Spain y el Camino

marzo - mayo 2024
Una aventura de 62 días de Rachael Leer más
  • 23huellas
  • 1países
  • 62días
  • 174fotos
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  • 6,8kmillas
  • 4,9kmillas
  • 437millas
  • 49millas
  • Día 21

    Day 9: Los Arcos a Logroño

    10 de abril, España ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

    Despite a terrible mattress, I managed to sleep pretty well last night. Guess my body and mind are getting used to sleeping in a different place with a room full of strangers! Overall though, it was the worst albergue thus far- poor mattresses and not very clean. Didn’t see any bedbugs though, so maybe that’s a plus?

    Today was pretty tough. It started with a sore lower back back/hip area and I quickly developed a tight calf. I ended up walking most of the day with a couple of older ladies from New Zealand. I enjoyed talking with them over the course of a few hours. Another peregrino (Bob from Tulsa- he calls me Kansas) texted periodically to check how I was doing with the muscle aches today. Also ran into a couple of retired doctors from the US, which was a short but encouraging encounter. They said that they’ll be praying for me as I’m on this career and physical journey. I’m grateful for the Camino interactions today.

    Nearing Logroño, I walked by a Camino store. Ended up going inside and buying a new pie of shoes because the insoles only improved things for a day or two. Already, my feet feel happier, though after walking 17 miles, they’re still protesting a bit! I’ve decided to take another rest day tomorrow here and allow my legs some time to recover. It’s crazy, but I’m 20% done!
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  • Día 22


    11 de abril, España ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    I stayed in town for a rest day today. This morning, I was surprised by how sore I was- apart from the one morning that my calves were rocks, I haven’t had a day this sore. It’s let up as the day’s gone on, but not completely.

    This morning, I slept late and then found some breakfast and coffee. Spanish breakfasts tend to be bread-heavy, so usually I settle for some tortilla de patata. They said that they had gluten free bread and could put avocado, salmon, and a fried egg on it. Delicious!

    Then I went to the La Rioja museum, which was very close and free. They have artifacts dating back to prehistoric times, then walk through the Roman Empire, Visigothic times, Moorish occupation, the Reconquest, and briefly make it into the 20th century. It was interesting to see the really early things they found and the complexity of tools and carvings from those times.

    So far Logroño has been delicious. I found a gluten free bakery of sorts. They mostly do jello-type dishes, but also make cookies, some cakes, and some breads. I bought a bolillo and had what was probably the best GF bread I’ve ever eaten! Last night I went out for pinchos, where I found tasty GF croquettes and patatas brava. It’s rare I get to enjoy food like this, so I’m making the rounds again tonight, starting with mushrooms in a butter sauce and grilled squid.

    Tomorrow morning I set off towards Nájera. It’s the longest distance yet, coming in at 29km (18 miles for us Americans). I’m debating if I’ll break it into two bits, but the distribution of decent towns isn’t very conducive to the distances I’m interested in going. More than likely, I’ll see how I’m feeling and let my body decide if I should stop early or not.

    No pictures today, but I’ll leave you with a language lesson. I’ve overhead people asking to pay in restaurants- they say “me cobras?” Which literally translates to “You charge me?”
    Also, outside of my apartment someone left a saying “Que el Camino te traiga aquello que no sabías que buscabas” - “may the camino bring you what you didn’t know you were looking for.”
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  • Día 25

    Days ??? Logroño-Navarrete-Azofra-Santo

    14 de abril, España ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    The last several days are a bit of a blur. The preplanned next leg was to walk Logroño to Nájera, which is almost 18 miles. I just didn’t feel up to walking that far again, so I did what I thought would be an easy 8 miles. It felt like it lasted forever! In retrospect, I don’t think I gave the distance the credit it deserved- 8 miles isn’t nothing!

