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    • Rest & Relax in Riomaggiore

      11. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Sitting on our private balcony overlooking the Riomaggiore with the Italian Vintage Summer 🌺 playlist! Just returned from a meandering wander through the very picturesque streets and tunnels of this beautiful town! And, in case you’re wondering 💭 Yes! The business owners seem friendly & relaxed 😌 It’s so refreshing to experience mutual respect ✊🏻 after V.

      It’s just turned 6pm. Wine 🍷 time on the terrace. Sun ☀️ is high in the sky on a 30 degree day. Oh! I dread 😬 coming back to Winter 🥶 after being treated to a second Summer 🌺
      If only I could travel indefinitely… I’m really pleased with my thought in packing this time: I have worn everything I have brought which often doesn’t happen. It’s still an extra stress, especially post Covid and flying cheap-ass airlines like RyanAir! You almost have an anxiety 😦 attack hoping your case doesn’t go universal the strict requirements… more than allowance equals big bucks 💰 extra! 🥹

      Been for 3 swims 🏊‍♂️ today and I’m feeling relaxed but I must admit that a week looking a pretty painted houses 🏘 and navigating 🧭 steps and hills and rocks 🪨 is probably enough. Don’t get me wrong: I’ve adored every town except V… well, not true. It was spectacular too. Just the folks needed to attend Tourism 101. 😝😝😝😊

      Richard & I went into the local deli and bought some goats 🐐 cheese 🧀 which is yum 😋 and focaccia, strawberries 🍓 (with taste!) and freshly picked olives 🫒 for pre dinner 🍽 platter. Having an actual apartment, as in London last week, certainly adds to the enjoyment of having space and room to move, along with your own space. This apartment is bigger than mine! It’s fabulous 😎😎😎

      Enjoy Riomaggiore by day… ☀️🍋🥐🍕🍸🍷🚄
      I’ll take some nighttime representation when the sun goes down. At 9pm 😝😝😝

    • Nautical Nights 🌄🛟🛶🌓

      11. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Second last night in the Italian Riviera! As promised, here are some spectacular images of Riomaggiore by night. The vibe in this town is very relaxed and chilled. A very good way to end a week long stay in the Cinque Terre. But! Wait! There’s more!

      Tomorrow morning I’ve booked an authentic Pesto Experience at Nessum Dorma in the last of the five towns: Manarola! It’s a very sought after experience and one of the only ways to guarantee a place for lunch at this establishment!

      Of course, had they known who I was then this obstacle would not be necessary 😝😝😝

    • Pesto Impresto 🌿🧀 🍷

      12. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Wow! Wow! Wow! ☀️🤩

      What an amazing experience this was!

      Nessum Dorma is a renowned restaurant that sits above a cliff top in Manarola. This is one of the few ways you are able to get in without a reservation. It was worth every single euro of the €60 we paid.

      Not only was the location absolutely amazing. Gobsmackingly beautiful& stunning but the staff and the presentation of the entire experience was out of this world! Perfect 😍

      The owner, Simone, won the piece of land the restaurant is on in a competition. Only three people entered and he won the right to build whatever he wanted overlooking the Manarola Bay. Surprisingly, there were only three people who actually entered the competition in total. Now that he has made an absolute success of it the locals are constantly trying to make it hard for him. It seems he is having similar experiences with some of the locals as Richard and I have had. Many of them begrudge others for being here. What a shame! He has done an amazing job. The pesto experience happens in the morning and then people are lining up down the path to come into the restaurant to eat. Without a reservation it is not going to happen.

      Anyway we were given all of the necessary ingredients of quality including local garlic, fresh basil, local cheese and pine nuts. We were told exactly how to perfect the most delicious pesto I have ever eaten. We were never rushed and constantly supported and always in good humour.

      Towards the middle of the experience we were each given a glass of local wine 🍷 which was slightly salty due to the region terrace agriculture and wine growing right beside the sae. Then came the most delicious 😋 platter: individually prepared and passed to every single participant. We were allowed to take as long as we like to enjoy and devour the food and the view. And also there was a competition to win a local bottle of wine… Everybody was a winner! 🥳👍🏻🍷

      I would put this up with one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

      Every single moment was perfectly orchestrated and we felt honoured to be part of the group. W🙃Right down to the moment that we were gently sprayed with mists of water that where perfectly constructed within the balcony frame construction. This is the true meaning of entrepreneurship. He deserves every success and we had the best time enjoying what Simone has created!

