Wohnung gekündigt.
Praxis geschlossen.
Auf den Ruf der Seele gehört, mein Leben in die Luft geworfen und mutig gesprungen, hinein ins Unbekannte, voller Hingabe und dem unbedingten Wunsch, Entscheidungen immer aus der Liebe heraus zu treffen 🌺
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Altmünster am Traunsee, Österreich
  • Day 125

    Transition to México, part II

    May 2, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    After a night of little sleep (enthusiastic neighbour playing loud music until 3am), I went straight to the beach to connect with the elements.

    What a blessing to sink my feet into the super fine sand and into the water at Playa 88 which is 7 minutes from my apartment 🙏🏼 The Saragossa Seagrass that is being washed ashore is normal for this time of the year. Will see tomorrow how it is to swim amidst it 😉

    Good news: I don't feel so overwhelmed anymore. My nervous system has calmed down. I managed to change perspectives and allowed myself to perceive what nourishes me instead of remaining glued to what annoyed me. This is a choice. Again and again and again.

    The question that came up during this process is this one: have I chosen THE BEST option for me for this stay in Mexico until John is coming to visit me or am I still living a compromise?

    ... to be continued...

    Enjoy the impressions of Playa del Carmen 🙏🏼
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  • Day 123

    Arrival in México 🇲🇽

    April 30, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    So far the most difficult transition of my heroïne's journey.

    The last two weeks in Peru were such a special time. Deep spiritual practice, healing and learning with Alberto Villoldo, his wife Marcela Lobos, Monika Nataraj and Deva Premal and Miten.

    Arrived in the Yucatan peninsula two days ago. I'm completely overwhelmed. It. Is. So. Loud. Reggeaton, blaring out of every house, hard, machista, violent. A complete shock to my system.

    Observing all there is. Trying not to go into resistance. Focusing on the nourishing things, like good food, my morning ritual, the ocean, the sand under my feet. And at the same time being radically honest with myself: do I really want to stay here??

    To be continued...
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  • Day 117

    Profound Womb Healing

    April 24, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Reclaiming our womanhood. Healing the womb.

    Two intense days on two islands in Lake Titicaca.

    On Amantaní Island we went on a vision quest🌹and stayed in a hotel. Once again, I felt this love for the Peruvians. The owners of the hotel were so friendly and humble and they did everything to make us feel comfortable. Once again, I was so grateful for my very special "Peruvian experience".

    The next morning, we went to Soto Island, which is located at the deepest point of the lake. We anchored in a tiny harbour in a beautiful bay and began our healing journey there.

    🌹 We received and gave the Blessings of the Womb to our fellow sisters.

    🌹 We hummed together to connect with our womb.

    🌹 We were guided through a powerful yoni egg ceremony by Monica Nataranj (http://www.monikanataraj.net/).

    The days with Alberto Villoldo in Urubamba and now with Marcela Lobos are life-changing. So much healing of our deepest personal and collective wounds is happening. So much connection and support between us women is tangible. Bonds are forming, personal stories are being shared, we are supporting each other in the most beautiful way.

    I love that 😊🙂😀😃😍🥰

    I feel like the caterpillar 🐛 that has moved into her cocoon, becoming bug soup, being put together anew... and I'm just about to be crawling out of my cocoon, spreading my wings in a way I've never done it before. I've invited the light. I've conciously made space for it. I'm flapping my wings... they are unfolding... and I'm taking off to add a new page to my Golden Book ♥️
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  • Day 109

    Killarumiyoc - The Temple of the Moon

    April 16, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    It is full moon today - and we visited "Killarumiyoc" - the Temple of the Moon and held another sacred Ayni ceremony there. It was magical 🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘

    The day had started with cool temperatures and clouds. While many participants of the retreat held ceremony in Machu Picchu today, I chose to go to Killarumiyoc - the moon stands for the femine principle and I felt called to connect with the moon, with Pachamama, and with my own sacred femininity.

    On the bus, I sat next to Chris, a wonderful man from the US. We immediately immersed into a deep conversation - exactly the way I like it. No small-talk, but deep-dive. It turned out we are medicine for each other. By being present and listening to the other, we created a space of deep trust. This in itself is medicine. While Chris helped me understand something more profoundly, he experienced healing by something I said and by holding the space.

    We arrived at the parking place and started the ascent to the temple. By then, the sun had come through the clouds and bathed the landscape in soft and stunningly beautiful colors.

    The symbol for the moon is carved into a big rock. I was in awe. We took some time and prayed there. We used coca leaves to give all our gratitude and dearest wishes into them and placed them on the rock near the moon carving.

    Then we climbed the hill some more and arrived at a square where the Q'eros had already set it their mesas (altars). We celebrated another Ayni ceremony with the intention of healing the Sacred Feminine, and in addition, each of us gave his personal prayers into the despacho (offering).

