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    • Dag 6

      Unsere ersten Bali Eindrücke

      1 maj, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Der Tag startete mit einem schönen und liebevoll zubereiteten Frühstück in unserem eigenen Pool. Floating Breakfast🤭 haben wir beide noch nie gemacht, war aber eine tolle Erfahrung.
      Danach gab es standardmäßig erstmal eine echte balinesische Massage 💆🏻‍♀️ 90 Minuten Treatment für 20€, das sind Preise üb, an die ich mich gewöhnen könnte 😅😅
      Die Hotelanlage besteht aus einem Haupthaus + Pool und einzelnen kleinen Nebenvillen, die über ein jeweils separaten Pool verfügen - so eine haben wir auch.🥰

      Alles hier ist üppig grün, bis auf die Reisfelder, die aussehen wie eine sumpfige Landschaft, aber das liegt einzig und alleine daran, dass wir zur „falschen“ Zeit hier sind.
      Wenn die Blütezeit angebrochen ist, sind die Reiskörner in etwa nach fünf Wochen ausgereift und die Erntezeit kann beginnen. Um ihren Arbeitern das Sammeln Alles gut, zu erleichtern, lassen die Reisbauern das Wasser einige Wochen vor der Ernte ab. Die Dauer von Nassreisanbau hängt stark von der Reissorte ab und beträgt im Durchschnitt circa 6 Monate.
      Die Ernte findet im September statt.

      Der erste Strand Besuch inkl. Anbaden stand auch auf dem Programm, durch die hohen Wellen 🌊 war es besonders für mich ein abenteuerlicher Erlebnis 😅
      Den Sundowner🌅 genossen wir am Strand, jedoch haben uns ein paar große Wolken den Blick ein wenig versperrt. Aber morgen - neuer Tag neues Glück 🤗🤝🏼
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    • Dag 5

      Off to Bali 😍🛫

      30 april, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Unser Singapur Abenteuer ist nun vorüber und es geht für uns nun zum nächsten Stopp. Nach 3 Tagen in einer Weltmetropole wie dieser, freuen wir uns nun auf Strand und Meer 🌊🥰
      Wir vermuten, dass uns eine entspannte Insel erwartet, die einiges an Entschleunigung ermöglicht.

      Vor unserem Abflug ließen wir uns jedoch die Jewel Hall am Flughafen nicht entgehen. 🌿🌴🌳
      Der futuristische Bau besteht aus einer großen Glaskuppel und bildet selbst den Kern der Attraktion. So wölbt sich das Dach in der Mitte nach innen und geht in das Herzstück, den von Wald umgebenen Indoor-Wasserfall Rain Vortex über. Auch die am Rand der Kuppel liegenden Nutzflächen sind zur Innenseite mit exotischen Grünanlagen bedeckt, so dass das Innere eine Art Park bildet.💚

      Der Flug von Singapur nach Bali dauerte gerade einmal 2,5h und war recht entspannt.✈️
      Zwischen den einzelnen Reisezielen liegen natürlich Welten, daher sind wir gespannt, wie uns Bali so empfängt. 🤗 Singapur als Stadtstaat ist selbstverständlich deutlich regulierter. Unsere Ankunft war hier schon mit etwas mehr Trubel verbunden und jeder macht bzw. fährt hier, wie er möchte 😅🥴🛵
      Unser Hotel macht schonmal einen tollen ersten Eindruck und wir freuen uns, morgen alles zu erkunden. 😍
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    • Dag 4

      Yoga, surf and sunset

      2 december 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Mal a luz do dia aparece, a claridade entra no quarto e já não dá para dormir. Vejo as horas a passar à espera das 7h para ir ao yoga.
      O espaço de yoga ao ar livre no meio da vegetação, com o som dos pássaros e do rio que passa ao lado, inspira.
      Durante o pequeno almoço, os indonésios que nos vão acompanhar durante o dia, vão tocando guitarra enquanto outros preparam as pranchas.

      Apesar de Canggu, estar a abarrotar de gente que quer surfar e muitos picos estarem completamente sobrelutado, levaram nos para um sitio em berawa com muito pouco gente, onde deu para curtir uma boa sessão de surf.
      Sempre com a guitarra atrás, está sempre alguém pronto para tocar e cantar.
      Passámos o resto da tarde na praia, antes de ir ver o pôr do sol, acompanhadas de Bintang, a ver um milhão de surfistas a lutar para conseguir uma onda em Batu Bolong.
      Antes de jantar ainda fomos fazer uma massagem aos pés, 3 euros meia hora. Antes de começar a massagem elas perguntam sempre:"strong or medium". Claro que quero "strong" mas ela aplicou tanta força que vou ficar com umas negras nas pernas o resto da semana.
      Tivemos a falar com as miúdas que nos fizeram a massagem, a minha massagista tinha 19 anos, trabalhava 14h por dia 6 dias por semana, na realidade depois dessa conversa quase que fiquei a sentir - me mal por contribuir para este tipo de escravidão. Será que mais vale ajudar a contribuir para o sustento dessas família mesmo que seja através de algum tipo de escravidão?
      Jantámos por 5 euros num buteco qualquer.
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    • Dag 5

      Small waves

      3 december 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Não estamos assim com tanta sorte com as ondas. Estão pequenas, mal a maré sobe deixa de haver, por isso temos que chegar mais cedo. Logo a seguir ao yoga temos tempo de comer qualquer coisa e seguir para Berawa.
      Apesar de tudo deu para curtir, a Filipa hoje esteve muito bem, para o ano já podemos ir para as Mentawai :-p
      As poucas horas de sono já andam a pesar, por isso soube bem seguir para o surf camp logo a seguir ao surf e descansar a beira da piscina.
      À tarde mostraram nos os vídeos da nossa performance, para analisar, corrigir e evoluir, infelizmente como não usámos a t-shirt vermelha do surf camp, o câmara quase não nos apanhou.