    Upon entering Navarrete, I ran into some Camino friends. We had a nice time sitting on the terrace and relaxing. Talking with one of them made me consider more what I want this Camino to look like- why am I here, what do I want to get out of it? It’s hard to think much while walking because I’m constantly paying attention to details- am I developing any hot spots on my feet? Did I miss a sign for the path? How much further should I go before I take break? What am I going to eat and where am I going to sleep tonight? Plus the frequent self talk of “you can do this!” In speaking with her, I’m realizing that it’s less important for me to walk every step of this path and more important for me to have that time to think and pray. I’m learning that my ideal distance is 8-13 miles in a day, so I think I’ll be cutting a fair amount of the Camino out along the way.

    I’m more than 25% done with the Camino and have walked more than 100 miles so far. Tonight I’m staying in a hostal with a couple of Camino friends- we have comfy beds and our own bathroom! I walked 10 miles this morning in about 3.5 hours- I’m not a fast walker by Camino standards, but I never thought I’d be thinking of 10 miles as an “easy” walk.
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  • Día 27–30


    16 de abril, España ⋅ 🌬 55 °F

    The morning of April 15, I took the bus to Burgos. Apparently the hotel I booked was pretty nice and right next to the Burgos St Mary’s Cathedral. It’s beautiful, though as a Protestant I admit that much of the interior ornamentation is lost on me.

    While on the bus, I was thinking that maybe it was time for my Camino to be done. Initially I felt peaceful about it, as it wasn’t turning out to be what I was looking for. But with time for prayer and thinking, as well as talking with my mom, I realized that I wasn’t ready to be finished. One of my goals has been to slow down, to take life at a more moderate pace rather than having the whiplash of going 0-100 then back to zero because I crash. So I stayed in Burgos another day to allow time to relax and walk the city (which is one of my favorite ways of seeing a new place), get some logistical things done (sending bags on, planning the next stages, looking at buses, etc).

    Food in Burgos hasn’t been easy, though I have found a couple restaurants that do pizza for celiac. The one a couple days ago was delicious! Waiting on one from a different place- tbd.

    As I was walking to lunch, I heard church bells ringing. I walked in, as I hadn’t seen this church yet, and quickly realized that a mass was about to start (service? Not sure if it was a mass or if there’s a difference). So I decided to stay. I’ve only attended one mass ever, when I was in high school in Mexico. While I understood much more of the words this time, about half was lost on me. The sermon text was from Acts where the church was scattered because of persecution. It was a reminder (again) that even in the hard things, where we don’t understand why things are hard or why we’re suffering, God is working. He used the apostles suffering to spread the Good News. I pray that the Lord continue to teach me about his providence and purposes.

    Also, I have the best parents. Apparently Riggs found a couple of SOS pads and thought they looked like a great snack, so he ate them! Dad took him to the vet, but they couldn’t get him to bring them back up, so they went to the emergency vet in KC, who took them out. Pup was supposed to go for a much needed haircut today, but instead is staying home to recover 🤦‍♀️ So thankful for my parents willingness to take care of my crazy and needy dog!
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  • Día 31


    20 de abril, España ⋅ 🌬 68 °F

    Whelp, the best made plans never last long, do they? My goal of walking shorter distances fell apart as I left Burgos and trekked onto the meseta. Think of the Great Plains but maybe a bit hillier and arid - that’s what the last few days have been. I hear it gets flatter as we move west. With this in mind, it may not come as a surprise to anyone that towns are smaller with fewer resources and spaced out quite a bit. So, that’s left me walking 12-13 miles the last 3 days with a 15 mile day planned for tomorrow. There’s less physical effort required; I’m finding that the start of the day is the best time to think and pray. Today, I intentionally went slower: I left later than usual, walked slower, took time to watch a bird fly through the air, journaled after a big hill climb, and took breaks when I thought it was time. With that, I think today was one of my favorites so far.

    Sending my main bag ahead by car to the next town has been so helpful. It takes a bit more planning, but now I know there’s always food I can eat, and I don’t have to worry about how much the food weighs. My daypack is light, which helps make the walk more enjoyable.

