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    • Dia 26


      30 de julho de 2022, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Bin in Kuta angekommen und war super überrascht wie viel mittlerweile in Lombok los ist.
      Das Hostel war richtig toll, habe dort direkt super liebe Leute kennengelernt.
      Die Inhaberin hat un alle am letzten Abend auf Drinks eingeladen.
      Bin mit einer aus dem Hostel ein Mal quer die Küste entlang gefahren. Schön in den Gegenverkehr weil nirgendwo Schilder zu finden waren 😅
      Am nächsten Tag war ich auf der Suche nach den Stränden die ich vor 5 Jahren gefunden hatte.
      Hat nicht funktioniert, bin dafür aber an zwei wunderschönen Stränden gewesen. Um an einen davon zu kommen musste man einen heftig holprigen weg lang fahren, dafür hatte ich den komplett für mich alleine.
      War gefühlt ewig unterwegs, dabei eigentlich nur 10 km von Kuta entfernt. Die Leute abseits des Zentrums warn einerseits echt süß und die Kids sind.dir.lachend hinterhergerannt. Andererseits war's echt unheimlich weil man auch einfach den Stinkefinger gezeigt bekommt und auf Leute mit Waffen trifft.
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    • Dia 26

      Kuta Day 2

      18 de janeiro de 2020, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today was a hangover day!
      Spent the day with the the people I went out with last night; Caz (Canadian), Luke (British), Manuel (German) and Hidde (Dutch). Lazy morning discussing last night and playing cards and then we decided to go to the bat cave which is 5 minutes away. Pretty scary to be honest- the guy there reckoned there are a million bats in the cave. Luckily they didn’t fly around too much but- i was pleased to be out! Really pretty cave though.

      Lunch then beach - we went to one called Tanjung Aan- really quite and not a surfing beach so good for swimming. Walked up to a viewpoint for sunset which was pretty epic. Because we watching sunset it meant we had to drive back to Kuta in the dark which I was a little worried about but the guys were really good and went quite slow with me so it was all good!

      Had dinner at a seafood restaurant where you choose which fish you want- we shared a red snapper, parrotfish, prawns and squid and it was 👌🏻

      Back to the hostel and bed!
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    • Dia 27

      Kuta Day 3

      19 de janeiro de 2020, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Originally I had though I might check out today but as it’s so nice here and there’s such a good bunch of people I’ve decided to stay at least another 3 nights.

      An 11am yoga class was on the agenda- Caz and I have both done yoga before but the guys hadn’t so we took them along. Luckily it was a slow flow class so a good beginner class but it was pretty funny to watch them struggle a bit!

      After that we had lunch and went back to the same beach as yesterday, chilled, went back home for some FaceTime and dinner and then played some more cards.

      Pretty relaxing day.
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    • Dia 110

      Kuta & Inside Grupuk

      15 de fevereiro de 2023, Indonésia


      Was fürn mega Tag! Heute geht es nach dem Frühstück direkt nach Inside Grupuk. Wieder ein neuer Spot und bis jetzt mein Favorit. Ich glaub die Wellen sind perfekt für mich und auch die Szenerie ist einfach atemberaubend. Der Spot liegt eingebettet zwischen grünen Hügel und man blickt auf die schroffen Klippen von Outside Grupuk. Das Wasser ist schön blau, das Lineup entspannt und die Wellen brechen wie bestellt. Wahnsinn! Der surf war ganz gut, aber mir ging schnell die Kraft aus, da die starke Strömung einen doch schnell an die Schulter der Welle treibt und man dann wieder reinpaddeln muss.. gegen die Strömung. Den Spot erreicht man auch wieder per Boot und auch die Bootsfahrt ist ein Augenschmaus. Auf jeden Fall der coolste und beste Spot für mich bis jetzt.

      Nach guten 2.5h im Wasser heißt es dann zurück und ab nach Tanjung An den Sonnenuntergang genießen. Wir — zoey, onno und Rene — essen noch was und gucken dem verfärben des Horizontes bei zwei, drei Bintan zu. Besser geht es nicht.

      Abends treffen wir uns noch mit Onno zum Abendessen: quesadillas! Fucking Lecker! Onno erzählt noch nebenbei das er bei sonos arbeitet und wir gerne von seinem Rabatt Gebrauch machen können 🤙🏽

      Der Tag endet mit einem erschöpften meigol! Bis morgen :)

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    • Dia 112

      Senggigi -> Kuta

      6 de março de 2023, Indonésia ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      8 a.m. - I woke up after a hard night. At some point my right ear hurt so much and I had pressure on it. I phoned my mom to inform her and what I should do. I probably got a ear infection. So I decided to go to the doctor the next day.

