rest are mainly German speaking so I don't think that we will be able to do much socialising with them.

      Over the next week we will be moving south along the Rhine till we reach the city of Basel. Each day consists of a mixture of cruiisng the river and riding our bikes. The schedule means that we are always back on the boat for our evening meal.

      Yesterday afternoon the boat cruised from Mainz to Gernshein where we moored for the evening. Today we began with another short cruise to Mannheim. That was the cue to unload the bikes (and it is quite an undertaking to unload around 70 of them) and begin our day's ride.

      The cycling was quite easy with numerous stops along the way. The main stop was the famous city of Heidelberg. Entry to the city was via a huge ornamental gateway. We were very impressed by the beautiful old city centre and arrived to find the entire central square was filled with colourful tables and umbrellas.

      After exploring Heildelberg, we resumed our ride to Speyer, our destination for the day.
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    • Day 22

      Rest day in Otterstadt

      September 11, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Relaxing day off the bikes, with slow start and then visiting the local lake for swim and games in arvo

      So I did some math today... and my total kms stands at 729km (over half way!)

      I have a reasonable level of excitement as we are heading to worms tomorrow... I can't wait to visit a worms supermarket, or a worms church, or a worms cafe!!
      (Illy tells me it is pronounced essentially as 'warms'...but smeh i will keep calling it worms)
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    • Day 45

      Fünf Fotos-Rhine Cruise Day 3

      May 28, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We both had a bit of a restless night after passing through several locks during the night. Generally, the passage is rather smooth, but there were a few abrupt bumps and some bright lights that woke us up intermittently. We think we passed through about three locks during the night before our arrival this morning in Strasbourg, France.

      A coach and tour guide had been arranged for passengers to get into the city, but we opted instead to tour Strasbourg at our own pace. We benefitted from a presentation the night before to learn of the main attractions to the city, and we opted to find our own transportation. After a failed attempt to secure a taxi, we managed to get an Uber into the heart of the city.

      Strasbourg sits about two miles to the west of the Rhine. The city was originally a Celtic village, and was under the Roman Empire for a period of time. In a grossly abbreviated summary, Strasbourg was back and forth under German and French rule over the centuries.

      The city holds international recognition as the host of the European Parliament for over the last forty years. The main section of the city is circled by the Ill River, which divides and surrounds the Grand Île (Big Island) on which the old town and most of the city’s famous buildings are located.

      It was a beautiful, crisp sunny morning as we made our way to the Strasbourg Cathedrale de Notre Dame. It's considered to be a very fine representation of Gothic Architecture and for several centuries it was the tallest structure in Europe. The cathedral is quite majestic and unusual as it has only one steeple. The red sandstone really causes it to stand out, and the c stained glass work is amazing.

      We were fascinated by the Astronomical Clock at the cathedral which resulted from the combined efforts of artists, mathematicians and technicians. Swiss clockmakers, sculptors, painters and automaton designers. The animation of the clock is quite amazing and includes daily feasts of Saints, phases of the moon, position of planets and animations of the apostles. Here's one of many links you can find of the 1842 clock in action:

      When we left the cathedral, we headed over to Place (plaza) Guttenberg Place that honors the inventor of the printing press. On the monument were several engraved murals. One in particular highlighted various famous authors.

      In this statue.,Gutenberg is depicted holding a page of the Scriptures on which one can read the line "and there was light" in French.

      As we left the plaza, we headed over to La Petite France, the historic center of Strasbourg. We loved the canals, bridges and cobblestone streets with canals and locks dividing up this area. The homes and businesses were well kept and beautiful.

      After our visit, we hopped on an Uber to return to our boat, and we were both happy that we had decided to visit Strasbourg without the inherent constraints of a tour.

      We rested the remainder of the afternoon, and we passed through the last lock of our journey. It was quite large snd impressive. A bit later we arrived in Speyer, Germany where we are moored for the night.