      The 10 gorgeous young Italian waiters added quite a significant benefit of this experience as well…🥰😝😝

      This was a brilliant way to finish our week in the Italian Riviera! 🍸👍🏻🥰

      This took place in Manarola, the final of the 5 towns (Cinque Terre)


    • Ravishing Riomaggiore: Final Act

      12. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Sadly, time to bid farewell to the Italian Riviera. As a final tribute let’s appreciate the balcony views while feasting on fresh mussels, regional wine 🍷 Limoncello 🍋 and cannoli…

      No words 😶
      Just mindful moments of appreciation 🇮🇹☀️🌿

    • Tag 44

      Kolbenziehen in Genua

      3. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Heute war es soweit.
      Der Kolben aus Zylinder 5 wurde gezogen. ⚒️
      Trotz eines kurzzeitigen Ausfalls des Maschinenraumkranes haben wir nur ungefähr 10 Stunden gebraucht um den den Zylinderkopf zu demontieren, den Kolben zu ziehen und anschließend den Ersatzkolben und den Zylinderkopf zu montieren. 😀
      Nach erledigter Arbeit gab es dann das wohlverdiente Kolbenbier. 😄🍺
      Der Zeitraffer meines Azubikollegens zeigt ein paar Stunden Arbeit in wenigen Sekunden. 😁

    • Tag 11

      Genova - Porto Antico ⚓

      10. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nach einem langen Bahnstreik und warten in Florenz, wollte ich weitere Bahnprobleme vermeiden, weshalb es nach Genova ging - meine letzte Station in Italien.
      Eine charmante Hafenstadt mit besonderen Blick auf die gestaffelten Häuser, die oft nur als Zwischenhafen für Kreuzfahrten genutzt wird. Die antiken Häuser sahen piktoresk aber auch etwas verlassen und mysteriös aus. 🕵🏻‍♀️
      Der Sonnenuntergang am Hafen war einfach schön! 🌆 Genua ist definitiv auch so ein schöner Ort, der mehr Anerkennung verdient hat.

      After a long train strike and waiting in Florence, I wanted to avoid further train problems, so I went to Genova - my last stop in Italy. A charming port town with a special view of the staggered houses, often used only as a cruise port. The ancient houses looked pictoresque but also a bit abandoned and mysterious. 🕵🏻‍♀️
      The sunset at the harbor was just beautiful! 🌆 Genoa is definitely such a beautiful place that deserves more recognition.

    • Tag 9

      Cinque Terre und ein feudales Mahl

      23. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Good bye Toskana und willkommen in Ligurien.

      Unser heutiges Zeil ist Levanto, am Rande der Cinque Terre aber dennoch gut zu erreichen. So reist es sich doch prima- keine 100 km später kurvten wir um kurz nach 10.00 Uhr morgens auf den Campingplatz. Der Laden hier mal bumsevoll. Beim ersten hatte ich noch höflich angefragt per Mail aber auch sofort eine charmante Absage erhalten......Also besser gleich vorfahren ohne lange Schreiberei. Glück 🍀 gehabt- Bussle 🚌geparkt auf Parzelle 10 und schon waren wir drei unterwegs zum Bahnhof.

      Man kann die Cinque Terre auch erwandern - aber nicht bei diesen Temperaturen und auch nicht nach ner Woche Quarantäne mit Corona🦠🦠 in Umbrien....So buchten wir uns ein Rundticket mit dem Ausflugdampfer. Auch nicht schlecht..die Boote 🚣‍♂️ halten in jedem Hafen der Cinque Terre. Monterosso, Corniglia, Manarola, Riomaggiore und Porto Venere und wieder retour.....

