Gemeente Amsterdam

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    • Päivä 2


      17. marraskuuta 2023, Alankomaat ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      After flying all night, exploring the city, Albert Cuyp Market, Vonderpark, and the Van Gogh museum, we're wiped out. "Let's just eat at the hotel " became an event of about a dozen samples of Indonesian delicacies. So fun. So good. Now we can go to bed 'Fat and happy!'

      New adventure tomorrow.
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    • Päivä 39

      Last few weeks :(

      15. heinäkuuta 2022, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      After our trip to Paris and Brussels, we laid low in Amsterdam and really soaked up our last moments. We took our last few walks to the park enjoying time together, the scenery, and the beautiful sunsets, which weren’t until about 10 pm. That Wednesday, I had class all day: got to visit the Rembrandt house, a super respected artist from the 17th century. We had a talked about him a lot in class and seen a lot of his work so it was cool as well to see his house! That night, we went out of the town and took the opportunity to go to Club Nyx and not have to pay a cover, yay! It was so fun and even allowed me to be up and active the next day, which is not usual for a night out for me. The next day our sweet friend, Halston, made us dinner which we collectively agreed it was the best meal we had since being there! And, it was so nice to spend time with people we hadn’t been with too often throughout the trip! The next day we traveled to the National Park and enjoyed some art by Van Gogh and a nice bike ride through the park, including some cool sand dunes!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 109

      117ème étape ~ Amsterdam (jour 2)

      19. marraskuuta 2022, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Pour cette deuxième journée, nous commençons par un bon petit déjeuner.
      Ensuite nous visitons le upside down museum. Les effets inversés étaient vraiment trop drôle.
      Nous nous baladons dans le fameux marché : Albert Cuypmarkt. Les stands sont incroyables, il y a de tout, il est vraiment grand. Nous y goûtons un mélange de différentes boulettes frites.
      Ensuite nous tentons une expérience inédite, nous allons déguster un souper dans le noir complet, impossible de voir quoi que ce soit. Les quatre autres sens sont mis à l’honneur, on est désorienté mais finalement on s’habitue à ne rien voir. Les serveurs sont aveugles mais du coup, ils sont bien plus habiles que nous.
      Pour clôturer la journée, nous allons boire un verre dans un bar très spécial. Il est entièrement glacé. 🥶 -10 degré ! Même les verres sont faits en glace.
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    • Päivä 2


      26. toukokuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Amsterdam eine Stadt mit unzähligen Grachten, und Pärke zum flanieren. Das Velo hat das Sagen auf den Straßen, die halten nicht mal an den Fussgängerstreifen an im Gegensatz zu den Autos. Auch müssen die Autos auf die Velos achten gar nicht so einfach- AutomobilistIN zu sein.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 5

      4 am bedtimes

      11. kesäkuuta 2022, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Friday night I accidentally went to bed at 4am (worked out at 3am though thanks to the 24/7 gym!) and then woke up Saturday to avrey knocking on my door telling me it was 2:30 pm! Oops! Jet lag got me I guess… late start to the day but ave vi and I went into the city to find the ies center and grab some coffee and food. We honestly did get lost in the city, but it was seriously so fun and BEAUTIFUL. Once we decided we were just hungry and ready to eat we started to focus haha. We REALLY just wanted to find a place that had both- iced coffee and food. Iced coffee alone is just really tough to find here, but when you do find it, it’s VERY good. So we ended up cutting our loses and eating some Chinese in Chinatown and then went for boba tea with espresso after. Love that tipping isn’t really a thing here, but hate that free water isn’t 😭 On our way back we stopped at a few stores- picked up some shampoo and conditioner from a shop in Amsterdam Centraal and got off the bus a stop early to run into Albert Heijn (the grocery store) to get a few things I forgot about. We walked back and started to get ready for the evening! A big group of people in my program all made plans to go to a club. It opened at 10 so at about 10 we caught a bus and took the metro to Coco’s!! Coco’s was very fun and we met people from Germany, UK, and even ran into some fellow Americans. Details of the night are blurry hahha but it was fun to get to know the people in my program!!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3

      25.000 stappendag

      20. syyskuuta 2023, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      🎶De ochtendstond heeeeft goud in de mooond🎶

      Alleen was de ochtend voor ons wel een beetje de middag. 💤Dag begonnen met lekker broodje salami en een iced coffe die ik (weeral) op de grond heb laten vallen.🙁 Even sip momentje😿
      Maar daarna al snel terug opgefleurd 😁door de prachtige stad Amsterdam met haar mooie mooie huisjes. 🏠We hebben vooral vandaag wa rondgeslenterd en minstens 3 snoepwinkels bezocht, 🍭ni omda we iets wilde kopen, 💸ma omda ze er toch o-zo mooi uitzagen. 😍
      Na veel wandelen 🥾hebben we ons gedeplaceerd aan de kant van het water 🌊met een aperitiefje en daarna een frietjes van zogezegd “de beste frituur” hier. 🍟

      De zonsondergang was ook geweldig, stad stond precies in brand. 🌅

      Om de laatste avond te vieren zijn we nog een theetje ☕️gaan drinken met een red-velvet taart. 🍰Ook de terugtocht was red want we moesten terug via de redlight district. 🚨Ben daarna dan ook maar eventjes voor een raam gaan staan om deze reis terug te kunne betalen. 😌NEEEE MOPJE MAMA, ben een bescheiden dame. ⚠️⚠️⚠️

      We hebben de laatste avond wel in stijl afgesloten met een tekensessie. ✏️

      Nou slaapwel he 🛌
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    • Päivä 21


      10. lokakuuta 2019, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We stayed 2 nights in Amsterdam after the cruise at an AirBnB house boat! We decided on this months ago and were really glad...a very different, quaint little boat. Fully self contained, and the owner baked fresh bread every day, and stocked the fridge with everything we needed for our stay. Tea, coffee, milk (including soy milk for Christine), cereals, eggs, cheeses, condiments etc were all replenished each day...fantastic!

