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    • Päivä 17

      Tag 17 Wasserfall Nr .????

      18. toukokuuta, Islanti ⋅ 🌬 3 °C

      Wir haben aufgehört zu zählen ......Gestern wurde ich tatsächlich gefragt, ob es hier auch noch was anderes ausser Wasserfälle gibt... da musste ich erst mal herzhaft lachen.... Wenn man sich mit Island beschäftigt, weiss man, was einen erwartet und dann ist man nicht erstaunt darüber, daß Wasserfälle, das häufigste ist, was einem hier auf den Wegen begegnet...Grosse kleine...bekannte und auch unbekannte kleinere ...wilde und ruhige...schöne und noch schönere.... Daher sorry für den Wasserfall Spam aber das bleibt in Island neben Schafen, Islandponys, Fjorden, Lavafeldern, Bergen, Schnee, Felsen und Meeresausblicke nun mal nicht aus...
      Daher -Überraschung- noch ein Wasserfall....namens Svodafoss mit einem schön angelegten Touri-Weg.
      Und weil das hier so üblich ist.. haben auch wir einen Sticker hinterlassen an der Tafel....Wer kennt den Sticker noch ???
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    • Päivä 16

      Tag 16 Kirkjufell Berg & Wasser

      17. toukokuuta, Islanti ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Da war es... das wohl bekanntesten Fotomotiv neben dem Seljalandsfoss....der Kirkjufell.
      Parkgebühren als wenn man im Nobelhotel unterkommen wollte. 2400 Kronen.... Sind 15 Euro !!!!!
      Und wieder sind wir froh den Mai gewählt zu haben, denn im Normalfall wäre hier alles voll und völlig überlaufen... so musste ich mir den Kirky ^nur^ mit gefühlten 10 anderen Fotografen teilen...die dort teils Stunden ausharren um DAS perfekte Lichtverhältniss, für DAS perfekte Bild zu bekommen. Ich war schon glücklich über Sonne.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 17

      Tag 17 Straßen von Island

      18. toukokuuta, Islanti ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Hier mal eine kleine Zusammenfassung zum Thema Straßenverhältnisse in Island.
      Es gibt die Ringstraße 1, soz. Hauptverkehrsader rund um Island 🇮🇸. Wir haben uns das wie eine normale Autobahn in Deutschland vorgestellt… aber mancherorts ähnelt sie mehr einem Feldweg… WIRKLICH!

      Und durchs ganze Land ziehen sich „Einbreid Brú“ - einspurige Brücken. Siehe Video!!

      Biegt man hier auf eine Landstraße ab, gleicht das einem Schotterweg mit vielen Löchern - ganz viele Löchern!!!
      Und losen Steinen, die fröhlich hochspringen 😉.

      Jetzt verstehen wir auch die Versicherungen wegen Steinschlag und etc.
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    • Päivä 16

      Tag 16 Fahrt nach Snæfellsnes

      17. toukokuuta, Islanti ⋅ 🌬 5 °C

      Von unserem Campingplatz aus, der die dampfenden Quellen für Schwimmbad und Hot Pot nutzt, ging es über mehrere Fjorde in die Region Snæfellsnes. In der Stadt Stykkishólmur bewunderten wir die recht eigenwillige Kirche. Im Ort selber gönnten wir uns zum ersten Mal im Kaffeehaus ein Kaffee und Kakao (und Puffreis mit Schokolade).
      Der rote Leuchtturm oberhalb des Hafens lockt zahlreiche Touristen an.

      Der KirkjufellFoss und der Berg sind Islands meistfotografiertestes Touri-Objekt.

      Warum, können wir nicht so genau sagen..

      In Grundarfjödur lachte uns eine Kirche mit „Gesicht“ an 😊 und im Hafen lag ein Riesenschiff der isländischen Küstenwache.

      Die nebelverhangene Bergspitze gehört dem Snæfellsjökull, ein inaktiver Vulkan mit einer Höhe von 1446 m.
      Hier wurde Jules Verne“s Film“ Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde“ teilweise 1959 gedreht.
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    • Päivä 13

      Icelandic Language Cliché

      7. kesäkuuta 2022, Islanti ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      Our destination lecturer repeated something I've heard time and again: that the Icelandic language is extremely hard to learn.