      Unterwegs kann man aussteigen , eine Stunde verweilen und beim nächsten Boot 🛥 wieder aufspringen und zum nächsten Hafen fahren. Das haben wir dann auch gemacht und so die bezaubernden Dörfer ohne große Anstrengung erkundet und haben noch etwas Umsatz generiert. In Riomaggiore erstehe ich noch ein paar hübsche Schuhe🩴🩴 für Marie und schon saßen wir dann im letzten Boot mit Kurs auf Levanto.

      Vater Wölfchen war ganz im Glück und hatte ganz schön freudige Äuglein. Erinnerte ihn das doch auch an seine Seeefahrerzeiten mit der Petrine. Zitat Vater Wölfchen....“ weisst Du Claudia....das war heute ein ganz großes Geschenk den ganzen Tag auf dem Wasser zu verbringen.....“ So schwelgte er in Erinnerungen während ich mal wieder mächtig Seekrank wurde. 🤢🤮also Urlaub auf nem Boot geht nicht für mich ….

      In Levanto wollten wir eigentlich noch baden im Meer 🌊 aber die Strände waren bumsevoll......und nicht für Hundebesitzer. Macht nix- dann gehen wir eben ungewaschen zum Dinner.

      Da wir bisher besonders großzügig die Apotheke unterstützt hatten, haben wir es heute nochmal so richtig krachen lassen....Feinen Vino, das berühmte Tatar mit Schokolade, Nüdeli mit einer halben Krabbe, Schwertfisch mit Sesamöl, Bäckle vom Schwein 🐷 in Orangensoße.....geil!!!!!!
      Da haben wir es uns heute richtig gut gehen lassen. Morgen gehts weiter Richtung Heimat.

    • Tag 14

      Eating around Genoa 🥐☕️🍝🥖

      28. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Once arriving at the port, we found the Tourist Information booth and got a map and found the sights we wanted to visit and did some eating along the way. Sydney got to try her first espresso (which she added a lot of sugar to). All the patisseries we passed looked amazing, but it was so hot…again, we really couldn’t eat much. We then made our way to a few historical sites, and ended up at Mercato Orientale, a large market selling anything and everything food wise you could possibly imagine. Too bad we don’t have a kitchen on the ship! Fresh pasta, fish, vegetables…you name it.

      After checking out the shopping district on Via XX Settembre, we walked the long way to make get to Eataly at Port Antico. There were also a ton of food items here, but more of an upgraded shopping experience versus the Mercato Orientale.

      After ordering our first suppli, with anchovies, we got our pasta dishes which were cooked al denté. Yummy! I tried a local wine and will definitely keep it on my list!

      After the our visit to the Aquarium, we hit the local McCafe, and I friend the panespresso…OMG, I think there was Nutella in the coffee!

    • Tag 14

      Porto Antico and the Aquarium

      28. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      After a filling lunch at Eataly, it was just a few steps to get to the Aquarium. The tickets were €29 for admittance to the largest aquarium in Europe. We wanted to ride the Bigo to get a nice panoramic view of the city, but it was still closed due to Covid.

      Our favorites at the aquarium were the manatees and the jellyfish. In the harbor, you can also see the Biosfera, basically a huge terrarium overlooking the water.

    • Tag 14

      Sites and Scapes of Genoa

      28. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      I had mapped out certain places I wanted to visit while in Genoa, one was the Christopher Columbus House and the other Via Garibaldi, a street lined with historical government buildings. The tourist office gave us a few other places to check out. One involved us finding a lift to see a nice view of our ship and of the harbor. Genoa is filled with many piazzas, and we found the main one with an impressive fountain.Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Liguria, Ligurien, Ligurië, ሊጉርያ, ليغوريا, Liquriya, Лігурыя, Лигурия, Ligurija, Ligúria, Лигури, Ligurie, Λιγουρία, Ligurio, Liguuria, لیگوریا, Liguurien, Liguerje, Li-kú-lî-â, ליגוריה, लिगुरिया, Լիգուրիա, Lígúría, リグーリア州, ლიგურია, 리구리아 주, Liguri, Ligüria, Ligūrija, Лигурија, ਲਿਗੂਰੀਆ, صوبہ لیگوریا, இலிகுரியா, แคว้นลิกูเรีย, Ligurya, Лігурія, Łiguria, 列古利亞, 利古里亞

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