    A big issue today remains my feet. I’m pretty sure I’ve developed some plantar fasciitis in both feet- heel pain isn’t pad, but the arch pain is pretty bothersome. I’m doing what I can to work on it, but obviously would appreciate prayers as well. I’m enjoying the meseta and would like to continue walking it for as long as I can.

    The other main thing I’m struggling with is sleep. My body refuses to fall asleep before 11 or midnight, then I wake up countless times before getting up at 6 or 6:30. For now, I’m trying to focus on a phone-free evening wind down. Tonight I’m sleeping in a room with 30 of my new best friends, so we’ll see how it goes. So prayers for sleep would be great too!

    (Side note: I’ve decided that the main smell of albergue dormitories is stinky feet mixed with damp towels, stale clothes, and sweaty bodies 🤢 pretty sure I won’t ever miss that smell!)
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  • Día 36

    Carrión-San Nicolás-Bercianos-Reliegos

    25 de abril, España ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

    First off, my feet are doing so much better. Thank you all for your prayers! While still tired and somewhat painful (especially a couple of new blisters), barring a new issue, I don’t think they’ll cut my walk short. I think this is the most days I’ve walked in a row without a rest day.

    Walking on the Spanish meseta, sometimes I forget where I am. It feels so familiar, so much like home. Until I walk over a small hill into a Spanish village or look north and see mountains (definitely don’t have those in Kansas!) It’s very evident that some of the villages are impoverished and likely wouldn’t exist if not for the Camino. In some places, cats far outnumber the children I see. There must’ve been a front blowing through- the wind was persistent and cold for a couple days before finally relenting. Feels like home!

    I’ve officially cross the halfway mark of the Camino. Yesterday I walked through Sahagún. Though it’s apparently a little past halfway, they claim the title and give out a certificate (for a few Euros). It’s crazy to think how far I’ve gone. In many ways I’ve settled into the routine of getting up, eat, walk, stop for coffee or food whenever available or when I desire, check into albergue, shower, laundry, groceries, sleep, repeat.

    So far today I’ve walked 363km since April 2, which is about 226 miles. I’ve bussed 45 miles thus far, though tomorrow I intend to take another bus about 15 miles into Leon- I’ve heard it’s a pretty boring walk. I’ve been amazed at what my body is capable of over the last few weeks. It’s a fun place to be. And at times when it’s hard, there are little notes of encouragement along the way (“que valiente eres”- how brave you are!)

    Just in the last few days I’ve started to think in terms of “when I finish the Camino” instead of “if I finish.” There are still hard days, but overall I’ve been enjoying myself. My mom encouraged me to let my mind rest- apparently it takes 3 weeks for me to get to that spot!
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  • Día 42

    So many days, one post

    1 de mayo, España ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

    When last I wrote, I was in the middle of the meseta. The next day I walked 4 miles to catch a bus into Leon, where I stayed for 2 nights before walking again. Yesterday I completed the walk from León to Astorga. After some sightseeing there (Gaudi built a bishop’s palace there - the same Gaudi who did the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona), I caught a bus to Ponferrada. While I wish I could’ve walked it rather than bussing, there are time constraints. So I’ll be in Ponferrada today and set out again tomorrow morning. In less than two weeks, I’ll be in Santiago!

    One defining feature of my Camino is doing it with celiac. This is my first trip abroad since my diagnosis. While in many ways, eating out in Spain is easier than in the States because of labeling and knowledge, it’s still not easy. Spanish breakfasts are heavy on pastries; lunch and dinner are always accompanied by a hunk of bread. While there’s often a gluten free food option for everything, there’s not much variety. Second breakfast (as a Dutch friend calls it) is usually Spanish tortilla, which is basically a frittata of egg and potatoes. Later meals are often “ensalada mixta” (salad with hard-boiled egg, tuna, tomatoes, and olives with oil and vinegar) or chicken/pork loin with fries. No seasoning, no sauce. I was fine with this at first, but after eating this for over a month, I’m kind of done.

