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Top 10 Travel Destinations Germany
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    • Day 46

      Wieder ein Schritt näher

      June 7 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Es gibt Anlass zu feiern. Heute konnten wir, nach langem Warten auf die aktuellen Preise 2025, unser zukünftiges rollendes Reisemobil bestellen.

      Nun heisst es abwarten. Ein eventueller möglicher Liefertermin wurde uns für das 1. Quartal 2025 in Aussicht gestellt. Genau so wie wir es geplant haben.

      Mit einem feinen Glas Champagner und leckerem Essen, geniessen wir diesen wegweisenden Tag gemeinsam zuhause.
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    • Day 1,367

      It's a long way to norway

      May 24 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      So zockeln wir gemütlich abseits der Autobahn und übernachten oft auf Wanderparkplätzen, die wir natürlich dann auch wandernd nutzen🥾
      Letztens, gerade fertig zur Abfahrt, hoppelt doch ein wirklich riiiesiger Hase in grossen Sprüngen direkt vor unserem Wohnmobil in den Wald🐇 Und noch einer... Aber was hat der denn komisches um den Hals🤔 Verdammt, dass ist ja Nona, da hat sie sich doch tatsächlich durch den kleinen Türspalt rausgeschummelt🐕🙈
      "Verehrte Fahrgäste. Die Abfahrtzeit verschiebt sich um 15 Minuten"😵‍💫
      ...In denen der "Sauköter" nicht mehr zu sehen war😲

      In Eutin ist zufällig gerade das Baltic Bluesfestival, was für ein cooler Zufall. Schon rein altersmässig passen wir hier gut hin🤪 Auf dem Stellplatz werden wir sofort mit einem Schnäpschen in die nordfriesische Bluesgemeinde aufgenommen. Soll nochmal einer sagen, die Norddeutschen wären kühl und verschlossen😉

      Dann nochmal Familienzeit bei unserem anderen Sohn und seinen Schwiegereltern, wo Beat von Stebo als Handballfan für den THW Kiel angeworben wird🤪

      In Schacht-Audorf treffen wir uns dann wieder mit Eike und Günther von Hobbyline. Man kann fast schon von einer NOK-Tradition sprechen😅 Eine kleine Radtour zur Schiffs-Begrüssungsanlage an der Rendsburger Brücke und eine Fahrt mit der Schwebebahn, Grillen vor dem Womo, quatschen bis die Sonne untergeht...das Wochenende verging wie im Flug. Ist immer wieder schön mit euch💞

      Jetzt müssen wir uns aber endlich um unsere Fähre kümmern. Wir haben ein bisschen getrödelt, weil das Wetter in Norwegen nächste Woche nicht so dolle ist🌥🌦⛈️ Naajaa, ich hab's ja von Anfang an gesagt😉 Aber jetzt wird nicht mehr gejammert, am Freitag geht's in Hirtshals auf die Fähre nach Kristiansand. Morgen noch schnell in Flensburg die für den Grenzübertritt nötige Bandwurmtablette einwerfen (also Nona, nicht wir😂) und los geht's. Ich bin "Wetterskeptisch" und darum seeehr gespannt, wie es mir gefällt. (Anke)
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    • Day 9

      2.Tag Mammut Park

      June 1 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Die Bilder sprechen für sich, wir hatten Spaß!😜

      Der Lada wurde immer vor geschickt um zu gucken wie tief es ist. 😂😂😂

      Berge die der Pajero nicht schaffte, waren für Tim und den Lada kein Problem 😅🙈

      Nur einmal musste Tim rausgezogen werden. Da war er auch ein wenig quakig drüber 😂😂😂 natürlich ist der Lada schuld 😜🙈😅💕💕💕
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    • Day 15

      A Rain-out to Remember

      May 30 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Well, not unexpected, but planned games today were cut short by thunderstorms. We made it as far as the bottom of the 4th inning in the 1st game - just enough to make it an official game with the Atomics losing 4-2. Unfortunate, as Atomics had a real chance to win that game despite the score at the time. And the day started out so nice!

      The second game, which would have been the one that Scott would have pitched in, will apparently be re-scheduled and played at another time. Scott did go 1-3 hitting in the first game and scored the Atomics first run after hitting a 2-out single, then advancing to 2B where he spent a bit of time dancing around and drawing pick-off throws and (I think) getting their pitcher a little rattled, and eventually being plated by a double from the Atomics big hitter.