    I received a lot of healing in this ceremony and I connected with the power of the Sacred Feminie - and I felt it for the first time in all its power and beauty. For a change (yes!!) there was no pain, no trauma, no being burned at the stake, no violence. I connected to the enormously strong, bright, fully healed and super powerful energy of the Sacred Feminine.

    Silver moonlight flowed through me, entering the crown chakra, moving down through the third eye, through the throat chakra (I have found my voice and I am finally expressing MY truth) into my heart, swirling around, moving deeper into the solar plexus, the navel chakra and the root chakra. And then, it mixed with the red root energy of Mother Earth and moved in a spiral inside of my womb where it stayed.
    I received pure healing energy from Grandmother Moon. This is ground-breaking for me as a women and for as a midwife.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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  • Day 108


    April 15, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Sitting in ceremony at the sacred Inka site in Pisaq 🙏🏼

    We came here with four Q'ero shamans to celebrate life, the Apus and Pachamama with an "ayni" ritual, endowing a despacho (offering) to All That Is.

    "Ayni is a guiding principle in Peru. It is the exchange of energy that creates sacred reciprocity and interchange, balance and equilibrium amongst all of life, people, animals, and nature. To accomplish Ayni within the “natural world” is paramount within the Andean culture and everyday life.

    Ayni is a Quechua word, the original language of the ancestors of the lands. The everyday ritual and concept of Ayni states “today for me, tomorrow for you.” This ritual practice of reciprocity continues to be ingrained generation after generation, passed down within the family and community. Ayni creates daily harmonious living, each gives and takes, always mindful of creating & maintaining balance."

    And again, something has changed inside of me. My cells are swinging in a different rhythm, my heart is wide open, my whole being feels cleansed and nourished, filled to the brim with a light and blissful energy and love for all that surrounds me.

    Ayni. I'll bring you home with me 💕


    (Link to article on ayni: http://themotherhouseofthegoddess.com/2015/10/2…)
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  • Day 107

    Finally I'm meeting Alberto Villoldo 🙂

    April 14, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Heute ist der 14. April. Meine Oma wäre heute 99 Jahre alt geworden! Jetzt, wo ich gerade so intensiv an sie denke, spüre ich sie in der Natur um mich herum... Sie ist ja auch so gern gereist wie ich (oder ich wie sie 😉) und sie würde dieses Land lieben.

    Heute Vormittag bin ich umgezogen. Von meinem feinen Zimmer im Airbnb @Hampuyhouse 20 km weiter in ein wunderschönes Hotel.

    Hier darf ich mich die nächsten sieben Tage entführen lassen in die Welt der der Zeremonien und des Klangs. Ich bin auf einem Retreat von Alberto Villoldo und seiner Frau Marcela Lobos - noch so ein Herzenswunsch, den ich mir erfüllt habe. Das allein ist ja schon der Wahnsinn 😊 Es gibt aber noch ein Sahnehäubchen: Deva Premal und Miten sind auch da 😍 Ich möchte schon seit Jahren auf ein Konzert von den beiden... und nun ist es soweit und ich darf sie erleben, eingewoben in dieses ganz besondere Setting. Ich bin so dankbar für so viel "abundance" (ich liebe dieses Wort; es bedeutet Überfluss, Fülle).

    Es war schon immer viel Fülle in meinem Leben. Viele Jahre lang habe ich dennoch so viel Mangel gefühlt und war von einer furchtbaren inneren Leere erfüllt. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich inzwischen lernen durfte, dass es an mir selbst liegt, mich zu entscheiden, diesen emotionalen Mangel auszugleichen. Ich begriff, dass es allein in meiner Macht liegt, endlich aufzuhören, meine Eltern für das anzuklagen, was sie mir aufgrund ihrer eigenen Situation nicht geben konnten. Und nicht nur das: es liegt an mir, Fülle in mein Leben einzuladen - auf allen Ebenen. Je mehr ich vertraue, desto entspannter bin ich und desto leichter kann ich mich all dem öffnen, was das Leben mir schenken mag 💜

    I bow.
    I surrender.
    I choose love. Again and again.

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  • Day 104

    Sharing is caring

    April 11, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Life is about sharing precious moments with fellow human beings.

    Today, I was strolling through Urubamba, taking in every moment, knowing that I will leave this place soon...

    In a small side street to the plaza, I saw this young couple selling their handmade jewellery. I kneeled down to have a look. I started talking with Camila and we went a beautiful and deep conversation about life. She and her boyfriend are from Argentina. They have been travelling for three months, living off what they sell. They adopted two street cats on the way that were in very bad shape.

    I met two fellow human beings I didn't know. We opened our hearts to each other and allowed to be touched by what we shared. We connected for half an hour, laughing and inspiring each other.

    And I undeniably felt how a stream of love was flowing between us and that all three of us parted delighted and happy.

    The earrings and bracelet I bought from them will always remind me of our beautiful encounter. And the Lapislazuli they gave me will become a piece of devotion on my mesa.

    By opening us and allowing to share such moments - three people meeting in this moment in the eternity of time - we change the world with the love that flows through us.

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