      Ao final do dia, aceitamos jantar com o resto dos hóspedes do surf camp, com quem já começamos a ganhar alguma confiança. Não sei de quem foi a ideia mas decidiram pedir recomendações de restaurantes à professora yoga, uma alemã, com uma boa vibe, umas rastas gigantes, que recomendou um restaurante de comida local, Varuna. Possivelmente o pior restaurante desde que estamos cá, deixei metade da comida no prato.

      Com alguns resistentes ainda fomos para o Pretty Poison, ouvir uma rockalhada e ver uns skaters a fazerem manobras na piscina.
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    • Dag 8

      Canggu Day 2 (NYE)

      31 december 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C


      We had a lazy morning and went for brunch at the Shady Shack, a lovely veggie cafe round the corner. There’s so much lovely veggie and vegan food here, which is great for Fran as she is vegetarian. Had a breakfast wrap and a coconut. On the way there we decided to stop off at a spa to see if they had any appointments for later and so we booked in for 1pm.

      I had a Balinese massage 60 mins for 250k which is about £13 (such a bargain). As we booked together they keep putting us in the same room, so the second couples massage of the trip for me as Fran!

      After that we went back to the hotel, went in the pool for a bit and got ready to go out for an earlyish dinner.

      We went to Penny Lane for dinner which is a super cute restaurant nearby, we got a table quite quick and had a nice meal. We then had decided we wanted to go to the Lawn for the evening, a beach club just down the road. Lots of the beach clubs had massive parties on (Finns apparently was having 12,000 people!) but this one was a little more low key and more importantly free entry! We got there about 8.30 and had a couple of drinks but decided about 10 to have a little walk along the beach. There were already fireworks going off all around us - apparently they couldn’t wait until midnight.

      We sat on the beach at a little beach bar for a bit before heading back to the Lawn for midnight. Watched even more fireworks at midnight and then wandered home about 1. The traffic was mental, complete gridlock as scooters everywhere!

      Tried to get food but everywhere was closed so we went for a quick dip in the pool when we got home and then FaceTimed Sam before passing out!

      All in all, lovely New Year’s Eve!
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    • Dag 209


      18 oktober 2022, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Normally I don’t wanted to post more about Bali but the last week was so fun that I go for a post.
      Really much was not going on, just some activities with my roommates.
      I been to many hostels so far and I am a big fan but this room connection was something special.

      After 2 months I leave Indonesia, what a great time!
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    • Dag 37

      Beachday und Finnsclub

      25 april 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Heute waren wir mit dem Roller, auf der Suche nach einem tollen Strand. Doch die Hitze und die hohen Wellen machten es schwer 😅 so liessen wir uns, bei einem bekannten Beachclub, the Beach love, nieder der allerdings noch gar nicht offen hatte. 🤪 Danach fuhren wir wieder zurück und gingen in den berühmten Finn's Club. Laute Musik, viele Betrunkene und kein gutes Essen. Aber immerhin hatten wir es nun ein Mal gesehen 🤣🤣🤣Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Ankunft in Canggu 🌴

      13 juni 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wow, was für eine Reise! Wir haben knapp 20 Stunden bis nach Bali gebraucht 😅
      Unser Hotel ist wirklich traumhaft schön , es fühlt sich an wie im Dschungel. Jetzt sind wir auf Entdeckungsreise in Canggu. Überall Motorroller auf den Straßen und Opfergaben (Philipp ist schon in eine reingetreten ☺️) . Wir fühlen uns gut und der Jetlag ist nicht allzu groß. Erstmal ne Kokosnuss genießen und Balieindrücke auf uns einprasseln lassen ♥️☀️🌴Läs mer

    • Dag 17

      Day 14-15-16-17 Ubud.

      29 juni 2023, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Day 14
      I leave lovina with Willem. We took a private driver. We stop at a popular viewpoint on the way.
      At the end of the week-end, we arrived at Ubud. It s a really big touristic city. Everithi g is touristique. But quite be nice.
      Day 15
      I take a city tour by walk (3h and an half).
      We were go at a temple and coffee plantation a the afternoon.
      We did the mont Bathur by ourself (Willem and me). One hour of scooter and 2h by walk.
      Just fez people do it by theriself. The local mafia try to control the Mon Bathur. They suggest to take a guide but it's REALLY to go by ourself ... nothing is complicated.
      We were so pround of us.
      After we were go at a waterfall
      So many interesting discussions. Fickle of, I can't talk a lot because of my level of English.
      But I listened all the conversation
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    • Dag 20

      Day 17-18-19- Canggu

      2 juli 2023, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      We were at Canggu at 5p.m
      Just the time to go the beach and enjoy the sunset.
      Canggu it's a popular touristic city. Thé beach was full.
      I join the guy to eat a burger. (I just follow)
      Day 18
      I would like to go the beach to surf, but I slept....
      I enjoy at the hostel of Largot.
      We were in a techno party. It's was pretty cool.
      In a bit expensive. It was so funny some people were surprise about my age 😇.
      Little thought, for the beautiful Indonesian come talk to me. I don't took his Instagram....
      Day 19
      I just eat and chill ... it was rainy. It will be rainy for the 6 next days.... fuck
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