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    • Tag 69


      10. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Portofino dates from the 10th century and is one of the most popular tourist spots in the entire world, especially with the rich and famous, including us.

      It was very special to visit and walk around. The shops are all Gucci etc, so we gave them a miss.

      We finished the day with some more pasta, seafood (and wine) at our hotel in Santa Margherita Ligure.

    • Tag 14

      Jour 14 - Grimpette & Portofino

      4. August 2023 in Italien

      Aujourd’hui, Tim, Félix et Hugo ont décidé d’aller pédaler toute la matinée. Au programme : 60km, 2000m de dénivelé positif avec 2 cols à franchir ⛰️
      Après cette matinée sportive, nous nous sommes retrouvés tous les 4 pour déjeuner en bord de mer à Santa Margherita Ligure située à 30km de Gênes.

      Dans l’après-midi nous avons parcouru les petites ruelles de la ville ainsi que son port de plaisance. Puis nous avons pris une navette en direction de Portofino, le Saint Tropez italien.
      Nous nous sommes baladés dans cette crique luxueuse en fin d’après-midi avant de repartir à Gênes dans la soirée. 🌄

      Pour notre dernière journée italienne demain, nous avons choisi de rester à Gênes pour découvrir et redécouvrir des incontournables de la ville 🇮🇹

    • Tag 68

      Santa Margherita Ligura

      9. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      After leaving Pisa we drove along the coastline of the Italian Riviera with views of the Ligurian and Tyranean Seas. Possibly one of the prettiest drives we have ever been on.

      But then we got to Santa Margherita Ligure. And then we got to our hotel room. We may never leave.Weiterlesen

    • 💚🤍❤️ Rapallo to Portofino

      8. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Sprung out of bed and threw open the shutters on my window (… you can just see me “springing”!? 😝) with the sea 🌊 view…
      Just magnificent 🥰 Breakfast consisted of delicious moist Italian cake 🍰 and pastries orange juice and breads with fresh Italian coffee ☕️

      Robyn and Mike I can now see why you fell in love with Rapallo. It is such a beautiful and tranquil seaside village. Everyone is just relaxing and enjoying the sun ☀️ The preferred local pace is snail 🐌 Perfect for recuperation after the Jubilee weekend.

      There are not many tourists around at the moment in Rapallo. It is so lovely to be surrounded only by locals. As I wandered along the coast to Portofino (8km) I found an amazing private swimming area. In San Michele. The crystal clear water was the perfect temperature, sun was shining and I had to pinch myself as I looked around me to see the cute coloured buildings and pebbly beach 🏖 ☀️

      There are lots of closed off purpose-built beach areas with umbrellas and bathing boxes. But why would you use these when you can find secluded and picturesque places with the locals..? Just beautiful 😍 your senses literally explode and your eyes simply cannot take it in. Photos don’t even do this region justice! If there’s a beach in these photos I swam in it! Just took my clothes off…everyone does…and got in! No one cares about body image they just do whatever they want! It’s so refreshing and food for the soul!

      Speaking of food the most delicious gnocchi pesto for lunch at the beautiful little cafe in Portofino. If this is gnocchi then I have NEVER eaten it before… The pesto was out of this world! Delicious vino Blanco and I was set for an hour or two just relaxing and watching the world go by! 💚🤍❤️

      Poor Richard was ‘dogged’ with yet another disappointment today. A traffic controllers strike @ hideous Stansted and cancelled flight ✈️ I did some research and helped him get on a flight to Pisa…forget the tower…and come directly to the Italian Riviera.
      Toot-Sweet! Can’t wait to enjoy this with him! 😍👍🏻☀️🇮🇹

      I walked the 8km (and swam) to Portofino but decided to take the boat trip back along the coast…great idea: the views - Spectacular!

