Blue Lagoon

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Voyageurs à cet endroit
    • Jour 12

      Bláa Lónið

      13 septembre 2019, Islande ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Die berühmte Blaue Lagune. Der Weg dorthin ist toll. Wohin man schaut nur versteinerte Lava es erinnert etwas an Hawaii 💗 auch die Lagune selbst sieht schön aus. Wir wollten rein aber hatten leider nicht online reserviert und konnten somit nicht hinein. Zum Glück. Denn der Eintritt von 50 Euro p.p ist schon sehr hoch, natürlich ist es eine riesen Anlage, aber es ist halt doch nur warmes Wasser was hellblau ist. Ich habe noch keine Resonanzen der heilenden Wirkung gelesen demnach sind wir auch nicht zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt hin und müssten nicht unbedingt hinein.
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    • Jour 9

      Reykjavik - Day 6 - The Blue Lagoon

      8 novembre 2022, Islande ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

      In the year 1226, six volcanic craters exploded at the same time. The explosions caused major damage to the area in the form of the astonishing lava field, Illahraun, that we continue to admire today. Part of the lava terrain is called Svartsengi (i.e. The Black Meadow), and since the year 1976, an active power station Svartsengi Geothermal Power has been located there.

      The Blue Lagoon’s unique minerals were discovered as the power station drilled into the area. As they began to drill, a thick, almost neon-blue water appeared. Unfortunately, this water wasn’t great for the power station since it coated the engines and stopped them from running entirely.

      As a result, the workers dumped this trouble-making water onto the lava field and moved to a safer area to pump water. Meanwhile, the silica-rich water quickly coated the lava rocks, sealing in the water, and creating the lagoon that we now know as the Blue Lagoon.

      The Blue Lagoon tourism can thank an employee of the power plant for it’s popularity. Valur Margeirsson asked if he could swim in the geothermal pool created by Svartsengi´s operations. He suffered from psoriasis and did not want to swim in a public pool. The soothing water healed his skin. When other psoriasis sufferers tried it, their condition also improved greatly. Today the Blue Lagoon Clinic is an internationally recognized psoriasis treatment facility.

      Each visitor gets a free clay mask to refresh the skin. A bit gimmicky, but our skin did feel softer afterward. We were there after dark so the water has a milky white glow rather than the beautiful blue you see in the cover photo which was taken just as we arrived.

      The sunset photo was taken on our ride to the blue lagoon.
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    • Jour 5

      Blue lagoon

      21 décembre 2019, Islande ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      Perfect time I went there just while the sun was going down (if u can say going down as the sun is low the entire day).

      Blue lagoon is just like our German Thermalbad just less crowded and more chilled atmosphere, barely kids.

      Got to get a face mask there and a drink. Perfect ending of this trip.
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    • Jour 11

      Blue Lagoon

      3 octobre 2022, Islande ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Os bilhetes para a Blue Lagoon já estavam reservados desde o início da viagem. Na verdade, queríamos ter vindo cá no primeiro dia de viajem mas os bilhetes estavam esgotados.

      É uma piscina de água termal, azul clara ou quase branca. Uma cor nada comum. Parece até parece resultado de aproduto químico. Pela manhã, o sol a brilhar sobre a lagoa fumegante dava um ar místico.
      Temos direito a uma bebida e uma máscara facial.

      Almoçamos em Reykjavik, mas infelizmente durante a tarde não conseguimos visitar grande coisa por causa da chuva.

      Hoje a Raquel e o Seabra fazem 7 anos de casamento, por isso fomos festejar este dia no Fish Market. Escolhemos o menu degustação, infelizmente ficamos um pouco desiludidos. O vinho branco veio quente e não havia meio de ter gelo suficiente para arrefecer. Por isso passamos para o tinto, no final ou por esquecimento ou para se redimirem só puseram uma garrafa na conta para compensar.
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    • Jour 14

      Blue Lagoon

      6 mai 2023, Islande ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Letzte Station unserer Reise die Blue Lagoon. Absoluter Tipp (den wir leider selbst nicht beherzigt haben) vorher reservieren! Zum einen weil sie wirklich nur begrenzt Besucher einlassen (wir hatten Glück, dass wir eher spät dran waren) und weil es ca. 30 € pro Person weniger kostet 😑. Im Basispreis (reduziert dann ca. 60 €) ist eine Gesichtsmaske und ein Drink inbegriffen. Wir treffen ein deutsches Pärchen, die gerade erst am Flughafen angekommen sind und geben ein paar Insights weiter, sind aber auch sehr neidisch, da es bei uns nun langsam dem Ende zu geht. Für einen schönen Abschluss essen wir in unserem letzten Hotel wunderbar zu Abend. Für insgesamt 150 € lassen wir uns bei einem Überraschungsmenü überraschen 🤣! Hier haben sich ein spanischen und ein isländisches Pärchen zusammengetan und kreieren Spanische Leckerbissen aus isländischen Produkten. Die Kombi schmeckt - vor allem mit ein paar Cocktails 🍹🍸En savoir plus