      I'm not sure who first started this rumor, but I beg to differ.

      I'm not saying Icelandic is easy, but look at these signs I saw during our visit.

      If you take a moment to haphazardly sound out the Icelandic words, you can often hear the English equivalent: “Opin" for "open," "snoj," for "snow," "blessud" for "blessed," and "saltlakkris" for "salt licorice."

      I've been exposed to German and Dutch, so that helps, but still: Is it really that hard to tell this is a sign for "Christian's bakery"? (At the time, the smell of fresh pastries wafting through the air, really drove it home.)

      Other phrases are not as apparent, but make sense in context. After my stroll through Isafjordur's historic cemetery, I realized that "Her hvelir," means "here lies" even though it doesn't quite sound the same.

      So of all the languages I've been exposed to while traveling, I would definitely NOT describe Icelandic as the hardest to understand.

      Personally, I find Korean much harder!
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    • Päivä 14

      Day 14 - Reykjavik to Siglufjordur

      Eilen, Islanti ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      6am start and we were too tight to pay about $150 nzd to get a taxi to the airport so we walked with all our bags about 1.5kms lol turns out we didn't need to hurry as we got to the airport before it even opened 😅
      Turns out they very much run in Island time here haha.
      Checked in sat down and had some breakfast then we got a text to say due to adverse weather your flight may not depart 🙄 about 20 mins later they called us to board thank goodness!
      The adverse weather was just some low cloud.
      We had a good 35 min flight to Akureyri, the view from the air is just amazing.

      It was sooo lovely to get off the plane and see Andrew, Dagny, the kids 🥰 We set off in two separate cars to explore!
      1st we went into Akureyri and found a cafe open to have coffee and cake 😋 Akureyri is a gorgeous town, it had 2 cruise ships docked and one was huge, made the other look like a toy! Then we took a drive up to the ski field which over looked the town. The view here with the mountains to each side is incredible 😲
      Then we took Guy to an Icelandic Aviation Muesum here he was in plane heaven!
      Christmas was next on the agenda 🤣 we went to a Christmas shop this was very cool! I got a wee piece for Christmas at home 🏡 turns out Iceland have 12 Santa's and there is Santa's mum Gryla who if your naughty she cooks you up in a pot 😱 she lives in a cave at this xmas shop 😉
      From here we trusted Andrew to get us to the ice cream farm, he knew where it was and didn't need google maps 🙄 turns out he did need them as we traveled about 10 mins past it 🤣
      The Ice cream place is situated at a farm where they market their own ice cream, meat, colostrum (yes to buy and drink) eggs, we had yummy as ice cream 🍦 sitting in the sun. The farm was a free for all to explore so I was looking in the barns 🙈 found a de leval robot and had some cow pats 🥰 no idea what breed lol but the udders are terrible!
      We set off towards Andrew and Dagny's and stopped in at an ancient viking settlement that was used as a trading area.
      Here I still cannot believe the panoramic views 🥹
      The trip home was amazing, many mountains, snow, sea, and huge huge tunnels that go through the mountain!!
      And then we arrived home. I knew Andrew and Dagny lived with a mountain behind them but wow this place is next level! I am I'm love with this view 😍 words cannot describe it is actually breathtaking 🥰

      Lovely BBQ dinner, the kids have been in the hot pool that is just filled from the hot water in the ground 😲

      I lie here on the couch in great company, there is no wind, looking out the window and actually cannot believe what I see 🥹 so lucky to be here 💕
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    • Päivä 2

      Taking the Waters

      13. kesäkuuta, Islanti ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      A blissful 12hrs of sleep, despite the torrential rain and it blowing a hooley for much of the night. Cleared by the morning 🥳

      Hit the road but only to explore the surrounding small town - I've been listening to some (typically Scandi Noir) Icelandic books recently and the one I'm on currently is set right here at the old lighthouse 😱

      Poster is for reference - how many will we check off on the way round?

      Lupins galore along the roadside.

      And yes, as usual I'm on the lookout for rusty stuff 😬

      The first of many waterfalls.

      Before going to my first mineral bath - thermo heated natural waters, so algae grows.... 40 degrees in the hot pot (yup!) I did feel cooked after an hour or so 😊

      Back on the road to a small canyon. No health n safety here, just walk on up, open 24hrs.