      8:30 a.m. - I went to the pharmacy/doctor but unfortunately the doctor wasn’t here. So I went to the immigration office first. I had to wear long pants because of the dress code. The visit in the immigration office was very easy and chill. I just brought all the documents they needed, filled out some forms and gave everything to the officers. Afterwards the gave me a invoice and I went to the next bank to transfer the money. I even could pay in cash. Afterwards I went back to the office and then I had to wait until they took the photo and fingerprints from me. Although the had technical problems with the system they were really fast. Not I just need to wait five working days and then pick up my passport. The biggest mosque in Lombok was right opposite of the immigration office so I went there to have a look. The was was quite beautiful but when I looked a bit closer there was a lot of construction to do because the rain damaged the facilities. Afterwards I went back to Senggigi and visited the doctor again. Unfortunately I was right and I got an ear infection. So medicine and antibiotics but no water for me :(.

      12:30 p.m. - I took all my stuff and made my way to Kuta with my scooter. Half way in it started to rain again heavily. So I waited in a random restaurant until the rain got less. Then I continued my journey to Kuta.

      3:30 p.m. - Because of the rain it took me 2h more than acupuncture planned. I stayed in a party hostel for a night because I booked accommodation very spontaneous. I dried my stuff from the rain and took a hot shower.

      6:30 p.m. - Later I went out for dinner and missed a beautiful sunset. At least I saw the beautiful clouds afterwards. Still not fit I went to bed early.
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    • Dia 21

      Day 22 - Kuta (Lombok)

      3 de julho de 2023, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We woke up early (6 am) . In travel, we usually to be wake up early, to prepare ours bags quickly, go out without breakfast, without coffe. Usually I can't ! When I m in France I have to have 1 hour to be ready , and at leat a big coffee.
      I felt better than yesterday night.
      We didn't booked any boat ticket. We would like to try to have ferry boat, and to have the local price.
      Surprise, when we arrived at the port, we understood that the ferry was further. Here we could take only the "fast boat" (not really faster than the ferry... but more expensive).
      So we didn't have the choice. We took a ticket there. I paid (500k RP, 30€.... for Indonesia it's really expensive).
      Largot planned to go in Nusa Penida (small island close to Bali) before Lombok.
      Personally, I wanted just leave Bali. So I took a ferry for Lombok directly.
      I love to take ferry.
      Jan Willem (the second Dutch Guy) was on the way for Nusa Penida to Lombok too.
      So, we met together at Bangsal (port of Lombok) to share the Taxi to Kuta.
      Jan Willem negociated the price. We paid 275RP at all against 500RP at start.
      We didn't took the same hostel.
      As per usual, the first thing I did, I put my bag and I enjoyed the sunset on the beach. Finally, a place with more local than tourist. It wasn't a pretty beach but more authentic.
      I walked on the smalls paths. the Indonesians were eating. I could ''observe'' their daily lives. They have little privacy. The houses face directly onto the street.
      The childreen and teennagers played at foot.
      The sunset was nice.
      Finally, I found the authenticity of Indonesian life that I had not been able to observe in Bali. ( Fuck Bali)
      When I went back at the hostel, I did the BBQ organized by the hostel. I met a new Dutch and two french. I was tired, them too. We went to bed not too late.
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    • Dia 14

      Kuta (Lombok)

      17 de outubro de 2023, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Monday morning we went for breakfast 🧇 (a last of many times) to the very good and traditional restaurant „Sasak“ before we took our „Grab“ 🚗 to Kuta. It was a very relaxed 2-hour drive - thanks to Charles (our driver). He explained much of the Indonesian culture and discussed the differences to Germany with us while we were driving. Charles was born and raised in Flores (another one of the many Indonesian islands). It is supposed to be a beautiful and still quite natural island 🏝️ far in the east. In contrast to other Indonesian islands it is the only one that is predominantly of Christian religion. I won’t have time to visit it during this trip but it’s probably something for the bucket list when I come next time to Indonesia 🇮🇩

      When we arrived in Kuta, we checked into our hostel. We had a nice 4 bedroom bungalow 🛖 with a cosy outside area in front. Soon after the check-in was done, Paula and I walked down the Main Street to Kuta beach and had a couple of beers while enjoying its view. Klara didn’t feel well 🤒 and therefore stayed in the hostel to meet us later for dinner.
      In the evening we opened the bottle of rum 🍹that I wisely bought in the duty free shop before my departure from Berlin Airport since alcohol is heavily taxed here in Indonesia 🇮🇩 (you will pay at least as much as in Germany 🇩🇪 or even more). Shout out to my Bali tourists at home for this fine recommendation 👍. So, with Coca Cola and a splash of lemon, we mixed our own cocktails that night. 😎