    • Jour 4

      Bianco, azzurro... e nero

      30 décembre 2019, Islande ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Le terme islandesi non si potevano evitare: per la gente di questa terra sono un luogo dove ci si incontra, ci si confronta, si chiacchiera, ci si innamora e si fanno perfino affari. Per due come noi che amano vivere come i locali non si potevano evitare!
      La Blue Lagoon è in realtà un posto proprio per turisti, ma per quanto possa essere mainstream è davvero una roba da non perdere!
      Non sono terme ma neanche piscine, sono una cosa difficile da descrivere, unica nel suo genere. Il complesso è del tutto simile a uno stabilimento termale, con i suoi spogliatoi, le saune e le sale massaggio (e le file assurde per entrare... che fortunatamente abbiamo evitato grazie al tour organizzato), ma la cosa particolare è tutta fuori: l'acqua è lattiginosa, azzurro chiaro, con una sfumatura che è difficile da descrivere e impossibile da ricreare. Ricca di silice, lascia tracce bianche candide sulle rocce nere che circondano le vasche, da cui sale un vapore candido che rende tutto fiabesco (sì ma questo vuol dire che l'acqua è a 50°C! ndMatt).
      In effetti la temperatura dell'acqua va tra i 28°C e i 38°C ed è un misto tra acqua dolce ed acqua salata, arricchita dalla silice di cui l'acqua di questa zona abbonda. Non è acqua geotermica sorgiva, ma è riscaldata dal vapore proveniente dal vicino impianto geotermico. La silice che le dà il colore lattiginoso e opaco si deposita negli incavi delle rocce come sabbia morbida e bianca e asciuga la pelle da ogni impurità. Con il biglietto di ingresso è compresa anche una maschera alla silice e per poterla fare bisogna nuotare nell'acqua calda e bassa fino ad una delle casettine immerse nella nebbia. Io e Sara non vedevamo l'ora, mentre Matt e Pietro si sono rifiutati. Contenti loro... 😜

      Molto più interessante, a detta di Matt, era invece la casetta-bar, dove abbiamo potuto prendere un buon drink. Io e Sara ci siamo date a centrifugati di frutta, mentre Matt ha voluto fare come suo solito il milanese imbruttito ed è andato su un calice di prosecco. Faceva uno strano effetto sorseggiare il drink nell'acqua caldissima e opaca, tra le volute di vapore. La cosa più particolare in assoluto è che il posto è molto grande, quindi la gente - che entra in numero chiuso - si disperde facilmente, la nebbia e il buio fanno il resto. Vista la folla assurda all'ingresso non avremmo mai creduto che a un certo punto noi quattro ci saremmo ritrovati da soli in una quieta e silenziosa insenatura della laguna!
      Nell'ultima mezz'ora la notte è scesa in fretta, rendendo ancora diverso l'ambente: le luci dorate diffondevano soffuse il loro chiarore tra il vapore, l'acqua diventava nera e densa, il cielo si scuriva rapidamente... e ha (ovviamente) ricominciato a piovere.

      Alla fine del pomeriggio posso dire che sì, è stata una vera esperienza da provare. L'acqua calda era gradevole al punto giusto e la silice lascia una sensazione di liscio e puro sulla pelle davvero intensa... peccato però che secca terribilmente pelle e capelli e quindi adesso anelo disperatamente a un po' di crema per il corpo! 😂
      Matt invece ha apprezzato soprattutto il fatto che essendo con un tour organizzato il tempo a nostra disposizione era limitato a due ore e non di più! 😅
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    • Jour 28

      Blue Lagoon

      20 septembre 2022, Islande ⋅ 🌬 5 °C

      Wir sind echt gespannt, was auf uns wartet, als wir durch die Lavafelder auf den Touristen Hotspot Nr. 1 auf Island zusteuern. Vieles haben wir schon gehört und die meisten rieten uns ab, die blaue Lagune zu besuchen. Aber da wir ja eh niemanden trauen und alles selber ausprobieren wollen, passt das für uns.

      Und ganz ehrlich: wir finden es super cool hier. Von wegen viele Leute und Schlange stehen! Wir kommen um 9:55 Uhr an, um 10 Uhr haben wir unseren Eintritt gebucht (zwei Tage vorher) und können sofort eintreten. Es ist schön gemacht und klar, es ist touristischer wie andere Bäder.

      Nach dem Eintreten geht es in die getrennten Umkleiden und die Duschen. Mit dem Armband hat jeder ein Schliessfach und in den Duschen wird wie überall in Island nackt geduscht und intensiv gereinigt. Shampoo und Duschgel steht zur Verfügung.