      Before heading back to a campsite at Grundarfjordur - yes that was taken at 1.30am!!!
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    • Päivä 13

      Day 13 - Hamburg - Berlin - Iceland 🇮🇸

      14. kesäkuuta, Islanti ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Another Goodbye today 😢 We woke early to make our train and said farewell to Kim & Celina 😢 We had such a good time in Hamburg 💕

      Lucky we had Kim and Veronika's help as our train had been canceled and changed to another one but we eventually got it sorted!
      We are getting very good at the public transport now 🤣 we managed to get ourselves through Berlin train station and onto another train to the airport. Berlin train station is huge!! I think it has 4 levels of platforms!

      Navigating the airport was easy and we made our plane to Iceland 🇮🇸
      We had a good flight and the view coming into land was incredible 😲

      We landed and again we couldn't believe how easy it was to get through customs. There was no customs you just walk out!
      On to the bus to Reykjavík town, took about 45 mins, the landscape we saw here was very rocky with little growth and mountains in the distance. We found our accommodation easy just a 2 min walk from bus station.

      We walked to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, it was their 53rd Birthday today so we received free dessert 🍨 👏

      Had a wee walk around the city then home for a sleep another early start tomorrow 😴
      It does not get dark here so tonight will be interesting 🤣
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    • Päivä 4

      Snorkeling at Silfra Fissure

      12. kesäkuuta, Islanti ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Silfra Fissure is a rift that formed in 1789 by earthquakes caused by the splitting of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. It is the only place in the world where you can snorkel directly between two tectonic plates.

      The water at this site is glacier water that has been slowly filtered directly and naturally underground through volcanic lava for up to 100 years. This makes for water that is very cold (~2 degrees Celsius), very clear (more than 100 meters visibility), and very delicious (if I may say so myself).
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    • Päivä 7


      11. kesäkuuta, Islanti ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Noch ein Wasserfall.... Ja.... nicht sehr kreativ und auch nicht abwechslungsreich 😀, aber so ist das eben hier in Island, zumindest auf diesem Teil der Reise.
      Und obwohl wieder Wasserfall, so doch auch wieder anders... mit seinen 60 Metern Höhe und 25 Metern Breite ist er eine doch sehr imposante Erscheinung.... Naturgewalt pur und Sprühdusche ganz kostenlos inclusive...Lue lisää

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    Republic of Iceland, Island, Iceland, Ysland, Aesland, አይስላንድ, Islandia, Īsland, أيسلندا, İslandiya, Ísland, Ісландыя, Исландия, Isilandi, আইসল্যান্ড, ཨ་ཨི་སི་ལནད།, Islàndia, Islandëjô, Исланди, Gwlad yr Iâ, އައިސްލަންޑަން, ཨའིསི་ལེནཌ, Aiseland nutome, Ισλανδία, Islando, ایسلند, Islannda, Islanti, Islande, Yslân, An Íoslainn, Innis Tile, આઇસલેન્ડ, Aisalan, איסלנד, आइसलैण्ड, Islandska, Izland, Իսլանդիա, Islanda, Icelandia, アイスランド共和国, ისლანდია, Aislandi, Islandi, អ៉ីស្លង់, ಐಸ್‌ಲ್ಯಾಂಡ್, 아이슬란드, ئایسلەند, Ayisirandi, Iesland, Islànda, Isilandɛ, ໄອສແລນ, Islandija, Isilande, Īslande, Islandy, Исланд, ഐസ്‌ലാന്റ്, आइसलँड, အိုက်စလန်, आइस्ल्याण्ड, IJsland, Islandii, ଆଇସଲ୍ୟାଣ୍ଡ, آیسلینډ, Islândia, Islandya, Ayisilandi, आइसलैंड, Islánda, Islânde, අයිස්ලන්තය, Iislaand, ஐஸ்லாந்து, ఐస్లాండ్, ไอซ์แลนด์, ʻAisilani, Aislan, İzlanda, ئىسلاندىيە, Ісландія, آئس لینڈ, Ai-xơ-len (Iceland), Lisladeän, איסלאנד, Orílẹ́ède Aṣilandi, 冰岛, i-Iceland


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