      Our second day in Kuta started very slow. We slept in for the first time since days and only left the hostel at lunchtime to rent some scooters 🛴 again. First we drove to Tanjung Ahn Beach 🏖️ which looked very beautiful from afar but on closer observation we realized the water was quite dirty (sadly it was polluted with many plastic parts or even entire bottles). I tried to go in once but I didn’t stay in the water for long. So, we just relaxed for a while on the beach loungers and enjoyed the sun and the good food that was served there. ☀️
      Afterwards, we took our scooters for another spin and drove to Bukit Merese - a lookout from where you can see more really nice looking beaches as well as many big waves 🌊 crashing against the rocky coastline. It was low tide and we were lucky to find a decently protected area that we used as our „private beach“ 🏖️ for a while. The water was soooo nice and clear. We could have stayed there much longer if it wasn’t for the sunset 🌅 and our unwillingness to cruise with our scooters 🛴 through the darkness.
      At night, we finished the bottle of rum from the day before together with a French girl who also stayed in our room. She had an accident with her scooter 🛴 and was in pain (in fact, she could barely walk). She certainly needed the drink more than we did after her horrible day. I believe we could cheer her up a little bit again that night. By now she must have seen a doctor and hopefully didn’t have to go to the hospital 🏥 For me this is a reminder while all this traveling and the adventurous things we do are fun, there is also a certain risk involved.

      The next day we were already on our way to the Gili Islands. It is quite touristy there and it has not much to do with the rest of Indonesia but I definitely wanted to go there to see what it is like and to go snorkelling 🤿
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    • Dia 8


      12 de novembro de 2023, Indonésia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Kuta gefällt uns definitiv besser an Lombok als das zuvor gesehene. Vorallem mit der Unterkunft sind wir sehr happy. Sauber, gemütlich und zentral. Es hat auch gelegentlich geregnet, was für die Natur und die Reis Bauern überfällig war. Die Strassen in Kuta sind einwandfrei, bis auf einige kaputten Schotterstrassen zu den Stränden. Mit dem Roller sind die nichts für unerfahrene cruiser. Wir bleiben noch 2 Nächte hier und entscheiden dann, ob wir bleiben oder weiterziehen...

      Es gibt viele tolle Strände und unmittelbarer Nähe. Im Zentrum ist etwas los und es gibt viele Bars & Restaurants. Wir sind fast jeden Abend ins "Tree House" zur Happy Hour und haben dort den nächsten Tag besprochen.
      Nach dem Abendessen sind wir noch ins El Garito, dort spielt jeden Abend eine Band.
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    • Dia 26

      Kuta, Lombok - Surfing day II

      13 de novembro de 2023, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Day two of surfing 🏄 in meinen Armen fühl ich schon die 2h Wasser bzw. Paddeln gestern. Naja hilft ja nichts raus aus den Federn und kurz noch Frühstück abholen und dann um 9 am Strand ( Naja Basti und ich waren zuspät, weil wir in die falsche Richtung gefahren sind 😅😅 ich liebe es mitzufahren da kann man die Fahrt viel mehr genießen 🥰
      Surfen hat heute schon viel besser geklappt aber die Wellen waren heute um einiges höher und mich hat es ein paar mal ganz schön zerlegt… aber ich hab auch meine erste Welle selbst bekommen 🥳 und im Warumg gibts Baby Katzen 🐈 sooooo süß alle sind rot. 3 sind erst 2 Wochen alt und 4 ca 2 Monate.
      Danach gabs wieder die wohlverdiente kalte Kokosnuss 🥥 und dann in Kuta im Bush Radio ein lecker legeres Sauerteigbrot 😍
      Nachmittags gabs nen Riesen Nap 😴 für mich, das Wasser, die Wellen und das Paddeln hat mich heute echt fertig gemacht.
      Abends bin ich mit Basti los Richtung Kuta Beach, der ist sooo verfüllt am Anfang. Sind dann weitergelaufen bis es akzeptabel war und haben da mit Mais 🌽 den ˋSonnenuntergang´ angeschaut. Danach sind wir noch ein bisschen Bummeln gegangen, sehr erfolgreich sogar. Ich hab mir ein Tshirt, eine Hose und endlich auch ein Strandkleid gekauft 🥰
      Dann sind wir mit Sabi ins El Garito für Burger, Bier und Billiard gegangen. Es hat natürlich auch wieder eine Band gespielt und die Locals und Roland (Deutscher ex Bundesligisten im Billiards) haben uns wieder super lieb aufgenommen und uns Tipps gegeben 🎱 War auch der letzteabend schon mit Basti..
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    • Dia 53–55

      Kuta Lombok Beach

      18 de novembro de 2023, Indonésia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Vi har nu været to dage i Kuta der ligger på øen Lomboks sydkyst. Vi bor på Matahari Inn som vi fandt på Jeg mener vi giver ca 219kr pr overnatning. Et ok sted noget skidt men det går an til den pris. Den ene dag gik vi rundt i byen og ned til stranden. Byen og området er kendt bl.a. surfere der tiltrækkes af de gode bølger på sydkysten. Det var atter en meget varm dag der sluttede hjemme i swimmingpoolen.
      I går lejede vi så en scooter og kørte rundt i området. Besøgte flere af de fine strande men vi var ikke i vandet. Nød i stedet at køre rundt i de små landsbyer. Gang på gang overraskes vi af hvor simpelt og enkelt de bor. Man sender uvilkårligt en tanke og glædes over at man er født i dk og ikke her.
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