      I had an enjoyable and relatively brief trudge in the rain back to my hotel where I could start my shoes and clothes to drying and get a hot shower and a nap. Scott rode back to Garching with Stefan.

      Grabbing some dinner as I write this at an Italian place, La Perla, near the hotel; dining al fresco, and by “fresco” I mean chilly. Only outside tables were available as I didn’t have a reservation for an inside table. The restaurant I chose is in appreciation and honor of the Royal Bavarian’s baseball team, as it is a major sponsor of their club as you may notice if you look closely at their uniforms.

      Pix from the field today are attached.

      Tomorrow I make my way to Zurich, my last stop and point of departure back to Honolulu in a couple days.

      And the hard rain has decided to come down again. Brrrrr….
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    • Day 14

      Cows and Swans and a Cat

      May 29 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Departed Garching this morning (no sleeping in) after meeting Scott at the Garching Bahnhof. Made our way to Munich Hbf then jumped a regional train and then a bus to eventually arrive on the northern foothills of the Alps in Füssen. Enjoyed seeing the pastoral scenery and many healthy looking dairy cows along the way, not to mention other livestock and a couple free-range swans visible out the train window (they were huge!).

      Dumped bags at the hotel, I did some work and Scott explored, then we headed to Schloss Neuschwanstein via more buses. Did our tour then walked back down from the schloss in the rain to await our final bus of the day back to town. Four separate trains and four (six for me) buses today.

      The castle tour was interesting and though not the very aged medieval type of castle that Scott and I prefer, it was still interesting to see first hand and the surrounding landscape was stunning despite the cloudy and rainy weather. Apparently King Ludwig II had a thing for swans (and knights in search of the holy grail among other things…), so we saw them in the artwork everywhere inside the schloss and in many locations around town.

      Got back to our hotel and swapped out wet socks and shoes for slippers (Scott anyway) and roamed about the town for a place for dinner. Ended up at this medieval-themed restaurant serving up tourist fair, but we got the Bavarian food we wanted. Not much was open at 8:30p on a Wednesday. Scott had this amazing encounter with the restaurant house cat that came over to him for licks and scritches. After a few minutes of that it curled up on a seat pillow and fell asleep next to Scott.

      Just about pau for the night. Grabbing a drink at a hopping place next to our hotel and then on to bed. It’s still game day tomorrow as far as we know though the weather is looking very dodgy still.
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    • Day 1

      Wangen im Allgäu

      May 28 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach kurzem Umwäg und kleinem Stau haben wir für eine Nacht …den Stellplatz Leonhardts Stall-Besen ausgesucht in Wangen weil wir eigentlich morgen dort die Landesgartenschau anschauen möchten … kommt noch aufs Wetter an weil bei Regen ist alles nicht so toll. Mal sehen🙏Read more

    • Day 12

      A lunch dönor and a dinner donor

      May 27 in Germany ⋅ 🌩️ 68 °F

      A quiet day in Garching today. Worked on catching up on some sleep and resting weary legs from wonderful trips to Bologna and Salzburg this past week. Also gave me the chance to get online and catch up on emails.

      Rode my rented bike into Garching “downtown “ to bring back a dönor for lunch. Then had an unexpected dinner with Scott who came to my little apartment with a bunch of local ingredients to create a delicious charcuterie board that we enjoyed for dinner. Scott became free for the evening when the youth practice he was going to be at was cancelled due to pending thunderstorms, which finally have hit now that we’ve eaten. Scott headed back to his place to avoid the worst of the building storm. I’m in my apartment with the window open enjoying the rainfall and rolling thunder as I write this.

      Tomorrow is my final full day in Garching, which has been a peaceful delight. It’ll be sad to leave but we are planning to head together to Füssen Wednesday morning where we already have our tickets to tour Schloss Neuschwanstein.
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    • Day 11

      Home Field Gameday

      May 26 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      My one and only home field game day this trip. Pix and notes on today’s games.

      The Atomics field is located along a busy walking/ bike path. For safety and to attract local residents to the ballpark there are signs posted on the fence along the path. The team is very encouraging of community involvement and support.

      Noon game is starting with beautiful baseball weather - warm sun and cool breezes. Should be in the low to mid 70’s F today, but clouds are likely to build with possible rain later.