    Whenever I go to a big city, I research gluten free options. There were several available in León, but I ended up eating almost entirely at an arepa place. 100% gluten free restaurant AND Colombian food (with good guac)? Yes please! Then I went grocery shopping at a chain grocery here known for having a lot of GF foods. I may have gone a bit crazy and bought A LOT. To the point that it’s been a challenge to pack everything into my bags everyday. Definitely not lamenting having this problem, but maybe next time I need to exercise a little more self-discipline.

    Currently I’m sitting in a 100% GF bakery in Ponferrada. Breakfast was savory waffles- 2 fluffy and tasty waffles topped with jamon serrano, an egg, sprouts, and hollandaise sauce. Delicious!

    Now here’s the honesty: both of these restaurants have nearly brought me to tears. It’s so rare that I can walk into a restaurant and get whatever I want without worrying about what’s happening in the kitchen. It’s something I used to take for granted but now, it’s a treat. I’m so grateful for these restaurants (and for the internet so I can find them!). I know the restaurant industry isn’t easy and I imagine it’s that much harder when you’re a niche place. I’m so thankful for these restaurants that work hard to provide delicious food for people like me.

    A couple days ago, I met an American couple whose son has celiac. It’s made me think about creating a celiac’s guide to the Camino Frances. There’s not much available on the internet, so it’s been a lot of trial and error for me. I think something like this could be helpful for others.
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  • Día 42

    Ponferrada- the Knights Templar

    1 de mayo, España ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

    Did you know that the Knights Templar existed? And that they were formed to protect pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago? I didn’t. The hostal I stayed at was right next to the Castle of the Knights Templar. When I think of medieval castles, THIS is what I envision- walls with slits for arrows (or maybe just for light??), toothed tops, turrets, etc. It was really neat to explore the site and learn more about the people who built it and lived here.Leer más

  • Día 43–44

    Villafranca del Bierzo

    2 de mayo, España ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

    Life never goes as we plan. While life on the Camino is different, it’s still life. All this to say, my plans have been disrupted. The last few days I walked, I’d have 5-15 minutes a couple times of some intense low back/glute pain. I was a bit nervous about the 15 mile walk from Ponferrada to Villafranca having experienced this, but I already had reservations, and it was generally so short-lived that I figured I’d be ok. The first half of the walk was ok- low energy, but no pain. I was finally getting into it when the stabbing pain started back up. Fortunately I was entering a town, so I figured a little coffee break and I’d be good to go. Wrong. It was still there when I got up to keep walking, but I figured it would just take some time. I walked past a posting for a taxi, thought “I should take a photo just in case” and then forgot to do so 🤦‍♀️ The next 8+ miles were brutal. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to dig that deep to push through. Little by little, I made it to the best hostel I’ve been in. The hospitalero is wonderful. I hoped to find a physiotherapist here who could help me, but alas, there isn’t one. So today I’m catching a bus to Sarria, where the last 100km of the Camino starts. My current plan is to stay there for 3 nights before walking again, but I’m trying to not make too many plans at this point. I’m bummed about it, but hopeful that I’ll be back on the Camino in a few days.Leer más

  • Día 47


    6 de mayo, España ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

    Sarria- it was gray and rainy most of my time there. The hostal where I stayed had comfortable beds, hot water, and a blow dryer. Otherwise it was 🫤 But the rest did me good! I was able to get all my laundry washed, catch up with some friends for dinner, and stumbled on something that looked like a Spartan race happening in the pouring rain, which I enjoyed watching.

    Yesterday I walked slowly to Morgade, which is less of a village and more of a nice albergue with a restaurant attached. I had a great dinner with people from around Europe. Probably ties for the nicest albergue I’ve been in. Today was a shorter walk to Portomarín. I hit the 100km mark today! As of this afternoon, I have 91.7km left until Santiago. It’s so hard to believe that within a week, I’ll be there! My body is continuing to get better, but I’m still taking it easy for at least another day.

    The undesired injury has increased my thankfulness for being here. Yesterday I was so happy to be back walking, regardless of how slow I go. Walking slowly also enables me to notice what’s around me in ways I might otherwise miss. I think one of the biggest lessons I’m learning is to be present in the moment.
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