      After dinner, we enjoyed the performance of a violinist from Ukraine. We learned that she is returning to Ukraine to reunite with her husband after fleeing the country. She ended her performance with a rendition of Elton John's "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?". That was one of my father's favorite songs, and it was an emotional moment thinking about how much he would have loved it, and she modeled hope and resilience of the Ukranian people. We wish her a safe journey home and peace to all Ukrainians.

      It was a lovely day. Best to you all, friends and family.
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    • Day 7

      Tag 8

      May 12, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Di letstä Täg het z Wätter chli gwächslet. Ir Nacht rägnets nümm geng und dr Himmu isch blau u nümm grau☀️, derfür heimr mega starke Gägewind... Am Rhii entlang gseh mr mega viu Gäns, Änte, Störch und Bisamratte. Hüt hei mir ä Ruhetag in Speyer u gniesse d Sunne u z Bier😊Read more

    • Day 8

      An evening stroll is Speyer

      August 27, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      At 830 a group of 9 Ghostriders assembled at reception for a guided walk of the town of Speyer. Our guide was Frank, a lovely and knowledgeable man whose family had lived in Speyer since the 1870’s. We learned that the area was settled by the Romans over 2000 years ago although the town was first referred to as Speyer in about 600AD when the formally nomadic Franconians settled. In the 11th Century a king of the Holy Roman Empire decided to build “the biggest and greatest Cathedral” in Europe and so work started of the Speyer Dom. Subsequent kings made additions also, although the work was essentially finished by the early 12th Century when the local line of Kings ended. The Cathedral was subsequently severely damaged by Louis 14th on one of his rampages when he burned down most of the town and not really restored until Emperor Napoleon got involved in the early 19th Century. However, he rebuilt in a Baroque style and once he had buggered off the town fathers decided that they couldn’t stand it and re-did the whole western façade in the neo-Romanesque style to better match the original sections. We were also shown the wine bowl which is at the front of the Dom and is filled on special religious occasions (takes 1580L) and served to the people of the town. The next stop was the Jewish Courtyard which has the ruins of the synagogue which was originally built in the late 11th Century (but destroyed with the rest of the town by the aforementioned Louis). The most amazing future of the courtyard however was the ritual baths (which survived the destruction). Located 10m underground the baths were where the members of the synagogue would perform their ritual cleansing – for women after child birth and monthly, for men every Shabbat evening. The baths are 900years old and simply amazing – the Jews were invited to Speyer in the 11th century for their financial acumen but the community (at the time almost 8000 in number) was totally destroyed in 1940 when all members were arrested and taken first to an internment camp and then to a concentration camp – none survived. It was a late night but so totally fascinatingRead more

    • Day 5

      Speyer and cruising onto Rudesheim

      May 13, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Woke up in Speyer, only one guide appeared for our 9:00 walking tour, the other apparently couldn’t find where we were moored. No coaches today, 15 minutes walk along the river path then through a park brought us to the impressive cathedral, claimed to be the largest Romanesque church still in existence a marked contrast in style to the gothic architecture we have previously seen. Although the town was developed by the romans as part of their defence line against the German tribes there is little sign of any Roman remains, the few bits found are in the museum ( closed today). Main claim for fame is when one of the leading centres of the Holy Roman Empire. “Imperial Diets” as they were known were held here to perform important acts like the election of Emperors, but probably one of the most significant was the trial and excommunication of Martin Luther. The subsequent “protestation” in Speyer causing the schism in the church and the reformation. One of the pictures is of a large “bowl” in the front of the cathedral, the tradition is that upon election the bishop fills this with wine for the townsfolk. Back on the boat for lunchtime we are now heading north to Rudesheim where we arrive during dinner this evening, but we are no seeing signs of the shoreline changing as the tree lined beaches give way to large industrial ( look like chemical type plants) with commercial barges there to collect the products or deliver materials. One of the barges that passed us must have had around 150 containers on board.Read more