      Danach kann man nun im Badkleid zur Blauen Lagune. Sie ist wirklich gross und genauso türkisblau wie auf den Fotos. Die Leute verteilen sich grosszügig innerhalb des Bades und man hat keine Sekunde das Gefühl, es sei überfüllt. Bei unserer Eintrittszeit hätte es genau noch 2 freie Plätze gehabt, also praktisch ausgebucht. Wir dürfen nun so lange bleiben, wie wir wollen, zwischendurch kann man sich am Getränkehäuschen direkt aus dem Wasser etwas zu trinken holen. Ein Getränk war in unserem Preis eingeschlossen, hätten wir mehr gewollt: Armband hinstrecken und darauf wird dann abgebucht. Auch eine Kieselerde-Maske ist inbegriffen und klar, dass wir uns diese auch noch genehmigen.

      Also ganz echt, uns hat es sehr gut gefallen und die Blaue Lagune bekommt von uns eine Empfehlung. Einziger Kritikpunkt ist, dass es schon nicht so klasse Aussieht, wenn die Getränke (Mineralwasser) in Petflaschen abgegeben wird. Es hätte mehr Klasse, in einem Becher oder Glas…
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    • Jour 13

      Bláa Lónið

      7 juin 2023, Islande ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Bei unserer ersten Island-Reise darf ein Besuch der Blauen Lagune natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Da wir es ein bisschen verpennt hatten, rechtzeitig für unseren letzten Tag zu buchen, haben wir ein bisschen umgeplant und sind heute Abend hin. Das war im Nachhinein ganz gut, denn es war kaum was los. Im warmen, blauen Salzwasser ließ es sich bei mittlerweile einsetzendem Dauerregen sehr gut aushalten.En savoir plus

    • Jour 15

      A Luxurious Experience

      4 juillet 2023, Islande ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      This has been an absolutely brilliant and fantastic adventure in two wonderful countries but there is no doubt my poor body is feeling the strain. I've carried camera equipment on and off boats and planes, I have hiked over a variety of terrain and all, it seems, with the minimum of sleep. 😂 Now it's time for a little luxury.

      The Blue Lagoon is a thermal spa where its waters come from the hot rocks 2000m below ground and is 38c when it enters the pool. It's not cheap to visit here but when you walk into the water the feeling you get makes it worth every item of whatever currency you use. I used Visa. 😂

      This is a popular attraction and is often the last thing travellers do before leaving Iceland. It is only about half an hour from the airport but interestingly, it is only about twenty minutes or so from where the last volcanic eruption occurred recently. I'd love to have seen that but it has stopped now ... for a while. [Edit: it erupted again less than a week after I got home. So annoying!]

      This is a lovely place and your first drink is free from the pool bar (photo 4) and I had a glass of sparkling wine. You must book in advance to get a time slot but once in you can stay as long as you like and I stayed a little under three hours. My time slot was 3pm.

      Afterwards I took a walk around the turquoise pools (last two photos) outside the complex then left to find my campsite for tonight. I needed to find somewhere to eat too, sort the van out and pack. I'd rather be in that lovely warm water though. 😁

      Strangely, this never fixed my sunburned nose though. 😓🙄 😂
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    • Jour 3

      Day 3

      17 juillet 2023, Islande ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      (Written Tues AM, posted Wed AM)

      It’s Tuesday morning here and we are on a bus headed to the Black Sand Beach about 3 hours from where we are staying. It’s nice to be seeing a different part of the country and use this as an opportunity to journal instead of at 1am lol.

      It was our first full workshop day and it went smoothly! We started with a delicious breakfast at our hotel (see video spread) and Ellie and I headed over to the education room early to set up. It’s a beautiful space inside the Blue Lagoon building. It’s only 8 participants so I love the opportunity to really support and get to know each of them. They are incredibly kind hearted and beyond excited to be here! I had the opportunity to teach 2 segments of the education portion and it filled my cup to the brim :) My topics were wedding planner/wedding photographer relationships and multi-cultural weddings. They were active listeners taking notes and asking questions, the best part had been all of the one on one follow up conversations on our many car rides together and in the lagoon. Ellie taught some different portions specifically on international wedding photography and I so enjoyed listening. I love learning so many new things about photography and Iceland each day!

      In the afternoon was the first photo shoot! It was about a 45 min drive away to reach the star of our shoot, 2 beautiful Icelandic horses :) Ellie takes care of the artistic vision and teaching while I handle logistics. So my main job during the shoot was timing each person/group to ensure participants got equal opportunities. If you come here and are looking to go on a horseback ride, I can’t recommend Viking Horses enough!

      We made our way to a delicious 3 course meal at the Lava restaurant at the Blue Lagoon (our home base). We got back to the hotel just in time for 1 hour of soaking in the lagoon. I loved reflecting with the participants and hearing their life stories. I then reflected on the day with Ellie, made a game plan for how we could improve tomorrow. I returned to our room (filled with flowers because my roommate is the florist!) and started attempting to wind down and close the black out curtains as tightly as possible 😂.
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Blue Lagoon, Bláa Lónið, Laguna Azul, Lagon Bleu, Laguna Blu


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