      Atomics won the first game 9-3. Scott played a mediocre CF and went 0-3 with a walk and run scored at the plate. Weather is holding and I’m working on my 2nd sunburn of the trip. 😎

      Second game is in the book. Atomics won 8-1. Only run scored by their opponent was due to a lead off double Scott gave up and then the catcher threw over the head of the third baseman on a steal of third and the runner scored. Other than that it was a 7-inning 3-hitter shutout. Truth be told it was one of the weaker teams. He also hit a double, two singles and scored 3 runs. His teammates gave him a rousing cheer after. A great game for him and a great day for the team.

      The weather held and it is a beautiful evening in Garching. We’re out now for a good Bavarian dinner.

      Enjoy the pics.
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    • Day 10

      Ho, Hohensalzburg Fortress

      May 25 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      Day trip to Salzburg. Scott‘s first time. A return for me after being here with Chanj and Don back in 2018.

      Had a great day spared from severe weather and getting to Hohensalzburg Fortress. Took multiple trains to get there and back but all went smoothly.

      Game day tomorrow, weather permitting!
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    • Day 26

      Wolmersdorf - Husum

      May 25 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nous venons de nous rendre comte, que nous n'avons pas vraiment pris de photo auj...mais tout va bien, nous mangeons bien :-)

      Passés a Meldorf - Heide - Friedrichstadt et Husum, ca pedalé bien, sans vent de face et juste qq gouttes de pluie de temps en temps.
      Les deux dernieres villes sont très joli et touristiques - nous sommes bien contents que sur le camping c'est calme on entend uniqument beler les moutons ☺
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    Federal Republic of Germany, Germany, Deutschland, ꄓꇩ, 독일, ܓܪܡܢ, ドイツ, ጀርመን, ଜର୍ମାନୀ, เยอรมนี, เยอรมัน, ເຢຍລະມັນ, អាល្លឺម៉ង់, ประเทศเยอรมนี, สหพันธ์สาธารณรัฐเยอรมนี, A' Ghearmailt, Alamagn, Alemagne, Alemaina, Alemaña, Alemanha, Alemani, Alémani, Alemania, Alemanu, Alemanya, Alimaɲi, Alimaniya, Alimanya, Allemagne, Allemangne, Almaañ, Almaniya, Almanya, Almayn, An Ghearmáin, Budaaki, Däitschland, Deitschland, Deitschlånd, Deutän, Discüssiun sura la fundazziun, dotygu'e, Đức, Duiska, Duiskka, Duitschland, Duitsland, Dútslân, Düütschland, Duutsjlandj, Duutsland, Germania, Germània, Germania nutome, Germanio, Ġermanja, Germanujo, Germuanii, Girimane, Girmania, Gjermani, Gjermania, Gjermanie, Gyaaman, Heremani, i-Germany, IJalimani, Jámánì, Jamus, Jarmal, Jarmalka, Jerman, Jėrman, Jermaniya, Miemieckô, Nemačka, Nemčija, Nemecko, Německo, Németország, Němska, Niemcy, Njemačka, Njeremani, Olmoniya, Orílẹ́ède Gemani, Saksa, Saksamaa, Siaman, Siamane, Teutōtitlan, Tiamana, Tôitšhi, Tyskland, Týskland, Tysklandi, Ubudage, Udachi, Ujerumani, Vācija, Vokietija, Yn Ghermaan, Yr Almaen, Zâmani, Þēodiscland, Þýskaland, آلمان, المان, ألمانيا, المانيا, جرمنی, جرمني/آلمان, گېرمانىيە, ئەڵمانیا, גרמניה, דייטשלאנד, Γερμανία, Алмания, Герман, Германи, Германија, Германия, Германія, Ӂермания, Немачка, Німеччина, Нямеччына, Олмон, Олмония, ཇཱར་མ་ནི, འཇར་མན་, Գերմանիա, გერმანია, जमिन, जर्मनी, જર્મની, ఙర్మని, ಜರ್ಮನಿ, ஜெர்மன், ஜெர்மனி, ജര്‍മനി, ജര്‍മ്മനി, জার্মানি, জাৰ্মানি, ဂျာမဏီ, ජර්මනිය, 德国, ドイツ連邦共和国

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