      This is Living! I want more! ☀️☀️☀️🏖🏖🏖

    • Tag 3

      Portofino - Tag 3

      7. September 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nachdem wir ordentlich ausgeschlafen hatten packten wir unsere sieben Sachen, holten unser Frühstück bei die Lidl und es ging auf die Bahn Richtung Florenz mit geplanten Stopp in Portofino. Da angekommen gingen wir durch die Gassen von Portofino und dann Richtung Anlegeplatz um die großen Yachten zu bestaunen. Man merkte das wir in einer teuren Gegend waren nicht nur durch die Yachten und Autos, auch die Preise fürs Essen. Mit Badehose und Handtuch im Gepäck fanden wir einen “Geheimstrand” direkt an der Anlegestelle, mussten aber auf Steinen Platz nehmen. Nach zwei Stunden Robbenprogramm stiegen wir wieder in den Wagen und fuhren Richtung Pistoia eine Stadt im suburbanen Raum von Florenz. Das Abendessen wurde auch im Supermarkt geholt, aber wir haben noch nie so gut für 10€ gespeist. Ein Viergänge-Menü aus Nudelsalat, Lasagne, Oliven und einer Nachspeise machte uns satt und auch richtig müde. Um 21:30 waren schon die Schotten dicht und Lichter aus.Weiterlesen

    • Un altro giorno in paradiso

      9. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Amazing breakfast 🍳 of fresh fruit 🍉 with taste. Also egg 🥚sweet bread and apricot jam. All devoured in the beautiful jasmine garden with the popular potted basil 🌿 on each table: typically Italian ❤️🤍💚

      On exiting our hotel lobby we were delighted 😁 to discover there was a wonderful market that ran all the way along the foreshore of the beach. Richard and I wandered along the wide and varied merchandise stands. Richard tried his best at haggling and took a considerable amount of time choosing a five euro watch for himself! He also invested in a beautiful signature ring. Both of these items are available for perusal in today’s photos. 💍 ⏰

      We then wandered through the alleyways of Rapallo until we found one of the few cafes that were open during Siesta! Unfortunately for us the cafe owner was not very proficient in English, and why should she, being a proud Italian?! Richard was so jet lagged that he thought the English Menu was written in Italian 🤦‍♂️✏️ Both of these factors created a calamity of indecision…we still greatly enjoyed the fresh ingredients on our meat & cheese 🧀 platter. Oh, and our mojitos & wine 🍷😉 It was a very popular cafe, probably because it was one of the few still open for lunch! You’ve got a love the relaxed and laid-back Italian way of life 💚🤍❤️

      Next stop Vernazza! 🚂

      It is always a little bit anxiety producing catching Italian trains because they arrive exactly on the dot. If it is arriving at 2:01 pm it will be there and if you are not on the right platform you miss out!
      There is always a sense of relief when you reach your destination…

      Rapallo. You have lived up to your reputation & then some..! 🥰🥰🥰

    • Richard finally touches down!

      8. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      6 pm and I was beginning to worry because I have not heard from Richard so to calm my nerves I definitely needed to have a dry martini 🍸 then low and behold I heard from the man himself… Arrival at last! Let the debauchery begin! 🤪

      In true shenanigans style we headed straight to a little bar in the back alley to have some pre-dinner drinks… Aperol spritz! They were delicious and much needed for both of us: Me maybe due to too much sun and sea today 🌊 & Richard due to too much travel! ✈️✈️✈️ Not only did we get our Aperol Spritz but we were delivered an exciting and delicious tray of treats! A gorgeous wooden board with many delicacies…such a pleasant surprise 👌

      We then headed to a gorgeous little restaurant overlooking the bay in Rapallo… The waiters were so kind and friendly and… Hot 🔥
      Richard had the gnocchi with pesto which I recommended after having it for lunch. Thanks to mum and dad for this dinner and drinks which they contributed to… We thank you and love you very much and you can rest assured we enjoyed every sip and mouthful x