    • Speyer

      April 27, 2019 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Deze oude bisschopsstad met de Romaanse dom uit de 11/12e eeuw, vaak aangepast aan de smaak des tijds na branden en verwoesting, en waar vele keizers in de crypte liggen, was vandaag ons doel. Er waren middeleeuwse feesten, maar de fresco's die gedurende 7 jaar van de kerkmuren gehaald werden via een speciaal procedé, daarna op doek gekregen en nu ten toon gesteld worden, maakten meer indruk. En het uitzicht 60 mtr hoog (300 treden)!
      We verwierven kennis over de verwevenheid van Europese geschiedenis. Gisteren bezochten we al Schloss Hambach en het belang van de gebeurtenissen aldaar in 1832 voor de Duitse en Europese democratie. Vandaag ging het over de Frans-Duitse relaties; de Beierse koning Ludwig 1 ; de geestelijke Bernard van Clairvaux en de eerste Habsburgse koningen: gelardeerd met Riesling en worst zijn het boeiende verhalen. Voor het zielenheil van alle familie en vrienden hebben we een kaarsje gebrand.
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    • Day 34

      Urban hiking in Speyer

      November 27, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 3 °C

      Mit donnerndem Fortissimo, ja fast schon bedrohlich, spielt die gewaltige Hauptorgel auf, lenkt ganz zwangsläufig den Blick nach oben - und genau so ist es auch gewollt..... seit vielen hundert Jahren.

      Ich stelle mir gerade vor, wie das gemeine Volk vor langen Zeiten, gebannt und ehrfürchtig starr, beim Aufspiel des mächtigen Instruments dem Gottesdienst während einer Krönungsmesse oder Trauerfeier der dort zur ewigen Ruhe gebetteten Majestäten, auf dem großen Platz davor beiwohnte.

      Willkommen im Dom zu Speyer.

      Heute, bleiben Sarkasmus und Ironie mal schüchtern im Hintergrund. Vorweihnachtlich besinnlich, ist das Motto dieses kalten, grauen Tages und der Weihnachtsmarkt einer bezaubernden Stadt wie Speyer, bietet dafür den passenden Rahmen - mit bevorzugtem Domblick obendrein.

      Selbige Märkte waren nie so wirklich mein Ding - meist viel zu viele Menschen für meinen Geschmack und leider auch zu niedrige Dächern auf den zahlreichen Verkaufsbuden, an denen sich Klaus K. immer wieder gerne seinen Kopf gestoßen hat - so war's eben!

      Das Weihnachtsmarkt Spektakel in Funchal auf Madeira vor drei Jahren, hat diesbezüglich einiges bei mir verändert.

      Während Corona bedingt in Deutschland nahezu nichts mehr möglich war und alle öffentlichen Veranstaltungen abgesagt wurden, wussten die portugiesischen Insulaner trotz der Pandemie das Leben zu feiern und Weihnachten erst recht.

      Krasser hätte der Unterschied fast nicht sein können - mich hat das damals sehr beeindruckt.

      Auf Glühwein, Waffel und Mandeln verzichte ich heute - mir ist eher nach Pizza und Espresso im Restaurante "Porto Vecchio" am Rhein.

      Einladendes Ambiente, charmante Lage am Yachthafen und obendrein, flackert ein behagliches Feuer im offenen Kamin - diesmal nicht auf YouTube.....
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    • Day 59

      Day 59 - Strasbourg to Speyer, 77 miles

      June 13, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      OK so it must be even further north that the Rhine route gets interesting!

      Weather hasn't helped as more rain today but it was flat and that tail wind was still there. Despite having dipped in and out of Germany tonight is the first time I've stayed. Similarly to yesterday I thought I'd see how far I'd get. Didn't leave until about 11.30 to let the worse of the weather clear then hit the road in drizzle north towards Germany. Once in Germany the EuroVelo 15 has long stretches on cyclepaths through the woods next to the Rhine. Nice and quiet but with all the rain the Rhine was very high which led to a few interesting flooded points.

      If it wasn't woods it was industrial areas and I guess when cycling round Europe other ever day is going to be picture postcard scenery!

      Despite the late start another good day on the miles side. Fingers crossed for a bit of sun tomorrow but looking at the forecast it's not looking good!
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