      The first day in Amsterdam was a bit wet, so after walking in to the city (20 mins) and checking out a few sights, we decided to get on board the 24hr hop on hop off canal boat. This turned out to be great as we got out of the rain for 2.5 hours as we cruised around the beautiful canals. It even had a stop very close to our houseboat so was very handy. We were also able to use it till 5pm the next day, which, being a sunny day allowed for some great photos etc.

      Went to the Anne Frank House which we booked months ago...very interesting. Also decided to check out the Red Light district (including the prostitute windows), and went through the Red Light Museum which was pretty ordinary.
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    • Päivä 4

      Grachtenfahrt 🚣🏽‍♀️

      31. maaliskuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Nach dem heutigen späten z'Morge und bitz Chääsdegustieren 🧀 , genossen wir eine einstündige Grachtenfahrt. Die Fahrt was sehr infomativ.

      💡Ethan, unser Guide erklärte uns, dass wegen eines Brandes🔥, der vor mehreren 100 Jahren stattfand, die Häuser hauptsächlich aus Steinen bestehen dürfen. Nur wenige Elemente und das Fundament ist aus Holz. Da das Holz jedoch morsch wird, finden wir hier auch viele sehr schräge häuser. 😱

      Er erzählte uns auch, dass man jährlich 25 Autos & 15'000 Velos aus den Grachten fischt, die von besoffenen Turis reingeworfen werden.🙄

      ❗Quizduell: warum ist das Rotlichtmilieu und die Kirche⛪ in Amsterdam direkt nebeneinander? Warum wird es Rotlichtmilieu genannt und was ist ein Blaulichtmillieu? - was denkt ihr? Schreibts rein wir sind gespannt auf eure Antworten.
      Auflösung gibts dann im nächsten Blog
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    • Päivä 4

      Amsterdam — Mokum

      14. toukokuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Everything worth seeing in Amsterdam is less than a 20-minute walk from the boat. We really lucked out this time with AirB&B. It’s very comfortable too. The deck has been our sanctuary. We spend lots of time sitting out there watching all of the boats on the canal. The set-up inside is great. We each have a bedroom below deck on each side of the kitchen, and the beds are surprisingly comfortable. Although we’re docked in the city center, it’s pretty quiet for sleeping. An American couple walked by as we were leaving to head for a bus tour, and, thinking we were the Dutch residents of the houseboat, the husband said, “Life is good, huh?” We explained we were renting but acknowledged that, in fact, life is good on a houseboat. The tour showed us the areas of the city around the perimeter of the crowded center but the rest of the day we walked around the canals and over the bridges. I bought a t-shirt that has the word “mokum“ under the city’s name so I asked about it. The woman said it was a nickname for Amsterdam. I looked it up later to find that it means “safe haven” in Yiddish and was used by Jewish communities to refer to several Dutch cities, but over the years Amsterdam’s people adopted it as a way to warmly refer to their city. “Mokum is the city. Amsterdam is Mokum,” the woman had said in the store. And we were feeling it. From our little houseboat on the canal, Amsterdam is Mokum. Our plan for the day was to walk around and find something interesting to do between the morning bus tour and our tour of Anne Frank’s House later in the afternoon. We had lunch at a place that offered typical Dutch cuisine, and we ordered stamppot. It was kielbasa and a meatball on top of mash potatoes mixed with spinach — really good. The Rembrandt House was nearby so we took a really informative tour of his 4-story townhouse complete with art workshops, teaching studio, and a menagerie of artifacts from exotic places. We walked from there to the Anne Frank House. Ronnie had booked the tickets weeks in advance to make sure we could get in. The museum was incredibly sad but thoughtfully put together. I read the book as a kid and included Anne Frank in many lessons as a teacher, but the way the story was told in this museum, Anne’s father really came into focus. He was the one with the foresight and the courage to make the plan for the family to first escape to Holland and then to hide in the annex. His plan nearly worked. Sadly, what seemed like the mokum he had hoped for in Amsterdam turned into a nightmare. Of the eight people in hiding who were discovered by the Germans, he was the only one who survived the concentration camps. After the war, he dedicated his life to telling Anne’s story and having her diary published to fulfill his daughter’s dream of being a writer. I’m in awe of Otto Frank and I want to learn more about him.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 4


      16. heinäkuuta 2022, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Gourmet lunch ( + coke with no cinnamon taste whatsoever??? Deeply let down)
      Also keeping a mental tally of how many people say I look like sadie sink from stranger things and can now add the cashier at jumbo supermarket as well as the bouncer from moulin rougeLue lisää

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