      There is nowhere in the world where pesto tastes so fresh and vibrant and the gnocchi is way ‘out of the park’ in every way shape and form… The sexy waiter 🙃 also brought over the basil 🌿 plant 🌱 in case Richard wanted even more authentic taste upon his delectable morsels! 😋
      Not to mention at the end of the night the waiters brought out a large bottle of lemoncello and shared it with us, complimentary! How could we say no 😝😝

      It is so good to have Richard here at last! I really enjoyed being able to chat with a good mate about what’s been going on for both of us and it was so much more enjoyable to have stimulating and controversial chats and discussion! 🙏👌🥰🍸🌈

      There were a few showers of rain tonight as you will see the pictures but it did not the perturb us… Good honest genuine tourists like us never get scared off by mother nature l, we embrace it and we move on and continue to experience all of these ‘money can’t buy’ moments!

      Welcome to Italy 🇮🇹 Richard 🥰👍🏻🏖☀️

    • Benevento Italy 🇮🇹

      7. Juni 2022 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Took 12 hours to get here, but, oh my god…it is worth it! Arrived sweaty and slightly overwhelmed as I hadn’t had wi-fi for 9 hours & navigation of bus-train combo. Just took a guess at where Hotel 🏨 Miro was, knowing it was on seafront, as I requested a room overlooking the sea! They delivered….in spades ♠️ as expected the host was absolutely lovely and so helpful. She gave me tips on places to eat & explained how to walk to particular hotspots such as Portofino (inspiration for Disney/Pixar’s ‘Luca”
      It’s 11.30pm and I’m comfortably wearing shorts & t-shirt! 🥰

      The rain is seafront as I asked for and it is typically Italian in style and decoration… It is really comfortable and has that the spoke Italian feel about it!

      After I freshened up, powdered my nose and did the big 3 S’s I was good to go eat…
      9pm but I was rewarded for my efforts! I had the most delicious seafood (fruits of the sea 🌊) spaghetti 🍝

      Rapallo is right on the waterfront and the seafood in the dish came just out of the boat 50 metres from the restaurant… Honestly, it was so delicious 🤤 It was served with complimentary breads and breadsticks. I ordered half a litre of wine and some sparkling water…Bellissimo! 🇮🇹

      Unfortunately, just got a message from Richard who, it seems, is not meant to meet me… There is an air traffic controller strike tomorrow in Genoa and his flight was cancelled! Poor guy! I’m so disappointed because I was really looking forward to sharing this Italian Riviera experience with him… Hope he is okay and coping… It is such a long flight from Australia and to get bad news on arrival is devastating!

      Hugs 🤗 from the start of the Italian Riviera leg of my trip.

      Ciao baby 🏖🇮🇹🥰🦞

    • Tag 1

      C'est parti!

      5. Januar 2020 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Après une journée de détente à Grasse, car ce matin pour rejoindre Gènes. Embarquement sans problème et prise de possession de la cabine (pas très grande). Nous avions vue sur le parking... mais heureusement on a pu arranger ça dès que avons appareillé. Demain Marseille. Y aura-t-il quelque chose à dire..?Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12

      Jour 12 - Balade Génoise

      2. August 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Aujourd’hui, premier jour à Gênes !
      Nous avons démarré la journée calmement avec un p’tit dej à l’appartement après une grosse nuit réparatrice 😋

      Vers 11h nous sommes partis visiter les rues étroites du vieux centre de Gênes et nous nous sommes aventurés dans le parc Villeta di Negro. Les marches de ce parc, connu pour sa cascade, nous ont permis d’avoir une vue surplombant la ville et son port ⛴️

      Nous avons repris des forces dans une des meilleures pizzerias de Gênes avant de reprendre notre balade 😋
      Nous sommes partis vers l’est le long de la côte jusqu’à Boccadasse, quartier Génois sur le flanc de mer.

      En rentrant nous avons fait un détour pour acheter notre dîner du soir, au menu: salade & fruits 😌

      Demain, nous irons visiter les environs. Ça risque d’être magnifique, on vous fera suivre ça 😎

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